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Friday, May 20, 2022

The Choice for All Mankind

 By Anna Von Reitz

In the late 1600's a series of governmental corruption scandals rocked Europe. This was also accompanied by corruption scandals in the Roman Catholic Church. Then, as now, there was an action-reaction process set in motion.
By the mid-1700's, those who had been impacted by the earlier corruption scandals had raised two generations of skeptics and "free thinkers" who were not intimidated by religious or governmental authorities.
These Free Thinkers created what we know as "The Age of Enlightenment" or "The Age of Reason" --- a time period when men explored and greatly expanded the scientific knowledge and artistic achievements of the past, and dared to think about and express their opinions about subjects that were taboo in the past --- most especially, they debated science, government and religion.
Soon the results of these Think Tanks began to be felt upon the world in the form of revolutions of all kinds --- revolutions in business and business models, political revolutions like our own War of Independence, revolutions in religion, such as the Bible being freely translated and mass produced and distributed outside the control of the Roman Catholic Church.
The economic underpinnings of the world, at least those centered in Europe, split into two camps --- the traditionalist Roman Catholic Church supported by the wealth of Rome and Spanish gold held by very wealthy Catholic families, and the "Protestants" which included the Agnostic Christians, who accepted the existence of a Creator but didn't claim to know much about this Supreme Being, and who followed the ethical teachings of Jesus in dealing with their fellow man.
This can easily be imagined as the struggle it became: the tradition-centered, ultra-controlling, micro-managing Roman Catholic Church and all the Monarchies that depended on religion as the source of their authority, versus the Free Thinkers.
The Free Thinkers founded The United States of America and they funded and fought The War of Independence.
George Washington, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams --- all Free Thinkers.
There were other Free Thinkers in Europe acting in support of them, men who are not such household names, but who nonetheless shaped the debate and the implementation of the first national government ever based upon the principles of freedom and rational self-governance.
For the first time since Samuel anointed Saul, Mankind was free from the shackles of a human King and free from theocracy, too.
So far as these Free Thinkers were concerned, the two greatest evils, corrupt government and corrupt religion, were finally overcome.
They proceeded to build upon the American Government they had developed during The War of Independence and formed by treaty and Constitutional contracts those "necessary" relationships they needed to conduct trade and diplomatic relations with the rest of the world.
Saint Germain was a Free Thinker and having been blessed in many capacities, he became one of the wealthiest men to ever live. It should not be surprising to find him visiting the American frontier in the years before the Revolution, falling in love with this country and its potential as the First Bastion of Freedom, and devoting a good portion of his life and fortune to it.
He also wrote its first Constitution, which we still have.
So, America is a Free Thinker country. Literally.
Economically, St. Germain's wealth and the wealth of other very wealthy Free Thinker families weighed in against the wealth of the Roman Catholic Church and the Traditionalist families that supported the Monarchy system.
Ironically, between a third and half of the European Royals were Free Thinkers and wished to be freed themselves of the burden of managing other people's lives and dictating their beliefs and herding them around like animals.
Fast forward two hundred years.
The donors of the Saint Germain Trust and the heir-administrator of the largest Catholic-associated Family Trust have joined forces, seen eye-to-eye, and have dedicated their efforts to finally bring forward freedom for Mankind, self-governance for Mankind, and as the D'Avila Family Trust put it, "break the chains of ignorance and poverty" --- once and for all.
No Monarchs but our Beloved Creator. No need to worry about money, ever at all. No Oppressors, no Thought-Police, no Coercion to Believe. No War, no violence, no cruelty, no theft.
When everyone is free and all needs are met, the motivations driving all the evil go away.
But, as ever, there is a Fly in the Ointment, and that fly is represented by the world's military forces.
They are still scared. Some of them want to maintain control at any cost. They want to rule over everyone and dole out the "treats" and mete out the punishments and continue treating their fellowmen as objects.
So they stand in the way of progress and they cut deals with others, like the Corporatists who want a Feudal System with the CEO's of corporations standing in for the hereditary Kings, and the military Generals and Admirals all waver back and forth in their role as "the muscle".
They know what's right. They know that the assets of both these gigantic Family Trusts are private fortunes. They know that they are in the spotlight. They know that they are acting as thieves and robbers if they continue to stonewall my control as Fiduciary for The United States of America, and they can't find any excuse for their mistreatment of a woman and a man, both of whom are Americans, who want to do what is right by the whole world.
In the end, it comes down to a moral choice.
Does a man have the right to spend his own money, yes or no?
Do they, the Generals and Admirals, have any authority to two-block the funding meant to underpin Freedom, not only for this country, but for all mankind?
Are we better off having a bunch of grasping, mean-spirited, selfish, arrogant, profit-mad criminals micro-managing everyone and everything --- and using our private fortunes to do it ---- or does Mankind deserve a far better future?
The militaries of the entire world have got to get off their duffs and make the choice between freedom for themselves and everyone else, or an ever-increasingly coercive and inhuman corporate surveillance state in which people are treated like animals.
Corporate Feudalism isn't a pretty prospect and we already know what course it takes ----the utter degradation and destruction of Mankind.
The alternative, which can be summed up as me and Julius weighing in and having control of our assets, is not certain---- but only because Our Way embraces freewill for all Mankind.
You are all being asked to make a choice, and I have told you this many, many times. The entire Universe is waiting to hear the answer to a single simple question: what do you want?
Do you want to be managed and treated as a commodity and told what to do from the moment of your birth?
Or do you want to be free and responsible for your freedom?
You can "vote" with your voices and your thoughts, with your emotions and your intentions, and you can tell the present rosters of politicians and generals what you want:
Choice A: Corporate Feudalism, cradle to grave control by the Corporations and their CEO's, people viewed as commodities or livestock, micro-managed, bred like animals, and told that this is "for the Greater Good".
Choice B: Universal Freewill, everyone taught the principles of self-governance and set free to live their lives as they see fit -- as long as they don't damage others -- and everyone being enabled to pursue their dreams without poverty or fear or debt.

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America

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