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Thursday, May 5, 2022

The most epic and dangerous economic STORM in history is now upon us

 The most epic and dangerous economic storm in history is now upon us… and there’s no way out. The central banks and government kleptocrats have set the trap for themselves, and now they’re caught with no escape.

Yesterday the Fed just raised interest rates by 50 basis points (0.5%) in an effort to stem the tide of exploding inflation. But with real inflation at anywhere from 15% – 25%, the tiny gesture of 0.5% will have little effect at halting inflation.

It will, however, have a huge effect on real estate markets which, I publicly predicted three weeks ago, have already reached their peak. (I called the “top” of the real estate market around April 18th.) Higher interest rates mean higher costs to service mortgage loans, and that makes it more difficult for potential buyers to qualify for bank loans on overpriced housing and land. The result will be swift: A rapid unwinding of the housing bubble that was catapulted into place by absurdly low interest rates and seemingly endless money printing.

But that’s only the beginning of the news of the economic storm that’s now upon us.

The US trade deficit has now soared to nearly a $110 billion deficit in one month (March), which means the US simply isn’t exporting much, compared to all the things it is importing. This is a frightening indicator for the state of the US economy in the long run.

In addition, as CNBC is reporting, a shocking new economic report reveals that US worker productivity fell by 7.5% in the first quarter of 2022. That’s almost like a plunge off a cliff. Yet even as worker output is plunging, worker costs are skyrocketing. So America’s businesses and manufacturers are paying more money for less productivity. Prices go up, output goes down. Not a good thing for the economy.

Read all of this article and watch all the videos here:

Sunday Sermon • Sts. Philip & James, Apostles • 2022