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Sunday, July 9, 2017

The Meeting of the Grand Poobahs

By Anna Von Reitz

Immediately after the Revolutionary War each one of the new nation states began issuing money. Those that issued coinage of gold and silver fared all right, but struggled with supply. Those that issued paper "script" were almost immediately beset with counterfeiting problems.

It turns out that the British government (yes, this is after the end of the Revolutionary War) deliberately flooded the market with counterfeit script to "confound" the newly formed states' economies.

People started saying that things "weren't worth a Continental! (dollar)" as a result.

It was substantially because of this British counterfeiting fiasco, that the states delegated their right to issue money to a national authority--- their own land jurisdiction Congress.

After the so-called Civil War the British-based interlopers craftily substituted their own private corporate "Congress" and proceeded to substitute and counterfeit our currency for profit.

Grandma Anna's Investment Advice

By Anna Von Reitz

[This was written in response to a question about Zimbabwe Bonds.] 

Stay out of investments you don't understand!!!!

I cannot stress this enough! 

There is all sorts of wild speculation and weird "offers" being made related to foreign currencies and foreign government bonds.

There are all kinds of bonds-- savings bonds, construction bonds, government bonds, payment bonds, insurance bonds, transfer bonds, performance bonds, bid bonds-- I am tempted to say "bond bonds". 

Except in the case of cured bonds known as payment bonds -- for example, matured savings bonds-- all bonds are promises to pay in the future given this or that condition or eventuality. 

So consider the meaning of what you just asked me.  The government of Zimbabwe is offering to bond itself to pay back a certain amount of money in the future in exchange for you investing a certain amount of money today, if and when certain conditions are met.

So first of all do you have faith in the honesty and stability and ability of the government of Zimbabwe to pay back the bonds as stipulated? 


Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

At the Introit implore God's assistance and say, with the priest:
INTROIT Hear, O Lord, my voice with which I have cried to thee: be thou my helper, forsake me not, nor do Thou despise me, O god, my Savior. (Ps. XXVI.) The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? Glory be to the Father, etc.
COLLECT O God, who host prepared invisible good things for those that love Thee: pour into our hearts such a sense of Thy love, that we, loving Thee in all, and above all, may obtain Thy promises, which exceed all out desire: Through etc.
EPISTLE (I Peter III. 8-15.) Dearly beloved, Be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, being lovers of the brotherhood, merciful, modest, humble: not rendering evil for evil, nor railing for railing, but contrariwise, blessing: for unto this you are called; that you may inherit a blessing. For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile. Let him decline from evil, and do good: let him seek?after peace, and, pursue it: because the eyes of the Lord are upon the just, and his ears unto their. prayers: but the countenance of the Lord upon them that do evil, things. And, who is he that can, hurt you, if you: be zealous of good? But if also you suffer any thing for, justice' sake, blessed are ye. And be not afraid of their fear, and be not troubled: but sanctify the Lord Christ, in your hearts.
How can and how should we sanctify the Lord in our hearts?

A Personal Note

By Anna Von Reitz

I realized today that for the third year in a row, I haven't even had time to make a batch of homemade jam for my family. It's such a simple thing. Indeed, I always took it for granted. Of course, you "put by" tomatoes in season and picked your strawberries for syrup and jam and red raspberries, too... apple butter and plum butter and pickles, too. The familiar smells and tastes and the jars lined up on the pantry shelves in the fall. My pantry shelves are bare, folks. It's been this way for three years.

I've had no life of my own at all. It's all been given to you and for you, to dig this country and its people out of the morass of ignorance and gullibility and apathy into which so many have fallen----and which poses such a clear and present danger now. 

My husband and I don't regret it. We'd do it all again. But sometimes I just sit down and cry and rage.

Rat Roping and the GCR

By Anna Von Reitz

People often ask me, "What does the military have to do with it?" 


The day before Abraham Lincoln bankrupted the original United States trading company, he issued General Order 100, otherwise known as the Lieber Code. The Lieber Code, variously re-stated, is still in effect today.  It made the U.S. Army, at that time, the Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.) responsible for the safety and security of our money and our country.  

The United States as a political entity has never been at peace since April of 1861 and it still isn't.  The nominal excuse for this is that there has never been a land jurisdiction (civil) government properly composed and competent to order the military to stand down.  

We have to note that the military has done absolutely jack-diddly to promote the resumption of normal government in this country, and that instead, its first move after the so-called "Civil War" was to put their favorite General, Ulysses S. Grant, in as President.  

What did they do after the Second World War?   They put their favorite General, Dwight D. Eisenhower in as President.