By Anna Von Reitz
You see it everywhere -- black rocks, black water, black acres, black robes -- black, black, black. What is this about?
It's all connected to the Great Fraud and to a pre-history of the Earth that we have never, ever, been taught in any school, church, or other institution.
Black Acre is an infamous and completely theoretical bit of property used endlessly in law schools to demonstrate "positions in tort" --- a sort of Kamasutra of all the various problems one can face with respect to different kinds of property law and injuries that may be sustained and arguments that can be made.
Black Water is an infamous mercenary subcontractor of the Municipal United States.
The Black Rocks, both literal and figurative, are all over the place ---- the Kaab in Mecca, the "Black Stone of Light" at the United Nations, the Upside Down Pyramid in Alaska --- even the name of Larry Fink's Bond Company.
So what is all this black, black, black crappola about? Probate.
Oh, it's about a lot of other things, too, but primarily, it's about probate.
That's why all the judges and even the justices wear black robes.
They all think that they are engaged in probating God's Estate. They think that the Living God is dead.
How odd is that? They are about to find out otherwise.
In days to come, the Brotherhood of Saturn will be no more, and all the wrong-headed ideas that gave rise to their traditions will be exposed as the fantasies of children gone astray.
We'll have no more black rocks, black waters, black acres or black robes at all.
It's all going away, as it must and should, like a bad dream evaporates in the morning.
There have been two groups of "oathkeepers" since very ancient times. In some parts of the world they have been described in terms of "feathers" --- one group wore a single feather, and the other group wore two feathers.
Interestingly, the oaths that both groups took were invalid.
And still are.
Null and void, forever.
Here is a good example of how and why oaths are invalid.
How many of you used to watch "Perry Mason" on television (long, long ago) or "Matlock" or other law-and-order courtroom dramas?
Remember hearing Witnesses being "sworn in" to give testimony?
"I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God."
Swear? Whole truth? Nothing but the truth?
Swearing is against scripture, so you are sinning in public.
How would you know the "whole truth" about anything?
And exactly how you are to deliver "nothing" but the truth?
If you are breathing, you fail that test.
This is the kind of guile and nonsense used to entrap men like General Michael Flynn and subject them to judgment for "lying".
Let your yes, be yes.
Let your no, be no.
Don't be shy about calling out the shysters for entrapping you and don't hesitate to nullify any oath you may have taken.
You have a responsibility for your words and thought processes, but others have an obligation to fully disclose what they are doing, too.
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