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Friday, March 26, 2021

Additional Notification of Issues for The International Court of Justice

 By Anna Von Reitz

In the matter of the Great Fraud against the lawful American Government by foreign commercial interests acting in Gross Breach of Trust:
Our erstwhile Federal Subcontractors, which have been operated as private, for-profit commercial corporations, have claimed to be our Trustees -- thereby making us their dependents -- even though we are also the purported Donors of these Public Trusts which they have created in our names, and even though we have ordered their dissolution and dispersal back to the States and People to whom the assets belong. These foreign commercial corporations have also claimed that we are their legal dependents and that they are under a legal duty to support us as a result of exercising our delegated powers "for" us.
Read that: they insure their operations as commercial corporations and thereby secondarily insure us, so they have claimed that we are their legal dependents, even though they work for us and charge us for their insurance costs.
They have been getting away with this outrageous claim of "legal dependency" because we were not "otherwise insured" ---- which for us means "indemnified" with an indemnity bond lodged with a bank somewhere.
The United States Treasury is our bank, so in 2017, learning of this claim and circumstance, we lodged and allocated the AMR10001-AMR100001 Bond and Bond Series as an Indemnification Bond for all fifty States of the Union to put an end to the idea that we are legal dependents of these corporations in our employ.
These lawful Indemnity Bonds are lodged in the name(s) of Anna Maria Riezinger, the Fiduciary acting for our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America since 1776.
Proof of this action is hereby provided in the form of jpeg files of each page of the referenced Indemnity Bond and Series and the associated mailing receipts which are attached to this communication.
This is additional proof that our American Government is alive and well and conducting its international business in a responsible and logical fashion despite interference and fraud and unsupportable claims on the part of certain Federal Subcontractors that have been taking their paychecks with one hand and criminally subjugating their Employers with the other.

No, We Are Not Working For or With "The Vatican"

 By Anna Von Reitz

Once again, the idiocy abounds.
We are addressing the Vatican and the Holy See at an international level concerning the Great Fraud (and their culpability for it) and various people in our Assemblies have served Notice on the Archbishops to fully inform them of the skullduggery going on and their personal and professional liability for it.
This is not the same as working with the Vatican.
What we are doing is serving Notice and Due Process to the Holy See, which is a different part of the Church Hierarchy entirely --- and the Principal (besides the Pope) which is ultimately responsible for the misadministration of The Constitution of the United States and the Municipal Government of the United States.
Most Americans have yet to learn that they have Federal Subcontractors, much less the fact of who these Subcontractors are, or the fact that these Subcontractors have been operating in Breach of Trust, even though these same people suffer the consequences of this situation every day.
As I noted yesterday, there are many people in America who are ignorant or can't read or both.
They don't know the difference between "the Vatican" and "the Holy See"---all they've heard about is "the Vatican" so they assume that what we are doing concerns the Vatican operations--- which it does, but only tangentially and as a result of mis-administration by the Holy See.
They also can't distinguish the difference between acting as a "private attorney" for a Pope to serve Due Process on employees of his (which I did for seven years during the tenure of Pope Benedict XVI) versus being "an Agent of the Vatican".
That's rather like mistaking a draft horse for a goat.

They don't know what they are talking about or what we are doing or why, and they are not bothering to learn. Educate them if you can. Ignore them and move on if you can't.


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Non-Judicial Courts: The Two Crimes They Use Most Often

 By Anna Von Reitz

Many people have contacted me with the news that Rick Martin, from The Constitutional Law Group, has been arrested for "contempt of court charges".
Well, what does that mean and what is the nature of the court making the charge?
Contempt of Court generally means disobeying a court order when that court has jurisdiction and authority to issue the order in question, or somehow obstructing the orderly administration of justice --- such as causing a riot in a courtroom.
Perjury is the other crime that these non-judicial courts use as a mainstay in support of their business, and it is almost impossible for you to enter one of their courts and not perjure yourself.
The very first thing that they ask is for you to state your name for the record, but as we all know now, they have already stolen your name via secretive registration processes, so that your name no longer belongs to you ---- it has been copyrighted by the British Crown.
You stand up and say, "I'm John Roy Adams." and ---Bam! You lied on the court record and the Judge is free to treat you as a liar using a nom de guerre guilty of copyright infringement; so far as he or she is concerned, you have perjured yourself in the first five seconds of the proceedings, and the Judge takes "silent Notice" of this.
These sorts of tricks and unspoken wiles and games are the best practical reason to severely limit your interactions with all non-judicial courts and the officers of such courts.
When they call out, "John R Adams" ---- you rise and say, "I'm known as John. I don't know what the "R" stands for in this case and the surname ownership is in dispute."
This is an honest answer and evades perjury.
There are many ways to evade perjuring yourself by claiming a name they already pretend to own --- but you have to know that this is a fundamental issue before you can dance around it and give them the bad end of the stick.
Most judges upon hearing any honest answer, including, "I'm John Roy Adams, according to my parents." ---will find a means to take a break, and change up the venue, or roll their eyes and prepare for worse to come.
From our perspective, they are criminals acting under color of law, presenting themselves as if they were judicial courts, when in fact they are non-judicial corporate tribunals, engaged in fraud and racketeering every single time they address an American "as if" that American was a federal employee or federal dependent.
But we have to be polite, because they are foreigners, and with respect to their own employees and dependents, they do have a system of foreign law to administer.
This puts us in the irritating-as-Hell position of treating these pikers with velvet gloves and raising our pinkies and calling them "My Honor" --- never "Your Honor"--- and using mild-sounding questions to nail them to their own cross.
Any honest frontal engagement "threatens" them. Just think of the whining politically correct little obnoxious cowardly dishonest panty-waists claiming that your gun rights "frighten" them, and that your plain English "offends" them, too.
You can't do what Rick Martin did, and attack their proceedings in their own court.
That's called a "transgression" and they will happily throw the entire Code at you if you cross into their lane or interfere with their dispensing of "justice" to one of their employees or dependents.
This is why it is always best to be cloyingly nice and limit yourself to asking questions-- and only questions-- in the most friendly tone of voice.
The actual question: is the alleged Defendant a federal employee or dependent? Or, a federal corporation? Or anyone voluntarily and knowingly adopting Federal citizenship? --- never gets asked.
They don't want you asking that multi-part question, ever. And we are free to ask questions, so long as they are phrased as questions.
I can simper with the best of them in court, because that is what you need to do in their courts. Simper. That is their tradition. It's what they expect and need in order to function. The least little upset to their delicate systems gives them dyspepsia.
And when they have dyspepsia or a sinking spell of any kind that they can attribute to rough language or threatening demeanor or lack of decorum, they accuse you of contempt of court and have their private security personnel haul you away to a jail cell.
You are now in the "possession" of a private foreign corporation, and like the pirates of old, they can claim to own you and dispose of you as they wish --- as long as no lawful government claims you and pays your insurance.
This is why absolutely everyone in the world and especially every American needs to know --and have evidence of-- who they are and where they were born, and to have recorded their name and identity and political status, and to know the number of their Indemnity Bond, before they ever enter one of these non-judicial courts.
The Indemnity Bond Series AMR10001 to AMR100001 lodged with the United States Treasury in the name(s) of the Fiduciary for The United States of America, Anna Maria Riezinger, is the Indemnity Bond for every American claiming their birthright political status.
Your Indemnity Bond is at this point: AMR10001, and that is additionally backed up by the "individual trust account" assets that are owed to you as an American, and which should be accessible for your use to pay your bills and care for your families---but which have been used to create giant Slush Funds instead.
Many people have a hard time understanding "indemnity" which accrues to unincorporated entities, versus "insurance" which accrues to incorporated entities. And they also have a startling hole in their education when it comes to the key issue of "legal dependency".
Here is a quick and dirty legal definition of "dependent" and "legal dependent" from the "free dictionary" online service:
"A dependent is someone who is sustained by another person, such as a child supported by his or her parents. ... In an insurance policy, the term legal dependent generally includes all of those people whom the insured person is under a legal duty to support, such as a spouse and minor children."
Our erstwhile Federal Subcontractors, which have been operated as private, for-profit commercial corporations, have claimed to be our Trustees -- thereby making us their dependents. They have also claimed that we are their legal dependents and that they are under a legal duty to support us as a result of exercising our delegated powers "for" us.
Read that: they insure their operations as commercial corporations and thereby secondarily insure us, so they have claimed that we are their legal dependents, even though they work for us and charge us for their insurance costs.
And they've been getting away with this outrageous claim of "legal dependency" because we were not "otherwise insured" ---- which for us means "indemnified" with an indemnity bond lodged with a bank somewhere.
The United States Treasury is our bank, so we lodged and allocated the AMR10001-AMR100001 Bond and Bond Series as an Indemnification Bond for all fifty States of the Union to put an end to the idea that we are legal dependents of these corporations in our employ.
All of this again underlines the critical importance of knowing who you are, having evidence of who you are and your political status recorded, and being competent to conduct your affairs----such as setting aside an indemnity bond for the benefit of your security, or in this case, the security of all the States of the Union.
Your country and your Federation of States is back on the board. And so are you. Go to:

Your State is indemnified and all the people deriving their political status from each State are also indemnified, and so you cannot be considered legal dependents of any foreign commercial corporation in the business of providing you with "essential governmental services".


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Is Pope Francis Guilty?

 By Anna Von Reitz

The first question must be, guilty of what?
Obviously, anyone who becomes Pope has plenty of skeletons in his closet, if only to assure his loyalty to the thugs of Rome.
The darker the secrets, the better, from the perspective of the Roman Hierarchy.
Pope Benedict XVI, who admitted the Great Fraud and wished to correct it, was promptly removed; and the punishment didn't stop with the loss of his office.
There were several exposes in the Italian Press disclosing his sexual orientation and other gossipy issues, and, as always, threats against his life.
We forget, and we should not forget, that Italy was a home to Fascism. We should not overlook the fact that the Italian Government was up to its ears in the recent "US" election scandals.
As for Pope Francis, he circled the wagons and plumped up the coffers, which we can hardly blame him for as the Chief Executive of the Church Temporal, and he cut loose the Bar Association Privateers to sink or swim on their own --- another wise business move on his part.
There remain two (2) very serious and very public issues with Francis.
The first is his continuing promotion of "war" between the two governmental corporations on our shores, the US, INC. and the USA, Inc., that he ultimately owns and controls.
Now, obviously, other Popes have promoted this same Cash Cow for sixteen decades and it has proven extraordinarily profitable, so from that perspective he has little reason to Cease and Desist the harvesting of American lives and American assets.
The bad Public Relations and bad advertising for the Church, he no doubt figures he can sidestep and overcome with the help of all the major media corporations he also owns.
So despite the downsides, he and his henchmen have decided to try to brazen it out and pretend that they have nothing to do with the destruction of America, and the pillaging and plundering that has gone on here, and the criminal mis-administration of the Federal Subcontractors involved.
He can try.
Speaking from my own direct experience, it doesn't take very long to figure out which way the water flows in this world, because it always flows downhill and straight into a giant sluice drain in Rome.
So I don't personally give him much chance of escaping the consequences of that reality.
The responsibility for the mismanagement of the "federal" government, and culpability for any violence that erupts here, is also squarely on his shoulders first and foremost, although some of that burden is shared by the Queen.
What else is Francis guilty of, besides whatever personal darkness earned him the trust of the Roman Hierarchy?
In my mind, it is hard to reconcile his formal education in science, and particularly, chemistry, with his stance on the Paris New Green Deal and the whole topic of Climate Change.
As a scientist he is bound to know such basics as the Water Cycle, the Carbon Cycle, and Photosynthesis. I would be hard-pressed to find an eighth grader who is not fully familiar with these topics, so..... how can the Pope, with his education, miss the whole point?
The wholesale slaughter of the plant kingdom on this planet, by direct poisoning (Fukushima) and more generally by water pollution of all kinds including injection wells and fracking, and by wholesale stripping of the Amazon Basin and Equatorial Forests, leads inexorably to two phenomena that we are seeing: (1) drastic drop in atmospheric oxygen, because there are fewer plants to produce it and (2) drastic increase in carbon dioxide, because there are no plants to use it up and recycle it into oxygen.
There is no more important issue than finding a way to stop the China Syndrome scenario taking place in Japan, and there is no hope of moderating the situation by "reducing our carbon footprint".
The Fwits in Rome and "Eastminster" have really done it this time, and they are still trying to chisel some profit out of it with their Carbon Taxes.
Everyone who lives on the Pacific Rim, including certain people in Alaska, have a major bone to pick with Rome and those running it and everything else into the ground, for the sake of digits entered on a computer screen.
Why not have done with the nonsense once and for all? Just have a big party?
Start with the number one (1) on the screen, and then let every "President" of every governmental services corporation on Earth stand there and punch the "O" key for as long as he or she can keep standing ---- that's how much "money" their country gets in the Big Nothing Lottery Game.
It makes as much sense as anything else that Francis and his friends have tried thus far, but despite having no viable, fair, or sensible solution themselves, they keep on trying and meddling and won't listen to anybody else.
Meantime, Fukushima keeps rolling and the Pacific Biome continues to be polluted and yes, at least a third of the fish and sea mammals are dead or dying, and yes, the flora of the Pacific --- vast amounts of the algae, corals, and seaweed and other sea plants are already dead, gas hydrates are melting in the coastal waters of California and as far north as the Bering Sea, and if somebody in Rome doesn't wake up, soon, and focus on the actual problem ---- there will be nothing left for them to argue about.
For guys who have been arguing about such things as how many angels can sit on the head of a pin for the last dozen centuries, that will be quite a loss.
Is Pope Francis guilty? What do you think?
What I do know is that we have one of the biggest nightmare scenarios in human history breathing down our backs, and instead of addressing it honestly and dealing with it --- telling the corporations in the US to stand down and be at peace, cleaning up the accounting practices, and cleaning up the pollution that is killing the plants --- they are all busy trying to make a profit off of the disasters, including the Wuhan Virus, that they created.

Which leaves the rest of us to thwart their Ferengie-like efforts to profit at any cost, and deal with the disasters they have caused.


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Notice the Sequence of Things

 By Anna Von Reitz

Those who have profited themselves at our expense have done so using a very ancient form of law—- Roman Civil Law.

They have subjected each one of us individually to their foreign and ancient law by “conveying” our names into their jurisdiction via a process of multiple registrations.

So we start out as babies on the land and soil of our country and then are conveyed successively into Territorial Jurisdiction under the Law of the Sea, and then into Municipal Jurisdiction under Roman Civil Law. 

Think of this as moving from Point A to Point B to Point C.

Unknown to us or our parents we were trafficked off our native land and soil (Point A) and transported to the foreign jurisdiction of the sea (Point B) and from there transported to the jurisdiction of Municipal Government (Point C).

We have to start out at C, move back to B and from B move the rest of the way to A.

There is a process and steps and procedures that have been employed to traffic us from land to sea to air, and there is a process to convey us from air to sea to land again.

And it is one more step from the land to the soil. 

Success in unraveling the mess depends on us deconstructing the process that put us at Point C and doing it step by step— backwards to Point A.

What they did to us in transporting us off the land and soil is a crime known as unlawful conversion and they followed that with another crime known as impersonation—-which is a form of identity theft that allowed them to access our credit.

Unwinding it requires careful and knowing action on our parts.  If we try to go directly from Point C to Point A we quickly find that we “can’t get there from here”. 

If you want to think of it in terms of political units, you start out on a county in a State of the Union, get shanghaied and transported out on the High Seas, and from there, you are sold as a slave to a foreign Municipal Government.

The only way home is to travel overseas again. 

People get confused about “where they are” as a result of being moved around like this and many assume that they can take one step back and be home again, but it is more complex than that.

You come back the way you came.

You “lawfully convert” the Municipal PERSON back to being a Territorial Person on the High Seas, and from there you can step back on the land (State) and from State level you can step back on the soil— the County level.

I am pointing this out because you have to return by the same path you left, and too many people think there is a short cut.

You have to come back home by moving from State to County, because, as a baby, you were moved from County to State.

“As a thing is bound, so it is unbound.”

Now that you know how you were bound, you are in a position to untie the knots and keep them untied. 

Go to:


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Deconstruction of the Great Fraud for The International Court of Justice:

 By Anna Von Reitz

After the so-called American Civil War hostilities stopped in April of 1865, our two Federal Subcontractors, one British, one Holy Roman Empire affiliate, incorporated their organizations as commercial corporations in the business of providing governmental services.
They continued their commercial mercenary "war" against each other on our soil, without our knowledge. The colluding Principals used this mercenary conflict between our Employees, their own Instrumentalities, as the excuse to establish an international military protectorate on our soil---- in contravention of the controlling Treaties, and later employed a double-ended impersonation scheme to embroil completely innocent and clueless Americans in this perpetual war-for-profit con game.
They claimed that we were "absent", "missing", in "interregnum" --- none of which was true, and which still is not true. It is not possible for a government composed of living people and Lawful Persons to disappear. They also held private corporate elections which appeared to be public elections, and on the basis of this fraud, claimed to represent us, the unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America and our Federal Republic.
This military occupation by our own paid military forces has lasted for 158 years, all without the General Public of this country being informed or assisted to address the situation.
The British Territorial Subcontractor set up "State of State" franchises for itself and usurped our lawful government by secretively substituting these entities for our American States and our American State of State business organizations.
All that the General Public might have noticed was a change from "The State of New York" to "the State of New York".
These con artists also pretended to be "The United States of America"---Incorporated. And they claimed, without any granted authority, to have the power to create other corporations "in our names" (Corporations Act of 1870) and to have "Emergency Powers" never granted to them.
By 1907 all the corporations that they created "in our names" were bankrupt and we were "presumed" to be responsible for their debts.
The deliberately confused and deluded American Public mistook these con artists for their own lawful government, due to the similar names deceits, and accepted the charges.
Under Municipal Law, otherwise known as Roman Civil Law, these Municipal Corporations are allowed to cheat and deceive people, so long as they don't know that they have been cheated and deceived.
Once the victims realize it, however, the fraud involved erases everything, rendering even the most solemn covenants null and void.
The victims have uncovered the fraud --- all the way back to 1860.
It's all null and void including all the debts they ran up "in our names". Also including all the bogus court actions they've engaged in by entrapping Americans and impersonating them, including all their claims of undeclared mercenary "war", including all their insupportable bankruptcies.
There is no doubt in the rational world that the Perpetrators of these crimes in Breach of Trust and Public Law owe us more than they can ever repay, so an amnesty and debt forgiveness and reconciliation process must be engaged.
As part of this first round of the national identity theft, credit fraud, and bankruptcy fraud scheme unfolding in 1906-07, the so-called U.S. Trustees took title to our land as collateral backing these bogus commercial debts, and instituted a system of property taxes which is completely foreign to us.
Millions of Americans who were never any kind of "US citizen" were deliberately misidentified as co-signers and accommodating parties and their land was seized and held under force as collateral for the debts of these foreign commercial corporations.
Bear in mind that Americans didn't know what was going on, nor was the General Public told anything about this. The Perpetrators acted under color of law, once again, pretending to be the government, when in fact, they were only government subcontractors, that is, Employees usurping their Employers.
In 1933, they did it all again. More money and power for them, more debt for us, and this time, they latched upon the value of our labor and our individual physical assets. To grasp the full extent of their heinous and insupportable claims, read the Buck Act published in 1940.
Again, the clueless American Public had no idea what was going on and nothing approaching full disclosure was ever given. Except for a cryptic reference to a "holy cause" and a "consecration" in FDR's First Inaugural Address, which was technically addressed only to Municipal Employees, the American States and People were kept in the dark --- the better to prey upon them.
And their assets.
This all began to unravel in the 1970s and 80's. By 1998, we knew we had been defrauded and suffered identity theft, human trafficking, and unlawful conversion, though the full extent and complete mechanism of the crime was still to be uncovered. We served notice on the Municipal IRS and Territorial Internal Revenue Service, both.
From this date, 4 April 1998, the Perpetrators and both Federal Subcontractors organized as commercial corporations in the business of providing governmental services, have been under constant Public Notice and Due Process.
At this moment they are attempting yet another bankruptcy fraud and the substitution of a new Municipal Corporation for their old bankrupt shell ---and they, represented by the Biden Administration, are attempting to act as Successors to Contract by a process of assumption.
We have refused for cause and published our determination.
Meanwhile, we have discovered the Perpetrator's mischaracterization of Americans as both British Territorial and Municipal Persons/PERSONS, taken action to record our actual identities and political status, and called the actual State Assemblies into Session.
We are telling The Court of International Justice that we don't have a contract with the Biden Administration and we are not allowing any process of contract by assumption or accommodation.
Furthermore, we are fully informing The International Court of Justice, Vatican Chancery Court and Court of the Lord High Steward of all these facts. We are moving all three courts to proceed to discovery, investigation, and prosecution of these offending corporations and their officers for criminal breach of trust and contract and violation of their treaties and the Public Law and Constitutions that define both classes of foreign citizenry that have been employed to accomplish this Great Fraud.
It is not sufficient to bankrupt these entities while allowing them to incorporate an endless stream of successor organizations. Those responsible for these crimes must be stripped of their privilege to form corporations and it must be recognized that as they never actually had any authority to charter corporations in our names, those corporations are indebted to us, not them.
Indeed, it has been recognized for a long time and in several venues that all US CORPS and all USA Incorporations are our debtors, and remedies related to these facts have been on the books since 1863 without due enforcement by the other Principals involved in these criminal Breaches of Trust, and without
intervention by the courts or the international community, which for the most part, has benefited from these crimes against America and Americans, who have been blamed for the criminality of these same Oppressors doing business "in our names".
Inasmuch as there are international laws and treaties, solemn conventions, and international courts and forces dedicated to enforcement of international law, it is more than past time for these institutions and their agents to put an end to this outrageous international fraud, Breach of Trust, and breach of our Public Peace by these foreign commercial corporations working against their Employers in violation of their well-known international service contracts.
Our lawful Government is back in place and catching up on long overdue business, including the formal Enrollment of the states formed since 1860 as States of the Union. This action established by Roll Call Vote of the actual State Assemblies took effect 1 October 2020 and is retroactive to the date when each such incipient State entered into Territorial Statehood.
There is no longer any excuse to pretend that our government is absent or failing to take care of its business interests, nor is there any reason to presume any custodial interest by any Federal Subcontractors in our land and soil assets, assets at sea, and assets of the air jurisdiction including the patents, copyrights, and trademarks we are owed.
The non-judicial courts established on our land and soil, which are being operated under color of law as instrumentalities to collect debts Americans never owed, are illegal and unlawful racketeering operations employed by the Roman Catholic Church and its affiliated organizations, the Government of Westminster, and British Territorial United States Government, all of which owe us Good Faith and Service.
Our assets must be returned and our sovereignty recognized as a first step toward sanity and upholding the Public Law without which all civilization devolves into a nasty form of Feudalism, in which gangs of thugs or gangs of commercial corporations, which is much the same thing, overturn the lawful government and prey upon the Public they are paid to serve.
The conscience of the world must be aroused and alarmed by this circumstance and action taken by every law-abiding nation to examine the condition of its own government and courts, as this parasitical infection of commercial corporations masquerading as lawful governments has spread far and wide. America is not alone in having been victimized by these same criminally-minded charlatans.

More details are available in the form of our wet-ink published Affidavit of Probable Cause, beginning at page 222 of our book, "You Know Something is Wrong When....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause" which the Prosecutor's Office of The International Court of Justice has had in its possession since September of 2015.


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Overview for Those Who Need It

 By Anna Von Reitz

Be patient. Be strong. Keep walking forward.
I've explained the situation --- (1) what the Plotters originally intended (corner the gold market during a fiat debt-credit legal tender system, then sell the gold back at a huge profit margin resulting from inflation and devaluation of the fiat money) and (2) what has subsequently happened (demand for viable currency and crimes including counterfeiting and securitization of living flesh have increased to the point that a gold or silver-based commodity currency would require gold prices to be set at ridiculously high rates --- in excess of $100,000.00 per ounce, and nobody in their right mind would believe that.)
So here we sit. The Numbnutz in charge are so lacking in vision and creativity that their solutions involve catastrophic disruption, killing their creditors, enslaving the world population to serve as collateral for their debts, and more fraud.
They just don't get it. Fraud vitiates everything.
It vitiates treaties. It vitiates international law. It vitiates handshakes.
And no, you can't give someone something that doesn't belong to you in payment of your debts.
That is known as embezzlement and theft.
These are things that are so simple, and yet, full grown men and women who have spent their lives in responsible positions in the military, in government, in international diplomacy---- doctors, lawyers, and Indian Chiefs ---- don't get it.
This is largely a bookkeeping boondoggle of epic proportions, caused in part by the decision of the U.S. Government to adopt a new bookkeeping system known as "double accrual accounting" after the Second World War. This is more popularly known as "keeping two sets of books"-- and it allowed the appearance of insurmountable debts on one side of the ledger, while hiding even more unimaginable credits (Slush Funds) on the other.
So it's a crisis on paper, and all that really needs to be resolved is: (1) a degree of amnesty; (2) balancing the books; and (3) who controls things going forward--and, no, it should not be the same people who created the Mess in the first place.
I have suggested a moderate and common sense approach that: (1) holds harmless the vast majority of those who implemented and ran this system in ignorance; (2) restoration of our complete traditional government; (3) creation of an honest world currency in addition to national currencies; (4) returns power -- and responsibility -- to the people of each country; (5) erasure of False Debts and payback of accrued credit to individual people and unincorporated businesses; (6) issuance of credit cards to Americans and people of other countries who are in similar situations, to pay for any and all public debts; (7) restructure of the taxation functions to live off Slush Fund earnings instead of preying upon living people; (8) liquidation of offending corporations and punishment of corporation officers who have acted in a lawless and predatory manner against the Public Good; (9) complete overhaul and migration/transition of the courts and court systems; (10) simplification and re-tasking of the bureaucracy; (11) retirement and culling of millions of statutory laws, codes, and regulations; (12) removal of agency administrative "law" and its misapplication to average people; (13) end redundancy; (14) reform all operations of the U.S. Patent Office/US PATENT OFFICE, the respective Trademark and Copyright Offices, and the various Postal Services; (15) open public discussion and international treaty negotiations to establish a realistic and solid foundation to go forward.
It's clear that these issues and topics that I have highlighted, including the illegal securitization of living flesh which is a crime and a central issue, have all contributed to the deplorable state of world government.
It should be crystal clear to all concerned that the only reason to have a government or pay for government services is to protect the bodies and other assets of living people.

If that is not obvious, it needs to be made so.


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