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Friday, November 27, 2020

For All State Coordinators

 By Anna Von Reitz

In a world of lies and liars, we are called upon to know and recognize the truth.  We are also called to be upright in the midst of a lot of turmoil caused by our erring and often misdirected employees, and by misguided patriots, too. 

The confusion is because people have been left ignorant.  They don't really know the history of their country, the organization of their government, or the importance of declaring their own political status and participating in the self-governance process of their own State and County Assemblies.  

They will, but in the meantime, it is a learning process taking place against a background of chaos.  

I have today sent out a two-page summary that I hope will, once and for all, make it clear what the political statuses are; that will allow people to see at a glance where they fit in --- or don't fit in --- our State and County Assemblies. 

Many of those who have stepped forward to join our Assemblies, are actually people who belong in District Assemblies.  The new two-page summary will help them-- and you-- sort it out. 

Another problem that we face is that there are people joining our Assemblies because they have gotten into trouble with Territorial and Municipal law enforcement, and they are belatedly trying to enforce their correct political status and come under the constitutional protections. 

Both they and you all need to know that political status correction is not, generally speaking, retroactive.  If it were, we would have a constant hopscotch game in which criminals flipped from one jurisdiction to the other to evade the consequences of their acts.  

I realize that many of our people have been misinformed and presumed upon, and that jurisdiction is an important aspect of that paradigm, but for those who have already run afoul of Territorial and/or Municipal Law Enforcement prior to adopting their birthright political status, defense must be on the basis of the fraud and the details of the misadministration, not political status per se. 

Any idea that you can just change your political status and thumb your nose at the law enforcement authorities or escape crimes committed while in their jurisdiction needs to be squelched.  

I recommend that everyone read the Thick Red Line Sheriff's Starter Pack to gain a better understanding of the issues, rights, freedoms, and yes, responsibilities involved. 

Just as people have been illegally trafficked into the foreign jurisdiction of the Territorial State of State and Municipal Government corporations, people can also "traffick themselves" into similar and even worse conditions by joining other corporations sponsored by other foreign governments. 

Though it hasn't quite hit home yet for many people, incorporated organizations like LIFE FORCE, the Reign of the Heavens Society, the Kingdom of Hawaii, the Republik, the United States of North America, the Unity States of America (Russell Gould's operation) and similar efforts all represent foreign governments. 

And you cannot vote or act as State Citizens in our State Assemblies while you are adopting foreign citizenship obligations.  You can have a voice in your local county government about local issues only as a State National Dual Citizen.  

That can mean:  

State National/U.S.Citizen

State National/Municipal citizen

State National/Israeli

State National/Reign of the Heavens

State National/LIFE FORCE

State National/United States of North America

State National/Kingdom of Hawaii

All of these foreign "Dual Citizenship" obligations automatically knock you out of position to enjoy your American status and subject you to the foreign "law" of these incorporated entities.  

The take home message is that the evils perpetuated upon us by the UNITED STATES, INC. and the USA, Inc., are not unique.  Other foreign incorporated entities can do the same thing to unsuspecting people and can subject them to foreign "private" law in exactly the same manner. 

That is in fact the aim of many of these organizations already identified and named: LIFE FORCE, the Republik, the United States of North America, the Unity States of America, the Reign of the Heavens Society, the Kingdom of Hawaii, all represent foreign allegiances contrary to the mission of our State Assemblies---- which is to self-govern. 

Any other corporation can impose its "private law" upon you as a condition of employment, receipt of benefits, or other conditions unique to that organization.  And if that organization is set up under foreign law, your membership in that organization subjects you to the foreign national law, too.  

For example, if the Reign of the Heavens Society is incorporated in Costa Rica (I believe that it is) you become liable for not only obeying all the private laws and canons of the corporation as a condition of your membership, you also become liable for obeying the laws of Costa Rica.  

It needs to be made clear to everyone in every State Assembly that this, their own State Assembly, is their official and traditional government, their means to self-govern, and each of our State Assemblies is properly organized and declared, and guaranteed to them under the Constitutions, so that it poses no danger or loss to them to join.  

It also needs to be made clear that participation in foreign governments including the "government" of foreign corporations, leads inexorably to conflicts of interest and enfranchisement to foreign interests, which is incompatible with   
our mission and our best interests as Americans and as State Governments. 

You can't be a Jew and a Muslim at the same time.  You can't be loyal to the government of Communist China and The State of Nevada at the same time.  

The rule that no man can serve two masters is very much a part of our law and our traditions, so that our State Assemblies are enabled and indeed, required, to remove would-be State Citizens that are compromised by forming relationships with foreign governments and foreign corporations.  

This is why we limit the participation of State Nationals to local government issues. 


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