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Tuesday, February 22, 2022

So Much For Ferdinand

 By Anna Von Reitz

Those who have been following along know the actual story of Ferdinand Marcos.
Marcos was the attorney of a man named Severino Sta. Romano who was the actual owner of most of the gold that was stored in the Philippines. Not all the gold, but a great deal of it. This same man had stashes of gold in banks all over the world, underwriting the bank's ability to lend.
Severino's gold came mostly from two sources -- ancient hordes of gold consolidated by Alexander the Great which was, over a period of thirty years, gradually transported to Rome, and Spanish Conquest gold that was stockpiled in natural caves in the Philippines and Indonesia.
We know where the gold in these stockpiles came from because gold from different locations has its own unique metallurgy --- its own "DNA".
When Spain ceded control of the Philippine Islands to The United States of America in 1898 as a consequence of the Spanish American War, the British Territorial Congress made plans to buy out the Filipino interest in the landmass of the Islands using our assets and paid 10,000 tons of American gold to the then-Filipino tribes and officials.
Having secured this interest "for" us, using our money, the U.S. Congress running the Scottish commercial corporation misrepresenting itself as "The United States of America, Incorporated" began transporting American gold offshore to storage facilities in the Philippines for "safekeeping".
And that's where the bulk of what Powell initially recovered from the Grand Canyon and Southwestern United States sat until the bankruptcy of the presumed Successor corporation run by the Roman Catholic Church resulted in our gold being placed into a trust and in 1934 created an "independent government for the Philippines" which was then named the Trustee of our gold stash in the Philippines.
Another 234,000 metric tons of American gold from the Southwest, West, Northwest and Alaska was added to the stash after WWII, though a significant amount of gold was plundered out of the Philippines by the Japanese during the War and not all of that has been recovered.
It was in his role as President of the Philippines that Marcos became involved as our Trustee, and this is the reason that President Kennedy met with him.
So you have one man, Ferdinand Marcos, working as both Severino Sta Romano's attorney, and as the Trustee of all the American gold stashed in the caves in the Philippines.
In neither of these roles did Ferdinand Marcos enjoy any ownership interest, himself, though when it was thought that the American gold transport manifests and deposit receipts were lost and Severino's heir was missing, Marcos came up with the outlandish claim that he was paid 192,000 tons of gold for his attorney services.
Later in his life, Marcos ginned up the fanciful story of the Maharlika Empire and he tried to pretend that all that "unclaimed" gold was for the unique benefit of the Philippines and the Filipino people, and was theirs by right since the time of Adam, etc., etc., etc.. He also claimed that the 10,000 tons of American gold used to buy the land interest in the Philippine Islands was in the basement of the World Trade Center (rather conveniently, since it was never recovered or reported).
In his Will, Marcos left everything to "King" Anthony Santiago Martin for disposition. What has followed has been a sideshow of major proportions, with murders and mayhem and various Filipino "Royals" claiming all sorts of power and money that self-evidently doesn't belong to them and never did, because Marcos could not bequeath powers and ownership interests that never belonged to him in the first place.
In the midst of this the United Nations and the Committee of 300 were given -- by Marcos -- an interest in controlling the assets in the hard money accounts, which by 2007 resulted in them locking down all the asset accounts to prevent theft and pillaging, but which also resulted in the actual owners not having control of or access to their assets.
All the actual asset accounts were taken "off-ledger" and a banker's trading platform system was instituted so that owners and managers of these assets could, theoretically, agree to leave these funds on deposit for a period of time and get kickbacks for letting the bankers use the assets for collateral purposes backing loans.
The bankers, of course, made out like bandits as a result, as they had the actual owners of the gold and silver and other hard assets over a barrel and didn't have to pay them anything but a portion of their own credit for the continued use of their locked down actual account assets.
Meanwhile, where was The United States of America and where was Severino's long-lost Successor?
The Queen and the Pope and the Lord Mayor of London had by guile and deceit and non-disclosure so befuddled and confused the American People, that they didn't bring their own government back into Session for 160 years. When asked about this odd situation and "Where had the American Government gone?" the Perpetrators shrugged. It was obviously in "interregnum" and "absent" and they had been left in place as our custodians and "representatives" by default.
And as for Severino's Successor, he had been cashiered by the same scheme. CIA operatives removed him from his own country and dumped him on our doorstep and presumed him to be both a U.S. Citizen" and "citizen of the United States" like the rest of us --- a fraud scheme by which he and his assets were seized upon and used as collateral for their debts and they exercised custodial power "for" him, so that he had no control of his assets at all.
Nobody imagined that the American People would ever discern what had transpired and been done to them and their country, much less be able to dance through the legal hoops and bring their lawful American Government back into Session--- and bring their unincorporated Federation of States, The United States of America, back into play, but we did.
Nobody imagined that the plight of Severino's Heir and Successor would be discovered as part of our effort to bring Americans and legal immigrants all the way home to the land and soil jurisdiction of this country, but he was.
This past year, like many other Americans, he regained his full standing and shed the shackles of foreign citizenship obligations. Last week, he won his recognition from the courts.
The end of The Great Fraud is in view, the Truth is coming out at last, and a whole new world is shoving into view.
We may never know the whole story of Ferdinand Marcos and the situations he faced or choices he made after JFK's death, but we do know that neither his position as Severino's attorney, nor his position as Trustee for the American assets in the Philippines allowed for the actions that he took or the claims he made for his successors toward the end of his life.
We also know that the actions of the Committee of 300 locking down the actual asset accounts has resulted in an unnatural world economy that has become more and more unbalanced, more detached from reality, and more arbitrarily dependent on the profit-driven commercial banks.

Any continued deadlock denying the actual owners of the assets and credit access to their resources cannot be excused anymore.


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Answer to a Request

 By Anna Von Reitz

Do you have any favorite Oldies But Goodies you like to play? Here's one of those from the Patriot Movement that caused quite a stir when it first appeared and got published on this side of the Pond in 1997: Order 1778 of 1997, United Kingdom Law.
It's the simple story of how Queen Elizabeth II controls and amends Social Security for "the" United States of America.
Now, this should not be a shock to my Readers, who know that "the" United States of America refers to the British Territorial United States of America and to its Territorial citizenry known as U.S. Citizens.
Why wouldn't the Queen have a hand in determining pension issues for her employees and dependents?
Those of us who knew the truth about this already just nodded. More proof. Those who didn't know that there was another "United States of America" had meltdowns and thought that the Queen had conquered our country and was ruling over all of us.
Well, she came close, but no banana, by using a fraud scheme and loopholes.
That's always the British way. If they can't win by force, they try to win by guile.
Every once in a while, they get sloppy, tip their hand, and there it is in black and white, the Queen doing a little number on SOMETHING called "United States of America" even if it isn't our version of "United States of America."
This is where we get into the endless debate of "these United States" versus "those United States", too.
It will be a big surprise to most Americans to note that we don't have Social Security in America. Only Federal Employees, dependents, and political asylum seekers are eligible to join (and pay for) the Social Security program.
Guess which one you were supposed to be?
You were "presumed to be" a political asylum seeker voluntarily subjecting yourself as a Ward of the State and standing under the control of the British Territorial Raj and their incorporated "governmental services" corporation being run by the British Crown.
Nobody told you that.
You weren't seeking any such thing. You were lied to by omission and told that you "had to" sign up for a Social Security Number if you wanted to have a [federal] job. They just forgot to tell you the "federal" part of it and left you to think you had to have an SSN to work at any job, which was not true then and is not true now.
More British Bushwah. Lies by omission. Flagrant misrepresentation and deceit. But they were desperate to have rich Americans paying for their pensions and giving their foreign British Territorial "Congress" a fat slush fund to steal and play with.
Oh, yes, and it's coming nicely to a boil, because fraud vitiates everything it touches and they are once again "broke" and about to tell you that they can't pay what they owe everyone --- but the Queen can, and we aren't forgetting that little bon-bon, either.
For those of you who have been tilting your heads to one side and thinking that I am crazy when I tell you that there are two (2) "United States" and two (2) "United States of America" --- pay attention. They admitted it in the newspaper and in Parliament in 1997.

Look up Order 1778 of 1997 if you don't believe there is a British version--- the United States of America,Inc. versus the American version, The United States of America -- Unincorporated.


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Fatal Lies

 By Anna Von Reitz

The first Fatal Lie is that there are too many people on Earth.
The opposite is true.
ALL developed countries on Earth are failing to reproduce their own population.
And it has been this way for decades.
The only countries that are growing in population are undeveloped Third World countries where women are oppressed and uneducated.
And they are not making up for the population lost.
We are facing a population collapse.
And the idiot Eugenists are trying to kill most of what's left.
The second Fatal Lie is that the climate is warming.
It has been cooling for decades and still is.
Anyone who bothers to look can see this.
Anyone who knows about Solar Minimums can predict this.
The third Fatal Lie is that carbon dioxide emissions are the problem.
Lack of oxygen is the problem.
Lack of oxygen is what is breaking up the natural carbon cycle.
And causing the build up of dissociated carbon dioxide.
We've lost 5% of the atmospheric oxygen in the past hundred years.
Because we've cut down forests and polluted the oceans.
Lack of oxygen is also causing serious health problems due to incomplete oxidation of food and oxidative stress.
All these Fatal Lies have been adopted and spread by the Club of Rome.
All these Fatal Lies have been fostered and supported by the Vatican.
All these Fatal Lies have been accepted by the Nobel Committee, various governments, and politicized University Think Tanks that are paid not to think.
And despite having plenty of reports otherwise, the United Nations has done nothing to oppose this nonsense.

Wake up while there is still something and someone to save.


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My Cred

 By Anna Von Reitz

People ask me --- why do you do this? Meaning, why do I openly discuss ancient Earth history and alien presences? Why do I admit to being something "more" than a woman?
When Joshua taught you, he taught in parables and he hid many things from the public, because hardly anyone was ready to hear such things.
An entire Age and more has passed, and you are no longer such babies anymore. You must be prepared to do what I do. That means knowing what I know. So, I speak openly. I share correspondence about things that shock you. I observe things that shock you. I know things that shock you.
The plain fact is that you can't defend yourselves, enforce the law, or manage this planet, if you are left in ignorance of your own nature and the nature of the Universe--- and I am not always going to be incarnate. So learn now.
Picture in your mind the shell of a Chambered Nautilus. These are the large, spiral-shaped shells, where each chamber is the same shape and proportion as the prior chamber, only larger.
This is an apt visual representation of this Universe, only instead of the chambers being made of shell, they are made of frequencies and vibrations that form natural octaves of sound, radiance, magnetism, and so on.
Each such chamber is a world in and of itself, and, whether you know it or not, you --- yourself --- exist in a different form in each of these chambers. Your consciousness also occupies a much broader range than you imagine throughout these chambers, and in this world, too.
I happen to be a seraph in higher realms, but each of you also have forms in higher worlds, too. Likewise, I am Ana, but in the expanse of her consciousness throughout this Universe, she has many expressions; I am not the only vessel of the Great Mother, even though I am unique and beloved.
These are all things that you have yet to discover about yourselves as a race and about yourselves as individuals, but it begins with understanding the physical nature of the Universe you live in and the multi-layered, multi-faceted nature of your own Being within it.
In the days to come you will see many strange things that hearken back to things that are spoken of in the scriptures. People all over the world have seen the Wandering Stars, pillars of cloud and pillars of fire, manna has appeared in the desert, signs have appeared in the Heavens, soon you will see many spaceships -- UFO's, too, and there will be a great deal of coming and going as the Earth is purified of ugly energy and foreigners that shouldn't be here.
This is routine and happens every time an Age of the Precession changes, about every 2,600 years, but as nobody alive now has seen this housecleaning and as records of it have been routinely suppressed by the Martian refugees and the renegade "Saturnine Brotherhood" who seized power here, everyone is unprepared for it.
Without you knowing it, a great deal of purification work has already been accomplished. Vast amounts of dark energy contained in energy reservoirs has been drained, smuggling operations shut down, wars and attacks prevented, seals--- which restrict the natural flow of energy on the planet--- have been removed, and the "climate changes" that result, along with other serious biosphere issues caused by pollution of various kinds are being addressed.
More will be done before this transition process to the Age and influence of Aquarius is finished, and just so you know, though the bulk of this work will be done within the next eight years, it will take around 300 years for the whole transition to be established.
Also, there are numerous beings who are not native to this planet who have nonetheless been here a very long time, who have awakened because of the transition and who are available to help. They are contacted telepathically, but can also "hear" words.
You don't pray to them, you pray only and ever to the Creator, but if you are having trouble, you can directly say things like, "I am in pain and wish for relief." or "I am hungry and wish for good food." or "I am in danger and wish for safety."
or "My Mother is sick and wishes for health."
Make your needs known in very simple language as I have demonstrated, and when you receive what you need, simply say, "Thank you." and let yourself send back feelings of gratitude.
These senior and ancient beings will be your Helpers in this time of upheaval. They have incredible abilities including the ability to heal, so don't be shy. Often, they can and will do for us what we ourselves consider impossible. If it is allowed to us to know, they will also teach us things.
They are not God and they are not Angels and don't wish to be mistaken as such. They wish to be regarded as Helpers or Nurses as the case may be, and be addressed accordingly.
Even though you may not be at all telepathic yourself, you can speak and they will hear. They are here as Servants of God. They love the Earth and they love you and there is nothing to be afraid of and no shame in asking for help.
Those of you who have developed so-called extra-sensory perception and those who have experienced Near Death Experiences and other experiences that have opened your spiritual and emotional capacities, are needed now to focus your attention on joy and peace.
If only slightly more than 1% of the Earth's population focuses their attention on joy and peace, it will be achieved. All this darkness and threat and ugliness will pass away in the twinkling of an eye.
Those who oppose this result know this, so they strive to keep our attention focused on what they want -- perpetual war, famine, disease, etc., that they profit from -- using media and music and subliminal messaging to keep us all enslaved to their narrative instead of our own.
The best thing that we can do for ourselves and our planet is to turn off the boob tube, turn off all raucous music, turn off the radio, even do what Jim and I do, and pull the main breaker and turn off the electricity for periods of time.
You will be amazed at how the natural silence returns and how constantly noisy the appliances of a modern house are. This interferes with your ability to focus and concentrate on what you want to think about.
Having rid your environment of their external harangue, pause and just think about your own ideal world, or what I call your "Happy Place", where everything is beautiful and safe and clean and peaceful. Visualize it. Smell it. Feel it. Let go and be part of it.
Stop focusing on anything but joy and peace and beauty and love. In your own mind's eye, create the world as you want it to be.
Is it a pristine white sand beach with palm trees and the sweet smell of exotic flowers in the air? Is it a ranch in the west with pipestone mesas and a glorious sunset filling up the whole western horizon? Or maybe a beach cabin in Maine on a summer day, with the sand deep underfoot and the sweet smell of pine trees and blueberry pie and the sea breeze?
Wherever you are on this Earth and no matter what your present condition, you can mentally transport yourself to your own Happy Place. Lying on your back in a hospital room, in a nursing home waiting to die, in a prison where you think you will never see daylight --- you can do this.
Impoverished and starving in a mud hut, you can do this.

And as we do this, the Wheels of God shift. All the limits, all the ugliness, all the haranguing drops away, and you discover the Creator within you.


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