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Thursday, September 5, 2024

International Public Notice: The End of Human-Caused Climate Change Hysteria

 By Anna Von Reitz

We have addressed this issue before, yet it must be addressed again by presenting the actual geological profile history of carbon dioxide in the environment: 

What this shows is that atmospheric (and captured carbon dioxide) peaked in the Cambrian period and is near a long-term record low right now.  

Which underlines our statements for the past five years that the known problem is declining atmospheric oxygen, not increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. 

This conclusion is so readily substantiated from so many different sources that it is difficult to conceive how such a lot of rubbish could be drummed up based on political patrimony, but it stands on the public records of this world that it was.  

The Tin Hats were right again.  

They were right about Carbon Dioxide levels.  They are right about declining Oxygen levels, too.  They were right about rejecting the unknown "vaccines" -- as the statistics worldwide among the vaccinated populations are now proving. 

How can we interpret this circumstance, other than as an IQ Test? 
And the Tin Hats are winning, hands down.  With alarming regularity, akin to finding Brits at the bottom of every dog pile on Earth, every "popular" belief about "science" being promoted by the Listen and Obey BBC and its affiliates, turns out to be murderous ignorance.  

The same is true of the entire Chemtrails issue.   Oh, we were trying to deflect harmful cosmic rays and damaging heat and magnetic input from the sun by spraying poisonous and inflammatory industrial wastes on the land?  That's like poisoning yourself to avoid death. 

Or finding an excuse to turn your industrial waste disposal problem into a profitable by-product.  Just like adding fluoride to drinking water. 

We are applauding all the Tin Hats worldwide, who have resisted and discerned the lies and ignorance and called it for what it is. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

September 5th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

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