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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Monday, June 6, 2022

A True Treasure

 By Anna Von Reitz

I am often asked to give direction finding resources to study the American Common Law and I have only recommended Brent Winter's books and courses, which is more about the history and structures of Common Law, instead of the nitty-gritty, and I know that doesn't fill all the needs people have, but I have been at a loss. 

There are good resources out there, but most of them are very expensive "pay for play" organizations that average people can't afford or sinister private membership associations that have convoluted and potentially dangerous contracts aimed at fleecing the members.  I just have not found a simple, honest, reasonable, effective study course that I could recommend -- until now. 

Go to: The Sovereign's 

I checked out their contracts and they are safe and pristine.  Their fees are affordable.  They are spot on.  And they tell it like it is in simple terms anyone can understand.  I was so grateful to find this website and their instruction course --- thankful because they are there doing this, and because they are doing it right, and grateful that so many people can now have the support they need to learn what they need to learn to defend themselves. 

You can learn at your own rate.  You can go back and repeat lectures if you need to.  The exhibits are easy to read --- no tiny blurry print--- and they leave the definitions and other information up long enough to take notes!  Wahoo!  Jump up, it's the Jubilee!   

Speaking as a now-66 year-old woman, who has sat through decades of lectures and videos about these subjects, I am in love.  This is the "Dutch Uncle" course I have been dreaming about, the one I can recommend whole-heartedly and to everyone of every age without reservations about the presenter's motives or fear that it will cause more confusion. 

What a birthday present! ---for all of us, worldwide  -and especially me, because I can cross the need for an effective Common Law Course off my list.

God is good. 

Everyone who is currently engaged in any kind of "legal" conundrum, please run (don't walk!) and get started learning how to defend yourself and put your claims before the court instead of letting yourself be misidentified and railroaded. 

Learn your Law and learn to use it.  And start winning.  


See this article and over 3700 others on Anna's website here:

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A Brief Explanation to the World - The Donors, the Middlemen, and You

 By Anna Von Reitz

The vast stores of gold, silver, other precious metals, land, minerals, water aquifers, and so on, are actually owned by only two major Family Trusts and 5,000 smaller family and institutional trusts.
The D'Avila Family Trust has been underwriting the governments for centuries, and The Saint Germain Family Trust has served the same purpose for The United States of America.
The actual Donors of these giant trusts are good people. They don't live high on the hog. They place no great importance on money, other than as a tool to accomplish things. We, the Donors, agree that money should be a tool that everyone has access to, that usury is evil and unnecessary doing business man-to-man, that the health of the Earth and of people and animals is paramount. The Donors know how much actual money and gold, silver and other precious metals there are in the world, and know there is more than enough to go around.
But, we --- like you --- trusted the Experts, the Bureaucrats, the Government Big-Wigs, until we smelled a Rat. A very Big Rat, as it turns out.
This Rat is not a man, not even human. This Rat is called by various names, but it all ends up the same --- Wall Street and Securitization. The temptation to claim the value of living people as "assets" was just too strong for these arrogant reprobates.
So they came up with a scheme to create a world in which there were no living people, just corporations and estates that could be abused and plundered at will, with no regard for people at all. They copyrighted your name, mischaracterized its meaning, trafficked your identity into foreign legal jurisdictions, saddled you down with unpaid citizenship obligations, and hired gangs of thugs to enforce their "rule" under color of law.
You have seen the results in millions of heartless evictions in which the actual creditors have been "mistaken" as tenants of their own property. You have seen it in courts that deliver injustice. You have experienced it as police brutality.
And you have seen it in wars for profit and endless criminality of all kinds being promoted on your television sets and in a culture that has been based on lies, lies, and more lies -- and for what? Profit.

Securitization of living people results in a form of peonage and/or enslavement which is implemented by impersonating a living man as a corporation.
Securitization of living people is both illegal and unlawful, but the Vermin responsible have been getting away with this by acting in secrecy and under color of law.
In 2005, the governments of the world were supposed to settle their differences with The D'Avila Family Trust --- and didn't; a three-year extension was provided, but in 2008 there was no extension. They have been running wild ever since, not paying their bills, illegally creating credit out of thin air, making illegal and unlawful claims on the D'Avila Trust assets.
Yet, all these "governments" are not actually governments, either. In order to "transition" to their scheme of creating an unreal world populated only by corporations, the various governments all had to step down from their lawful status and enjoyment of State Immunity, to being nothing but glorified commercial corporations like JS STEAMWAY or McDonalds, Inc.
So when Joe Biden tells you that you have to get a vaccination as a condition of employment, he'd better be the one signing your paycheck. And if Donald Trump wants to act as Commander-in-Chief, he'd better think twice about what he is "Commander-in-Chief" of.
Seeing money -- actual money, our gold and silver -- used to oppress and lie to and impoverish people made the Donors sick and angry, but we didn't immediately catch on and then, we didn't know what to do. What do you do when Public Employees go rogue, and the ability to give them a Pink Slip is in the hands of Middlemen who don't answer directly to you?
The Middlemen are the ones creating the problems, not the Donors. Our Will has been explicit and has been expressed by our trust indentures for centuries. And our trust indentures declare one thing --- that the funds be used to free humanity, that they be used for good, and not for evil. Not for peonage. Not for ignorance. Not for enslavement.
Thus you see the actual evil is not at the top or at the bottom --- it's in the middle, where men and women who have been given positions of Public Trust have failed that trust and served themselves instead.
We don't live in a world of corporations. We live in a world populated by living men and women who have family names, not "last names". We live in a world where slavery and peonage are forbidden. And where securitization of living people is both illegal and unlawful. Our homes are estates, not real estates.
Now the out of control employees are trying to steal the Family Trust funds by making false claims and trying to impersonate the Donors, pretending that we knowingly, willingly, and voluntarily adopted the inferior status of things --- corporations --- instead of living our natural lives as people.
We ask, why would anyone adopt such an inferior status, if they were not paid well to do so?
We ask, how does anyone without a drop of D'Avila or Saint Germain blood in their veins attempt to steal The D'Avila Family Trust and The Saint Germain Family Trust and thousands of other family trusts, too?
The Bar Association Members under the direction of the Inner City of London have engineered and enforced this entire scheme since its inception. They have preyed upon the innocent by creating a fictitious world and entrapping others in it, using all manner of deceit -- "legal terms and descriptions", "titles" and "codes". Our ancestors called them "Masters of Deceit" and refused to let them live in their communities.
Has it come to that, again? Apparently so. The members of the Bar Associations have cause to know the difference between Law and Statute.
We have all been horribly impacted by this outrageous criminality and it must come to an end. Those who have betrayed the Public Trust must be stopped and punished. They must be exposed for what they are: criminals acting in Breach of Trust and Service Contract.
The trusts must be collapsed and returned to the Donors--- not to persons claiming to "represent" the Donors. It's time for the unique, beautiful, free people of this planet to be set free to thrive, no longer treated like livestock or worse, by men unworthy of the name.
With love, with faith, with fortitude --- join us to make a new world and put an end to institutions that exist merely to prey upon us, misrepresent us, use us, and abuse us.


See this article and over 3700 others on Anna's website here:

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Public and International Notice of Prior Claim and Lawful Standing

 By Anna Von Reitz

I, the man known as Demetrios Julius Shiva, hereby serve Public and International Notice of Claim and Notice of Prior Claim of all assets belonging to, derived from, and naturally accruing to The D'Avila Family Trust.  The matter of my standing as the present Donor of  The D'Avila Family Trust and all assets, accounts, and compensations arising from the deployment of the Trust assets has been settled and stands as a matter of record for decades.   

My evidence of provenance and DNA has been accepted, adjudicated in my favor, and settled. I hold all seventeen General Powers of Attorney and I am the only one present with D'Avila blood in my veins claiming The D'Avila Family Trust and all assets belonging to or derived from my family. 

I am the present Donor of The D'Avila Family Trust and all assets derived from it; as such,  I claim all the assets, principal and accrued and mirrored as credit, and I exercise my Prior Claim against all and any other would-be Claimants. 

I stand before the High Courts and Governments of the World as a Man.   I do not claim any benefit from any Legal Society or Judicial Society and owe no citizenship obligations to any government.  

I claim my inheritance by natural right and exercise my right to collapse the trust and liquidate it in my favor and in the favor of my Assign, Anna Maria Riezinger, serving as Fiduciary for the unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America since 1776. 

Since I entrusted the care of The D'Avila Family Trust and see the lapse and misadministration of those responsible since 2005, I hereby revoke all prior assignments and agreements and publish this on the Public Record in my capacity as Donor and as a man, speaking man to man and man to woman to all members of the High Courts and Governments worldwide. 

This Joint Public and International Notice of Prior Claim and Lawful Standing comes by and through my lawful assign, Anna Maria Riezinger.  

I, the woman known as Anna Maria Riezinger, hereby serve Public and International Notice of Claim and Notice of Prior Claim of all assets belonging to, derived from, or accruing as compensation from the assets of The Saint Germain Family Trust.  The matter of my standing as the present Donor of The Saint Germain Family Trust and all assets, accounts and compensations arising from the deployment of the Trust assets has been settled and stands as a matter of record for over a decade. 

My evidence of provenance and DNA has been accepted, adjudicated in my favor, and settled. I hold all General Powers of Attorney by inheritance and I am the only one present with Saint Germain Family blood in my veins claiming The Saint Germain Family Trust and all assets belonging to or derived from my family. 

I exercise my Prior Claim against all and any other would-be claimants.  I claim my inheritance by natural right and exercise my right to collapse the trust and liquidate it in my favor and in the favor of my Assign, Demetrios Julius Shiva, a man who is the lawful inheritor of The D'Avila Family Trust, and in the favor of and for the benefit of our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America since 1776.  

I hereby say on the Public Record and publish the fact that Saint Germain is a family and the assets donated to The Saint Germain Family Trust have come from my ancestors as well as Saint Germain himself who is my relative in present time. 

As a woman I owe no benefit from any Legal Society or Judicial Society and owe no citizenship obligations to any government. 

We, Demetrios Julius Shiva, a man, and Anna Maria Riezinger, a woman, now hereby jointly declare that all other claimants seeking to commandeer the assets of the Spiritual Wonder Boy,  Spiritual White Boy, Alpha and Omega Accounts, ASVLP, ASBLP, the Marshall Plan and Economic Recovery Funds and all related and derivative asset accounts stand foreclosed. The Federal Reserve Trust stands foreclosed.  The U.S. Treasury stands foreclosed. The banks in receipt of our gold deposits stand foreclosed. 

In this present moment known as now we speak to the members of the High Courts and Governments of the world man to man and man to woman and woman to woman and woman to man and we say that the criminal mis-administration of our assets and their deployment to promote criminality and war, enslavement and peonage, must immediately and permanently cease. 

The purposes clearly expressed by the trust indentures and the law under which the trust indentures were formed are to uplight all of mankind and to set people free from the chains of ignorance and poverty forevermore.  The will of our ancestors and our will must be obeyed as we come together to serve Notice of our respective Prior Claims and Lawful Standing and together we claim possession and control of all central accounts: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999.  

Those seeking to overcome our prior claims have no drop of D'Avila or Saint Germain Family blood in their veins and have no intrinsic lawful or legal right to say anything about how we spend our money, what we choose to support, and what we choose to defund.  Beginning at midnight GMT on the sixth of June in the year of 2022, The D'Avila Family Trust and The Saint Germain Family Trust are joined with one accord: to break the chains of poverty and ignorance, to promote health, to promote peace, to promote true nurture of our planet and our people, to oppose those who seek to enslave and cripple mankind and to end all war and bloodshed. 

Let all those who see, see this and all those who hear, hear this: we have and hold the only validated claims and all of our preferential priority claims are cured. 

All efforts to shuffle assets around based merely on records need to cease and desist; we have and are owed all the same records.  

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.  Efforts to evade Notice shall stand as acquiescence.  

Joint Notice served through and by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
                                                 The United States of America
                                                  In care of: Box 520994

                                                  Big Lake, Alaska 99652


See this article and over 3700 others on Anna's website here:

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Public and International Notice of Claim and Notice of Crimes of Property and Crimes of Enslavement

 By Anna Von Reitz

Be it known to all to whom these presents come: 

Americans act in two (2) capacities. These are: (1) as men and women; and (2) Lawful Persons. 

The only time that Americans act as Legal Persons or as LEGAL PERSONS is when they voluntarily and knowingly enter upon the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways or knowingly incorporate a Municipal CORPORATION business venture under conditions of full disclosure.   

Americans do not acquire any citizenship obligations at birth and do not make pledges.  Any pledge-making actual or implied is null and void for lack of disclosure and a meeting of the minds. 

Americans may, at their discretion, upon reaching the age of majority, decide to serve in some capacity of citizenship for their own American State Government or may take service with a foreign government Subcontractor of our Government at their discretion. Such contracts must be voluntary, must be knowing, fully disclosed, equitable, free of duress, in kind, and represent a meeting of minds.  

American Public Law prohibits claims of ownership of people based on the injection of foreign patented DNA; it does not matter what the Supreme Court of the United States has decided for the Queen's Subjects, nor does it matter what the Pope has decided for his Municipal SUBJECTS. 

Americans are owed one Silver Dollar (or Gold equivalent) for every paper dollar issued against their credit since 1913.  

Americans of record are owed immediate and absolute exemption from all claims of indebtedness including mortgage indebtedness. 

Americans are owed Good Faith and Service from all Personnel of all Federal Subcontractors and Principals including the Queen, the Pope, and the Lord Mayor of the Inner City of London, and all those CEO's and CFO;s operating under their command and which have been incorporated or chartered by Agents of the Queen, the Pope, the Lord Mayor, and Others. 

The League of Nations outlawed both slavery and peonage---worldwide ---in 1926.  Those Public Laws and  International Accords still stand and are hereby invoked. 

Enslavement or forced peonage of any kind is both illegal and unlawful and has been since 1926---worldwide.  Anyone participating in personage schemes trying to evade the Public Law by impersonating living people as corporations or Genetically Modified Organisms or by any other means seeking an ownership interest in living men and women is a criminal by definition.  

Anyone having been thus fully informed and continuing to allow these crimes or participating by enforcing such schemes is an accomplice subject to immediate detainment.  

Notices served by:  Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
                               The United States of America
                                In care of: Box 520994

                                Big Lake, Alaska 99652


See this article and over 3700 others on Anna's website here:

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Public International Notice Regarding Status of the Philippine Islands

 By Anna Von Reitz

In addition to the international Treaty of Paris in 1898 releasing all claim to the land and soil of the Philippine Islands held by the Spanish Government to us, The United States of America, our money ($20 million in gold) was used to purchase the Philippine Government's interest in the Philippine Islands, and our blood has been spilled in the defense of the Philippine Islands ever since.
There can be no doubt that the land and soil of the Philippine Island Archipelago is as American as Apple Pie.
The provisional independent Government of the Philippines created by the Territorial U.S. Congress in 1934 was replaced by another Filipino British Crown Corporation Administration in 1946 via the Treaty of Manila Bay, an examination of that Treaty will prove that it is a Sea Jurisdiction Treaty signed by Harry S. Truman in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief and the only change it accomplished was the substitution of a one British Crown Corporation for another British Crown Corporation operated by Filipinos.
While this is no doubt a step forward in governmental terms as it brings the Administration of the Philippine Islands back under the local control of the Filipino People, it in no way resolves the issue of the land ownership and money owed to our Government.
The Treaty of Manila Bay exists in an entirely separate jurisdiction of international law and does not supersede the Treaty of Paris established in 1898. Nobody has paid us back the equivalent of $20 Million Dollars in gold issued in 1898. We have the receipts, but no returns.
Our victory over Japan conclusively ends any supposition that Japan acquired any usable material interest by conquering the Philippines during an undecided war, and thus, there is no excuse for any Filipino or Japanese claims to own physical assets belonging to us based on a temporary Japanese occupation of our property.
It would have been Yamashita's Gold, if Yamashita had successfully overturned our Dominion, but he didn't. Given the end result, Yamashita acted as a would-be pirate and possession by pirates does not change ownership any more than a treaty in a separate jurisdiction can.
As the final peace declaration and closure of the books on the Second World War is scheduled for 25 June 2022, anyone who has any objection to settlement of the Second World War is invited to contact our Office of Reconciliation at the address below as soon as possible.
The Scottish Commercial Corporation "acting as" The United States of America, Inc., which used our money and claimed to represent our government set it up so that no Filipino could ever make any claim against any of the physical assets being stored in the Philippines--- ours or anyone else's.
This was done to the Filipino People by that same commercial corporation with malice aforethought, to make the Philippine Islands the perfect place--- other than Switzerland --- to store gold, silver, and other physical assets. They did not intend and did not allow the possibility that at some later date the Filipinos would claim ownership by possession under Admiralty Law, so they permanently disqualified Filipino claims by acquiring the land and soil jurisdiction of the Philippine Islands.
This same fact precludes any claims presented by Alex Tallon acting "as" Tiburcio Villamor Marcos, a Filipino, or any other national of the Philippine Islands, including Ferdinand Marcos.
The public records demonstrate that the present Administration of the Philippine Islands is a British Crown Corporation and not a sovereign government.
A sovereign government is not possible for the Filipino people until and unless we enter into a land jurisdiction Treaty and are recompensed not only for our costs ($20 Million in gold in 1898 brought forward) but receive back all our gold, silver, and other physical assets that have been cashiered in the Philippines "for" us.
None of this was our scheme nor our fault and we harbor nothing but goodwill toward the people of the Philippines. We did not choose to deprive anyone of their natural right to own physical assets, nor do we condone what was done in our names.
At the same time, we are the owners and inheritors of the gold and silver and other assets of ours that have been transported by the U.S. Navy to the Philippine Islands and we are owed $20 million in 1898 gold to settle the debt.
The High Courts and the other Governments of the world are hereby fully informed of this circumstance. Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.

Notice served by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


See this article and over 3700 others on Anna's website here:

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Public and International Notice of Treason

 By Anna Von Reitz

The People to whom are owed all guarantees and protections of the Federal Constitutions are still present and they are still paying your salaries; the semantic deceits, pretensions of war, and other lies notwithstanding, evasion of your duties under the Constitutions via crimes of personage amounts to treason.
Allowing the murder of innocent children in this country is treason.
Allowing the theft of the property and assets of your actual employers is treason.
Sitting on your rumps while all this goes on, is treason.
You have been told and you have been warned: any further dilly-dallying in arresting the Perpetrators of these trespasses and schemes to defraud the American Public, kill American children for profit, patent Americans as GMO products, mischaracterize us as Municipal citizenry, or standing around waiting for Mr. Trump to grow a set is not going to avail any of you when the people of this country review your disservice and its consequences for all of us.
Mr. Trump is our Employee, too. He has all the same obligations you do. And if he doesn't act as Commander-in-Chief to end these crimes against us and against our property interests, he will be guilty of treason, too.

Notice served by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

See this article and over 3700 others on Anna's website here:

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Public and International Notice of Personage and Barratry Crimes

 By Anna Von Reitz

We have uncovered a massive conspiracy by members of the Bar Associations to commit personage crimes against all nations and countries.
Crimes of personage consist of impersonation and barratry.
In the first step, someone or something is mischaracterized as someone or something else, or is misrepresented as standing in a foreign jurisdiction or political status or legal capacity --- as in "impersonating a police officer".
In the second step, the members of the Bar Associations bring false claims based on the foregoing impersonation activity against the unwitting victims; this is a crime known as barratry.
The first crime, the impersonation, is a form of identity theft.
The second crime, the barratry, is a form of false claim of injury or debt.
Both are crimes that are owed prosecution on land and sea.
Millions of Americans have been impersonated as British Territorial U.S. Citizens. They have been further impersonated as Municipal CORPORATIONS bearing fanciful labels indicating the nature of the CORPORATION; cestui que vie trusts appear in the form: EVELYN JANE CARTER, public transmitting utilities appear in the form: EVELYN J CARTER and so on.
At the heart of this fraud scheme is purposeful identity theft for the purpose of securing access to credit belonging to the victims, and establishing false claims against their property interests.
The Perpetrators of this scheme have sought to mischaracterize entire nations and countries, as well as individual living people. They have gotten away with it by operating in secrecy and under color of law.
It's time for all nations to outlaw the Bar Associations and severely restrict the privilege of incorporating business entities.
The Bar Members and Bureaucrats have impersonated our unincorporated Federation of States, The United States of America, as a foreign British Territorial Corporation doing business as The United States of America, Incorporated, and as a foreign Municipal CORPORATION doing business as UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
They have done the same thing with other nations and governments, and they have established all these false identities for the express purpose of committing credit fraud and barratry against the victims.
China has been misrepresented as China, Inc. and as CHINA.
England has been misrepresented as Great Britain, Inc. and as the UK.
Alaska has been misrepresented as the State of Alaska and ALASKA.
All this impersonation and barratry practiced against innocent people worldwide has been done by members of the Bar Associations seeking unjust enrichment for themselves and their Masters.
It's time for their criminal Reign of Terror to end and for the Bar Associations and their Courts to be outlawed worldwide.

Notice served by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


See this article and over 3700 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

International Public Notice of Our Business Affairs

 By Anna Von Reitz

We are a separate American Government, the original and the only one having any jurisdiction on the land and soil; although generous delegations of authority were accorded to our foreign Federal Subcontractors, and even the loan and use of our Title IV flag was granted to the British Territorial United States while exercising our delegated powers on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways, there are no provisions for the British and Papist Subcontractors to undertake the role and responsibility of our Federal Republic, much less any authority granted for them to represent us or latch upon our land and soil jurisdiction assets.
The assets of the land and soil jurisdictions include all aquifers, all subsurface and surface interests attached to the land and soil of our individual States of the Union, all gold and silver and other mineral assets, and all rights and material interests including Land Patents and Descriptions attached thereto.
No Federal Entity of any kind was ever given any authority over any physical assets otherwise belonging to our States of the Union and as of October 1, 2020 all the former Territorial "States" have been enrolled as States of the Union as provided for under The Northwest Ordinance.
Our States of the Union are now in Session and our International and Global Government presenting the mutually shared powers is present --- not being represented by anything or anyone else.
We have chartered The Global Family Bank of International Trade under the auspices of our Government and have also chartered The Global Family Bank of Commerce. We have also chartered several other banks in pairs to be part of our own Blue Dot Bank System. These banks, like the Federal Subcontractors themselves, exist according to our sovereign rights and responsibilities, treaties, and agreements.
We are in the process of discovery and collection of all our assets; this includes direct discovery and collection of our assets within The United States and Notice has already been served to all those banks in receipt of deposits of our physical assets offshore and in other countries by Vatican and CIA Agents presuming to "act" for us prior to 2008 and the last Settlement Agreement in 2005.
As of this International Public Notice and to avoid any further confusion --- all land and soil assets belonging to this country and its people are to be returned to our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America, in care of our Fiduciary, Anna Maria Riezinger.
Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals;
Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.

Notice served by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

Why the Great Reset aka New World Legal Order Must Be Tanked

 By Anna Von Reitz

A "reset" in Scottish Admiralty Law --- where all this rot got started, has nothing to do with rebooting society.  It has to do with amnesty for pirates, and in this case, the pirates are giant corporations.  

The article linked below shows you the history and the mechanisms and "issues" being employed to accomplish the ends desired by the guilty corporations to attain their ends. 

It's up to all of you to wake up and take concerted action to defeat them.  

Acting as actual Americans operating your own Government allows you to collapse these corporations and liquidate their assets, but if you allow them to continue the game of mistaking your identity as that of a British Foreign Situs Trust, you will be their prey forever. 

If you let their courts continue to make your decisions for you, guess who always loses?  

First, go read this short article so you get the drift of their plan to eradicate your freedom and property rights:

Second, go to and build back your own courts. 

Once your courts are operational, their courts have to leave you alone.  By law and contract. 

So take the power back and kick their rumps out of your jurisdiction and out of your lives.