By Anna Von Reitz
One of the most pernicious semantic deceits and confusions in all the twisty language and “code” we’ve had to struggle through has been the misrepresentation of State-of-State organizations as “Confederate States” and then further shortening this to “States”—- leaving it to context to inform the Reader which kind of “State”— actual or “Confederate” was being referenced.Many times one’s ability to even discern the context is dependent on knowing the meaning of other “code” words like “resident” and “person” and “inhabitant”.
Failing that you might easily mistake a (Confederate) State for an actual State and be completely confused and misled about the nature and identity of the entities being discussed.
We, for example, were temporarily kerflummoxed by contradictory records and statements being found in meeting minutes and other old records that seemed to bar colored people from meetings on one hand, and allow them to hold high offices the next.
So we started out thinking that this was a difference between States in the North versus States in the South, but then other things turned up that didn’t fit and around and around we went.
All that was sure was that there was one helluva verbal conundrum around the word “State” and conflicting evidence regarding the treatment of colored people by “the States” that was not apparently based on geography.
What we eventually found out was that the actual States and their Federation of States doing business as The United States of America was always color blind and never had any racial quotas or restrictions of any kind— except that to hold office a man had to be free.
At that time there were many free black men and women even in the South, but particularly in the Mid-Atlantic and Northern States, free black entrepreneurs were a growing and successful part of the Middle Class, with many gaining college and professional degrees.
There were also many successful free black community and religious leaders and plenty of free black politicians. These people formed a big part of the core of the Abolitionist Movement and stirred the conscience of the whole nation.
Our actual States of the Union welcomed free black members in our State Assemblies and honored their birthright nationality and political status from the very start.
It was the Confederate “States”—- and not just those in the South— that maintained racial prejudice and separation and exclusion. The State of State organizations that actually fought the Civil War, both North and South, didn’t allow black men to vote until after the Civil War.
Our States allowed free black men to vote and hold office after the Revolution. We had black Sheriffs, black Justices, black Congressmen and black Presidents BEFORE the Civil War.
So isn’t that a history lesson? Just another one of those Fine Flying Factoids that certain people would rather forget. The actual States and our Federation were already color blind in the 1790’s.
And they still are.
Anyone who wants to accuse our States of the Union of race-based prejudice or inequality or hypocrisy had better go bark up another tree. And if you have had any fear of our Assemblies being “closed” or any jobs restricted—- think again.
We are here to welcome home all free men and women born on the land and soil of this country. Americans are Americans of every race, creed, and color; all endowed by Nature and Nature’s God with unalienable rights and dignity.
So welcome home and sit right down, take your place at the table and dig in. We might be an odd family, but we are your family— and it’s a family we can be proud of, all the way back to 1776.
We are the knot heads who decried and left behind the British Social Class System, waved goodbye to “privileges” and titles, and forged a new nation where every man is the king of his own life and home, author of his own destiny, free as God made him free.
It wasn’t our government cooking up all the schemes and oppressions that have been visited upon us all, black and white and every color.
No, once again, it was the Popes and the British Monarchs, seeking to subject everyone to their rule and their dictatorial authority, that have caused all this misery and confusion and death and destruction for millions of innocent people, that have promoted divisions of all kinds — racial, social, religious, and economic— and enforced their own prejudices and social elitism on everyone else.
Consider well the irony of Michelle Obama being ashamed of this country, while her husband was acting as the Bag Man for the Pope and the Queen—- and realize that it isn’t color that makes you a traitor or a hero. It’s what you believe in and who you are.
So if you believe in what is good and right and fair— stand up in every color, stand up for every religion, and let nothing stand in the way of the overwhelming realization that all men well and truly are brothers.
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