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Monday, October 21, 2024

High I.Q. Politician Totally Destroys Woke Immigration Policies

 By Anna Von Reitz

High I.Q. Politician Totally Destroyed Woke Immigration Policies

This little mini-documentary is about Polish President Dominik Tarczynski, the only leader in the EU with the brains to stand up for his own country and ask simple, obvious questions, like--- 

Under international law, if there is a refugee crisis, the refugees are required to go to the nearest country and ask for asylum.  

So, is Poland next to Syria or Iraq or Yemen or Lebanon?  No. 

Why isn't Saudi Arabia opening its borders to all these refugees? 
It's a rich Muslim country within close distance of the homelands of all these refugees, but not one finger is raised to help them.  

How about Qatar, or Kuwait?  Again, rich Muslim countries that could afford to build housing and pay for their fellow-Muslims in distress, and they are close by where all these people naturally live. 

Instead, European countries that have entirely different cultural and religious traditions are supposed to save millions of Muslim refugees? 


What good are we doing for anyone, going about the problem like this?  

All we are doing is borrowing the trouble and spreading it out in a larger geographic area, and making it worse. 

It's great that Turkey and Egypt are welcoming them.  They are Muslims in a Muslim country that way.  Now, if the Saudis and some of the other oil-rich Muslim countries put their money where their mouths are and help support their own fellow-Muslims, it would be even better.  There are all sorts of Muslim countries in the Middle East and Africa.  Rich countries, lots of space for immigrants. 

Why not go there?  And why aren't these rich Muslim nations supporting the poor Muslim nations like Chad or Sudan, to take in these refugees?  

Angela Merkel was mad, crazy, a complete insane lunatic.  She didn't have the sense of a pigeon, yet, there she was, the leader of Germany, the most powerful industrialized nation in the EU.  This is what you get when you elect stupid people to important positions. 

Look at America with Joe Biden.  Politics has become a career for fools in the West.  Fools and crooks who aren't even smart about being crooked.  

How can a country hope to survive if its people are stupid and they vote for other stupid people out of sympathy for them?  

Hear all the Democratic Party candidates talk about how they failed at everything?   They couldn't run a grocery store?  They admit this, but they should run your country?  

Think about this for a moment..... 

They couldn't make it as a taxi cab driver, a locksmith, a school teacher, or a dancer?  But these people, these failures at everything, should make decisions about your country's economy and your future?  

Then you look around and you wake up and you say, "What's going on?" 

And the guy next to you says, "I don't know, but this is crazy stuff going on...." 

And you don't even know that it is because you have elected fools to run your country.  Literally, people with low I.Q.s.  People who can't read.  People who can't think with any logic. 

These same fools promise Mr. Zelensky billions of your dollars, then a huge catastrophic storm rips open the belly of your country,  thousands dead, more thousands without homes, with winter coming.  

Do they do the right thing?  Do they tell Mr. Zelensky, "We're sorry, but we can't send you all that money.  We have problems at home now."   

No, they try to make it a thing of honor.  They gave their word.  So you, who paid for those dollars, have to suffer, for what?  Their pride?  

More useless politicians were never born. 

And your useless media doesn't even report what's going on.  You have to go find out for yourselves, while your government doesn't try to help.  

There would be revolution in Poland.  Revolution would happen tomorrow

Nobody in Poland would put up with it.  Why do you?  Not a single Polish soldier would see his country abused, but your soldiers all stand there and do nothing?  

They care more for their paycheck and the orders of fools? 

What's wrong with you Americans?  Don't you have eyes in your heads?  Your country is being invaded, attacked from within.  Your elections are a joke.   

And Mrs. Harris, who pretends to be a black African, though her whole family comes from India ---- she's alright with reading a teleprompter.  No need for a thought in her head.  

Finally, some people in Michigan were rude to Mr. Obama.  They ran him off the stage.  They should have done that in 2008. 

All these "dumb Pollock jokes" make the rounds, but Poland is the safest and most productive country in the EU right now and all the Polish people in America still know how to think. 

They are on Youtube right now, teaching their neighbors how to can meat and preserve eggs for hard times that are coming to your country, because you are sending your money to Mr. Zelensky and letting fools represent you.... 

We can't add anything to that overall summation from the Polish point of view and even Ernest P. Worrell can see the sense in that. 


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: All United Nations Treaties Are Fraudulent

 By Anna Von Reitz

This is because the United Nations is an organization, like Great Britain, a company, not a country.  It has no sovereign identity and cannot engage as a true Principal as party to any Treaty or Contract. As a result, all so-called "United Nations" Treaties are, yes, indeed, fraudulent.  

Just like the Treaty of Manila Bay is fraudulent.  And the Treaties with the American Indian Tribes were fraudulent. 

None of the moving Parties who instituted these "treaties" had the standing to issue a real treaty --- each one of the sovereign countries have the right to make a treaty, but a country club with sovereign countries as members is not similarly endowed. 

So nobody is actually and factually bound by any United Nations "Treaty", and if the United Nations is going to be misused as a storefront for the endlessly corrupt and evil UN CORP, we would all be better off to simply disband the whole thing right now. 

Here we are reposting a Legal Memorandum from  at
which we recognize and fundamentally support, but we go a bit further --- any treaty enacted in fraud, without standing, under any condition of non-disclosure or deceit --- is null and void. 

There is no need for The United States or any other actual country to get out of anything that never really was; no obligation is created by a fraudulent contract.  

Likewise, our Federation of States which stands in similar non-sovereign status and acts as an Agent and sometimes Signatory or Assign of our actual sovereign member-States, recognizes the limitations of the United Nations as it recognizes its own similar inability to form (on its authority) any valid land treaty. 

The upshot is simply this: the United Nations organization and its shadow-side, the UN CORP, lack standing to enter into any binding treaty with any sovereign State, because neither of these entities are sovereign themselves, and cannot borrow sovereignty from Confederate States-of-States, which are inchoate business entities. 

The only "member States" that Harry Truman could bring to the table were British Territorial States-of-States, so neither the United Nations (Organization) nor the United States (Corporation) that Truman was representing had any standing to sign an actual treaty. Instead, as with the Treaty of Manila Bay, they signed "treaties" in Bad Faith and the result was a "sea treaty" --- a fraud.  

We wish the member nations of the United Nations to know that this is the actual fact and that charters are not treaties and that our country is under no treaty obligation whatsoever due to the fraudulent misrepresentations surrounding the actions giving rise to this whole situation.  The United Nations is not a sovereign entity and the "States" being represented by Harry Truman weren't sovereign States, either. The inevitable result is that no actual treaty exists. 

Two additional crucial questions to ask are --- (1) Which "United States" was Truman representing and did he have authority to do so?
and (2) How could Truman deliver a ratification by "States" lacking the legal and lawful standing to ratify a treaty?

Truman was operating as the President of the British Territorial United States, not The United States.   He was representing British Territorial States of States, mere business organizations, not actual States with the power to ratify a treaty.  It's self-evident why no such ratification was ever posted in the Congressional Record nor deposited, as required, with the United Nations. 

These facts invalidate every vote "the United States" has participated in since 1946, invalidate its position on the Security Council, and invalidate its signatures on the United Nations Charter. Not only that, the United Nation's status as a non-sovereign entity doubly invalidates every other "treaty" it has formed with sovereign nations. 

The whole thing, first to last and including but not limited to anything Joe Biden signed with WHO, Incorporated, is null and void for lack of standing and fraudulent misrepresentation.  

We draw your attention to the fact that the "Participation Act" doesn't actually allow participation.  

The following very informative Memorandum of Law is posted by independent sources at:  and we are reposting it for worldwide educational purposes. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

October 21st 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here:

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  • Is any participation and funding of the United Nations (and its subsidiary and/or associated organizations) legal?
  • Did the 1945 signing of the United Nations (UN) Charter and the US Senate vote authorizing the President’s signature create Treaty obligations binding on the United States? 
  • Was the UN Charter ratified as a Treaty by the US Senate or is it merely a contract between the United States and an international association?
  • Is the absence of the required deposit of the formal Instrument of Ratification evidence that the UN Charter was not lawfully ratified?
  • Are the UN Charter and related UN documents (such as the WHO Constitution) binding on State governments under the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution?
  • Are the UN Charter and related UN documents binding in any way on the United States?
  • What binding obligations does membership in the UN (and its subsidiary organizations) impose on the United States?
  • Was the manner in which then President Harry S. Truman presented the Charter to the US Senate unconstitutional as conceived in deceit, maintained in deceit and thus ultra vires, beyond the power of the President and Senate?
  • Are any signatories to the UN Charter bound, as if by a “Treaty”, to either the UN or its Member States?

Facts & Law: 

[A] At the end of World War Two the victorious powers negotiated the establishment of a successor to the League of Nations, to be called the “United Nations.”  The UN Conference in San Francisco, in the spring and early summer of 1945, following the defeat of Nazi Germany, adopted the Charter and it was opened for signatures. President Truman was present at the Conference when the US Secretary of State signed the Charter, June 26, 1945. [1]

[B] In Article 110 the Charter requires its ratification:

  1. The present Charter shall be ratified by the signatory states in accordance with their respective constitutional processes.
  2. The ratifications shall be deposited with the Government of the United States of America, which shall notify all the signatory states of each deposit as well as the Secretary-General of the Organization when he has been appointed.
  3. The present Charter shall come into force upon the deposit of ratifications by the Republic of China, France, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America, and by a majority of the other signatory states. A protocol of the ratifications deposited shall thereupon be drawn up by the Government of the United States of America which shall communicate copies thereof to all the signatory states. [2]

[C] Harry S. Truman, the President of the United States, and a former Senator, personally took the Charter to the US Senate asking for ‘advice and consent’ to join the United Nations.

[D] On July 28, 1945 the Senate held a Roll Call vote, as the Congressional Record shows [3]:

The Congressional Record states:

Two-thirds of the Senators present concurring therein, the resolution of ratification is agreed to, and the treaty is ratified.”

[E] The US State Department, as official Depository, has published a document showing the ratifications of the original members. This excerpt shows the initial US signing of the Charter by the Secretary of State in June of 1945 and the date in August of 1945 when President Truman signed the Charter while he was in Europe at the Potsdam Conference [4].

[F] While the National Archives shows a photo of President Truman signing the actual Charter on August 8, 1945. There is no record of a formal “Instrument of Ratification” on file with the Depository, as required by the Charter itself. [5] [6]

[G] The US Constitution provides, Article VI:

“This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby”

[H] The Vienna Convention on Treaties (VCLT) defines Treaties as contracts between sovereign states.

” Article 1 – Scope of the present Convention

The present Convention applies to treaties between States.

Article 3 – International agreements not within the scope of the present Convention

The fact that the present Convention does not apply to international agreements concluded between States and other subjects of international law…” [7]

[I] Congress initially adopted the UN Participation Act in 1945 [8] after President Truman signed the Charter.  While the Act provides for an ambassador-rank US Representative appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate it does not authorize US participation in the United Nations.

Discussion:     The United States relationship with the UN is unconstitutional, conceived in deceit, maintained in deceit and is thus ultra vires.

Harry S. Truman assumed the office of President of the United States when President Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945.  Previously he had been Vice-President of the United States and President of the Senate, of which he had been a member prior to becoming Vice-President.

In an unprecedented act, Truman personally presented the United Nations Charter to the US Senate and spoke to the body in favor of participating in the UN. He stated, among other points:

I am appearing to ask for the ratification of the Charter… in accordance with the Constitution. …  For this is not a static treaty” [9] (Emphasis added)

Although the President pro tem of the Senate inaccurately characterized the Charter of the United Nations as a “treaty” the President of the United States specified it was not a “treaty.”

This inconsistency suggests that the Senate was misinformed regarding the nature of the document. This situation is further exposed by the US State Department’s official compendium of Treaties in Force [10] and its supplement [11] which do not list the UN Charter as a Treaty in force.

The Vienna Convention on Treaties is clear: international agreements, such as Charters, are not treaties.

Therefore, by the preponderance of relevant authorities, the Charter is not a treaty. Despite the incorrect use of the word “treaty” in the Congressional Record, UN decisions do not trigger the “Supreme Law of the Land” clause of the Constitution.  The UN Charter was conceived, presented and maintained by deceit.  Any action by the US Government in furtherance of participation is ultra vires and void as unconstitutional.

Thus, State (and local) governments are not bound to follow UN dictates, including those issued by such subsidiary UN bodies as the World Health Organization.

The Charter explicitly differentiates between ‘Treaties’ and ‘international agreements’, stipulating that any Treaty brought before the UN must be registered with the Secretariat.  The facts further show that no signatory to the UN Charter is bound, as if by a “Treaty”, to either the UN or its Member States. Nations which conclude the same international agreement do not enter into a Treaty among themselves by so doing.  Section 102 of the Charter, the only Article referencing Treaties, states:

  1. Every treaty and every international agreement entered into by any Member of the United Nations after the present Charter comes into force shall as soon as possible be registered with the Secretariat and published by it.
  2. No party to any such treaty or international agreement which has not been registered in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article may invoke that treaty or agreement before any organ of the United Nations. [12]

The deception continues even today, since the US State Department erroneously refers to the UN Charter as a “multilateral treaty”.

“The United States is depositary for over 200 multilateral treaties – including, for example, the Charter of the United Nations, The Statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency, and the North Atlantic Treaty. In its depositary capacity, the United States keeps the original treaty texts and facilitates their signature, as appropriate. The depositary also receives instruments relating to the treaties, such as instruments of ratification, and maintains status lists of such actions.” [13]

Note that all of the United Nations ‘treaties’ listed on the various State Department compilations noted above appear to be operational agreements for various international agencies, not Treaties governing relations among States.

International conventions and agreements to form international associations, private clubs among nations, are not Treaties under Article VI of the US Constitution and as such are not binding on the Nation or its several States.

With the very recent Decision by the United States Supreme Court, Loper et al. vs Department of Commerce, overturning the traditional ‘deference’ shown by Courts to the interpretations of law by Federal Agencies, there is no special credence that we must give to the State Department’s interpretation of US treaty obligations. [14]

Continued participation in the UN and its subsidiary organizations, commitment of resources or public funding of same, on the basis of our alleged “treaty” obligations to them, is an unlawful act and must be immediately terminated.

Respectfully submitted,

Ralph Fucetola JD
Attorney at Law: 1971 – 2006

[7] VCLT:
[8] UN Participation Act of 1945:

Note: some agreements listed by the State Department as “multilateral treaties” are certainly not; for example, the Kosovo UN Security Council Resolution is on the list:

International Public Notice: Reposting With Commentary

 By Anna Von Reitz

We are reposting this from Dr. Rima Truth Reports Substack, because all those who are confused about who is who and how we got here need this information to fill in a good number (though not all) of the blanks.  

We will note in passing that the worst of this situation has been promoted on an intergenerational basis by certain families, some Jewish, some Catholic, some Scientologist.  You see the same names again and again.  This article explains some of that history in a way that makes it more understandable; people can now see how David Rockefeller today is related to J.D. Rockefeller, how Russell-Jay: Gould is related to Jay Gould, and how bad apples don't fall far from trees.  For example: Jerome Powell is related to Powell the explorer of the Grand Canyon. Barack Obama is related to Abraham Lincoln and Bill Clinton.  

When you begin to see all the threads and relationships, the spider web makes a lot more sense. So, the most recent rampage of gross fraud and pillaging began when?  The 1860's.  Who was at fault? 
Benjamin DIsraeli and Queen Victoria.  Why did they do it? Heartless scum bent on plundering India. Abraham Lincoln and U.S. Grant. Why did they do it? Family vengeance of Tories on Americans. 

We will note that Dr. Rima is wrong about one point -- her misunderstanding, however understandable, that the Title IV Flag which has been abused by these criminals, or any other national flag is at the root of the problem.  The problem isn't with the flag or any flag, even the pirate flag.  It's with the men who have misused and abused flags for venal purposes, much like men who use guns for murder instead of self-defense. 

Read on:  

Guilty as [Not] Charged. Q1: Who Owns the Damn Flag? Q2: What's the Difference Between "Globalist", "Robber Baron", "Oligarch", "Destructigarch" and "Tyrant"?

We are living in a tragic and deadly geopolitical theatrical show. Who wrote the script? Who commissioned it? Who hired (and pays) the actors? Why? Let's Talk About It.

Oct 21

Hint: RE: Q 1. If you answered “The Zionists” or “The Jews” or “The Kazarian Mafia”, you got the answer wrong. If that makes you unhappy, your really need to read on.

Bonus: RE: Q 2. Just 145 years and a couple of letters”.

Now let’s look at Q1: To find the answer, we have to look backward in history and, surprise, it isn’t to the Balfour Declaration or its antecedents and circumstances. That compass is far too narrow to explain the phenomenon we are seeing today, and the process by which we got here. No, we have to look to the age of the great emerging fortunes amassed by the robber barons of the 19th century.

What’s a robber baron? The Encyclopedia Britannica says, in an article written by one Stephen Schneider and “Fact-checked by The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica”

John Jacob Astor, engraving after a painting by Alonzo Chappel.

Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Key People:

George M. Pullman

Andrew Carnegie

J.P. Morgan

John D. Rockefeller

Jay Gould

“robber baron, pejorative term for one of the powerful 19th-century American industrialists and financiers who made fortunes by monopolizing huge industries through the formation of trusts, engaging in unethical business practices, exploiting workers, and paying little heed to their customers or competition. Alternatively, those who credit the explosive growth of American capitalism during this period to the indefatigable pursuit of success and material wealth are likely to celebrate these entrepreneurial tycoons as “captains of industry.” Among the sectors in which they compiled their great wealth were the oil, steel, liquor, cotton, textile, and tobacco industries, railroads, and banks.

It has been argued that these capitalist pioneers were the “antecedents” of the organized crime that emerged in the United States during the Prohibition era (1920–33). The robber barons transformed the wealth of the American frontier into vast financial empires, amassing their fortunes by monopolizing essential industries. In turn, these monopolies were built upon the liberal use of tactics that are today the hallmark of organized crime: intimidation, violence, corruption, conspiracies, and fraud.”¹

Please note the list of people identified as robber barons by Britannica: George M. PullmanAndrew CarnegieJ.P. MorganJohn D. RockefellerJay Gould. That list, of course, is not exhaustive, but is of extreme interest when you consider the 1911 political cartoon, published in the St. Louis Post Dispatch by one of the great political cartoonists of his era, Robert Minor:

Minor indicates “John D. Rockefeller, J. P. (Pontifex Maximus) Morgan, (Pontifex Maximus), John D. Ryan of National City Bank, and Morgan partner George W. Perkins. Immediately behind Karl Marx is Teddy Roosevelt, leader of the Progressive Party.²

The captains of industry of the US, England and the European Continent paid for the socialist revolutions around the world. JP Morgan, for example, financed both the Kerensky, who successfully overthrew the Tzar and established the Russian Revolution as the ruling force of the Russian Empire and Lenin’s Bolsheviks, who overthrew Kerensky and seized power for themselves. He was not alone, of course, Rockefeller and the others helped by giving very generously their financial, propaganda, material and political support to the Russian³, and Chinese revolutions.

In some ways, robber barons/captains of industry are just like the rest of us. When they go shopping

they spend money for exactly what they want. When “Wall Street”, the world’s great capitalists and bankers, its fiercely competitive and utterly ruthless economic mafia dons, collude to buy themselves an entirely different economic system, one that allegedly will destroy them and their power, we have to ask, “Why? Why would they do that? What are they getting when they buy one socialist revolution after another (and pay for counter revolutions if they don’t like the first one, as in Kerensky and the Bolsheviks)? They are capitalists, locked in fierce and deadly struggle with socialists, aren’t they?”

Well, no, they are not. Their propaganda, designed for us peasants (whom their beloved Karl Marx characterized as “sacks of potatoes”). Because they are buying precisely what they want: absolute and utter control of the raw materials of production, the means of production, the output of production and the sales of products which were made under their total control.

WE care about labels like “Capitalism” and “Democracy” and “Socialism” and “Communism”. They don’t.

WE care about national attributes and identifications like “American” and “Canadian” and “Chinese” and “North Korean” and “German” and “Israeli” and “Saudi” and “Russian”. They don’t.

WE care about the political designations we go to war for like “Nazism” and “Freedom” and “Imperial” and “Democratic”. They don’t (and happily fund both sides of every war because they are the only real winners of each and every war).

WE care about religious distinctions like “Christian” and “Muslim” and “Jewish” and “Hindu”. They don’t.

WE care about political ideologies and their territorial and social claims like “Racism” and “Antisemitism” and “Zionism” and “Sexism” and “Transphobia”. They don’t.

THEY really do care about depopulation and eugenics, though. And they have been shopping at the Depop Depot Department Store since Professor Sir Francis Galton first coined the seductive and scientific term, “Eugenics”, in 1883. Sir? Yup. The father of eugenics, depopulation “science”, who was, by the way, a cousin of Charles Darwin, was knighted for his contributions to humanity in 1909, 2 years before his death.¹⁰

Look where they shop. Look where the Open Foundation/George Soros shops. He buys hate at the global hate store. Look where the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation/Bill and Melinda Gates shop. They shop at the Destructocrat Emporium where genes and lives are on sale, and they are very, very cheap.

Look where the Good Club shops. They shop at the “Let’s have a climate change clam bake where the little people get to starve and we get to own everything because we convinced them that eliminating food to eliminate carbon (them) made some sort of sense when it is utterly stupid!!!!”

It is generally said by those on every side of every political, religious, philosophical, economic, social, racial or other divide, that we are on the brink of destruction such as we have never known before due to the nearly miraculous capacity of administrative, military, informational, medical, genetic and communications technologies. Each of them contains a powerful and potentially massively disruptive set of capacities. Linked together, any combination of them is almost unimaginably powerful.

If they were linked together by unaccountable plutocrats acting on their own hidden and deeply unhumanitarian agenda, they could be focused to become unimaginably tyrannical from the most minute level of existence to the most enlarged one of which we are capable even in imagination. They are linked together in exactly that way, but the ruthless, rich and relentlessly destructive, self-appointed and self-anointed heirs, both genetically and psychologically, of the utterly amoral and vicious robber barons of yore. They are identical and they have neither morality nor limits to their deceit and destructiveness.

They own the flag. The one that they throw up and over the wall. They disguise it as someone else’s flag, but this is the real one:

They use tricks. They make it look like a Saudi flag or an Israeli flag or a Palestinian flag or a Spanish flag or a North Vietnamese flag or a Japanese flag or a Chinese flag or a Russian flag or a Black Lives Matter flag or whatever is convenient. And they employ their talented and well-practiced propaganda mills to move us, convince us, shift us, mobilize us into whatever Malthusian Management position they want us in.

And damned if we don’t fall for it over and over and over and over and over. And damned if we don’t hate each other on command, and kill each other on command, and inject each other with bioweapons on command and congratulate ourselves for how well informed and smart we are to understand things so clearly and be ready to build back better or tear down totally or eat the bugs or move into a Smart City or whatever they tell us our lives depend on today.

Look, o one has read me into any secret programs or shared with me anything that is not widely available. I have no security ties or clearances and never had had even the opportunity to have any (which I would have roundly rejected, by the way). My late husband, Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Deceased), who held every security clearance of which he was aware, never so much as breathed a whisper of classified - or even potentially classified - information to me in our 26 magnificent years prior to his assassination.

So what I see I see with my own eyes, ears and capacity to decode complexity in my search for underlying causes. It is my firm and fixed conviction that unless and until you understand the root cause of the problem(s) you are dealing with, or impacted by, or being threatened/hurt/killed by, you cannot cure the problem. That means that instead of a holistic approach which resolves the problem you can only come up with an allopathic one that suppresses the symptom you are focusing on at the moment, but leaves the process unchecked, only to create more symptoms.

That is why I believe that the efforts to exit the WHO, for example, are wasted, despite how deadly WHO is. Whatever the WHO does, another organism of the parent beast, death machine that dispatches the WHO to do its evil deeds, the UN, can do just as completely if the WHO is wiped off the face of the earth (which is not a bad idea, it is just not effective enough).

For example, the damage and destruction of national and personal sovereignty ensured under the IHR (legally binding only if a nation’s membership in the UN is not fraudulent, which every country’s membership is¹¹) and the “Pandemic Preparedness and Prevention” idiocy is also assured under the UN Committe on Environment and Development¹², the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs¹³, the UN Guidance on Municipal Financial Affairs¹⁴ and more, much, much, much more

all summed up under the wildly misnamed “Sustainable” [sic] “Development” [sic] Goals¹⁵

and every terrible thing they actually entail.

We know that disruption and destruction are being planned for us

¹⁶, as this 2024 report from the Government of Canada,

¹⁷ tells us.

But wait! Here is the same plan for our destruction again,

in the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report, 2019, 14th Edition¹⁸

Oh, but wait! Here is an earlier iteration of the same chart

in the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report of 2010¹⁹

It’s all over the World Economic Forum (WEF). Wait! What? the WEF, a private organization is telling governments how to think about the future and what to do about it?
Given that the trail of culpability seems to lead through, to, under and behind the World Economic Forum, which has at least two formal contracts with the Unelected Nobodies (UN) to implement global disruption and destruction (AKA Agenda 21/Agenda 2030/The Great Reset/the Fourth Industrial Revolution/Pact for the Future/Digital Compact, etc.) perhaps we might find what Dear Leader Schwab, his “You will own nothing and be happy”-ness himself, has to say about these disruptions and their solutions (the $$ part is highlighted in green, of course)

That leads us to the McGuire Rule: “Follow the money!”

Who funds the World Economic Forum? Good question:

Footnotes 1, and 2 in the above are referenced below as:
Footnote 1 ²¹, Footnote 2 ²²

In case you are planning on dropping in to Davos 2025 on January 20-24, for a look-see and a bit of hobnobbing with the 2000 or so people who will be at Davos for the WEF meeting this year, you’d better have a flourishing piggy bank:


but there’s a bit more to budget for since “Figures vary, but overall costs can exceed £250,000 for the week; rental homes can cost around £15,000, plus high food, drink and event prices (a hot dog reportedly costs $43). Many attendees fly in on private jets and hire drivers for the week, too.”²⁴

So we have a fancy club of fancy (that means inordinately, astonishingly wealthy) robber barons who have decided to reform/transform society to their liking and have seized upon the global control system which earlier robber barons put in place to serve as the agency of supernational, or as Justin Trudeau put it, the first post-national state.


Of course, if you succeed in destroying national autonomy via uncontrolled migration and supranational policies like the ones that have been inserted in legislation all around the world (see, for example, Canada’s C-293, US 116-22, New Zealand’s Health Plan, the EU’s Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA) and many, many more) every nation is a post-national state.

And the destructagarchs can bring out their flag and own it outright because you will either be dead by that time or will have been rendered totally powerless.

That is, after all, the goal. How powerful do you think the transhumanized, Bio digitally converged crypto cattle in their SMART prison cities are going to be?

So the robber barons 2.0 and beyond, now fully in charge of everything, will not need to hide anything because they can fearlessly and flagrantly do anything.

Or, we can recognize that they are the menace and get our nations out of the Death Machine they and their evil predatory psychopathic predecessors have built precisely and specifically for our destruction: the United Nations.

How? Go to and, if you live in the US, use your Freedom Mouse to take all 6 steps of the 10 Million Patriot Challenge. They only take a few minutes, but they are critically important.
If you live in Canada, visit and then take the steps of the 10 Million Patriot Challenge as well.

If you live elsewhere, do the same: the 10 Million Patriot Challenge gives voice to your discontent in a way that, roared loudly enough, can literally save humanity from the most powerful destructive force we have ever faced.

So, when we are asked to fight and destroy one another because some flag has been flung across our walls with destructive impact, the owner of the flag is always the same: it is always the destructigarchs, the tyrants, the predatory robber barons who have no national, religious, tribal or loyalty. Their flag serves only tyranny and dehumanization.

So could we please stop falling for the same trick over and over and over and over and over and over?


By that time, the generous philanthropic revolutionary shoppers had instituted widespread culling of the feeble-minded, indigent, those inconvenient and religiously, politically, culturally or otherwise guilty of being too “other” for the princes of society to have in THEIR world.