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Monday, December 14, 2020

Editorial: At This Critical Time, President Trump Should Take Action

Sen. Paul Won’t Rule Out Filing Objection to Electoral Results

 Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) says he isn’t ruling out filing an objection to electoral votes during the joint session of Congress on Jan. 6, 2021.

“We’re still looking at all the legal stuff that’s happening with the legal cases and we’ll make our decision after we’ve seen all the legal challenges,” the senator told CNN on Dec. 10.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) recently told reporters that he’s leaving the option open as well. Johnson, the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, this week will hold the first congressional hearing on the election, citing “irregularities.”

The joint session features both bodies of Congress meeting to count electoral votes.

Situation Update, Dec. 14th – Calls grow for Insurrection Act, window of opportunity Dec. 18th – 24th

  • Increasing calls for Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act, coming from attorney Lin Wood, The Epoch Times, Gen. McInerney and many others.
  • Sidney Powell says clear evidence of foreign interference allows Trump to invoke his 2018 EO and seize all the assets of corporations and individuals who were complicit in the election rigging.
  • Gen. Flynn calls for Trump to invoke the 2018 Executive Order on foreign interference.
  • President Trump declares any swing state electoral votes cast today are cast under conditions of vote fraud.
  • Pennsylvania chooses alternate electors, putting election into contention until at least Jan. 6th.
  • Sources warn of coming “10-day lockdown” with window of likely action appearing to be Dec. 18th – 24th. The next window is right after Jan. 6th, if all other efforts fail.
  • CCP infiltration of Big Pharma, Big Tech, the legacy media, election voting machines, lawmakers, regulators, universities and more. We are living under enemy occupation.
  • Patriots growing restless, about to initiate their own action to defend the republic.
  • Trump must invoke the Insurrection Act, deploy the troops, and arrest the traitors.

Don't Believe the UK is Knackered?

 By Anna Von Reitz

Please understand that when I talk about "the Brits" being at the bottom of the dogpile - predictably -- each and every time there is trouble in the world, I am not talking about the people of Great Britain. I am not even talking about their military, nor, for the main part, about their Secret Service.
I am talking about the unaccountable and criminal portion of their government that operates in the background in the same way that the so-called "Deep State" operates here. Normal people in Britain are just as clueless and unaware of this Hidden Hand as people have been here, and they are just as innocent of any wrong-doing associated with the actions of this entity.
Let us for a moment regard what I call "The Fundamental Problem" which is a paradox of sorts.
The only reason a government is needed, and the only valid cause for the existence of any government, is to protect the people and the assets of a particular nation.
A "nation" is not the same thing as a "country" -- the concept of nation involves the living population, the Body Politic, in control of a country; so, while a government may indeed be protecting rocks and trees and rivers belonging to the people of a country, the real object of government is to protect the people and their assets, with the country being part of their assets.
The people of America and the persons inhabiting "the Territorial and Municipal United States" who provide us with governmental services make up two completely separate populations, two different Body Politics.
The so-called District Governments, both Territorial [Commonwealth] and Municipal, are subcontractors who are supposed to be working for us according to the terms and conditions of their respective Constitutions--- but the real take-home message is that they are not us, even though they are often born here, and look and speak and seem to be as "American" as anyone else.
The evil world-spanning interlocking trust directorate in control of the Municipal Government of Washington, DC, went completely rogue in the 1930's and has continued to be misdirected in pursuit of criminal aims and unbridled profiteering ever since. This is what is commonly called "the US" and we, Americans, who have been victims of it like everyone else, are being blamed for its actions.
In the same way, the people of Britain are being blamed for the actions of "the UK", and its manifestation, the British Crown Corporation, which has for the most part the same kind of relationship with them that "the US" has with us.
Over the years, both these organizations have been piecemealed out and their functions have been "privatized" and "consolidated" until now, when they have been converted (again) from operating as upfront commercial corporations to operating as Limited Liability Corporations --- LLC's.
This has been done to limit their liability and their accountability, economic and otherwise, to their employers. We've already discovered the paperwork for "the US" conversion, and here is the paperwork for the UK conversion:
And all of this takes us back to the Fundamental Problem.
We hire governments to protect us and our assets, but without our direct involvement in their day to day operations, and without our constant monitoring and disciplining, these organizations devolve into Protection Rackets very easily and you can see why.
In order to act "for" you and protect you, they have to be given a certain amount of control over you, and therein lies the rub and the Great Temptation to steal from their employers and coerce their employers and misrepresent their employers.
Thus we had FDR's thugs going around and collecting privately held gold from Americans in the 1930's, and thus we are facing the possibility of more Municipal Government thugs showing up on our doorsteps with needles in hand, ready to "claim and earmark us" in a process akin to branding cattle.
Our recourse is to outlaw these activities and these commercial claims based on illegal and immoral Patents which have been issued "in error" by the US Patent and Trademark Office, which has, in turn, been mismanaged and misdirected by SERCO -- a private organization that has no valid authority delegated or otherwise--- to issue Patents here.
Our further recourse is to liquidate the corporations responsible, including SERCO, Microsoft, the Pirbright Institute, NIH, CDC, and so on.
So when I talk about "the Brits" being responsible for this entire Mess, understand that it isn't the British people who are at fault, nor is it the American people at fault.
This is the fault of the "for hire" government instrumentalities, the Roman Curia, successive Popes, and the various politicians and officials who have engaged in racketeering against their own people.
These incorporated organizations have used and abused their own employers and devolved into Protection Rackets, and they are now trying to protect themselves both from their enraged employers and from all the other people around the world that they have been abusing "in the name" of their employers.
Their only way out is to clean up their act and steer a straight line, but that is not what some of the "Management" of these organizations propose. Instead, they offer a scheme by which the Chinese are pitted against the Americans, which gets rid of two pesky problems for them: the uncontrollable population growth of China and China's unbridled pollution of the environment, plus getting rid of their Priority Creditors, all in one stroke.
Let the Chinese take heed that they are being played, and not by us.
Let the people of Britain and every other country in the world be aware that all these "governmental services corporations" that are members of the UN CORP are rogue and all are engaged in criminal racketeering against their employers, ---and all are acting under the concerted direction of the owner/operators of the UN CORP, which includes the Pope and some very, very unsavory European and Asian Businessmen.
This problem exists because the various Popes and the Roman Curia have failed to oversee the corporations and liquidate those that are operating for unlawful purposes. They have gleefully joined in the profiteering, instead.

This means that the people of each country must be awakened and clued in and organized to take equally concerted action to liquidate the offending corporations which have been chartered "in their names" and to outlaw profit-making from unlawful activities, and especially, to outlaw commercial claims based on unlawful and illegal patents that have been issued without granted authority "in our names".


See this article and over 2800 others on Anna's website here:

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Attorney General Barr to Leave Administration, Trump Announces

A Quick Comment -- It's Not Really China

 By Anna Von Reitz

Many of you have received news stories, claiming--- correctly--- that Chinese Government Operatives have infiltrated nearly everything in sight and are actively engaged in trying to conquer this country by any means fair or foul, and also clearly stating that many "American" politicians have been bought off and are engaged in acts of treason.

All of that is true and apparent and has been for years. 

What isn't being said is just as important.  The Chinese are doing this because they were hired to do it and promised big rewards if they did.  Hear that?  They have been paid off and instructed and assisted to do all this.  

By whom?  Who else?  The ones that are always at the bottom of the dogpile. The Brits, including the Lord Mayor, the Government of Westminster, the Governors of HSBC, the British Crown Corp, SERCO, and the BBC. 

Our "friends" at it again. 

So don't waste your spitwads and F-16s on China or Trudeau.  Go directly for the head of the snake and whack it off.  

Target Edinburgh for starters and make sure you take out Glammis Castle.  Then bomb the Inner City of London into smithereens.  

And if they still continue their "antics" we can give you a lot of other far more appropriate targets than Shanghai or Beijing.


See this article and over 2800 others on Anna's website here:

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Arizona Republicans to File Election Appeal to US Supreme Court

Anti-Freeze, Anyone?

 By Anna Von Reitz

A recent article in The Epoch Times notes that people with allergies should not take the vaccine for "Covid-19" -- and then, helpfully, goes on to list the ingredients: 

"The components are listed as follows: lipids (0.43 mg (4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2-hexyldecanoate), polyethylene glycol, N,N-ditetradecylacetamide, 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, cholesterol, potassium chloride, sodium chloride, monobasic potassium phosphate, dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate, and sucrose." 

Polyethylene glycol is a relative of ethylene glycol, the main ingredient in anti-freeze, which regularly kills animals. 

Polyethylene glycol is not as toxic as ethylene glycol, but it is definitely known to harm people who have kidney problems.  Attacking the kidneys and electrochemical balance of the body is the way that ethylene glycol kills, so polyethylene glycol is still a poison, just not as clear-cut about how long it takes to harm the same tissues, and at what concentration it becomes a true poison.
I think I can safely say no on that one.  

Potassium Chloride can also be a problem.  Even though potassium salts used to be far more common in our agrarian diet, many of us are quite allergic to any significant amount of Potassium Chloride. 
I am definitely allergic to that. 

 And dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate --- here's the list of common side effects: 

Common side effects may include:
nausea, vomiting, stomach pain,
bone or joint pain;
headache, dizziness, tired feeling;
muscle pain or weakness;
increased thirst;
or numbness or tingly feeling

With all that to choose from, who needs a virus?  You can get just as sick from the cure. 

But do you notice that in this long, ugly sounding recitation of ingredients, there is something missing?  None of the chemicals listed are the active components of an anti-viral vaccine based on the injection of patented mRNA.  There isn't a single reference to any form of DNA or DNA components in the ingredient list, yet we know that any vaccine for a virus has to contain these. 

Why aren't they mentioned, when they are the main "payload" of this whole vaccine fiasco?  Oh, I forgot.  The Guilty Parties including the CDC and NIH copyrighted the gene sequences of Covid-19 and they prohibit anyone from referencing the virus they invented or its components. 

So far we've been too chicken to ask exactly how these morons were able to obtain a Patent or a Copyright on a "product" that serves no lawful purpose at all?


See this article and over 2800 others on Anna's website here:

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Is Attorney General Barr a coward?

Keeping Everyone Posted on Wilfred's Protocol

 By Anna Von Reitz

This is Day Fifteen of our initial three-week countdown while following the Back Restoration Program pioneered by my friend, Wilfred, who successfully overcame old injuries and osteoporosis. 

Three of us have embarked on this venture together, me, because of an injury to my left arm and elbow last month when I jammed into a stair railing, my young friend Shannon, who fell off a roof and broke his back this past summer in a work-related accident, and Harold, my ExO, who is suffering from arthritis in his shoulder and knee. 

I got pain relief --for the first time in six weeks-- within four days following this combined anti-inflammatory and bone/cartilage replacement program.  Since then, I have had no similar pain in my arm --- only the kind of weariness that comes from using muscles that have weakened from disuse.  

There have been lots of odd "shadow aches and pains" in other locations throughout my body, in places where I have been injured in the past--- back, neck, knee, both ankles--- and then, it's gone, all of it. No pain at all.  

While we have our attention drawn by pain to specific areas where inflammation is occurring right now, it's really a systemic condition, impacting your entire body.  Those old injury sites of mine were probably still in an otherwise undetectable low-grade state of inflammation, even years after the bone injury itself had healed.  

Once the overall condition of inflammation was alleviated through diet, it makes sense that all those old injury sites and any low-level inflammations still ongoing, were revisited and released, too. 

The upshot after the sixth day is that I feel wonderful.  My posture is effortlessly improved.  Energy levels are high.  And my clothes are sagging in a way that assures me that my weight is headed in the right direction.  

Thanks to the helpful know-how of my Vegan friends, and especially Delisa Renideo's The Barefoot Gardener Cookbook, it has been easy to wean off dairy, and thanks to the availability of gluten-free bread and crackers, avoiding the inflammatory aspects of wheat has been simple, too.  

In terms of the pain, my problem is already resolved -- but I plan to stick with the diet and evaluate what I've learned and experienced after the three week intro. 

We chose three weeks because it took three weeks for Wilfred to get pain relief when he first worked all this out. I had far less serious damage, so, apparently, I got relief in the much shorter time period of four days. 

Shannon, who has serious long term injury to his lumbar vertebrae, is a different story.  We had no illusions about the seriousness of his injuries or the likelihood of a long slog before he could expect real pain relief.  Yet, as of yesterday, some minor miracles had happened for him, too.  

He sneezed and in the process, his back "cracked". He could feel the whole vertebral column releasing without pain.  And he stayed without pain for hours afterward.  Like me, he later suffered the kind of pain that comes from working atrophied muscles, but that is nothing compared with the pain that has wracked his body since the accident.  

Last night, he was able to sleep in his bed instead of a recliner, and he slept late without being awakened by pain.   All of this is very encouraging.  If similar gains come in the next two weeks, he will be back to near-normalcy and able to work, pain free----and that, alone, is a miracle. 

Harold, too, has been moving around a bit easier, though left to himself he tends to cook recipes he learned in Scout Camp -- Beanie Weenies, for example.  Nonetheless, he has adapted his diet--- no dairy, no wheat, no booze, good oils, limited caffeine---- and his pain has eased off, too.  

Three out of three.  Coincidence?  Following the same diet that had the same effect on Wilfred? I don't think so.  

I think we are onto something here that can help millions of people live pain-free lives and even reconstruct damaged joints, end arthritis, and reverse the ravages of osteoporosis.  Without drugs. Without pain-killers.  

Stay tuned. 

One thing that I didn't mention about the Back Restoration Program is that oils are important and we need to choose good oils and avoid oils that are inflammatory or which easily denature.  

Avocado oil and avocados are especially good for this program. One study found that eating a small to medium-sized avocado every day for a week increased mobility by a factor of 45%.  If not avocado oil, Wilfred recommends olive oil for lower temperature applications like salad dressing. 

Another thing I didn't mention is that new research at the University of Utah has discovered that Nutritional Yeast, one of the key ingredients in Vegan "Cheesy Sauce" has been found to have a stunning anti-inflammatory healing effect on patients with arthritis.  

This alternative to dairy-based cheese sauce is delicious and easy to make and can be endlessly varied.  I served some with chiles and Mexican seasonings with corn chips during the Sunday football game and got nothing but applause from the Manly Men. 

Here is a standard recipe for it, so that everyone can treat their loved ones who are suffering from arthritis: 

Cheesy Sauce

2 cups water
1/4 cup raw almonds or cashews (cashews are easier to blend). 
1/4 cup nutritional yeast flakes
3 Tbsp. cornstarch or arrowroot powder
1 tsp. onion powder or granulated onion
1/2 tsp garlic powder or granulated garlic
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp to 1 Tbsp. lemon juice  (less lemon equals milder cheese)

Blend all ingredients until smooth.  Pour into a saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.  This will thicken to a cheese sauce consistency. 
If you want it to look even more like cheese, you can add red bell pepper or pimentos or paprika. 

Most people don't notice the difference and wolf it right down; those who do notice stop to inquire ---and then continue wolfing anyway.  

Sharing recipes isn't my normal topic, but if you had a recipe that could give someone near-instant pain relief, and just in time for the holidays---- I think you'd all be out there sharing it, too. 


See this article and over 2800 others on Anna's website here:

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Mongoose: Did SOF Just Take Down CIA Dominion Servers in Nice, France? And Also Give Macron a Procupine Enema?