By Anna Von Reitz
Let me explain why I -- a card-carrying Lutheran since 1963 -- don't jump on the bandwagon and decry the Roman Catholic Church.
Part of it is because of my own experience as a critic of the Church's secular administration. When we brought forward evidence of the vast corruption and criminality infesting the incorporated governments, Pope Benedict took immediate, actual, practical steps to deal with the problems we exposed.
He responded as any honest and good man would. He got out his mop and bucket and went to work.
Later, Francis continued the work Benedict began, albeit, in his own fashion, and with an obvious concern to protect the Church and its interests. Given that the Pope is the head of the Roman Catholic Church, his concern in that regard did not surprise me or seem inappropriate.
So, although I could wish for faster responses or actions taken in a different order, I can't criticize the Church for lack of response or inappropriate response to the issues raised.
Francis, like Benedict, has picked up his mop and bucket and soldiered on.
My Shinola Sensor also takes note of other indicators--- for example:
What other human institution has taken a stand against the wholesale murder of babies, deceitfully disguised by the word "abortion" as if that magically transformed murder into something else?
What other institution blocks and guards the slippery moral slope that, having once discounted human life on the basis of age, prevents the next logical mis-step and permits the murder of the elderly and infirm?