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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Fatal Lies

 By Anna Von Reitz

The first Fatal Lie is that there are too many people on Earth.
The opposite is true.
ALL developed countries on Earth are failing to reproduce their own population.
And it has been this way for decades.
The only countries that are growing in population are undeveloped Third World countries where women are oppressed and uneducated.
And they are not making up for the population lost.
We are facing a population collapse.
And the idiot Eugenists are trying to kill most of what's left.
The second Fatal Lie is that the climate is warming.
It has been cooling for decades and still is.
Anyone who bothers to look can see this.
Anyone who knows about Solar Minimums can predict this.
The third Fatal Lie is that carbon dioxide emissions are the problem.
Lack of oxygen is the problem.
Lack of oxygen is what is breaking up the natural carbon cycle.
And causing the build up of dissociated carbon dioxide.
We've lost 5% of the atmospheric oxygen in the past hundred years.
Because we've cut down forests and polluted the oceans.
Lack of oxygen is also causing serious health problems due to incomplete oxidation of food and oxidative stress.
All these Fatal Lies have been adopted and spread by the Club of Rome.
All these Fatal Lies have been fostered and supported by the Vatican.
All these Fatal Lies have been accepted by the Nobel Committee, various governments, and politicized University Think Tanks that are paid not to think.
And despite having plenty of reports otherwise, the United Nations has done nothing to oppose this nonsense.

Wake up while there is still something and someone to save.


See this article and over 3500 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. The U N has never been in our favor. It has been against people from inception.

  2. The UN is 52 % owned by Rothschilds

  3. Ok I’m tired of hearing about the problem we need to start solving this garbage by unity action each individual need to be more,actively involved there’s more of us than them !!! A perfect example is Gandhi in India they defeated the English Empire were the whole Earth population 7 billion against the 1% strength is on our side

    1. I am tired of asking this question:Why the 99% prefer to idolize the 1% thus enabling them to exploit,rob and literally kill the 99%????

  4. Help!!! I just got summons to jury duty and do not want to be because I have filed all neccessary paperwork that I should be exempt. How should I Convey this information to the court judge. Maybe a link or video to help me...thanks in advance

    1. If you cancel your voter's registration (because you're probably not a US citizen or you simply choose to opt out) then you'll cut out the root of this for yourself.

      Also anything arriving at mailing location that does not properly address to you (rather than to an incorporated or other fictitious entity) can be refused for cause.

    2. If the mail was not registered or certified you didn't get it. If you have done all your paperwork then you could charge them with miss identification.
      All states should have given notice to principals and agents along with the fee schedule for many types of infractions that infringe on our rights. If not give then notice tell them they messed up and if further contact is made then charges will be filed. Just make sure you know who you are. If all this is new then reading for the next year or so might get you up to speed. The Assemblies are for this kind of education and helping each other to figure this out and to pass the knowledge along to others that need this help too.

  5. Alaskan:

    If the mail was not registered or certified you didn't get it. If you have done all your paperwork then you could charge them with miss identification.
    All states should have given notice to principals and agents along with the fee schedule for many types of infractions that infringe on our rights. If not give then notice tell them they messed up and if further contact is made then charges will be filed. Just make sure you know who you are. If all this is new then reading for the next year or so might get you up to speed. The Assemblies are for this kind of education and helping each other to figure this out and to pass the knowledge along to others that need this help too.

    You can ignore the summons.

  6. Why doesn't this always post unknown?
