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Monday, November 19, 2018

Status Report November 19, 2018

By Anna Von Reitz

In 1868 they pulled an identity theft scheme, ran up debts against us under color of law, went bankrupt in 1907 and left us holding the bag for it.

In 1933 they pulled an identity theft scheme, ran up debts against us under color of law, went bankrupt, and left us holding the bag for it. 

In 1934 they pulled an identity theft scheme, ran up debts against us under color of law, and as of January 1, 2016, went bankrupt and.....

We stood up and said, "Whoa!  Not us.  Not again.  You were given Due Notice and Process."

And now they have to deal from a different deck and don't know how.

They know, for example, that the IRS is totally bogus and that every action it takes actually puts them all deeper in debt, but they are starved for cash flow so they keep on beating that dead horse.

What actually needs to happen is for President Trump to sit down and talk to me, the Fiduciary of his Priority Creditors, and the other owners of the assets in the accounts that Kim Goguen has secured.  He needs to do this because there is no other lawful way to proceed and no other lawful way to establish a firm basis for going forward

The assets in the accounts don't belong to Kim any more than they belonged to the other bankers involved, but the people that do own them are not bad people and their trustees are not bad people, either.  They haven't had access to their assets because of the bankers, who basically stole the assets and used them to feather their own nests, which is why the actual owners and trustees never were able to deliver relief and do the philanthropic work everyone blames them for not doing.

All Mr. Trump has to do is strong-arm the bankers and get the middlemen out of the middle.  Then his precious government can be fully funded under the following provisions ---and the infrastructure and scientific and philanthropic work can go forward.  It's very simple.

1. Return control of the assets to the actual asset owners and stop lying about the funds being "abandoned" and belonging to the banks or being subject to a 16,000 year old contract and conveniently belonging to Kim Goguen as the only heir---- or some other fanciful excuse. 

We have the deposit receipts. We have the complete history from the day the ore came out of the ground.  And we have dominion: Genesis 1:26-28.

2. Immediately and permanently stop racketeering and other criminal actions against the people of this and every other country.


See this article and over 1300 others on Anna's website here:

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