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Sunday, August 18, 2024

International Public Notice: The Dutch and the Bank of England

 By Anna Von Reitz

We find it necessary to teach some more history that is even more arcane and lesser known than our own, but which sheds direct light on the circumstance and personalities that all nations face today.  

The genesis of all the maladies now encircling the globe, including much of the confusion, lies in the trade wars between Holland, specifically, the Dutch Republic, and England, specifically, the Commonwealth, taking place sporadically from the First Dutch War (1652-54) until the ascension of a Dutchman, William Stadtholder, aka, William of Orange, to the British throne in 1689.  

The Commonwealth is an extra-territorial jurisdiction with respect to England in its civil nature, and is regarded as a "Territorial" government in its own right.  Most of the naval battles of the last four centuries have been conducted by the Commonwealth and executed by the Commonwealth's Territorial Government.  The Commonwealth and its Territorial Government (which is distinctly martial in character) has also been instrumental in the promotion of the British Raj in India and other Raj-like impositions throughout the world.  

In less than fifty years, the Dutch not only conquered England on the High Seas and emerged the competitive victors in world markets (the Dutch have always believed in free trade) but they put their man on the British Throne and the Amsterdam bullion bankers also put their bank, the Bank of England, in control of the British economy. 

We had to smile when we read the naval rosters and saw the name "Martin Tromp" among the top Dutch Naval Commanders in the First Anglo-Dutch War.  The apples never fall far from the trees. 

We also had to smile when we read all the Spanish, Trojan, and Portuguese surnames of the Jewish investors who received the private bank charter for the Bank of England from William of Orange in 1694: Da Costa, Fonseca, Mendes, Nunes, Henriquez, Rodrigues, Salvador, De Mattos, De Medina.... 

As soon as William of Orange sat his butt cheeks down on the throne of England in 1689, he began a costly war with France, which occasioned a need for the Royal Treasury to borrow money from the Jewish Amsterdam Bullion Bankers who applied for and received the charter for the Bank of England.  

In exchange for the Dutch loan of £1,250,000 the King and the Royal Treasury agreed to the following terms and conditions which will seem very familiar to Americans in the present day who have suffered the outrages of the Federal Reserve System --- as they are identical to the same evils practiced here today

The terms and conditions imposed by the Amsterdam bankers were these: identities of the bankers on the receiving end of the deal would remain secret, they would be enabled to establish the Gold Standard for currency, make loans up to ten times the value of gold they had on deposit ("fractional reserve banking") and be allowed to consolidate the "National Debt" and extract both the principle and the interest as a direct tax levied on the people.  

The only difference between this quid pro quo established for the Bank of England in 1694 and the practice of the so-called Federal Reserve, is that instead of providing the Gold Standard, the Fed provides the Credit Value of commercial scrip. All the rest, including the promotion of a "National Debt" and the levying a direct tax on the people to recoup it, plus interest, is identical to the Federal Reserve and the Federal Income Tax System --- with one important exception. 

The British system imposed by the Bank of England is based on gold which results in an exchange of a valuable (if rigged) commodity, gold, in exchange for other valuable (if rigged) commodities --- flax, wheat, sow bellies, leather, etc. 

The Federal Reserve system imposed by the Federal Reserve Act is based on commercial paper amounting to an I.O.U. from the same banks guilty of this chicanery.  As a result, in America and Europe, wherever such promissory notes as the Federal Reserve Note and the Euro are passed off "as" money, the victims receive nothing at all of value in exchange for their goods and services. 

We have already seen this in action via our "Joe's Hamburger Shop" analogy, but more generally---- 

As a result of their deal with the King, the Bank of England was able to loan £1,000 in "money of account" for every £100 of gold they had on deposit.  They collected interest on the entire £1,000 as if they had actually loaned out £1,000 in gold, when they only had £100 to begin with and they kept that on deposit the whole while "to secure the loan" --- or, to our way of thinking, to secure one-tenth of the loan. 

This is generally called "betting on the come" or "kiting a check" or "spending money you don't have".  It's an accounting swindle.  The bank pretends -- on paper -- to loan you money it doesn't in fact have; it then charges you interest for this non-existent loan, and all they have at risk is 1/10th of the loan amount. 

So, in the example, they have £100 at risk, but at even 5 percent per annum on the purported £1,000 loan, they make back £50, or half of what they have at risk in a single year.  In two years, the bankers are ironclad, home free.  And the victims are still slogging along, paying 
£50 per annum, plus interest, for eighteen years more --- faithfully paying back money that they never actually received --- and which never actually existed. 

The bankers also force the victim to post additional "security" to back their non-existent loan, in the form of property, stock, bonds, or labor contracts much in excess of the value of the purported loan.  If he falls behind in making payment, the bank forecloses upon the property the victim used to secure his side of this phony transaction

Via this totally undeserved additional "consideration" of a secured interest in actual property, the banks hope to receive assets that are many, many times more valuable than the pittance they put up to float the £1,000 loan that they never really made. 

Our point(s) to the world at large are:

(1) England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales have been overrun by Dutch pirates and have been in their thrall for over 300 years; 
(2) These same Dutch pirates have pretended to be Kings and Queens of Britain ever since;  
(3) These Dutch pirates have promoted a corrupt banking system used by the largely foreign and Jewish bullion bankers of Amsterdam to promote non-existent debts, both public and private; 
(4) These parties have grown rich and powerful via unjust enrichment derived from credit fraud and legal chicanery imposed under color of law;
(5) The imposition of fiat currency as "legal tender" means that all the banks have at risk --- for a very short time --- is the cost of printing these I.O.U.s known as Federal Reserve Notes and Euros; 
(6) The Bank of England and its "fractional reserve banking" system is a giant swindle, as is the imposition of sovereign debt via direct taxation implemented by a private bank; if the bank, not the Parliament, has the power to tax, the bank is the government --- and nobody ever agreed to that -- except the bank's own flunkie, William Stadtholder, a common Dutchman, elevated by intrigue to serve as the British King over 300 years ago; 
(7) The Federal Reserve and its European counterpart, the International Monetary Fund, are promoting an even greater swindle against Americans, members of the British Commonwealth, Japan, and the western European nations that are still being illegally occupied by NATO.  Both the Federal Reserve Note and EURO are non-negotiable debt notes being traded for actual goods and services under force of so-called "legal tender laws"; 
(8) The American Government is not engaged in any of these practices and never was; these things have come into the world as the result of Dutch pirates and privateers acting in collusion with mostly Sephardic Jewish bankers--- who, by a combination of war-mongering for profit, legal chicanery, false claims in commerce, and "normalization" of a patently criminal banking system, have claimed the totally unearned right to tax British citizens, including U.S. Citizens of the Commonwealth nation of Puerto Rico;
(9) The same parties have then also conspired to misrepresent and mischaracterize American babies as British Territorial U.S. Citizens and subscribe them ---without disclosure---  to this venal system of perpetual debt and war-for-profit already foisted off on the British people and the British Commonwealth.  

We have all lived under the thumbs and forefingers of Dutchmen pretending to be Brits for 300 years, and, then also, under the sway of Spanish (Sephardic) Jewish bankers who have had their fangs in the House of Orange and Principality of Nassau since before the Dutch Republic was formed. 

The Dutch East India Company bilked its investors and the insurance companies and took on the identity of the British East India Company, instead.  

Using a British Territorial corporation calling itself "the United States of America, Incorporated" to impersonate the unincorporated American Federation of States doing business as The United States of America, was no big trick for them. 

Now, Mr. Trump, who has taken over the British Territorial USA, Inc., proposes that the latest iteration of corporate fraudsters calling itself "the American Government---- Incorporated" and  "United States Treasury --- Incorporated"  --- owns the US Banks, and promises to erase all the mortgage debts, college loans, property tax debts, income tax debts and other such debts that have been improperly applied to Americans. 

We say that we, the living people, and our States of the Union and our unincorporated Federation of States, are the Preferential Priority Creditors of all these incorporated things made of paper and we are the lawful, rightful, and legal owners of all the banks that have bilked us silly for over 160 years.  We foreclosed on them for debts they cannot repay.  Fair and square.  

The Perpetrators can't just wave their hands, say, oh, we forgive you all these debts (that we never owed in the first place) and pretend it's good.  That may be a good first step, but it's only a step.  

We are, after all, the victims of a double swindle right out of the box --- being mischaracterized first as U.S. Citizens and next denigrated to the level of a US CORPORATION; and it's true these banks never gave us anything of valuable consideration and yes, it's true that they colluded to saddle us with British sovereign debt, and that they, as private institutions, presumed to levy direct taxes on us  (property taxes and utility taxes and federal income taxes and state-of-state mortgages we never owed) and that we never in fact agreed to allow private foreign banks to tax us. 

They gave us nothing amounting to equitable consideration at any time at all, throughout all of this rampage of inland piracy. 

Not in England, not in France, not in Australia, not in Japan.... with the result that all these corporations and especially all these banks are in debt to us, the living people, up to their necks and beyond. 

They are in debt to us; we are not in debt to them.  

No matter what else you call it, whether propping up a Dutchman on the British Throne, or calling a Mercenary Conflict a "Civil War" (they did the same thing in England as in America), or creating a Rump Parliament or a Rump Congress that no longer represents the people so that you can push through an unjust political agenda --- it's all fraud. It's all a crime. And it's not excusable as any form of "war".  

We say it's time to Roto-rooter the entire system.  We say it's not sufficient to "forgive" debts that people don't owe.  

We say that six generations of living people have suffered under the boots of these fraudulent institutions which have done nothing but unjustly enrich themselves and their cronies at the expense of everyone else who was deceived and defrauded and harassed to pay debts they didn't owe, accept worthless I.O.U.s in "equitable exchange" for actual goods and services, pay property taxes on land that they in fact own and maintain, pay "gift and estate taxes" on their own estates, be forced to act as tenants in their own houses, become parties to indeterminate lease-purchase agreements, pay mortgages owed by foreign corporations, taxes on "federal income" they never received, be secretly press-ganged and conscripted to serve as ill-paid mercenaries and who have otherwise been grossly abused by those owing them "good faith service".  

Mr. Trump is a Dutchman born in New York, and yes, we do believe that he knows exactly what we are talking about.  We believe that he knows, intimately, the connection between the Dutch and British Governments.  

We believe that Donald Trump knows that the proverbial Piper is here to be paid, and that we, the Presumed Underwriters, are not at all happy with this situation.  

A true accounting is due.  An actual Jubilee, not just a hand-waving ceremony, is due. An end to the "Generation Skipping" Spendthrift Trust Scheme, is due.  An end to the so-called "Civil Wars" is long past due.  And an end to Dutch privateering, inland piracy, and fraud --- whether promoted as being "British" or not, is also long overdue.  

We note that the Lieber Code morphed into the Hague Conventions and we note exactly where --- in which Principality -- the Hague is located.  We note that we are owed the Treaties of Westminster and Ghent promising perpetual amity.  Not enmity.  

The man known as Demetrius Julius Shiva has been grossly mistreated by those who owed him safe conduct for his persons and his property assets, which have been illegally, unlawfully, and immorally used as public chattels by incorporated government entities seeking relief from their own debts. The assets contained in the so-called Global Collateral Accounts known as Code F.L.A.T. Master Accounts numbered 333, 555, 777, and 999 belong to him, but these reckless criminal banks and the corporate criminals colluding with them have not had the decency to recognize his irrefutable claims since 2005.  

This is just one case in more than 5,000 where the personal and family trusts and millions of constructive estate trusts owed to Americans have been illegally and unlawfully and immorally seized upon by the same banks and corporate bosses responsible for this entire deplorable mess --- simply to keep themselves afloat and glut themselves on other people's purloined credit and assets. 

These freebooters have lied about their employers, lied about their own capacity (and lack of capacity) and have misrepresented nearly everything there is to represent.  

The Dutch have played the English, the English have played everyone else, and the clueless Americans have unknowingly acted as the Muscle for all this crime against humanity, while the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope playing the Roman Pontiff, have sat in the middle of this humongous pile of Odious Debt, sucking up the profits on a 60:40 split. 

All the Corporations, Institutions, and Officers have had their share of the cream --- everyone but the actual owners, the people of this planet, who have been ruthlessly defrauded and denigrated by corporations that have no right to exist. 

There is no valid British Monarch as a result of the permanent distribution and allocation of British assets made by William the Conqueror and his grant of sovereignty in their own right to all the Norman Barons in England; if there is no basis for a British Monarchy, there is certainly no basis for a Dutch Republican to play the part of King in England. 

Neither the Reign of the Heavens Society and their bizarre claim to "own" our Confederacy based on buying a copy of The Articles of Confederation at a Naval Yard Auction, nor any other ridiculous pretense, will serve.  

It's time to build the Beautiful City, walk away from the past, and come home at last.   

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

August 18th 2024


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