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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Another "Uh, duh...." Moment

 By Anna Von Reitz

This morning, the New York Post, usually one of those papers lining the bottom of my bird cage, ran an interesting front page story. It explains how Mark Zuckerberg used backdoor "support" donations to twist the outcomes of the 2020 elections in this country, and not just the Presidential Election --- all elections down to the county level, for just $419 million bucks.
A whole country bought and sold for less than half a billion.
There are times when we must admit that some criminals are smarter than others, and then look ---despite our amazement--- at the maze of legal loopholes and creeping corruption that have allowed this to happen in America.
First, there is the "diversity clause" that was added to basic definitions in Federal Title 18 and Federal Title 28, that allowed Corporations to be considered "CITIZENS" and part of the "citizenry". This clause allows public corporations to operate as private citizens, which is lunacy to begin with.
This means that for taxation and other purposes, PEPSI-COLA is treated the same way as your Aunt Fran --- a fundamental change of definitions in which Aunt Fran loses her identity as a living woman and as an American owed her Natural and Unalienable Rights, and PEPSI-COLA gains standing, rights, privileges and immunities and protections owed only to living people.
Score Big for the Corporatists. That was Step One down this now-clearly delineated Slippery Slope.
Next, the "US CONGRESS" which has no public role or authority at all, voted to allow corporations (especially its own franchises) the ability to contribute to political campaigns, just like any other citizen. That's Step Two in the deadly decline of sanity.
First, you go off the trolley and treat corporations like people, and then in the second logical fallacy, you accord corporations the right to contribute to political campaigns as if they were people, too.
It used to be illegal for corporations to mingle in politics and for obvious reasons. Corporations have vastly more funds to spend on such pursuits than Aunt Fran and tons of personnel to commit to the job, which reduces Aunt Fran's voice to less than a whisper.
Who cares what she thinks? Exxon needs a new pair of shoes, baby!
So, given these opportunities by a phoney "Congress" the ever-enterprising corporations seized the bit in their teeth and began exercising all their newly acquired powers and protections to feather their nest and exercise their new-found political voice, to buy votes for the highest bidder --- whichever party or politician promises to deliver the most protection for the corporation, the most payola in the pipeline, the juiciest contracts, the....well, you get the picture.
Instead of 19th Century Robber Barons at the trough, we've had faceless, unaccountable, made-up-out-of-thin-air corporations at the trough --- claiming all the same rights, prerogatives, and protections as individual living people.
Guess who loses?
This basic situation was consolidated during the Clinton Administration --- and no surprises there, and it has reached its ultimate and predictable expression in the 2020 Elections --- as demonstrated this morning by the New York Post:
Put in plain language, Zuckerberg bought the election via a payola/kickback scheme.
Okay, shame on him.
Thanks to the situation described above, there are very limited remedies or redress available in the actual Public Law, which never contemplated corporations being treated as part of the citizenry.
And of course, none of the guilty corporations benefiting from this included any prohibitions against what they were trying to accomplish in their millions of private rules, codes, statutes and regulations, either.
So, there, in short order, you have the reason why people are left trying to grapple with a bag of wind when they address this mammoth vote-buying election fraud.
It's not against the Public Law, because the entire crazy-making situation was never even imagined.
It's not against the private law of the individual corporations, because that would be against their self-interest.
Can we make it against the law retroactively? No.
Can we punish Zuckerberg and his Board of Directors and everyone else responsible? Possibly.
Should we have allowed the changes described above, allowing corporations to be considered "citizens"? No.
Can we overturn the 2020 election results based on the unjust influence exerted by Zuckerberg et alia? Maybe.
The stultifying question remains, how were so many people dead asleep at the wheel, allowing these changes to basic definitions and roles and prohibitions to be made?

And also allowing the blatantly compromising and foreseeable evil results to accrue to the American electoral process -- by making it all "technically" legal?


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Reply for the Postal Pedants

 By Anna Von Reitz

It has come to my attention that certain persons representing themselves as organizers of the County Governments of this country imagine that they have access to our Post Offices in Admiralty --- that is, on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways, and that they somehow have the right to seize our Postal Offices and employ them on dry land.
While this is an interesting theory it is demonstrably laughable and unenforceable, even for a ship in dry dock --- for the following reasons.
We, The United States of America, are in receipt of the oldest Postal Treaty on this continent --- 1732, and we have maintained a constant General Post Office since that date to the present time, with representation in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, which is the seat of our government.
Notice that I say, our government ---- which began and was established in 1727, four years prior to receiving our Postal Treaty from the Holy See.
All Post Offices and all postal functions began with the Church and the establishment of the Universal Postal Union in no way abrogates any Postal Treaty owed to the land and soil government.
Please also be aware that we are Party to all Postal Union Treaties in the international jurisdiction of the sea as it is our delegated power that allows for our servants, "the" United States of America to operate a Post Office in the first place, and the same is true for the Municipal Post Office.
Not only that, when it became apparent that the Municipal Government Corporation would have to be dissolved and that all the other corporate "governments" were on a similar sleigh ride into extinction, we realized that our employees would be left stateless and without a postal address, so that we acted in their behalf and became signatories to The Postal Treaty of the Americas which established a Regional Post Office in 2010, for all of those who would otherwise be left without service.
We, in fact, hold four (4) primary Postal Treaties, together with protective addendums, and have held them on land and at sea and in the air for over two centuries.
So all those bean counters and customs agents and taxpayers who are employees of ours need to take notice not of the pedantry of the Post Office and the rules, codes, and regulations that govern Postmen, but instead, must take Notice of the actual Principals for whom they labor and by whom they are employed: The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States of the Union.
Please pass this information on to the Postal Pedants and inform them of our Postal Treaties and our grandfathered-in status in all such matters, and the fact that all positions and Post Offices in the Admiralty related to this country already belong to us and are not subject to their representations under any species of delegated power.

Thank you, very much.
Anna Maria Riezinger,
The United States of America


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Update to the Texas Assembly

 By Anna Von Reitz

I originally sent this message to The Texas Assembly to interject some common sense into the situation there:
Original Message:
To The Texas Assembly:
You are receiving this message from “Anna von Fritz” which is a label I use to identify conversations that start as phone threads, but this is in fact Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary for The United States of America.
I am going to make it real short and sweet, folks. If Texas doesn’t pull together and get itself properly organized, Texas isn’t going to get any money.
Not a dime.
You have to have at least the four basic structures assembled and at the rate you are all going and with all the fractious gossip and back-biting going on, Texas (and Texans) are still going to be standing around with their pockets turned inside out—- while all their neighbors are enjoying easier and happier lives.
Just sayin’ If y’all want to be sucking empty straws, it’s up to you; but, if it were me, I would be making tracks to make peace with my neighbor and together, we’d finally get a piece of the barbecue.
Now, I hate to put it in such commercial and mercenary terms, because we all know that food and health and love and freedom are all worth a lot more than money—- but having two nickels to rub together never hurt. And it won’t be any fun if the Okies just over the border are strutting around like Uncle Tom Turkey and you are all stuck in the mud and muckraking and poorer than sharecroppers just because you liked fighting with each other better than doing what has to be done.
And getting the money.
This elicited a response from a man in Texas who went through the process of reclaiming his birthright political status there and paid over $800 for himself and family to do it --- compared to $65 per person in surrounding States---- and in most cases, even that is keystoning it.
I would like to know what possible excuse Texas has for over-charging people for a simple service that any fool can learn to do and using a computer system that is provided at almost free gratis? Is this how you are trying to make money? By gouging other Texans to recoup rights and property interests that some other Gougers defrauded them out of?
I repeat ---- get it together and do it now. The piddly bits of money you can make by gouging people on the recording fees are beyond trivial. The actual assets and money owed to your State of the Union are at stake.


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Public and International Notice to All "US" and "USA" Affiliated Military Officers

 By Anna Von Reitz

This is the crap that they are telling to our top military officers and this is the crap that they are actually doing and I quote:
1) The bioweapon is a military operation and by winter 60% of the
population will be dead.
2) The military is running everything and it is the military's job
to keep the balance of power in place between good and evil.
3) Trump had his top leaders change their citizenship to an
international citizenship that they applied for in person at the Hague.
And here's the actual facts, suckers:
1. The illegal bioweapon was created and deployed by rogue factions operating in collusion as commercial mercenaries in both the US and China ---- not a single clean military officer involved.
2. The military is absolutely obligated to obey the civilian government and the civilian government is now in Session. All orders forwarded by the existing chain of command are belayed unless those orders conform to your ultimate Mission --- to protect your actual Employers at all cost, and to protect life on this planet at all costs. It is NOT the military's mission to maintain any balance between good and evil. It is the military's mission to eradicate evil wherever it finds evil and to make all necessary effort and exercise all individual and group powers of discernment to determine the nature of evil, identify evil, and put an end to evil.
3. If Trump did this knowingly and willingly, with knowledge of the consequences, he is a traitor to this country and needs to be hunted down like a rabid dog. If he did this in ignorance and banal stupidity because he was misadvised, he needs to be brought up to speed at hell -a- kiting Mach 10.
I cannot believe that any sentient high-ranking military officer in our service or any other service would "buy into" such bull crap, but there you have it. This is what they are being told by the corporate Middlemen.
Time for the military to get off its ass, recognize the fact that the Middlemen are commanding the destruction of their actual Employers ---- and kill the Middlemen.
Otherwise, you dumb(#$%$##)clucks, you are not only going to be out of a job, you will be fighting and killing the people who actually provide your salaries and retirement benefits.

Pass it on!!!


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 By Anna Von Reitz

This communication refers the High Courts and the Officers of the World Court and the Officers of the World Bank to these presentments and informations with full disclosure that these are matters under my control as Fiduciary for The United States of America [Unincorporated] and our citizenry, including [redacted] who has declared his permanent house, home, and domicile with us. There has been no contract to use the assets of the Avila (properly, the D'Avila) Trust Code FLAT since 2005, with the result that all the governments operating under the Bretton Woods Agreement have been operating in arrears and making unauthorized credit claims upon the assets of this Trust and other assets that are under control of the Fiduciary of The United States of America [Unincorporated].
It should be noted that the assets of The United States of America [Unincorporated] were transported offshore to the Philippines and Indonesia beginning in the 1870's purportedly for safekeeping by a Scottish Commercial Corporation operating deceptively in our name as the United States of America --- Incorporated. The same corporation purchased the land mass of the Philippine Islands in our names using our money, making the Philippine Islands' land and soil a permanent possession of The United States of America and places the Philippines under our Territorial Administration until such time as the population there votes to become a State of the Union or peacefully petitions to negotiate release from this obligation. We are not adverse to such a settlement; we are simply noting that no such negotiation with us has occurred, and that the actions of the Territorial Congress in 1934 providing for an "independent Government for the Philippines" were undertaken merely so that the Government so created could undertake the responsibility of a Trustee acting for us in the administration of our gold deposits in the Philippines, and also we note that subsequent actions undertaken by the U.S. Military/Territorial Government acting in its own jurisdiction after the Second World War to free the Philippines and return national sovereignty to the people of the Philippines in no way alters the land possession, depository, and trust obligations.
I am operating under complete global immunity in the discharge of this Public Duty and make this Presentment in the interests of peace and prosperity for all mankind, for the avowed and explicit purpose of ending the criminality that has brought this planet to the brink of destruction, and to usher in the decreed, intended, and required result commanded by the Donors: abundance and peace for all people without regard for tampered DNA, the restoration of this planet's biosphere, and the respectful care for life in all its diverse forms.
With prejudice, we are assuming control of the world economy, which criminal misadministration has brought to the brink of calamity. We are setting aside all foreign intervention and jurisprudence and operating the civilian government exclusively under the American Public Law and International Law for the purposes of this emergency action. All signers of the Bretton Woods Agreement, the World Bank, the Federal Reserve, the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development, the International Monetary Fund, and the Bank of International Settlement are placed on Emergency Notice regarding their obligations and remaining rights and Emergency Notice of our pre-eminent deposit domain and all derivative assets and accounts: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999.
Together with this Presentment and Recoupment action we are requesting immediate emergency action by Interpol and combined peacekeeping forces including the United States Marshals Service to arrest and secure Klaus Schwab and the members of the World Economic Forum (WEF), and to provide the arrest and detainment of all Officers and Board Members of the following corporations: Wellcome Trust, Pilgrim's Society, Astrazeneca, Moderna, Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson, Evergreen, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the American Medical Association (AMA), Monsanto, Bayer, Dow Chemical, Microsoft, ABC, Alphabet, SERCO, CHINA, the Louis Pasteur Institute, Harvard University, and the World Health Organization (WHO). We have probable cause to believe that these --and other Parties to be determined-- have carried out an illegal mercenary action involving the deployment of a genome-altering bioweapon and control system aimed at the genocide, degradation, and enslavement of all Mankind.
The United States Military in all branches and all U.S. and UNITED STATES Military subcontractors are also hereby placed on Notice and Standby together with the members of the U.S. Congress and all incorporated Police Forces and National Guard Units.
Please see the attached evidence and contractual obligations provided by the actual Filipino Trustees.
Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents, Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.

So said, so signed, so sealed on this 11th day of October in the year of 2021 by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary: The United States of America [Unincorporated].


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Idiocy in High Dudgeon -- Modern Economics in Simple Terms

 By Anna Von Reitz

This is an official communication to the High Courts regarding settlement and disbursement of public debts and private assets from the Fiduciary of the The United States of America [Unincorporated].
After the Second World War, someone had to play the world's Debtor, so the good ole USA was chosen to play that role --- even though that makes no intuitive sense at all.
The United States of America won the war, so logically, it was all the other countries who started the war, and those that lost, who should have been "the" debtors. One would think.....
But, that's not what happened at all.
Reality doesn't bend to our suppositions.
The end of the Second World War presented us with a globe in ruins. The people who lost were in ruins. Most of the people who won were in ruins. Most of Europe was a smoking pile of chaos ---and they were supposed to pay the war debt? And rebuild themselves, too?
Not possible. Naught into naught is naught, as my old friend, Jethro Beaudine, would say.
So the USA shouldered the debt of the entire world, accepted all the cost of rebuilding from Britain to Bangkok, kept its industries and people running at full tilt, as if the War was still on, and just changed gears for peacetime production.
And year after year after year the American workers continued to produce, produce, produce and send all the materials and gear necessary to rebuild the world at cut-rate basement bargain prices and even extended vast amounts of cut-rate credit to make it possible for all the other countries to buy what they needed for pennies on the dollar.
It had to be done.
You can't have a world economy without trading partners. You can't trade without products. You can't have products without restoring natural resources and factory capacity. So the USA gallantly set about the task of rebuilding Britain and the Commonwealth, France, Germany.... and the list went on.
It's a chicken and egg problem. Someone who was still capable had to prime the pump and bear the cost of rebuilding all these other countries, so that the world could get back on track again. And only the winners could possibly do that.
So, ironically, as the result of this factual Law of Nature, the USA became the world's Debtor and the "Dollar" in whatever form it took, became the "Reserve Currency" --- that is, the currency against which all other currencies are valued.
Things settled down, the Nazis went underground along with their pals in the Holy Roman Empire and the Japanese Empire, and for a number of decades we just slaved away, working our way through it, rebuilding everything and accepting the cost of rebuilding everything.
This is why the USA is still paying 96% of the cost of defending western Europe--- and that's after Donald Trump had the sagacity to insist that they should up their contribution by 2%.
Of course, when the cost of everything is resting substantially on one country and one currency, that country is accruing a tremendous amount of debt.
Whatever "the Americans" actually consumed in terms of hamburgers and toilet paper and cheap beer, it was comparatively nothing compared to what literally billions of other people all over the world consumed during those same years--- and charged off against the "US DOLLAR".
And this is how the "National Debt" ballooned to 25 Trillion and how 330 warehouses worldwide became stuffed with trillions of counterfeit "dollars" that were never entered into the Federal Reserve System, but which are nonetheless being used as cash by people all over the world and legered by banks as if they were actual dollars, just the same.
Imagine the situation. You borrow $10 from your buddy, Al, and on Saturday, you pay him back. Al tears up the I.O.U. and you give him the ten bucks and all is well.
That's what is supposed to happen.
But what if "Al" never tears up the I.O.U. and even after you paid him back, he continues to hold the same debt over your head and charges you interest on it?
Now, you are 'indebted" with all the world's debts, and the amount of debt not only increases, but accrues interest on top of it.
On one side of this ledger, you are the poorest man in the world, and on the other side of the ledger, you are the richest --- by definition.
So now you are being told that "the Biden Administration defaulted" on September 30th, and that "all Hell" will break loose on October 18th if the "US Congress" doesn't "increase the debt ceiling" and accept more debt.
But the US Congress can't accept more debt, because if they do, that will come out of their corporation's pockets, and it will no longer come out of our pockets --- that is, the pockets of the American People, because, as your Fiduciary, I said, "Whoa! Your credit account at the Bank of Anna is closed and subject to audit."
That is why the world is in such a mess. The cards have been called. The books have to be balanced.
The simple way to do this is to apply the American National Credit to the US Debt.
By definition, the American National Credit is always equal to or greater than the US Debt.
So, as your loyal Fiduciary, I "accepted" the US Debt --- every penny of it, so that there was no more debt for anyone, including China, to siphon up or complain about.
All that is left is the "interest" which is supposed to be the profit to the USA on this whole deal, but like everything else, the Criminals-in-Charge messed this up, too.
Instead of charging simple interest, as intended, they charged compound interest. And instead of compounding it once a year, they compounded it daily.
And as nobody would ever believe how much debt this produces or imagine that any country could bear the results, they created "derivatives" to absorb this part of the US Debt.
Derivatives are basically phony accounts belonging to non-existent persons.
If I were to become a character actor like Steve Martin, or Red Skelton, or the late great Gilda Radner, every one of all my "characters" would be "derivatives".
And it is this "derivative debt" that is still the problem, not only for us, but for the whole world.
Thanks to my action, the primary debt is gone and debt is no longer accruing on it. Part of the problem is solved.
Unfortunately, because certain people got greedy, the so-called "US National Debt" is the least of it. The "derivative debt" is still looming over everyone, especially Europe and China.
Europe is shame-faced about this, and China is angry, but in no case do these reactions help or solve anything.
Practically everyone in the entire world owes the "US" an insurmountable debt, and the "US" owes that insurmountable debt to us, the Americans.
That's how it all stacks out.
Some people, who are rather dim, thought that they could solve this problem by killing off their Creditors --- us.
This criminal mentality is part and parcel of how this problem developed in the first place. These same people thought that if some debt was good, more would be better --- like teenagers on a spending spree with a stolen credit card.
So now, the owner of that card, me, the Fiduciary, has called the bank and said, "Hey, I didn't make this charge."
No American ever authorized this. A bunch of "US citizens" purporting to act for us authorized this.
Now, the effect of this is rather peculiar.
All the banks in the world are now faced with the "insurmountable debt" flashing over onto their side of the ledger.
The Americans aren't going to pay a gargantuan debt they don't owe?
Who knew?
And the rats in the "US Congress" aren't authorized to access the credit cards? Haven't been since 1860?
Holy Mother, Jesus, and Joseph! Call the police! Call the National Guard! It's the end of the known world! Lord, have mercy, we are so stupid and crooked, we don't deserve to live....
By "we" I don't mean the Americans. I mean everyone involved in this debacle, every country that benefited from it. What started out as a scheme to pass the buck and force the Americans to pay unimaginably more than is even possible, has yielded a world-wide meltdown and economic disaster, bankruptcy of all the banks, liquidation of all the currencies, utter chaos set to break out worldwide ten days from now....
Yet, there is a simple solution, even to this.
The Americans cap and forgive the debt --- gradually.
The Americans own the US and the US owns nearly everything else, so if we forgive the debts of the world, there is an automatic "reset" and Jubilee. If we do this with some common sense and do it gradually, nobody has to suffer at all; in fact, everyone is happy, because everyone has cause to be happy.
We forgive the debt gradually, beginning with monthly mortgage accruals. This allows everyone to stay in their own homes without being burdened by a mortgage. We also forgive basic utility bills, so everyone can stay warm and keep the lights on.
The American pre-paid credit is applied to all mortgages worldwide. I have said it.
We quietly slip the value of our gold and silver reserves onto the books of the banks and require that they reduce the fractional reserve credit ratio to a sustainable and generous 3X the value of the gold and silver on deposit. I have set it.
Just wait until the banks see the value of the actual gold and silver reserves already on deposit. I can hear the corks popping from Bangkok to New York.
We issue pre-paid "Vendor Cards" to everyone, worldwide. And this does not harm us or anyone else. The amount of the debt being gradually forgiven is so vast that we can afford to do this and not even blink.
We use the value of our corporate portfolio, which includes most corporations in the world, and the continual profits being realized from all our investments, to fund all government services from now on. There is never any need for any kind of taxation to fund essential government services anywhere in the world.
And, no need for tax collectors, either. The courts can go back to being courts and the "internal revenue" collectors can disappear. I have directed it.
We forego usury and compound interest on public debts from here on, so that stops any more accrual to the insurmountable debt. We dissolve all unreal public trusts and take possession of the assets, distributing them to each State and country and to each individual as an untaxed inheritance.
People can pay us back what we are really owed --- a simple debt of gratitude and fellowship.
China can stop rattling its sabers over Taiwan and anything else. Hollywood can scrap plans for the "Big Event". The Pentagon needs a vacation, anyway.
Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, and all other vaccine producers are ordered to stop production and distribution of all Covid-19 products --- by their actual owners --- the ones actually holding their charters; or else, they will be shut down and liquidated and all their executives will be sent to Inner City Detroit.
In the winter.

So said, so signed, so sealed and so directed by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America on the 11th of
October of the year 2021.


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Your House -- a Parable

 By Anna Von Reitz

You have arrived home after many years away. You were kidnapped as a young child and raised in a foreign country. You learned United States History in school, but unless you are 65 or older, you were never taught American History to any extent at all.
Now you have come home to your own land and soil. You have little or no background in your own history. You don't know how your own American Government is supposed to work, yet, here you are.
Most likely, you are upset or have suffered an attack from people who are your employees. You may be disoriented, and it's about 90% certain that you are confused.
But you know that something is desperately and definitely wrong in this country, and you have by accident or by searching, stumbled through the door of your own home at last.
Things are dusty and disheveled. As you look around, there are holes in the floorboards and the roof. It's clear that no maintenance has been done in many years. The windows rattle. An air of loneliness prevails. Yes, there's a lot to be done to make the house weather tight and pleasant again, but it is not beyond repair.
With love and patience and understanding, it can be restored and your house can be just as beautiful and safe and sheltering as it ever was.
Unfortunately, you aren't a carpenter. You don't know how this plumbing works. And forget the electrical system that has to be torn out and redone.
This little analogy tells you where you are and the conditions you are facing as you join your State Assembly.
The house is still standing, and there are others with you who are willing to help rebuild it, but there are only a few carpenters and plumbers and electricians to do it all, so, you either have to learn the needed skills yourself, or be patient and support the rest of the team that is struggling to turn on the lights and water.
Too often, newcomers walk in and expect that everything is going to be ready to go, with a dozen bureaucrats scrambling around ready to serve. The idea that this is your house and that you have to do your own work or hire people to do it, can be difficult for some to grasp.
They are used to being served by the government they are familiar with. They've been told that they are "entitled" to a plethora of services and those services appear to be for free, though they are really not.
For many, it's a shock and disappointment to discover that the American Government has been let go for so long. For many, the first impulse is to try to fix it according to the blueprint of the foreign governments they are familiar with---but this is a profound mistake.
The point of all this is to rebuild your own house, not make a carbon copy of someone else's house.
With all its challenges and all the updates needed, this is still the Government that shelters you. This is the Government that holds the enforcement power of the Constitutions. This is the Government you are owed. It's the Government that makes it possible for you to own land in this country. It's what defines you as an American. It's yours. It doesn't belong to the Queen or the Pope.
So even if it is a bit dowdy and disorganized, a bit dog-eared, a little lop-sided --- the all important difference is that it's your house. You are responsible for it, and you have to repair it, ---- if you are going to enjoy it and live in it. It takes effort. It takes money. It takes learning how to do things you have never had to do before.
This can be daunting.
"Me? I am supposed to organize elections? I have to serve in a State Militia? I might have to arrest people who break the Public Law? I may have to accept jury duty? Or even learn about American Common Law and learn to administer a court? I may have to learn how to record and preserve public records? Me?"
Yes, you. It's your house.
Nobody else, except other Americans, will help.
There are some others who want you to pay rent to them instead of repairing and living in your own house. They will try to interfere and sabotage your efforts, give you bad advice and wrong instructions.
If you let them, they will discourage you and confuse you. They will tell you about all the rules and laws that apply to them, or which they assume apply to them, and they will try to convince you that all these same laws and codes and regulations and obligations apply to you---- when they don't.
If you let them, they will have you paying the mortgage on their house and spending your time worrying about their taxes and you will be up on their roof nailing down their shingles for them, while your own house goes to ruin.
See the problem? Oh, yes, they have a house and a government, but it isn't yours.
They will point out that their house is comfortable enough for them, even if the rent is high, even if they are only tenants, even if they have to live their lives as indentured servants or slaves. They have a government that tells them what to do and how to do it from cradle to grave.
Some people like that kind of government. They like not being responsible for anything. They love to stand around and gripe and play the role of victims. It's always someone else's fault. It's always someone else's decision.
But then, it's also someone else's house. They are renters. Lease-holders. Tenants. They are "residents" just passing through.
Living as an American and embracing the Government you are heir to isn't easy. There's walls to paint and gutters to hang, grass to mow and trees to cut down and more to plant. There's books to read and things you want to get done that you have to pay for, because you aren't an Employee. You're an Employer.

You finally found your way home and stumbled through the door of your own house. Take a look around. See the potential of it. Begin to dream. It's a Fixer Upper--- but it's yours.


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