By Anna Von Reitz
There are those who say I have a "god complex" because I speak of spiritual and metaphysical things as well as the practical matters of the Earth. Have they not heard for thousands of years that this is a Spiritual War? And how is it to end, if not via a spiritual revolution?
When I observe that the Earth has energy conduits that are blocked, I say that in the same sense that a mechanic might tell you that your car needs a brake job or new fuses.
Surely you realize in this day and age that your own body has arteries and veins that supply it with blood? And that your brain is connected to your toe by nerve synapses that transfer electrical impulses like tiny switches in any other kind of electrical circuit?
Just scaling things up a bit, you know that the Earth has such systems, too. You know about the Jet Stream and other "rivers of air" that flow through the atmosphere of this planet, do you not? And you know also of the ocean currents that mix and stir and carry the waters of the deep?
So when I tell you that there is an ancient blockage of energy known as the Seventh Seal centered on Bardsey Island off the west coast of Britain that is preventing the free flow of energy to Africa and the Southern Hemisphere, why is that taken as such strange thing?
Surely you are familiar with plugged plumbing and blocked arteries and leaves clogging rain gutters. You know also that if nerve impulses are blocked, a man can no longer feel his arms or legs and is paralyzed? So why is it so controversial that the Earth suffers the same kinds of maladies?
We have to deal with these things, the same way an electrician has to re-route a burned out circuit or a plumber has to snake out a drain, if we want the Earth to be healthy and bloom again.
Literally, if we want the Biblical prophecy to come true and to see the Sahara Desert bloom, then we must become aware of the Earth's body and how it is supposed to work and why it isn't working as it should.
I have been warned that I am "dredging up" things from ages and ages past. Well, that is true. But in my defense I will observe the process of healing wounds: a scab forms on the surface, but the wound heals from the inside out. In the same way, for the Earth to be healed, even a very old scab-- a superficial healing-- isn't good enough to build a future on.
The sources of the festering illness have to be dealt with for true healing to occur. This can only be done by more people becoming more aware of themselves and of the Truth and of the Earth and of the actual history that brought us to this moment.
In Hinduism energy blockages are well-recognized as the source of many illnesses --- illnesses of the body as well as the emotions and psyche. The whole of Chinese medicine is centered on this awareness as well: when the "Chi" -- the life force, is blocked, disruption of the whole system results. Being able to end-run around these energy blockages is what makes acupuncture and acupressure effective.
There was a time, admittedly, thousands of years ago, when this knowledge was commonplace in the West as well as the East, and the Earth was viewed as a single living system, with its own "Chi" that we are all part of. People were aware of the energy conduits, but unfortunately, some people tried to use this knowledge to protect and enrich themselves at the cost of the rest of the planet.
Thus we have the Seventh Seal on Bardsey Island to deal with.
Thousands of men were sacrificed and their energy was bound to this little scrap of land, forcing the great river of Earth "Chi" flowing over the Pole and down the west coast of England to be blocked, as with a dam. That dam has to be removed.
As it was formed by fear and pain and sacrifice of life, it must be removed with courage and healing and abundance of life. It has to be melted away by the focused consciousness of love and generosity and freedom. Our thoughts and our emotions are life forces. They have energy and meaning far beyond anything we can currently imagine.
So when we let our thoughts of love and peace turn toward that scrap of rock in the Atlantic, it is like massaging a sore muscle or cleansing a wound.
The people of the British Isles are suffering. They have been suffering for a very long time. Deep in their history, embedded in their culture, is a lie. That lie is that the dead of Bardsey Island form an army in Britain's defense, a sort of inheritance of heroes bound over from prior ages, ready to fight for the homeland.
Instead, what the Druids did with their ancient magic was to block up the natural free flow of energy on Earth, and cause all sorts of illness and imbalance---and not just for Africa, not just for the Southern Hemisphere. This "seal", this blockage of energy, has caused endless problems for the people of Britain, too.
The better part of three generations of British men have been sacrificed to wars because of it.
So when I call for Spiritual Workers to concentrate on breaking the Seventh Seal on Bardsey Island, it isn't "just" to benefit Africa or to release South America from pain or to moderate the climate of Australia. All these things will naturally happen, and they are good---- but there will be benefits for the people of Britain, too.
To every Brit reading this --- all your lives you have been constrained. Every breath has been half a breath. At the core of your being, you can feel that you have been "cinched up" in a tight little ball, and to the extent that you have every been free of this, it has required conscious effort on your part to overcome.
Most likely, you haven't known why this was so, only that it is so.
Your own experience of this Truth is what will convince you more than any words could do.
Many Americans and Western Europeans have been afflicted by this same odd malady--- a sense of constant tension and pressure and being "bound up"--- a sort of energetic constipation.
This is because of the Seventh Seal that was created on Bardsey Island many centuries ago.
If you can imagine the relief of letting the Earth's energy flow free again, if you can grasp why this is necessary and good, if you can see yourself as part of a greater whole and imagine how it would feel to be free again yourself, then help.
Look up images of Bardsey Island on the internet and know that what you are looking at is largely an accretion of human blood and bones, a ghastly monument of suffering and death, covered over with scant grass and beach sand.
Then visualize a wave of healing energy approaching the Island, penetrating deep into the seabed and through the rock, through the ancient bones, through the ancient blood, bringing it comfort and peace and rearranging its patterns of energy, letting the tightly bound knot of energy release.
Feel the release, the great sigh of relief, the deep breath coming back into your own lungs, as the healing energy moves on Eastward, over the rest of the British Isles, over Europe, over Asia, over the Pacific, over the Americas, over the Atlantic, and comes to rest again at Bardsey Island, quietly pulsing and penetrating deep into the soil, bidding peace to all who rest there.
As you do this you will come to notice other seals, places on Earth where the energetic channels are blocked off or constricted. The vast majority of these were not created on purpose, but are the result of cataclysms in the past---martyrdom, war, volcanic eruptions.
As your own healing force field moves around the globe you will come to sense these blocked conduits as little ticks or pauses, as if someone distracted you for an instant or tapped into a bit of your energy. Just accept and acknowledge these places and send them peace and healing, too.
To all the Bible enthusiasts who think that I am suggesting some thing evil or "new age" --- Our Father does not keep you ignorant. It has been openly declared --- ask and you will receive. It is only your own fear and superstition that keeps you from asking and from receiving, too.
And that same fear is what cripples you and keeps you from being the potent force for good that you should be on Earth. This is a good portion of "why" the Kingdom of Heaven is not immediately and universally manifest.
It is one thing to be "as" little children in innocence and kindness, but another to be grown ups willfully acting like little kids afraid of the dark and not asking questions because you are afraid of the answers.
There are those who have taught you to be afraid, even afraid of your own selves, your own nature, your own potential. They have bound you with lies and sought to rule over you --- not because they are more powerful. Far from it. Their entire schtick has been keep you bound and gagged by your own hands, by your own fear.
That's the only way that evil can thrive. That's the only way that these venomous snakes can get by---- is if you let fear and superstition bind you and separate you from your own Father in Heaven.
They tell you He is a deadbeat Dad. They tell you He is ferocious and will burn you with eternal fire. They tell that you are weak and helpless, that you have to depend on them to interpret and intervene as middlemen in all your spiritual affairs. They teach you to mistrust your own soul. They bind you and they try their best to alienate you from the Truth.
But as the old song goes, "Neither life nor death shall ever from the Lord his children sever."
I attest to this. I tell you the truth, not a half-truth watered down with pablum, but the whole truth. Ghastly things have been wrought upon the Earth because of willful ignorance, and it must stop. The past must be healed and fully healed, from the inside out. And anyone who thinks that we are not in the midst of a Spiritual War needs to step outside and check the wind.
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