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Thursday, January 2, 2025

International Public Notice: Concerning Beneficial Ownership Interest of All US Corporations

 By Anna Von Reitz

The unincorporated United States of America holds all beneficial ownership interest in all US Corporations/CORPORATIONS and their franchises and derivatives.  

The unincorporated United States of America hereby serves Notice that these claims of our beneficial ownership interest are already present on the Public and Private Records and are both validated and cured.  

We are bypassing any proposal and/or additional "offer" by the Municipal and/or Territorial Congresses to fill out individual forms and paperwork mandated by the Corporate Transparency Act, in favor of this public and universal response to the query --- who actually owns the beneficial interest in all these corporations?  

We do.  

Our addresses to sue and be sued have remained the same for many decades and Notice thereof has been periodically renewed, so that no man and no person may complain or say that we have not been transparent about our identity, our nature, our location, our nature as the Preferential Priority Creditors, our Beneficial Ownership Interest or any other aspect of this situation. 

All these corporations, especially those issued in the names of individual living Americans and American States, have been issued under conditions of deceit, constructive fraud, and false legal presumptions.  

To the extent that these things exist and have accrued substance, they belong to the named instrumentalities and people they are named after. 

A government of the people, by the people, and for the people does not simply "disappear" or change its jurisdiction or vacate its interests depending on the whims of any Congress. 

We have squarely charged the members of the Municipal and Territorial Congresses with fraud and treason ever since Franklin Pierce took office. The longevity of the crime and the fraud involved is immaterial, as there is no statute of limitation on crimes of fraud and misrepresentation.  

All property thought to belong to the foreign Federal Subcontractors that has not been officially granted to them by the States of the Union is in fact purloined.  They have no granted interest in our land, soil, gold, silver, cash, or corporate persons.  In the absence of action by our own Congress, they have no interest in our credit, either. 

All corporations created in our names or variations of our names that have been calculated to deceive, and all beneficial interests in these things and their foreign PERSONS/Persons,  belongs to our unincorporated institutions, The United States of America and The United States, and to the living people of our country's land and soil. 

So you may safely and without question void all other applications and return what is ours to us and to our people, and be assured that all responsible care will be taken to honor their individual and collective interests both public and private.  

Our "free, sovereign, and independent states" and all our Federation instrumentalities are intact and are ledgering our claims of Beneficial Ownership Interest via normal diplomatic and business channels as we have done continuously since 1999. 

We have recognized the mistaken identities involved and moved swiftly and consistently to correct these misapprehensions, we have addressed the deceit that a "civil war" ever existed as a war, and we have claimed all beneficial ownership interest in both Municipal US CORPORATIONS and Territorial Estates named after living people born on our soil and Lawful Persons established within the physical boundaries of our States.

We cannot possibly do more to clean up this mess than we have already done in all three primary jurisdictions of the Law and are not here to honor any statutory requirements that our employees may seek to impose on us or on this process of declaring Beneficial Ownership Interest in international and global jurisdictions.  

No living man can claim or keep such a Beneficial Ownership Interest, but our unincorporated instrumentalities, The United States of America and The United States, can do so and have done so, on behalf of the returned State Citizens and lawful sovereigns of this country. 

We are here to put an end to this endless game of personage and mercenary "war" promoted by our foreign employees who have been operating on our shores in gross breach of trust and violation of their public service contracts. 

The Final Judgment and Civil Orders concluded by our Courts related to these matters have been published worldwide for more than seven (7) years

All abandoned, intestate, unclaimed, and/or salvaged Persons/PERSONS consisting of all American and British Territorial Seaman's Estates and all Municipal trusts and corporations derived from them and created under the names of living Americans belong to those living Americans, and those created under the names of American State Trusts and States-of-States likewise belong to the States of the Union.  

Likewise the Persons and Estates and Municipal Public Trusts that belonged to physically dead Americans who were similarly railroaded and trafficked by their own employees and all off-shore assets related to their estates/Estates/ESTATES, belong to their natural heirs and progeny and are claimed together with all Beneficial Ownership Interest, by the unincorporated United States of America and the unincorporated United States, dba The United States. 

The name and address of our present and faithful Agent and Lawful Fiduciary appears below and has been available for more than ten (10) years and we wish for the international community to take Due Notice of these facts.  

It will not be possible to claim that either the American estates purloined by unconscionable registration contracts nor the similarly intestate British Territorial Seaman's Estates derived from them, have been legitimately constructed, much less abandoned by those individuals and national governments having natural claim to all Beneficial Ownership Interest in them.  

As a further consequence, it will not be possible to justify the existence of Municipal CORPORATION estate trusts that depend upon the two prior fraud schemes. 

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

January 2nd 2024


See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: Dr. Richard Cordero, Doctor of Law

 By Anna Von Reitz

Having accepted a title, "Doctor of Law", Richard Cordero is assumed to know the law; being assumed to know the law, he is also assumed to know the various jurisdictions of the law and their provenance. 

We love Richard Cordero, the man, for having guts enough and love of justice enough, to stand up against the corruption of the courts, indeed, their prostitution --- but he still does not comprehend the source and nature of this corruption, and therefore, cannot find its cure, short of a popular insurrection. 

He still persists in thinking that the cure involves some sort of "Citizens Court" brought together and administered by Citizens, but Citizens owe their loyalty and service to the government corporation and so do the courts; therefore, any Citizen advocating the prosecution of the Court, much less the replacement of the Courts by an unlearned group of random government employees and dependents, is hopelessly off course.  

Any such action is tantamount to insurrection against the government services Subcontractor that such Citizens rely upon as their own government.  This is why those attorneys and even those "learned in the Law" who side with the people and with justice and against the farcical and criminal misadministration of these courts and banks and other so-called institutions, wind up in jail.  

Remember Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf?  Excellent woman, brilliant, well-intentioned, convicted by the Chief U.S. District Court Judge of what?  Money laundering.  That would suggest that she committed a financial crime.  Let's look at it more closely. 

Who convicted her?  The British Territorial U.S. District (Sea Jurisdiction) Court, which gained jurisdiction over her Person via her agreement to serve as what?  An attorney.  Are attorneys required to know the Law?  No, they are not. From the Attorney General on down. They are required to know policies, codes, and procedures. Court rules.  Nothing more. 

Only the Solicitor General is required to know the actual law.  

As the name might imply, (British lawyers are known as "Solicitors", American lawyers are known as "Counselors" and Attorneys are neither one.  Attorneys are glorified Customs Officers.) ---the Solicitor General is a British Court Officer and his duty is to defend the British Territorial Federal Subcontractor (U.S.A, Inc.) before the U.S. (also British Territorial) Supreme Court. 

So, acting in ignorance, much as any one of us might do, Heather Ann and her fellows working on the Paradigm Project detected the same outrageous danger to the American Public that we uncovered -- the same individual identity theft via undisclosed birth registrations, the same personage and barratry and racketeering caused by generating false indictments against non-existent "persons"  --  that Dr. Cordero is sounding the alarm about, only in the financial realm. 

The Paradigm Project unearthed the records and the interlocking trust directorates connecting the banks and the "government services corporations" and like us, they realized that these monsters were intent on declaring all the American assets "abandoned".  

So, this band of heroes did what they could to reclaim our assets and the assets of other living people for the benefit of all living people.  They sought to remove the so-called "Global Assets" to a trust they created, the One People's Public Trust (OPPT). 

All this was done with all the best intentions in the world. 

The problem is that these same researchers discovered all this while they were actively employed by and dependent on the corporation perpetrating the scheme.  

They therefore acquired their information while on the government contractor's dime, and from the perspective of the British Territorial Government, they were interfering in the "legalized" crime of the century, and against the interests of their own employer (U.S.A, Inc.) and government (British Territorial). 

"Wet cats" does not describe the consternation of the Court Administrators who are supposed to keep this sort of thing under control.  Tucci-Jarraf became Persona Non Gratia and British Territorial (their Public, not ours) Public Enemy Number One.  

But, no matter who or what you are, filing claims asserting a financial interest in vacated Municipal Corporations is not a crime and cannot be construed as such.  

The problem came much later, when the members of the Paradigm Project, still acting as loyal British Territorial U.S. Citizens attempted to access the actual physical assets they had claimed and secure credit based on those assets defined as Federal Reserve Notes --- which by law, U.S. Citizens and Persons must use under force of Legal Tender Laws, imposed by the parent corporation enfranchising them. 

The parent corporation, U.S.A.,Inc., claims an exclusive right to hold our assets "for" us and to issue credit based on our assets for their own pay and administrative purposes in our absence.  Mere U.S. Citizens and Persons, viewed as voluntary franchises, have no such ability.  

So when Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf attempted to securitize Municipal ESTATE assets that the Paradigm Project claimed, and sought to issue credit in the form of Federal Reserve Notes, she was guilty of money laundering --- a conversion of monetary interest (in actual assets) conferred to a dead British Territorial Seaman via a Municipal ESTATE trust, to fiat debt notes (credit) owed to his/her Estate (and the British Monarch under Bona Vacantia).  

It's this last bit that puts pedal to the metal so far as the King's Court System goes.  

Probably unknown to her, Heather Ann Tucci-Jaraff was defined as a British Territorial U.S. Citizen--- just like someone born in Puerto Rico, by a birth registration signed ( under conditions of non-disclosure) by her Mother, and so, being the victim of an Unconscionable Contract created when she was a baby, she had never issued an Express Trust or voiding claim on any public record, denying any of these presumptions. 

On top of that, she accepted the Title of "Esquire" and self-evidently had promised fealty to the British King, whose Bona Vacantia claims were being endangered.  

The irony of course is that Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf is actually an American.  And the assets she was attempting to save and claim are American assets.  

All the rest of it, the creation of the British Seaman and "her" Estate, (also named "Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf") like the process of declaring these phantasms legally dead, is all bunko -- a constructive fraud designed to latch onto American assets under conditions of secrecy, misrepresent the assets as assets belonging to a "lost" and intestate British Seaman--- thus creating an estate subject to Admiralty Law. 

The Brits took 40% of the value of this phony Estate before passing the Pope's 60% share on to the Holy Roman Empire's Municipal Government, which cashiered the rest as a Municipal Public Trust operating as HEATHER ANN TUCCI-JARRAF.  

So, still defined in the books as a British Esquire, Heather Ann seized upon the Municipal Public Trust ESTATE named after her and all the other Municipal Corporations, too, not realizing the quid pro quo and division of (American) spoils that the King and the Pope had already agreed upon.   

Of course, the other Americans were not present, because they were kept completely ignorant about all these fancy accommodations and the secretive trafficking of their "persons" in their purported "absence". 

In order to do what Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf was attempting to do for the good of mankind, she would have to generate an Express Trust and an Ecclesiastical Deed Poll, both, and give up being an attorney. She would have to collapse and object to both the Municipal TRUST and the Admiralty Estate and remove the assets to neutral ground, where they could once again be recognized as American Assets. 

She could not do this as an Esquire in the face of the King's Bona Vacantia interest in the "abandoned" intestate Estates of British Seamen. 

Now it turns out that none of the British Monarchs are actually Kings, and so, none of them can legitimately claim Bona Vacantia -- as if any of this gigantic fraud scheme ever had an iota of legitimacy in the first place. 

The only neutral ground available was in the City of Washington, DC, which the British Territorial Government had to maintain, but Tucci-Jaraff didn't know this and did not create the OPPT Trust as an independent private trust operated from Capitol Hill in the City of Washington, District of Columbia.   

She also didn't know that she couldn't use a British Territorial Commercial Bank to securitize recovered Municipal assets--- which landed her up against the U.S. Treasury Department and its prior claims on behalf of the British Crown and Monarch--- and in any case, she couldn't directly convert the resulting credit into Federal Reserve Notes, a private military scrip issued exclusively by the Federal Reserve Banks, without being accused of money laundering on behalf of the Pope. 

Te Deum. 

We are absolutely sure that Heather Ann never imagined, dreamed, nor agreed to act as a Double Agent, an Esquire of the King, and a bondslave of the Holy Roman Empire --- both --- but her identity had been stolen, like all the rest of us Americans, when we were babies in our cradles, by evil and self-interested goons.  The complex unlawful conversion and identity theft scheme imposed upon her by criminals without her knowledge or consent caught up to her. 

They've tried, unsuccessfully, to hang the same things on us. 

But we are not attorneys and we don't need the Securities and Exchange Commission for anything but butt wipe. We don't need the Federal Reserve, either.  We can and we did take the assets we claimed on behalf of the living people across neutral territory and holy ground, back to the land and soil of our beloved country, where we have reclaimed our own American Admiralty jurisdiction as well. 

We have developed our own "quantum" bank system, our own American Federal Treasury, our own sovereign treasury accounts, our own bilateral bank system, our own memberships on independent exchange platforms, our own currency, and everything else that we need to serve the American people. Our own courts are already operating in diverse places in this country, and it won't be long before the sovereign non-citizen people of this country exercise the concurrent General Jurisdiction owed to them.  

To the extent that we or anyone else needs Federal Reserve Notes to operate, that travesty will soon end.  The abusive use of "Special Admiralty" provisions tacked on to the Federal Court Rules of Civil Procedure, resulting in the corruption and unlawful conversion of normal Maritime and Admiralty Courts into King's Benches on land, will end, too.  So will the "registration" of American babies as foreign citizens come to an end. 

We expect the whole British-Romano hegemony to come to an end -- finally, after more than 2000 years of fraud and treachery and tribulation at the hands of Rome, and 300 years of fraud on the part of the British Governments. 

British Colonialism morphed into Corporate Feudalism as personified by the "World Economic Forum" is a dreadful, illegal, immoral, and unlawful prospect, which the entire world --- Bar Attorneys and Solicitors, too --- must resist with all acumen and force possible. 

We deeply appreciate the efforts of such luminary examples of attorneys and Juris Doctors who have tried to do the right thing --- Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, Reiner Fuellmich, and Richard Cordero among them --- but we also know that these people have been placed in grave danger because of unconscionable contracts being exercised against them by corporations masquerading as governments. 

Therefore, we alert the entire world populace to the danger these well-intentioned defenders of justice are in, and we provide this explanation of the complexity and nastiness and deliberate premeditated control matrix the Vermin responsible have created to protect themselves and their interests. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

January 1st 2025 


See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here:

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