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Saturday, November 30, 2024

International Public Notice: Gaza Genocide

 By Anna Von Reitz

Tell the members of the British Territorial U.S. Congress. 

Over the years, we have become deadened to the most outrageous photos.  Soldiers holding the dead hands of dismembered children, for example.  Oh, ho-hum. 

This should not be "ho-hum", it should be a cause of deep alarm and bitter outrage, but so many of us have been so abused by news agencies flashing photos of bombs exploding and dead bodies everywhere for so many years, and by military-mercenaries shoving us into hellholes all over the Earth, that, sadly, we can no longer connect to these abstracted representations of the violence, misery, and horror. 

Another Christian crucified, another Jew flayed alive, another Muslim bombed into oblivion.  Ho-hum. 

Doesn't anyone ever stop to think that this is our money being spent on this?  That it is our sons and daughters ultimately put in harm's way, and spent on this?  

So, today, we are not trying to reach your logic centers by showing you any more horrifying photos of what has been done to the Gaza Strip by Israel.  There has been enough of that without response.  

Instead, we are going to show you a map.  The red dots represent places in Gaza that have been bombed by Israel.  

This is what purposeful, brutal, profit-drive genocide --- looks like on a map.

Will we put up with one more Senator or Congressman in receipt of, say, a half million dollars in AIPAC donations, waving the Israeli flag and telling us how we "stand in solidarity with Israel"?  

Speaking for the people who hold the other end of that Constitution contract you are all so proud of, we don't stand in solidarity with Israel on genocide. 

We don't want our money spent on bombs for Israel to use on its defenseless neighbors. 

We don't want a million Lebanese left homeless.

We don't want Gaza reduced to rubble. 

We don't want one penny more to go to Israel or Ukraine.  Period.  None at all. 


That is a number that the number-crunchers at the Pentagon should understand.  It stands for nullity.  It stands for none.  It stands for no credit and no money at all spent on giving Israel any air support, any more bombs, any more airplanes, any more missiles, any more anything at all, to spend on genocide. 

We stand on the other side of this issue, and there should be no doubt in anyone's mind that we do. 

If you are peddling genocide, go somewhere else.  Bend someone else's ear.  Try to make a case for yourselves as victims, when you do things like this to others.  We don't see Israel as a victim.  

We see Israel as a nasty little monster that Britain and Jacob Rothschild created out of thin air --- a monster that is depending on our assets, including our sons and daughters, to protect them and let them act as the Bully Boys of the Mideast under our auspices. 

We see the same Parties at work in Ukraine--- Britain and the Rothschild banks. Again. Still.  And the same presumptions at play. 
Britain has all 250 of its tanks lined up on the firing line, ready to take on Russia.  And their 50,000 member Armed Forces contingent, too.  

600,000 Ukrainians are dead. Isn't it comforting that Britain is ready to sacrifice 50,000, too?    

No, it's not comforting. It's appalling and ridiculous. 

The only threat that Britain or France, either, or the entire NATO block can pose to Russia depends entirely on being able to hornswoggle British Territorial politicians in this country into supporting Britain's position.  

Everyone knows that that part is easy, but here's the rest of the story that everyone needs to know.  The British Territorial U.S. Government isn't American.  It has pretended to be us.  It has pretended to work for us.  It has pretended to represent us. 

And they have done so in Breach of Trust and Bad Faith. 

How else is it, that we have been left to pay 96% of the defense costs of NATO for almost eighty years?  Does anyone believe that we voted for this, supported this, or have any rational reason to do this?  Cui bono?  

So they are rattling their sabers on our nickel, and counting on lies to see them through.  

NATO can go piss in the wind and start paying their own bills with their own money and their own blood so far as we are concerned. 

Look at the limitations of their contract, The Constitution of the United States of America, and know that we have never authorized them to do anything else that was not stipulated there. 

Our government has been out of Session for a long time, but it is back in Session, and we are here now, demanding that our hirelings come to heel and that the banks do so as well.  

We see the members of the Israeli government and ultimately, the members of the AIPAC political lobby, as perpetrators, breakers of the peace, schemers, and violent criminals --- not victims. 

One Holocaust does not justify another.... and another....and another. 

What has been done in Gaza is a religious and racial and "ethnic cleansing genocide" --- let's add that extra word, "genocide" and do away with the euphemism "ethnic cleansing"  --- no less than what Hitler did.  The fact that this genocide is profit-driven just makes it more heinous. 

So here is the world's condemnation coming back at you, Israel, and condemnation of all your friends and supporters in AIPAC, Britain, and in the U.S. Congress, too.  You deserve condemnation. It is the result of your own actions. 

Look at the map attached.   

Note to the banks: the members of the U.S. Congress don't represent us in this matter, and have no authority and no permission to access our credit or assets for any defense-related purpose beyond defending us and our borders.  

Read the contract.  We do not approve of nor acquiesce to any appropriations in support of foreign governments engaged in genocide.  This, The Constitution of the United States of America, is their public contract and they have no valid private contracts supporting their acts, either. 

We do not approve of nor acquiesce to any appropriations in support of breaking our treaty alliances with Russia.  

To the extent that complicit banks fork over our credit to these miscreants in the U.S. Congress, or according to their contrary directions after receiving this message, your bank and every member of your Board of Governors is liable, personally and commercially.  

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

November 30th 2024

Thursday, November 28, 2024

International Public Notice: Destroying Corporations

 By Anna Von Reitz

"Debanking" is being touted as the newest way for the government corporations to discipline unwary and rebellious franchises.

Apparently, even the Big Tech Corporations don't know that they surrendered their ownership interest in their own businesses when they registered as District of Columbia, Inc. or subsidiary British Territorial State of State Corporations.  

Apparently, they don't know that the debits in their bank accounts don't stand for money, that they are all bankrupt by definition, and that even if the courts and parent corporations steal every single Federal Reserve Note in sight, they can't be accused of theft, because -- technically, none of these "representations of value" have any value at all.  Federal Reserve Notes are not negotiable instruments. 

So, you see, those doing the "debanking" have no liability no matter how much debt-credit they steal, and the crooked Maritime Commercial Banks cannot be held accountable nor can they be forced to provide any replacement public banking service, because they are all conceived as private banks that are members of a little private bank cartel club.  

The best thing we can do with them is to withdraw the Federal Reserve Notes as proof of their debt and their crime, and boycott them while providing ourselves with our own banks and our own banking services and our own currencies as well.  

All the "debanking" does or proves, is how coercive, controlling, and self-interested these predatory banking institutions are.  They need to go --- root, stem, and leaf.  Right out the door and down the storm drain, together with the criminals who have promoted this insanity. 

By accident, they may be preventing some corporations from participating in acts even more criminal than the acts the banks depend on themselves, but otherwise, it's purely by accident if any good comes from it, and otherwise, "debanking" is arbitrary punishment of corporations that don't fall in line with the parent company's policies. 

Some people have mistakenly seen "debanking" as a tool to get rid of or greatly marginalize corporations which have become too crooked and too powerful.  If it were used for that purpose, it would be a halcyon step toward accountability in the corporate world, but it's not.  

The corporations most likely to be debanked are the competitors the Bad Guys want to squelch, those corporations that have moral directors, those corporations that want to do some good in the world, or that own patents or property that the Vermin want to force them to sell.  

The criminals running the Maritime Commercial Banks have simply reached a new and more self-evident "low".  They obviously think that they are the only game in town and can do whatever they want to do without regard for any property interests belonging to anyone else, whatsoever. 

They have no gratitude for their own charters and licenses.  They think that nobody can or will get organized to take them down.  

But we will; indeed, we have to, because the Roman Catholic Pope who is supposed to be liquidating corporations engaged in unlawful activity, isn't doing the job and hasn't done the job for a long time.

In fact, there's not even a Pope anymore. No agreed upon enforcement at all.  

For those who need to know, all the forms of corporations that we are now too familiar with, have been created by the Roman Curia, and as creators, they are responsible for their creations under Roman Civil Law.    

The national governments agreed to the proliferation of corporations which began accelerating in the 1850's with the understanding that the Roman Curia's creations would be subject to liquidation under Ecclesiastical Law and that the Popes would be the executive officers responsible for liquidating Bad Corporations.  

As of 2011, the Office of the Roman Pontiff has been dissolved, and except for the Curia itself, there is no liable authority to be held accountable.  

Benedict XVI split the offices and responsibilities of the Pope.  He liquidated the Office of the Roman Pontiff and the underlying Romanus Pontifex and Urban Trusts, leaving the clean up and wagon-circling to his loyal Jesuit soldier, Jorge Bergolio. 

Benedict XVI kept the sacred "Ministerial Office" for himself, and died without passing it to Pope Frances or anyone else. No provision for a succession was made.  Benedict XVI was literally the last Pope to hold the sacred ministerial office.  

We can observe this directly.  And we can see the scuttling that went on, with the Church of Rome transferring huge amounts of money to the Eastern Orthodox branch of the Church still in Constantinople, and the quid pro quo granting Pope Frances a cover as "Patriarch of the West". 

Just as the Church bifurcated into East and West in response to the fall of Rome, it is once again, bifurcating to Turkey, falling back, and entrenching --- right before our eyes.   The Trojan-Phrygian roots of both the Roman Church and Rome itself could not be clearer. 

The Curia, for its part, refuses to undertake the role it is heir to, and is in gross default for failure to liquidate corporations that it technically has created --- both as commercial corporations and as municipal corporations --- that are operating unlawfully and causing harm to living people.   

They could, for example, liquidate Pfizer, Incorporated, without breaking wind, but since the great Covid-19 debacle, Pfizer has been very profitable and profit is what defines the Curia's standard of "good". The ancient Trojan-Phrygian Death Cult they represent worships Mammon and Mammon is happy as long as profit rolls in. 

Lots of profit.  

They don't care how the profit is made, how many lives are lost, or how much property is destroyed, so long as it turns a profit.  The more profit the better.  They will get up on their fettered feet and dance around and chatter like magpies and do a queer rendition of Hasidic Jews in ecstasy, so long as there is a fat profit. 

Yes, the world we live in is far stranger than most of us can imagine, but it is what it is.  

The corporate realm has become a runaway train, because nobody is at the helm--- at least, nobody responsible and sane. 

Think about an actual runaway train -- a million metric tons on steel rails, hurtling along under speed. Imagine the last brakes and restraints being sheared off the tracks, like so many clothespins. Everyone on the train jumps off while they can, risking life and limb to tuck and roll ---- until it is just a runaway train, empty, nobody at the wheel, hurtling on and on, until it runs out of fuel or crashes headlong. 

Pope Frances jumped off the train two years ago.  

That's the world we are living in now, and the men at fault for this, couldn't care less, so long as they make a profit. From their perspective, it's six of one, half a dozen of another.  They don't care if they are in bed with Hitler and Bonaparte or Churchill and Stalin; they win, either way and every way, because they fund both sides and stand to profit from the preservation of infrastructure or the destruction of infrastructure. Either way, it makes no difference to them. 

Sometimes they even prefer destruction, because it gives them more control, and an opportunity to update things, start over.  

Remember: order comes out of chaos, so they are happy to create chaos, just as they are happy to be the ones imposing order afterward.  

This is just a restatement of the Hegelian Dialectic.  Cause the problem and then profit from solving the problem.  

Just like Trump is doing.  Cause the problem: Project Warp Speed. 
Solve the problem: Make America Healthy Again. 

We could have done without either one. We could have had peace and plenty instead.  We could have had uninterrupted health and progress.  We could have enjoyed our lives and done something fun --- but these criminals had to pull their stunts.  

Think of the cretins letting mayhem reign all summer long in 2020, and then turning off their ginned-up riots like a dried up water tap, just in time to promote the "crack down" on the January 6th Protestors, who didn't murder anyone or cause any substantial damage at all. 

Senator John Kennedy called these crooked Perpetrators  "goofy people", with an "unwarranted sense of moral and intellectual superiority".  

They are not moral, not intellectual and not superior.  They are simply bags of wind without a conscience, walking appetites whose limited brain power is devoted to crime and self-advantage, and by no means are they superior to the simplest songbird perched on a twig. 

Their greatest claim to fame rests on being alive, a gift that they do not deserve, based on their own actions. 

This is the moment when we witness things like The Black Plague.  Let's face it, the biological warfare these cretins have already released isn't that much different, just higher tech.  This is when they poison the wells --- or the skies.  

They are not going to take responsibility and destroy any of their corporations for Bad Behavior; morality long ago became "relative" for them. There's no good, no bad, they say.  There's just profit and loss.  

They have no wives or children to worry about, no connection to biological life beyond their own abused and fragile frames.  This is how they come to value institutions and corporations, and forget the value of living men --- because of their own deadness, alienation, and isolation.   

How dare we say this?  Why shouldn't we?  It's true.  We're not afraid of runaway trains, demons, or crazy people. They are the ones who should be afraid of us. 

The Earth and everything that exists, walks, crawls or swims, all that grows and all that flows, every grain and plant, every animal, all of it, is ours and belongs to our Lord, the True Son of the Living God. 

So move over, Mammon, you disgusting old idol; be gone, you have no power here.  Farewell, Satan, and all your lies; the Age of Pisces is over and all the delusions are lifting like fog, burned off by the morning sun.  People will laugh and shake their heads. 

"Nothing but a big pile of lies," they will say.  

"It was some kind of madness, like the Tulip Mania," they will opine. 

Ask yourselves, what nonsense is this, that living men need to destroy things that only exist on paper? Legal fictions that have no substance of their own?  

They don't exist already.  

We are only bound by our beliefs, and as we are bound, so we are unbound.   We gave these fictional things form.  We gave these fabrications power over us, and we can take back any power we gave them, too.    

We won't spend our lives shadow-boxing phantoms created by the Roman Curia. 

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America 
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

November 28th 2024


See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: The Confusion About Federation v Confederation

 By Anna Von Reitz

The original Union State known as "Wisconsin" or "wisconsin" (using Latin style conventions) occupies the national soil jurisdiction within its physical boundaries.  This is the State Map created by all the outlined Counties joined together like a patchwork quilt.  

These Union States then have "confederate States" that occupy the underlying land jurisdiction, known as "States of the Union" ---meaning "States belonging to the Union".  This is the State Map that shows no Counties, just solid color within the State boundaries and major water features. (This is because the State of the Union controls the international land and sea jurisdictions, so a map of it represents the uncharted subsoil and major surface water features.)

The Union State (soil) plus the accompanying State of the Union (land and water) taken together represent the national soil jurisdiction of the State plus the international land and water jurisdiction of the State, and since 1851, both these States are simply called, "Wisconsin".  

As a result, when we talk about the Union State, we have to designate that and know that we are talking about soil jurisdiction. Otherwise, it is presumed that we are talking about the State of the Union, which, as it operates in international jurisdiction, is the "face" of Wisconsin that interacts with the world at large, both on land and sea. 

From the standpoint of the Union State (Wisconsin) the State of the Union (also called Wisconsin) is a "Confederate State", but this is not the only pairing that results in this State-Confederate State relationship.  

There is another iteration of this pairing that is much better known. 

What happens when a State of the Union creates a Confederate State for itself, in order to project into and operate in the jurisdiction of the air?   The result is a "state of state" as defined under Universal Commercial Code. 

So, the State of the Union known as Wisconsin operating in international jurisdictions of land and sea, created a partner for itself to operate in the global jurisdiction of the air, another "Confederate State" known as The State of Wisconsin.  This is the State Map that shows nothing but the outline of the State and major water features, dotted with named cities and towns. 

As you can see, "Wisconsin" whether we are talking about the Union State or the State of the Union, is always and forever a "State". 

In the same way, "The State of Wisconsin" and any Territorial or Municipal "State of Wisconsin" remains a "state of state".  "States of States" are incorporated commercial business entities serving a body politic. 

Our original States of States are meant to serve our business enterprises, our counties, our towns, and villages, which serve American nationals living in each State. 

Their British Territorial States of States serve their incorporated Cities, which serve U.S. Citizens.  

Their Municipal STATES OF STATES serve their incorporated Municipalities, which serve citizens of the United States. 

This is because many nations can occupy the same space, and the circumstance results because these foreign incorporated entities were allowed to proliferate on our shores without opposition or competition from the mothballed American State of State.  

The foreign federal citizens living among us just usurped, came in, set up a corporation, hung up their shingle, and settled in.  In the absence of our mothballed State of State organizations, they had a free hand and did not respect the obligations of the Residence Act.

And as you can see, it's just a question of what these entities are "confederate" with respect to. 

The State of the Union is a confederate State paired with its corresponding Union State.  In this way, the international jurisdiction of the land and sea (State of the Union) is connected to (and anchored back to) the national jurisdiction of the soil (Union State). 

The State of State is a confederate State paired with the corresponding State of the Union. In this way, the global jurisdiction of the air --- and the realm of commerce, which is business between two incorporated entities --- is connected to the international jurisdictions of land and sea held by a State of the Union.  

(You will note that the jurisdiction of the air can be reached via either the land or the sea jurisdiction, resulting in Commerce and Maritime Commerce, both.)

Any Territorial State of State doing business as "the State of Wisconsin" is paired with the Municipal "STATE OF WISCONSIN" 
which serves as its "confederate state".  
These pairings of States with their Confederate States line up like pairs of books on a bookshelf: 

Union State plus State of the Union
State of the Union plus State of State
State of State plus Territorial State of State
Territorial State of State plus Municipal STATE OF STATE

In terms of jurisdictions this connects everything as follows: 

National Soil plus International Land and Sea
International Land and Sea plus Air (Commerce)
Air (Commerce) plus Territorial Jurisdiction (Cities)
Territorial Jurisdiction (Cities) plus Municipal (Municipalities) 

What happened in the aftermath of the Civil War is that The State of Wisconsin, the natural "confederate state" meant to be paired with the State of the Union known as Wisconsin, was mothballed in a State Trust created by our British Territorial Employees. 

The State of the Union known as Wisconsin thus lost control of its commercial functions on land and sea. 

The British Territorial Usurpers then cleverly substituted their own British Territorial "State of Wisconsin" for ours, and partnered with a Municipal "STATE OF WISCONSIN" as their "confederate state" -- which gives them a means to operate under Treaty in Admiralty and via deceit in Maritime Commerce, while impersonating us the whole time.   

The resources of The State of Wisconsin are still locked away in "the Wisconsin State" (Trust).  

Both the Union State known as Wisconsin and the State of the Union known as Wisconsin still exist and still function more or less on autopilot.  The rest of the government structure has been usurped by our foreign Federal Subcontractors, and they have been using the assets of The State of Wisconsin cashiered in the Wisconsin State (Trust) as collateral for them to borrow against and invest. 

To expedite this self-serving fraud they have misrepresented themselves as our Trustees and "representatives" and assumed positions and roles never granted to them.  Students of actual Law will recognize this: they have presumed to act as Executors de Son Tort, and have no actual lawful or legal right to represent us, even though they attempt to assert a legal right based on unconscionable contracts foisted off on newborn babies and voter registration contracts that are never fully disclosed. 

Of course, this is all fraud and malfeasance, breach of trust and breach of service contract on the part of the British Monarchs and the Roman Pontiffs and the Lord Mayors of London (Westminster). 

Now that you know how state and confederate state pairings work and can see precisely which relationship (connection) was severed in the fog after the so-called American Civil War, you can appreciate the dilemma we find ourselves in. 

Our Union States and States of the Union are still intact; we can still conduct international trade on land and sea, we can still conduct commerce on land --- and except for the illegal State Trust being imposed on the assets of The State of Wisconsin we would have full run of our Maritime Commerce as well. 

We are demanding the liquidation of the State Trusts associated with us individually and collectively --- and the return of those assets to us, individually, and to our State Assemblies.  We are demanding an end to the immoral foreign contracting processes that have been used to entrap and enslave Americans in their own country.  

This is an international crime of the highest order, which has been foisted off on us and many other countries, by the same set of Perpetrators --- the Brits and the Romans and the denizens of Westminster, which have run an unimaginably large con game based on False Claims, impersonation, barratry, and identity theft of entire nations, right down to the level of the British Crown Corp stealing copyrights to individual Given Names. 

As you can now better appreciate, the "location" of the crime scene in terms of jurisdictions is primarily contained in the jurisdiction of Maritime Commerce.  

It is the Maritime Commercial Banks and British Territorial "National Bank" Associations (their "nation" isn't American) that are fundamentally at fault and they are also the institutions garnering the unjust enrichment that results from impersonating Americans and doing such things as foisting off their own mortgages and taxes on the uncomprehending victims. 

None of this has anything to do with any actual war.  It has been engendered, implemented, and enforced via commercial mercenary conflicts which have been misrepresented as "wars" to the public. 

These illegal and immoral operations conducted by maritime courts and maritime commercial banks under color of war, has resulted in our country being occupied by what appears to be our own military --- but that, too, has been commandeered by the commercial interests responsible for this entire debacle of lawlessness and injustice. 

We are here to tell you with no equivocation that our national military hasn't been in the field since the War of 1812, which ended in 1814. 

Every conflict since then has been a disguised Mercenary Conflict and it has been fought by men and women who were unknowingly press-ganged (drafted on land) or voluntarily --- (to the extent that an act depending on undisclosed identities and circumstance can be voluntary) -- inducted as commercial mercenaries engaged in foreign wars for profit under the direction of the British Crown. 

It's time for this to end and for the phony "corporate governments" and their banks and their leaders and their corporations to pay the price.  They know this and now you know it.  

Donald Trump and Company are trying to "fence" the situation and moderate the damage instead of adopting the burnt Earth policies of the Biden Administration, which has been substantially controlled by Chinese creditors ---who have unknowingly been making False Claims against our substance, when we are the Priority Creditors of the same Miscreants they have sued.  

Any glimmer of sanity is appreciated.  

However, the awakening conscience of the mercenaries so far as shoving their Vatican compatriots under the bus goes, should not be taken as any guarantee of good behavior on the part of the British Territorial Corporations that are now trying to present themselves as heroes after 160 years of consistently failing their duty to this country and even their homeland nations as well.  

The QFS "Financial System" which they propose is nothing more or less than a Draconian compliance system that is wide open to political targeting and manipulation down to the level of individuals. Just as the present coercive banking system can "debank" corporations, they will be able to "debank" individual people as well, and interfere with your natural, unalienable right and ability to trade commodities and exchange labor. 

As a replacement for either the Federal Reserve System or the International Monetary Fund System, the QFS is--- almost unbelievably, worse.  QFS is more oppressive and coercive, less transparent, more subject to bureaucratic meddling, more arbitrary and more globalist in all respects, as it aims at nothing less than planetary financial control and enslavement.  

The Sales Pitch being given for the QFS is that it will prevent money laundering and identity theft and save money now spent on preventing counterfeiting of cash --- at the cost of enslaving and surveilling the entire world population and leaving us all utterly dependent upon the good graces of men who have been operating as and within criminal enterprises for generations. 

QFS was developed under a CIA program code named "Crimson Gate" --- Crimson as in Red China and Communism in general.  The same rogue elements of the CIA that worked for "Marduk" are responsible for the whole scheme and the Black Ops that have given the scheme feet to stand on --- and garnered support from the Usual Suspects --- Black Rock, Vanguard, and State Street. 

That synopsis should give every QFS Cheerleader more than a moment of pause.  The ephemeral nature of digital currencies -- even far more ephemeral than Federal Reserve Notes and bogus "Money of Account" -- should also be sufficient reason for everyone to sober up.  

We need a transitional system that will serve current needs and allow us to go forward without looping us back into the control and manipulation of the Same Old Monsters.   

If we are to thrive and survive, mankind must raise itself beyond trusting ignorance and clean up Maritime Commerce once and for all. We can't leave that duty to the same men who created and profited themselves from this Mess, although it does demand a degree of commonality and cooperation to avoid a total meltdown of the financial systems.  

What we have now, is a détente based on mutually assured (financial) destruction and with the launch of Russian supersonic kinetic ICBMs last week, a new playing field.  We are grateful for Mr. Putin's cool-headed restraint in the midst of the Ukrainian fight and we recognize the desperate and ill-founded attempts of the District of Columbia, Inc., to spend another $24 Billion of our credit on an immoral proxy war against our Russian Allies for the travesty it is. 

Our country and the Russian Motherland have been at peace and allied since 1858; this historic American-Russian Alliance has stood for 166 years, through two World Wars and innumerable lesser Mercenary Conflicts. We don't intend that our Hired Help is going to violate our accords with Russia in pursuit of their own economic benefit, and the banks involved in extending our credit to these Vermin are fully accountable and liable for their acts in contravention of our expressed and explicit Will in these matters. 

Russia is our Ally and has proven to be a far more reliable friend to us and to mankind than England and Rome have ever been. If the Cretins responsible had any respect for life, they would respect the lives of over a million Ukrainians lost in this senseless, selfish, immoral and illegal struggle, which has been predicated on and caused by a puppet regime that was violently installed by CIA and NATO operatives in 2014.  

Shame and condemnation on both the CIA and NATO; we would all be better off without them.  

We also recognize the concurrent evil crime that is the self-engendered attack on the helpless civilian population of Gaza. British Agents not only created Hamas, they paid Hamas for the attack in Gaza October 7th 2024.  Once again, the Brits are at the bottom of the dogpile, with certain Khazarian Fake Jews egging them on. 

It is convenient that Mr. Netanyahu announces a cease-fire just in time for Donald Trump to boot up the so-called "GESARA" initiative being promoted by the incorporated military interests that are trying to not only save their own tails, but wheedle things around to gain even more wealth and more control over the Earth, it's resources, and the civilian populations.  

Part of the requirement to participate in this giveaway of our joint inheritance, is that a country must be at peace. 

Mr. Netanyahu only wants to be at peace so that he can get his share of this illegal giveaway.  Expect him to get right back at it once his coffers are full, because for him and men like him, the death of 200,000 unarmed civilians, the destruction of 36 hospitals with the patients and doctors in them, and the homelessness of over a million Lebanese people is never "enough".  

These Vermin don't know when to stop, and that will ultimately be their undoing. 

Let it be fully and freely and absolutely known that the actual American Government doesn't support any of these expenditures on these criminal activities in Lebanon, Gaza and the Ukraine, does not acquiesce to the use of our Title IV Flag to promote any such activities, and is determined to bring an end to the continued illegal quasi-military occupation of our country.  

We hope that this settles any ongoing question about us and what has happened to our country at the hands of these False Friends; we trust that we have expressed our Will and detailed the circumstance with sufficient force and provided enough information so that anyone who is motivated to do so, can retrace the history for themselves. 

Our Federation of States of the Nation (a Confederacy from the standpoint of the Union States) and our member States are in Session. We are not deceived and we are not happy about the activities of the foreign government personnel that have been acting in Gross Breach of Trust and violation of their Service Contracts and who have attempted to sell out our people and our resources, while promoting wars for profit and other heinous acts under our Title IV Flag.  

It's not the Americans doing this.  It's the British Territorials. 

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

November 28th 2024


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