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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Sunday, January 3, 2021
A Most Succinct and Timely Run Down of BS-19, EXCEPT.....
By Anna Von Reitz
I didn't have time to read beyond
Chapter 2, but will finish tomorrow.
I generally agree with the Author's
conclusions in Chapter 1, except that, while there is "something very wrong"
with the Book of Revelation, and it is very likely a later "homage" to the
Apostle John written by same drug-crazed friend of "Saint" Jerome from Ephesus,
the same man who is guilty of the misogynist rants attributed to St. Paul, and
added to the Canon at the same time. I would not suppose that Zionists are
And, in Chapter 2, there is no way
that the current man-made beastie is competent to deliver "Air-borne AIDS". The
actual HIV virus is thousands of base-pairs long, while the fragment of HIV
inserted in BS-19 is only a couple hundred base pairs at most. It appears to be
an alteration aimed at disrupting one or two natural gene patterns, most likely
to make the Common Cold more infectious, no more or less.
And that is bad enough so that anyone
involved should be punished. Severely.
But here is the nice, juicy succinct
run down of players and events, a sort of "blow by blow" ----
"In 2015, the Pirbright Institute in
UK had received a patent for the weakened version of a Coronavirus virus in the
same family as the new Wuhan virus.
The Pirbright Institute claimed that
this Coronavirus can be used as a “vaccine”. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health
Security in partnership with the World Economic Forums and the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18,
2019, in New York, NY.
The Event 201 was a simulation of the
Coronavirus pandemic. Months before the Wuhan pandemic, experts in the US had
issued warning that a Coronavirus pandemic can kill 65 million people.
It was announced that the salvation
will come from the vaccine (“DNA medicine”) that was created by the biotech
company “Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc” ($93.8M cash / investments as of 9/30/19),
funded by Bill Gates through the CEPI – “Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness
Innovations”. Partners and collaborators of Innovio include DARPA and U.S.
Military HIV Research Program.
On January 30, 2020, Inovio
collaborates with Beijing Advaccine to advance INO-4800 Vaccine against new
Coronavirus in China.
On February 10, 2020, Inovio
Pharmaceuticals receives authorization from the US FDA to begin clinical trial
for INO-3107, a DNA medicine to treat a “rare disease” – recurrent RESPIRATORY
Papyllomatosis (aka “RRP”).
That is, we have now on our hands not
only the AIRBORNE EBOLA and AIRBORNE HIV, but also the AIRBORNE HPV (Human
Papillomavirus, known to cause cervical cancer).
It is known that vaccines against HPV
cause infertility. And Bill Gates openly accepts that his production of vaccines
aims at cutting down the population growth.
“Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc” works on
the Zika, MERS, Lass Fever, and Ebola viruses too. So, we can expect the
AIRBORNE ZIKA too… “Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc” works on the “DNA medicine” for
HIV as such, without the Coronavirus delivery.
So, we can expect the purer form of
the AIRBORNE AIDS, for sure.
Gates develops his genocidal strategy
together with the Dutch company Qiagen N.V. Dutch known for taking on most dirty
blackops of the Five Eyes.
As it is claimed in the February 2020
presentation made by the “Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc” for investors, the “Inovio
Pharmaceuticals Inc” made a Coronavirus vaccine “within hours” (three hours, to
be exact)… of seeing the viral sequence. While it is known that usually it takes
up to a year to make a vaccine.
So, Bill Gates had hidden his war
against humanity behind the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations
(CEPI), headquarters in Norway.
CEPI is being funded by the Wellcome
Trust, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum, the
governments of Norway, Germany, Japan and India.
CEPI had invested $37.5 million in
Austria-based Themis Bioscience and $56 million in US-based Inovio
Pharmaceuticals, Inc. to develop vaccines against global pandemics (e.g., Lassa
fever and MERS).
CEPI had financed creating a vaccine
for 2019 Wuhan Coronavirus (nCoV-2019), developed by Moderna, Inc., Innovio, the
University of Queensland CureVac.
CureVac is a biopharmaceutical
company headquartered in Tübingen, Germany, that develops therapies based on
messenger RNA (mRNA).
Moderna, Inc. is a Cambridge,
Massachusetts-based biotechnology company that is focused on drug discovery and
drug development based on messenger RNA (mRNA). The company creates synthetic
mRNA that can be injected into patients to help them create their own
The highlighted “DNA” technology by
the “Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc” is “the designed plasmids” delivered through
proprietary smart device “Cellectra”.
“Cellectra” device makes injections
of the designed plasmids, which are supposed to be “antigens”. Controlled
milli-seconds electrical pulses are applied to the needle electrodes, which then
form an electric field. The electrical field creates temporary openings in the
cell membrane, allowing significantly greater amounts of the DNA vaccine to
enter cells.
In the lymph node, the interaction of
antigen-presenting cells and other immune cells results in antibodies that can
prevent future infections or killer T-cells that can clear already-infected
cells. Antigen-presenting cells engulf the antigens and carry them to lymph
node. The cell membrane reseals and the trapped DNA causes the cell to produce
the antigen coded by the DNA.
It is clear that the device
“Cellectra” with its electrodes and induced electrical field is analogous to
electrophoresis, which is used for destroying DNA in the process of producing
Genetically Modified Organisms (Genetically Modified Organisms are
When DNA bonds are broken, and DNA is
unzipped into two separate strands, it is possible to form a chimera DNA via
introducing the alien base pairs via base complimentarity (the lock-and-key
As the result of the electrophoresis
effect of “Cellectra”, client’s double stranded DNA is unzipped (broken), and it
is possible to make the editing of client’s Genome, with the resultant
sterilization (infertility). And since the Wuhan Coronavirus is s
single-stranded RNA virus, it is perfect for the malicious jamming of clients’s
DNA via the destructive RNA interference.
This is in fact what is done also by
the “messenger RNA” (mRNA) anti-Coronavirus vaccine by CureVac and Moderna, Inc.
The synthetic genome that results from these manipulations cause RNA
interference, which leads to infertility, serious degenerative diseases (as
side-effects), and the inevitable shut-down of client’s genome, as was proven by
the effect of RNA interference discovered by Craig Mello and Andrew Fire (Noble
Prize 2009).
Wuhan was chosen as a test city for
the full 5G network operation in China; and, on Halloween, it was turned on. It
was reported that 5G causes flu-like symptoms, along with neurological damage.
Flu-like symptoms, and neurological damage, along with other degenerative
effects are caused by the destructive effect of 5G similar to
This makes me think that 5G is Bill
Gates’ genocidal machine “Cellectra” scaled to provide the global genocide.
Go here, for the whole rant, and
nothing but the rant, so help me, Irene Caesar-----
See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:
To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website.
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About Concerns of Google Dependency of the LRS
By Anna Von Reitz
Basically, for all those who have been concerned, we don't have anything to worry about short of a total shutdown of Google, which could happen, but is not likely.
Our LRS team has been slogging away to wean the system off of Google dependency and further ensure the security and permanence of all the records that are entrusted to the LRS.
The information running through the Google service programs and platforms is all fully encrypted, so is not at risk and not available to be skimmed off and abused by Google for any commercial purposes.
The LRS initially used Google to get up and going, but the intention has always been to build out of the Google system or any other corporate third party dependency one piece at a time, and that process is ongoing.
The most obvious Google service, the Cloud Service, is not actually dominated by Google, but by a consortium of varied and competing corporate interests, and that keeps Google on the straight and narrow as far as abusing Cloud customer data goes.
All things considered, the LRS is in good shape and moving forward.
I think it is important for everyone to understand that our vendors are here to help the Assemblies perform necessary work that is rather specialized--- providing services and goods that the individual Assemblies would otherwise have to provide for themselves and their members, and which many Assemblies are not competent to do for themselves at this stage of development.
Whether it is providing a competent public record of a land patent, or issuing individual State Credentials or creating badges for our Continental Marshals, our vendors are a vital part of making this whole effort a success.
If you have questions or concerns about the vendors, please do not hesitate to ask in a forthright manner. Sitting around and gossiping and promoting paranoia is not productive and only creates more problems and obstacles to be overcome.
See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:
To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website.
How do we use your donations? Find out here.
The Trouble in Utah
By Anna Von Reitz
Jacqueline Smith, the volunteer
Coordinator for Utah, was asked to step down in November of this past year.
The reasons for this were discussed
with her, and now, must be discussed in Public with the Utah Assembly and the
rest of the Assemblies Nationwide. It is apparent from the response that I just
received that these people are playing with half a deck and need a full and
comprehensive view.
All State Assemblies are defined in
precisely the same way.
All Americans living within the
borders of any State can claim their birthright political status and adopt the
State where they have been living for over a year as their permanent "house and
home". They are then eligible to join their State Assembly, and depending on
their own situation, can choose to join as a State National or as a State
The same goes for legal immigrants.
Anyone who has gone through the Naturalization process to become a United States
Citizen can join and make the same choice, under the same conditions, as if they
were born here.
Prior to volunteering to act as a
Coordinator for Utah, Jackie was the leader of something calling itself the
"Alliance Community". It has become apparent that this patriot group simply saw
an opportunity to step in and mold things according to their agenda, using the
Assembly organization effort as a storefront to promote their ideas, their
agendas, their grievances --- and to hell with the actual job that needs to be
done for the all the people throughout the State as a whole.
Although the Utah Assembly under
Jackie's leadership has made some laudable progress toward basic goals, Utahans
who are otherwise eligible to participate and who need to record their
paperwork, have been given "the run around" --- and not just for a couple weeks.
For months.
The baseline prejudice seems to be
against members of the LDS (Latter Day Saints) Church, who for the most part,
are as loyal to this country and its principles as anyone else, and against
Federal Workers who can participate as State Nationals.
The Alliance Community is not The
Utah Assembly, so a line must be drawn against: (1) exclusion of eligible
members; (2) and promotion of a private club as a public body.
In discussing things with Jackie I
suggested that she focus her attention on getting the Utah Jural Assembly up and
operating, as court processes and operations seem to be her personal interest.
She initially responded by claiming
that Utah had a "constitutional right" to choose its own Coordinator, which
instantly belied two fundamental bits of ignorance on her part and perhaps on
the part of the people she is attempting to lead.
Coordinators, as I have repeatedly
instructed everyone, do not work for the State they are assisting. They work for
The United States of America while they are engaged in the task of organizing an
Assembly for their State.
Second, none of us Americans stand
under any Constitution. We all stand under The Declaration of Independence,
instead. Only our Federal Employees stand under the Constitutions. That is the
way it is, and the way it has always been.
I was naturally disappointed and
alarmed that someone operating as a Coordinator would be so misinformed and
obviously, misinforming others.
We all make mistakes, but when you
don't know who you work for and the capacity in which you are acting and the
authority that you stand under, those are enormous mistakes. I explained all the
above to Jackie and repeated my suggestion that she focus on working to put the
Utah Courts together and let someone else take over the Coordinator position.
She asked for time to think about the
situation and work on a transition, with a response due on January 6, 2021. I
agreed and have been faithfully waiting for Utah to get it's own ducks in order.
Meantime, several other frustrated
and angry Utahans started a backlash movement against Jackie's leadership and
started making up "new" Declarations of Independence to purportedly overthrow
the government she represented.
Basically, she excluded them and
played games with them instead of letting them participate and instead of
helping them get the services they needed, so they were bent on excluding her
and her "Alliance Community" group.
Although I obviously had nothing
whatsoever to do with this wrong-headed "New" Declaration of Independence stunt,
I received a nastygram this evening from Jackie accusing me of starting this
silliness, and failing to take responsibility for the situation and also
continuing her failure to take appropriate action to assist, educate, and help
the people of Utah move forward to a position of safety and self-governance.
This shows an unhinged and illogical
thought process at work, and a character fault and failure of leadership that we
cannot condone and cannot have in someone representing The United States of
How anyone in Utah could imagine that
I would be part of insurrection against our lawful government is beyond me. In
my world, there is one Declaration of Independence, and we, Americans, all stand
under it.
Unlike Jackie, and apparently some
others in the present group, I am not confused about the sources of the various
authorities needed to run our government -- state, national, and international.
There have been other incidents of
wrong-headed "drama" coming from Utah that distracted from the actual work to be
done and interfered with the progress and peace of The Utah Assembly as a whole,
but as these involve similar off-the-wall accusations and lack of accountability
involving other innocent people, I will let this suffice.
I am calling upon a new volunteer
Coordinator to step up and organize The Utah Assembly, because it is now very
clear that whatever is there now has not been given the correct information and
doesn't have the right logic standing behind it.
Candidates should have clean criminal
records, must have lived in Utah for at least one year---the longer, the better,
should be healthy, level-headed, emotionally stable, willing to work, devoted to
the State and to our country as a whole, familiar with the Founding Documents,
hopefully familiar with the paperwork involved in claiming original birthright
political status, a reliable telephone connection and we, hope, a computer and
some computer skills enabling them to answer emails.
The Coordinator's job is not easy. It
requires a basic love of people and of country and a flat-footed dedication to
getting this job of gathering people together, educating them, helping them
complete their paperwork, and then, together, forming the four (4) basic parts
of their State Assembly: General Assembly (for everyone) , International
Assembly (for State Citizens), Jural Assembly and Courts, and Assembly Militia.
But the most important thing about a
Coordinator is that they must be honest and inclusive and stand above "politics"
and paranoia. They must remember that we are all in this together, and that no
State will stand alone. They must make it their business to be peacemakers and
worthy leaders.
This isn't High School. And it isn't
a private club.
It is our honor and our duty to
thoroughly educate ourselves and have courage and nerve enough to self-govern
according to the Laws and Principles set down by our Forefathers. If there is
going to be any "New" Declaration of Independence, it is going to come from our
Continental Congress, not a handful of misguided people in
See this article and over 2800 others on Anna's website here:
To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website.
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About LRO and LRS Systems
By Anna Von Reitz
People have pushed forward to make the Land Recording Office possible because of the need to provide services to potentially millions of Americans, and frankly, to widen the scope of services and opportunities available to our Assemblies and Assembly Members.
It is not practical for us to function with only one (1) recording service or one (1) credential service or one (1) assembly hub and it never has been. I am personally unaware of anything I ever said or did suggesting otherwise.
This is not an "either" versus "or" issue.
The only reason that a government exists is to protect and serve.
In recent months, more and more and more people have been joining their Assemblies all over this country. These people need to record their paperwork, need their State Credentials, need access to help recording their patent claims and so on ---- and it is patently ridiculous to think that there can or "should be" only one service providing them with these services.
We are not a country that believes in or practices monopoly interest, so it should be no surprise to anyone that multiple services are needed and multiple vendors are approved.
A question has been raised about the (possible) dependency of the LRS on Google Services --- a question that has not yet been answered.
The reason that this is a concern is that Google Services is in league with other Tech Giants who are similarly engaged in censorship, information theft, commercial sale of private information, and other activities which are, if not strictly speaking against commercial law, are at odds with the expectations and standards of many of our Assemblies and their Assembly Members.
A question has similarly been raised about the use of the words "female" and "male" ---- if any instances of the use of "female" and "male" appear on our paperwork it is a mistake that needs correction. Living people are "man" and "woman", "boy", "girl", and "baby" only.
The description "male" and "female" pertains to animals and Persons in the military and is uniquely associated with those who are occupying an office of personhood. It is foreign to us as average Americans and should not appear on any documents that we issue.
If there are any other questions or concerns about the nature, practices, or use of either the LRS or LRO Systems, please send them directly to me so that you can get official answers instead of paranoid gossip. We need to pull together and support our vendors and be thankful for the skills and volunteer hours that make these services possible.
Please all refrain from "Either/Or Thinking" about this or any other subject. While it may be useful for many things, Either/Or Thinking is not conducive to building a Union of States and is not the kind of thinking we need to exercise in the conduct of our business affairs.
See this article and over 2800 others on Anna's website here:
To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website.
Meadows: Over 100 House Members Plan to Object to Electoral Votes
Trump: Georgia Secretary of State ‘Unable’ to Answer ‘Ballots Under Table’ Questions; Raffensperger Says It’s ‘Not True’
President Donald Trump Calls For Protest in DC on Jan 6., Says ‘Be There, Will Be Wild’
Sen. David Perdue Urges GOP Senators to Object to Electoral College Votes
6-Person Team Briefed Hundreds of State Senators on Election Irregularities
A six-person team that included Rudy Giuliani and Peter Navarro on Saturday briefed hundreds of state lawmakers on evidence of election irregularities.
The Zoom meeting included hundreds of legislators across Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, Navarro, the White House director of trade and manufacturing policy, said during an appearance on Fox News.
“These legislators, they’re hot, they’re angry, they want action,” Navarro said. “We gave them the receipts. We explained exactly how the Democrat Party, as a matter of strategy, stole this election from Donald J. Trump.”
Click the link above to read this blockbuster article on Epoch Times.
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