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Monday, January 17, 2022

The Secret Life of Martin Luther King, Jr.

A Short Time After the Great Earthquake

 By Anna Von Reitz

I hate to be harping on this, but look at where we are in the playbook. We will move on with the issues of the American Government soon enough, but there's something here everyone needs to take into consideration.
I have observed to you that virtually all the prophecies up to and including the end of the world prophecies have been fulfilled. The Great Abomination --- the Great Harlot --- does indeed stand in a place where she should not be: New York Harbor. The Great Tribulation -- the fraudulent extraction of tribute to Rome -- has come and is now ending.
How about the Great Earthquake?
Turns out that we have lots of hard evidence of an incredible world-wide earthquake happening sometime in the late eighteenth or early nineteenth century. Those of you who spent a little time yesterday and checked out the "empty city" photographs were also exposed to the Mud Flood --- massive evidence of worldwide liquefaction --- a phenomenon that occurs during earthquakes.
Water-logged or silty soils disturbed by the vibrations generated by a powerful earthquake make the soil "liquify" to a quicksand-like consistency, and then, as the earthquake subsides, the soil hardens up again. We saw that happen here in Alaska during our famous 1964 Earthquake.
It explains, among other things, the leaning towers found all over the world and the buildings, including our own U.S. Capitol Building, that have apparently sunk six to nine feet straight down into the soil, effectively burying all or part of the original first floor of the building.
The evidence of this "Mud Flood" is overwhelming and fully demonstrated at locations all around the world..... so..... what caused it? What could possibly cause a worldwide phenomenon of liquefaction?
Only the biggest earthquake anyone ever heard of. Just what the Disciples were told to look for as a sign of the End Times. Why weren't we told about this?
Who knows?
Have the rats been seeking to hide themselves in the hills and caves? Given all the tunnel-works discovered in the past ten years underlying major cities and remote "continuation of government" locations as well?
Has Satan, the Father of All Lies, been turned loose for a "short time"? Three cataclysmic wars in the space of a hundred years, plus innumerable smaller clashes? Civil War, First World War, and Second World War, plus Korea, plus Vietnam, plus all the other worldwide destruction?
Plus the unprecedented, blatant, universal culture of lies and deceit and self-interest that we've observed and demonstrated? Sounds like Old Scratch has been on the loose again.
You might ask when this world ever had a thousand years of peace, but then, we know that Saint Jerome erased 1,100 years of human history --- just drew a line through it --- at the Council of Nicea.
And we know, if we think about it, that people in the nineteenth century and the centuries immediately preceding, did not have the tools and technology, much less the wealth, to build the great houses and castles and cathedrals and buildings of government that we see throughout the world.
What if all this magnificent architecture was built during the thousand years of peace, using technology that we can't even fathom now?
I was born close enough to the nineteenth century to get a good whiff of it. It involved a lot of mud and horse dung and misery and ignorance. Wooden wagon wheels bound with bands of iron. Carts drawn by oxen. Grindstones. Sweat. Smokey wood fires, and even smokier coal fires.
We can safely propose that people living immediately prior to the Age of Steam lacked the wherewithal to build much more than mud and wattle structures, which we also see dotting the same landscape, cheek and jowl with the Taj Mahal.
There are a lot of problems with the narrative we've been given about our own history, about our religions, governments, science, symbols, heroes, and so much more---- and it all boils down to this: being brave enough to look at the world around us and see what is in front of our faces.
Why would Hiram Grant, a harness-maker from Ohio, adopt the name Ulysses S. Grant? ----that is, U.S. Grant. See the joke?
Who was Ulysses? ---- the Greek king of Ithaca, who won the Trojan War by deceit and nothing else.
Who was supposed to dine with and then join President and Mrs. Lincoln for the show at the Ford Theater? General Grant.
Who canceled at the last moment? General Grant.
Who was most likely a secret supporter of the Pope's Municipal Government? General Grant.
Who benefited the most from Lincoln's death? General Grant.
What happened as a result of Grant's presidency? The Slavers won.
And the same thing happened a hundred years later with John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Baines Johnson. The Slavers won again.
Next time you have a hundred dollar bill in your hand, take a moment and really look at the engraved portrait of Benjamin Franklin. Look into his hooded, brooding eyes. This is a dangerous, serious man, no silly Bon Vivant. His character is stamped on his stubborn jaw.
And next time you have a fifty dollar bill, look long and hard at General Grant. Look into his hard and glinting gray eyes and feel the blizzard at the center of his soul. This is a weary, mean, and troubled man, intelligent and cold.

Here we are, folks, shortly after the Great Earthquake.


See this article and over 3400 others on Anna's website here:

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Morning Star, Indeed

 By Anna Von Reitz

There are numerous passages in the Bible that mention the Morning Star --- Venus. Here are the four that matter in context:
Isaiah 14:12
“How you have fallen from heaven,
O star of the morning, son of the dawn!
You have been cut down to the earth,
You who have weakened the nations!
2 Peter 1:19
So we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts.
Revelation 22:16
“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.”
Revelation 2:28
and I will give him the morning star.
So, Satan is the "Son of the Morning Star" and Jesus (in the vision of Revelation) proclaims that either he or King David is the "bright morning star". Difficult to tell which, isn't it?
If King David is the bright morning star and Jesus is the son (descendant) of King David, what does that make Jesus, but the Son of the Morning Star? Lucifer.
The text also claims that Jesus is both the root and the offspring of David, the "alpha and omega" of the Davidic bloodline, that is, both the source of the lineage and its ultimate end.
What if Revelation is just a big pile of horse hooey tacked onto the end of the book to create a program, like a computer program, in our minds and our expectations? A venal self-fulfilling prophecy brought on by ingesting too much viper venom?
The Jesus -- or as I call him, Joshua -- that captured my heart has no truck with Lucifer, doesn't glorify evil, doesn't teach destruction, and doesn't offer bribes.
I don't recognize the "Jesus" of Revelation, and all I see driving the present apocalypse is the natural unraveling of a lot of rather self-evident lies, which are yielding to logic and inquiry by hundreds of thousands of people who are now looking at things with new eyes.
It's apparent that a well-orchestrated and well-funded effort is being made by the criminals to create a Do-It-Yourself fulfillment of Revelation, but if this circumstance were dictated by the Creator, then, it would simply happen as rain falls and the sun shines. It would not have to be contrived or brought into existence and engineered by human calculation, Bill Gates, Lord Pirbright, and a crooked Patent Office.
It is also apparent that although a lot of people are fuming at me for discussing the problem of centering the Christian Faith around a pagan anointment ceremony --- nobody is addressing the problem I brought forward.
Explain to me why an act of anointment by a former prostitute results in the universal practice of calling Joshua "The Christ" and calling his Followers "Christians"?
Who among you in any Christian Church knew that this anointment was the centerpiece of your faith? And you think you haven't been deceived?
Who told you that a Baptismal Certificate would promote a claim to own your soul and allow your soul to be bought, sold, and traded on a Black Market supervised by witches and warlocks?
Who decided to make your church--- your Fellowship of Believers -- into a commercial operation, without telling you?
I have no intention of taking on church reform in addition to restoring the form of government we are owed. My position is what it has always been --- that this is a Catholic problem and Catholics must solve it.
As for me, I shall never call myself a "Christian" again and I shall never join any "Christian" Church again. I recall my innocent acceptance of Communion --- a barely veiled act of ritual cannibalism -- with embarrassment and shame. I admit that I was duped.
But no more.
For me, the race is won and everything has come full circle, all the way back to the Garden of Eden. We chose to know both Good and Evil. We put ourselves in the Devil's Dominion. And now that we have learned our lessons, we are free to come home again.
Just as we are free to come home to the land and soil, and as we are free to populate our lawful government. Ours is a separate dominion.

Let the serpents fight it out among themselves, for all the good it will do them. Pay them and their endless wars and deceptions and distractions no mind. Let them trample their way to perdition unobstructed and keep your hearts and minds centered in love and health and joy and truth forevermore.


See this article and over 3400 others on Anna's website here:

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