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Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Consumer demand collapses as global economy IMPLODES, factories closing doors, freight demand plummets

 We are now watching the whiplash effect of all the mad money printing that took place during covid lockdowns, which provided the world’s central banks an excuse to prop up their Ponzi markets one last time. The flood of money and debt was stabbed into the economy like an adrenaline needle into the heart of a code blue drug junky, reanimating the corpse of the economy into something mimicking economic “activity.” But the stimulus wave has, as we all supposed would happen, set into motion a series of inevitable after effects that might be worse than just letting the corpse expire in the first place.

Now the world faces skyrocketing inflation (i.e. currency devaluation) being reflected in prices of food (up at least 40% in the grocery store and closer to 80% in restaurants, in case you haven’t noticed), energy (up 800% – 1000% across much of Europe), clothing, housing and almost everything else you can think of. With consumers at the end of their financial ropes, they are now drastically cutting back on purchases of discretionary items such as appliances, vacations and high-end cosmetics. This is causing alarm bells to sound off in the manufacturing industry where companies like Electrolux (the second-largest appliance manufacturer in the world) has announced production cuts in both Europe and the United States.

As consumer demand is plummeting, forced shutdowns of factories are also occurring due to high energy prices and supply chain disruptions. We learned yesterday, for example, that Toyota has shut down Sienna production (that’s their mini-van) for the next two years. Promised 2023 models from Dodge, Nissan, Honda, GMC, Ford and Chevy are severely lacking in availability, and we are told that much of this problem traces back to lack of transportation (rail transport, believe it or not) and parts that are unable to be sourced due to the supply chain collapse.

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