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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Are You Under House Arrest as a Result of a Crime Committed by the CDC

Found Here:

Urgent-Care Doctors Explain Why Quarantine Should Be Ended

Found Here:

Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi, owners of an urgent care facility in California, say hospitals are empty because ‘non-essential’ surgeries have been canceled while many doctors and nurses have been sent home to make room for COVID patients that never showed up. Dr. Erickson said that California, which has a population of 40-million, reported 1,221 deaths. That means there is a 0.03% chance of dying from the virus in California. This is far lower than the 2017-2018-flu death rate. He explained that the immune system is strengthened by daily exposure to viruses and bacteria. Isolation and a sterile environment are detrimental to the immune system, which means the COVID-19 lock down is causing a higher risk of illness and death. -GEG

Found Here:

Third Constitution and Help for Vets

By Anna Von Reitz

When I was about fourteen years-old I noticed that there were two Constitutions in evidence, even though everyone persisted in talking about "the" Constitution as if there was only one. 

Those two commonly available Constitutions are:
"The Constitution of the United States of America" and "The Constitution of the United States". 

As recently as two years ago, I was able to go down to the local Barnes and Noble, and pick up recent publications of both documents.  So, it really shouldn't be any Big News that there are multiple Constitutions.

Then, in my twenties, I heard --- from the local Congressman during a dinner after a Townhall Meeting -- about a Constitution "robed in dust" and laying in full view in one of the rooms at the Capitol Building.  This strange artifact was a Constitution, but under a different name:  The Constitution for the united States of America. 

Like so many other bits and pieces I ran across, I flagged that for further reference, but it wasn't until twenty-five years after that, that Bill Benson's research into the lack of ratification for the Sixteenth Amendment got me motivated to start searching for documents that "should be there" --and aren't.

By then, groups of people all over the country who had been inspired by Bill's pioneering work, were digging, too.  The search for the "missing" Constitution was part of that effort and it bore fruit.  We found two locations that had printed copies of the 1787 Federal Constitution and we made photographic copies and did our due diligence. 

A couple years later, we were contacted by a British Lord who, as luck would have it, was sympathetic to our efforts and who had found a cache of American Founding Documents in his library --- original copies of everything from the Declaration of Independence to the final Treaties of Westminster in the 1790's. 

Time went on, and the efforts to hide our history increased.  Both of the archives where we'd found the printed copies of The Constitution for the united States of America were closed to the public. 

Then, for a period of a couple years, the Sam Houston Library in Texas made a copy of it available-- but then that was shut down, too.  If you inquire today, they will say they don't have any such document and what are you talking about?   

Moving the Cheese is an established art form for the Rats That Be, beginning with the sack of the Library of Alexandria and more recently reflected by British attempts to burn our early records during the War of 1812.  We should not be surprised that the copy "robed in dust" also disappeared from the Capitol Building over the winter recess 1999-2000. 

Still, I and at least hundreds of other Americans had obtained copies of this Third Constitution and I was content that despite all efforts to the contrary, the truth was preserved.  When The Informer died and bequeathed his entire library to the Cause, we were awestruck on one hand and overwhelmed on the other, and created our own Archive to protect all these rescued documents for posterity. 

Obviously, Alaska does not present a suitable climate nor accessibility for such an archive, so the decision was made for me to move my documents to a new location in the Lower 48 and to be combined with The Informer's materials and many, many other contributions from others, sorted, scanned, and organized for ready reference by volunteer librarians. 

My copy of The Constitution for the united States of America was sent away for archiving and is still in the Slush Pile, so I didn't have it in my hot little hands, but I certainly knew about it, had read it, and held a copy in my hands when I made the (apparently) stunning announcement that there are in fact (3) three Constitutions, and that they are three separate contracts of our actual Government with three separate Federal Subcontractors --- the defunct and thus far never "reconstructed" Confederation, the British Territorial (Commonwealth) Government, and the Municipal (Holy Roman) Government.

Now, if you grew up thinking that there was only one Constitution --- "the Constitution"--- and someone proved to you that there were two (as I did) and told you that there were in fact three (as I did) --- wouldn't you be shaken enough to look around and pay attention, just on the basis of seeing both The Constitution of the United States and The Constitution of the United States of America on display?  

I would, but no, certain others ignored the trail of evidence in my favor and attacked me and did everything they possibly could to discredit me and my claim that there are three (3) Constitutions.  I was derided by "the Flag Officers" and dismissed as a "liar" by the Liars, and generally took a lot of rotten eggs over not being able to give them a photo copy of  The Constitution for the united States of America ---- and here it is:

Thank you, Barry!  Thank you, all of you, who had copies handy and who have sent copies since you heard there was a need.

We have struggled for many years to get this situation documented and "cut down" to size, so that people could grasp it.  The fraud has gone on so long and there are so many aspects to it, that it seemed impossible to do, but just recently, we think we succeeded in cranking it all down to six pages.

This was intended as a Quick Start for Veterans, but its really a guide to any American who cares about their own safety and their country and the rest of the world, too, which has suffered because of the same evils.  The Quick Start is published and available on my website: and also, and if you are receiving this via email should also be attached.


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Pope Francis, President Trump, and Mr. Larry Fink:

By Anna Von Reitz

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents, Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.

Mr. Fink has bonded six (6) trillion dollars-worth of Federal Debt.  He has now called in the debt for lack of security, and thereby bankrupted the Perpetrators of the Federal Debt.

The problems are:

1. The Federal Debt doesn't exist.  It only exists on paper because our National Credit has not been applied to balance the books. So either the bookkeeping needs to take place or the bogus "debt" needs to be discharged --- one way or the other, and we don't care which.

2. The Securities bonded by Mr. Fink are illegal, and represent living flesh involuntarily and unconscionably contracted and impersonated under conditions of non-disclosure and deceit.  The Serial Numbers and certificates all go back to living people who have been illegally and immorally "latched and attached" to the bonds without their knowing or voluntary consent. Mr. Fink has cause for complaint against the Perpetrators--- the Holy See, the Queen, Westminster --- but no valid claim against any defrauded American born on our soil and mischaracterized as any form of "US" citizen.

3. Mr. Fink's corporations are all chartered by our States of the Union, including Delaware and New York and California, et alia, with the result that Mr. Fink's assets are in fact our assets, and his claims against our assets are claims against his assets. As you can see, Mr. Fink has no assets and no position to buy, sell, or bankrupt anything related to us or our States. 

In view of the widespread constructive fraud scheme that has been employed by minions of the Crown and members of the U.S. Congress and the Municipal "Congress of the United States" seeking to deliberately misidentify American babies as "wards" of their States of States, and in full view of the heinous nature of this activity and unconscionable nature of the resulting contracts, Mr. Fink needs to be informed that he has six (6) trillion dollars worth of fraudulent securities (or thereabouts) on his hands, and the only remedy open to him is to seek reimbursement from the Crown, the Holy See, and the Queen's Government. 

He, Larry Fink,  cannot be allowed to continue to try to peddle these illegal securities to any Third Party, as in his recent efforts to offer them to President Xi. 

Ironically enough, we have some sympathy for him and for the Israeli banks and the Israeli Government, which have backed the bonds he is trying to trade, cash, or otherwise off-load, but the responsibility for this circumstance is not ours and cannot be used to harm or indebt or excuse any military or mercenary action on our shores whatsoever.

We have had reports of Israeli mercenaries on our soil, leading attacks against former PENTAGON employees.  This activity needs to stop immediately and permanently while the Principals work out a solution.

We also note that the same Israeli banks and Israeli Government are greatly in our debt, and that those debts have not been settled, so that Mr. Fink's activities appear to be invalidated in another way as well: the Crown, the Queen, and the Holy See may owe the American States and People six (6) trillion worth of damages, but so then does the bonding company and its backers. 

Not only that, but the same parties, the Israeli banks and the Israeli Government offering to bankrupt our Territorial Government, owe us in excess of 100 trillion dollars, so what kind of game is this?  Our Subcontractors owe them six trillion, while they owe us a hundred trillion, and they want to foreclose?  Hmm? 

We are the Lawful Government of this country and we insist that this entire mess gets straightened out according to our Will, our Treaties, and our Commercial Contracts with the Crown, the Queen, and the Holy See without further delay, excuse, dalliance, obfuscation, or deceit.

Obviously, someone siphoned six trillion dollars and it went somewhere.  It did not go to the people of this country to whom it was owed.  Similarly, the Chinese Trade Deficit was created by siphoning and swindling and all that money didn't get where it was going, either.

The pipeline - transfer agents - are the obvious place to start looking for all the missing credit, and the securities oversight organizations are another, as well as the banks which have been operating illegally since 1934 in this country.

But again, we only observe the obvious, and neither we nor the States and People that we represent are responsible for any of it---- and we do not intend to be blamed for it or billed for it.

                                     James Clinton Belcher, Head of State
                                     The United States of America

                                     Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
                                     The United States of America

Silent Epidemic, The Untold Story of Vaccines

Found here: