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Friday, June 3, 2022

Starve us into submission

 Four times in the last week I have read that Union Pacific Railroad is  stopping ALL DISTRIBUTION of fertilizer, diesel, everything they ship.  DELIBERATELY.  FARMERS CAN'T GET FERTILIZER WE STARVE.  I couldn't find the connection.  Well here it is.  THIS IS WHAT /WHO IS BEHIND THE SHORTAGE AND IT WILL GET WORSE!  Biden has promised that they will starve us into submission!  Food shortages to come!  The president of the National Farmers association did an interview saying that can't get fertilizer and that they can't plant without it.  I have read that  farmers aren't being ALLOWED TO PURCHASE DIESEL FUEL.  

HERE IT IS!  READ IT!  And the regime is behind it!

Right now, Russia is the largest exporter of Urea by a wide margin. Qatar is second. Egypt and China are Tied for 3rd. Both Russia and China have decided to no longer export Urea. On top of that, India is the largest manufacturer of Urea in the world even though they consume most of what they make. What little they would export..........they no longer do. They are now stopping the exportation of any and all Urea minus a deal they just cut with Sri Lanka.

What does this mean for you and me? Well, first, the United States imports most of it's Urea fertilizer. We are the third largest importer in the entire world. We depend on other countries to eat, drive and ship our products.
Secondly... Flying J is the largest Service provider for Truckers around the Unites States. I'm sure you've seen their massive gas stations when traveling around the country. Flying J gets 70% of their DEF fluid from shipments via Union Pacific railroad. UP has single user access to the Fertilizer plants that Urea/DEF fluid comes from. No other rail provider has access to these distribution points. This means Flying J can't just go around Union Pacific. Union Pacific is in charge....for a reason I'm gonna mention in a few paragraphs.
Flying J provides 30% of all DEF consumed in the United States. UP has told Flying J to reduce their shipments by a whopping 50%. And if they do not comply then they will be COMPLETELY EMBARGOED. That would in effect BANKRUPT FJ. This means that 15% of all DEF consumed by truckers in the US is no longer available at the largest travel service center for the ENTIRE TRUCKING INDUSTRY.

Rome rotted from the inside out. It was easily invaded because it was occupied with internal problems. It appears we have discovered the Trigger. DEF fluid. If this holds up, DEF shortages will be the catalyst that causes food shortages in the coming months. Not only is there a shortage of fertilizer to grow crops in drought-stricken states (See Kansas' drop in wheat production for 2022) it looks like, unless the Federal Government intervenes via the Defense Production Act, ...which I am no longer confident they will....there is gonna be an absolute massive shortage of trucking in the coming months.
There simply isn't going to be DEF fluid sufficient to keep the engines running and moving. Home Depot is now limiting the amount of DEF you can buy in their stores.

I would think long and hard about the decisions you are making right now. Where you live. What you spend money on. How you prepare. This is so real that the CEO of Flying J, Shameek Konar was summoned to a Surface Transportation Board hearing to give them all this info.
From what I'm reading....BLACKROCK is the majority shareholder of Union Pacific railroad. How is that important? Americas biggest fertilizer producer is CF Industries. Their largest shareholder is BLACKROCK. Blackrock controls the fertilizer industry in the U.S.. Union Pacific has exclusive rights to distribution points of fertilizer. Urea is fertilizer. Flying J needs Urea/DEF. BLACKROCK IS CONTROLLING EVERYTHING.

The Chairman of the BlackRock Investment Institute is Tom Donilon, President Obama’s former National Security Advisor. Tom Donilon’s brother, Mike Donilon is a Senior Advisor to Joe Biden. Tom Donilon’s wife, Catherine Russell, is the White House Personnel Director. Tom Donilon’s daughter, Sarah Donilon, who graduated college in 2019, now works on the White House National Security Council.
It appears Blackrock is spearheading the dismantling of the US system on behalf of the Globalists. And the first domino they are pushing over is the energy sector. They are using DEF to get the party started. This is one sector of the biggest downfalls in political repercussions this country has ever faced…

A copy of B. L. Watson post.

VIOLENCE IN HOSPITALS: Mass shootings barely compare to the medical violence routinely inflicted by many surgeons and doctors

In light of the Tulsa medical center shooting this week, a lot of attention is being placed on violence in hospitals. Any act of mass violence against innocent people is abhorrent, yet we must not forget the systematic, daily medical violence committed against patients by doctors and surgeons in America and around the world.

For the record, there are many surgeons and doctors who are wonderful people and who save lives rather than ending them. ER doctors, for example, save many lives each day. Trauma surgeons bring people back from the brink of death following industrial accidents, car wrecks, accidents and other causes. Not all doctors and surgeons are bad people. But a surprising number of them truly are.

Doctors and surgeons carry out medical violence against innocent patients every day in America and around the world:

  • Some surgeons mutilate children for profit as part of “transgenderism” surgeries that cause permanent disfiguration.
  • Nearly all doctors kill patients with deadly vaccines, violating their Hippocratic Oath to “first do no harm.” They don’t even do basic research on vaccine safety or vaccine ingredients. They blindly inject countless patients and condemn many of them to die.
  • Most practicing doctors obediently withheld livesaving treatments from covid patients when ordered to do so by “authorities” such as HHS and the CDC. They withheld ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and other beneficial therapeutics that could have saved lives. Withholding lifesaving treatments is a form of medical violence.
  • Many doctors in America took part in the ventilator homicide of covid patients, often combining ventilator suffocation with remdesivir damage (to kidneys and lungs), resulting in unnecessary fatalities. Even when warned to stop these failed practices, they continued to carry them out and needlessly killed countless victims.
  • All sorts of doctors routinely take part in the mass murder of human babies as they’re being born via abortion procedures that end a human life and silence a beating human heart. This is all celebrated by the political Left, who openly advocate the murder of human babies and the grooming of young children who aren’t murdered via abortion.
  • Nearly all doctors prescribe deadly medications to children, teens and adults, killing 100,000+ Americans each year from FDA-approved medications such as statin drugs, blood pressure drugs and even psychiatric medications that lead to acts of violence and suicide.
  • Some surgeons in America, China and other nations openly engage in harvesting organs from living patients because the organ transplant business is so lucrative. Just this week, a Wall Street Journal article revealed that the the Journal of Transplantation has documented hundreds of cases of Chinese surgeons harvesting organs from living patients (i.e. those not yet declared dead). Worse yet, surgeons extracted the beating heart of living patients as part of their organ harvesting operations. As the WSJ writes, “…[R]ather than wait until the judicial authorities had executed the prisoner, the doctors carried out the execution themselves—by heart extraction.”
See the rest here: