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Wednesday, December 18, 2024

International Public Notice: No Drones Policy for The United States, Ending the FBI, the UN, Inc., and Illegal Mercenary Occupation

 By Anna Von Reitz

For some years a controversy has been growing about the experimental uses of drones, both small and large; drones have been developed as toys, spy cameras, delivery vehicles, high and low altitude survey and detection devices, and even as armaments. 

These things fly more or less silently through our skies and can be remotely guided from undisclosed locations by unknown operators and used to cause havoc, drop bombs, fire bullets or missiles and perform kamikaze missions by flying them into other aircraft. 

All of this has become increasingly surreal and game-like, with the drone guidance systems mimicking popular cyber games. 

We do not believe that the development of this technology has been pursued in a responsible fashion nor do we believe that proper oversight has been applied to it by the U.S. Military, DOD, or FAA, facts which have again been underlined by recent swarms of U.S. Government drones sweeping the East Coast of The United States, apparently deployed to detect a missing shipment of enriched Uranium and/or "dirty bomb". 

A False Flag of this kind would allow the Biden Administration to potentially stay in power longer and could be used to create an "emergency" justifying overt rather than covert martial law, which has long been the standard in this country as a part of an illegal mercenary occupation stemming from the so-called American Civil War.  

As the foreign (District) corporatocracy supporting this has grown and become more corrupt and as public employees have forgotten who their actual employers are, the "privatization" of government duties and functions has accelerated until CEOs like Bill Gates, Albert Bourla and Elon Musk have taken over and directed not only what appear to be government activities, but policies, and have aligned them with their own corporate profitability, political leanings, and even psychopathy. 

The end result is an Unseen Oligarchy of largely technological corporate interests and defense contractors being in de facto control of what is supposed to be our government; the U.S. Congress has become little more than a den of thieves and ignoramuses that readily admit their failure to read the "laws" they are passing and don't consider the appropriations of our credit that they are making "for" us during our purported "absence".  

They recently apportioned themselves $5 million each, to spend however they wish, with no accountability to the American Public. 

The absence of our American Federal Subcontractor in no way damages our own ability to perform the delegated functions and does not render our government absent overall; nor, does it provide any excuse to our European Federal Subcontractors to abuse our hospitality and credit in this manner.  The so-called privatization of their traditional duties and functions has led to disorder and disgraceful abuses of power and breaches of trust. 

Our policy is to shut down the airspace over the States of the Union and conduct forthright investigation announced to the public in the event of a False Flag or actual potential attack involving missing enriched Uranium or bomb technology.  The eyes and ears of millions of alerted Americans are infinitely more effective in detecting suspicious activities and containers than fleets of radiation sniffing drones. 

It is thought that the current False Flag, as with most False Flag activity in this country, is being pursued by elements of the misguided Federal Bureau of Investigations under the direction of individuals loyal to Christopher Wray, recently resigned head of the FBI.  

For some years now, the Federal Bureau of Investigations, has been privately owned and operated, and it has been misguided and misdirected by its successive leaders and board members to engage in illegal and immoral activities outside the traditional role of the FBI and even outside the jurisdiction of the FBI.   

These activities have included assassination of political leaders and dissidents, numerous politically-motivated False Flags, spying and surveillance activities, and direct politically-motivated interference as agent provocateurs, as in the January 6th Protests, in which plain-clothes and/or costumed FBI agents stood down Capitol Police, opened the Capitol to the crowds, and encouraged people to enter the buildings. 

This same renegade and privatized "federal agency" has also taken part in such atrocities as Ruby Ridge, Waco, and the murder of LaVoy Finicum.  

The FBI was recently complicit in the attacks on California, Hawaii, and seven states impacted by the weather warfare-induced Hurricane Helene.  They were also caught directing the DOJ and IRS to conduct punitive investigations of Federation personnel and setting up the shooter who came very close to assassinating then-candidate Donald Trump.  In the more distant past, the FBI colluded with MI6 officers in the assassination of President Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr. 

The purported public mission of the FBI is to prevent crime, but due to private control and misdirection of this agency, it has gone rogue and been used to perpetuate politically and economically motivated crime throughout this country for decades. 

The Federal Bureau of Investigations, Incorporated, needs to be disbanded and replaced by our unincorporated Continental Marshals Service, which operates transparently in the service of the public and in the Public Interest of the people of this country.  

We are sorry that it has become necessary to make these issues public and to disclose them internationally, but these and other misuses and abuses of what are supposed to be public resources by private interests have to be exposed for what they are. 

So must the illegal quasi-military occupation of our country by British Territorial government interests be exposed and ended. These charlatans have promoted a vast crime amounting to a National level Identity Theft, not only in this country, but in numerous other countries as well.  These are crimes of state and the government(s) of Britain and Rome are fully complicit in them. 

Today, the reckless and unauthorized spending of the British Territorial U.S. Congress is supporting no less than two dozen proxy "wars" --- mercenary incursions, including the genocide taking place in Gaza at the hands of the State of Israel, Incorporated, the silent genocide taking place in Syria at the hands of the Turkish Army Mercenaries being paid with transferred Roman Catholic money, and the genocide taking place in Ukraine. 

No Ukrainian government that gave a damn about the country or the people of Ukraine would be willing to continue a senseless struggle that ruins the land and has already killed more than 600,000 Ukrainians. The proof against Mr. Zelensky, CEO of the Ukraine, Incorporated, is in the pudding. 

Likewise, the UN, Inc. is on the chopping block.  As we have pointed out, there are no "nations" in the United Nations, only corporations, a fraud which in and of itself demands the dissolution of the UN, Inc. 
As we have also pointed out, the UN, Inc., has grossly failed its purported mission and has repeatedly failed to control the violence and peace-breaking of Israel.  By the same logic that disbanded the League of Nations for failure to promote and enforce peace, the United Nations and the UN, Inc., have to go.  

Those persons to whom this International Public Notice is addressed have cause to know the veracity, history, and authority with which this information is provided. 

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 18th 2024


See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: End the Madness

 By Anna Von Reitz

It should not be necessary for us or anyone else to say this, but expecting parents to put 200 vaccines into the bodies of their babies and small children is madness. 

It's time to take the employees of the CDC out into the street and publicly inject each and every one of them with all 200 vaccines that they are mandating for our school children. 

We guarantee that the problem of unaccountable agency recommendations foisted off as public law will end abruptly and never surface again. 

Consider this a demand for performance from the actual government of this country to all government officials and all public employees and all military officers.  

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals;  Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.  

Prompt action is required. 

The so-called custodians are not our custodians.  They are outlaws pretending to be public officials and caretakers, parasitic and predatory non-entities breaking Universal Law and attempting to coerce people into harming their own children.  

A public demonstration of justice is required. 

When we see the lifeless bodies of the CDC officials who have made these recommendations punctured with 200 hypodermic needles and bloated with their own immune system reactions, we will feel that justice has been done. 

This does not require any lengthy court battle or legal determination; the threat to the life and well-being of our children veiled as a "protective health measure" is self-evident.  

All this takes is a three-man tribunal of military officers.  

Let those responsible taste the fate they have meted out to others. 

Until then, be aware that we do not accept the offer, and will happily shove needles into anyone making such an offer. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 18th 2024


See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here:

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A Short History of Corporations

 By Anna Von Reitz

A corporation, being a legal fiction and a creature of the mind, may persist in the imagination of the victims of their delusion for as long as it may function as a business enterprise capable of supporting employees and avoid destruction at the hands of the outraged public.  Memes unlike genes do not depend on physical progeniture, and may be adopted as good ideas or evil ideas, by however many people of whatever race, creed, culture, or moment in time, may deem themselves benefited or at least unharmed by the existence of a corporation. 

Pepsico is a good example.  Pepsi has changed its recipe so drastically and so often over the years that the current brew has little resemblance in content or taste to the original recipe and the corporation pretty much subsists on the strength of its trademarks, marketing, and distribution.   (And a whole lot of sugar.) 

The fundamental argument used to promote the acceptance of commercial corporations was that certain necessary activities are by nature so prone to accident and endangerment, such as the production of guns, certain drugs, gun powder, nitroglycerin,  dynamite, and poisons, that investors would not invest for fear of liability --- thus certain advantages and protections, including public bankruptcy protection for shareholders of publicly owned corporations and the benefit of the corporate veil for owners and board members, were allowed.  This stimulated a craze of investment in war, death and disease related industry, which then promoted more of the same.  Soon businesses that did not involve any significant risk or liability were incorporating simply because attorneys were advising it (to benefit the British Crown) and average business owners were not privy to the whole reasoning behind the move to incorporate arms, chemical, medical, and other large industrial enterprises.  The assumption appears to have been that if it was good for the Big Boys, it was good for the little people, too. 

The problem, little noted at the time, was that incorporation requires public guarantee of the business and that guarantee manifested as underwriting grants the government the controlling interest in the business, so in effect, knowingly or unknowingly, those who incorporated their businesses gave their control and ownership interest away to the government.  This is exactly the circumstance discussed in a veiled way in Ayn Rand's saga, Atlas Shrugged.  Men who built steel mills and oil refineries and railroads and huge construction businesses and mining operations and factories of all kinds, incorporated their businesses to limit their liability, and too late found out that they had given away their ownership interest and were reduced to taking orders from faceless unelected bureaucrats.  Incorporation of business enterprises large and small promotes fascist governments in which the government obtains a controlling interest in business enterprises for the cost of insuring them, and leaves the former owners still doing all the day to day work and paying all the costs. 

This is how the USA, Inc. and UNITED STATES (INC.) came to have controlling interest in all the Fortune 500 companies, the stock and securities companies and banks, the commodities markets, pension funds, and public infrastructure and investment funds---- from people foolishly trying to avoid risk and accountability by incorporating their business to protect personal fortunes.  

The argument in favor of Municipal Corporations was less about risk and more about the Greco-Roman Renaissance that took place in the years immediately following the so-called Civil War. Admiration for the Greek city-states coupled with the growth of urban areas resulted in the development of the Municipal Corporation model and a rash of "independent international city states" that have popped up everywhere, and then, those Municipal Corporations have joined together in common cause as the "Empire of the Cities".  This is where we get "globalism" and "transnationalism" and "global resets" and false claims of custodial roles and powers.  Unlike the commercial British Crown Corporations, Municipal Corporations deal in intellectual property assets and performances --- they copyright our names, enter us into unconscionable obligatory performance contracts, securitize our intellectual property assets, steal our credit, tax our labor, etc. 

One easy way to see it, is that the British Crown Commercial Corporations are all about "gaining something for nothing" and specialize in targeting industrial enterprises and public infrastructure, while municipal corporations deal in blood money, securitization swindles, impersonation schemes, labor contracts, and intellectual assets theft. 

The existence of all these corporations is tied to self-seeking avoidance of liability and accountability, all are supposed to be limited to "any lawful purpose"--- no merely legal purposes--- and no, we don't need them.  They have proven to be corrupt contrivances that have caused great harm thanks to their endless and irresponsible and unaccountable search for profit-at-any-cost, including cost to the public that endures their existence and pays for their failures. 

The recent so-called pandemic is a good example of what happens when rogue corporations are allowed to run wild.  

Unfortunately for us, the most effective and traditional means of dealing with out-of-control corporations and even cartels of corporations like the WEF is a function of Ecclesiastical Law and the responsibility of the Roman Pontiff --- an office which the Roman Catholic Church dissolved in 2011.  We have inherited a runaway train brought to us by the Roman Curia, which is more intent on circling the wagons and ginning up wars of conquest in the Middle East than it is in doing its duty or solving the very real problems that it has caused iva the proliferation of corporations of all kinds.  

Legal fiction is still fiction --- still a big fat lie.  We are left dealing with these obnoxious fabrications using such dinosaurs as the Sherman Antitrust Act and Logan Act against them. They are well-funded, know how to spread bribes, and are loathe to give up a scheme that has us paying all their insurance, taxes, mortgages, and operating expenses free gratis.  

The fundamental fight is between corporations that don't really exist, and living people.  It's a fight that none of us can afford to lose. 


See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here:

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