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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Monday, December 16, 2024

International Public Notice: To the Bone

 By Anna Von Reitz

Though the new Department of Government Efficiency hasn't yet touched on the issue of Foreign Aid --- a topic that is worthy of its own Fraud Department --- it is a matter of public record that: 

Joe Biden's Administration and the pretend-members of the "United States Congress" have sent billions of dollars of humanitarian aid of one kind and another to Ukraine (to bulk up and support the proxy war effort and provide payola to foreign politicians and kickbacks to Democratic Party politicians) and billions more to Africa (to gain leverage on African governments) and still more billions in the Middle East rebuilding what we destroyed by selling arms to Israel in the first place. 

Yet, two months later, we are being told that there's no money to help and heal the victims of Hurricane Helene in North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee.  

Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House of Fake Representatives, couldn't even be bothered to reallocate funds from these other giveaways to take care of the folks at home, even though his position is mandated to do so in times of crisis.  

We guess that the simpering puke doesn't know what a crisis looks like. We should show him:

Speaker Johnson (like Governor Cooper) sat on his adorable little thumbs, both deeply inserted into his rectum, and decided to wait until late January when the other Corporate Pukes and Phonies reconvene.

Most likely aid packages for the seven States impacted by Helene and individual grants-in-aid to flood victims aren't even on the Agenda.  Nobody who knows anything about DC would be silly enough to suggest it.  

By then, late January, many more of the local people will be dead from exposure or will have left the State, leaving their land unoccupied and open for claim jumpers and local "federal" confiscation activities. 

Our recommendation is that Trump should simply tell the people the truth about the 2020 election --- that it was always a farce, that their votes never counted for anything but a straw poll, and despite all that (that wasn't enough) the phony "United States Congress" still failed its required obligation to investigate election irregularities and certified the results in the face of mammoth fraud. 

This means that all those who certified the 2020 election results without investigation committed treason and there is no doubt about that.  

The Brunson case, now decided, demonstrated all that and more, such that the entire Biden Regime is a nullity and several hundred members of the then-Congress belong in jail.  

Imagine that?  A nullity.  Every bill passed, every dollar spent, every action foisted off on the American public --- gone, as if it never was.  More than that, the failure to perform means that the Principals are responsible for the circumstance, and have to pay everything back, with interest --- without benefit of the corporate veil.  

It should, logically, mean an end to the proxy war in Ukraine and an end of support for the secret obliteration of Syria by Turkish Mercenaries and also the end of support for Israel and its genocidal rampages.

One of the consequences of the 1937 Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States was that the Holy Roman Empire's corporation doing business as "the United States, Inc." took over as the presumed remaining civilian government of this country.  That's how it has gotten away with misdirecting and abusing the military with such impunity.  

And all without a word to the actual civilian government. 

This is also how both of these foreign service organizations have successfully plundered and pillaged the State Trusts and Individual Trusts set up in our respective names.  This is also how these private, foreign-owned service corporations have endeavored to charge Americans "private taxes" ---for example,  "payroll taxes" and "utility taxes" and "property taxes" and "gift and estate taxes" and "income taxes" and "capital gains taxes" and other taxes on taxes.  

This is how they collected all their own taxes and charged them off to us.  

They also accessed our credit by pretending that our Mothers knowingly waived our American estates "for" us when we were babies, pretending that we were stateless, pretending we were fatherless, pretending that we volunteered to adopt their foreign citizenship obligations, pretending that they were our trustees, our representatives, our deputies.... when in fact, none of this was true, and they were operating in Gross Breach of Trust and in violation of their respective Constitutions ---- that is, their service contracts, for decades. 

These charges have been given Due Process and subjected to our Final Judgment and Civil Orders as of April 14, 2014.  There is no reasonable doubt that these statements are true and unopposed, and that these felons already stand convicted. 

How could we be so clueless for so long? 

Their secrecy was impressive.  Both corporations colluded to protect each other and make sure that the public was lulled into complacency and trust.  Then, over time, they gradually changed the Public School System --- from our public school system to their public school system, and from 1976 to now, they have actively striven to dumb Americans down and remove American History, Civics and Government classes, World History, and even Economics (which might expose crooked monetary systems) from the curriculum offered to American students.  Our basic biology textbooks have not been significantly updated for forty (40) years. 

Their corruption of the legal system was well-practiced and rehearsed for a hundred years in England before the first Carpetbagger Courts opened on our shores.  We weren't the only clueless rubes among the nations.  We have plenty of good company including the countries of the British Isles, Germany, France, Italy, all of Scandinavia, the former Commonwealth, and even Japan. All these countries, like us, have suffered illegal mercenary occupation

Their deft use of similar names deceit and jurisdictional boundaries was calculated to confuse and defraud; it was well-planned in advance and well-orchestrated prior to, during, and after the so-called American Civil War and ever afterward.  

Thus by secrecy, omission, and deceit, these foreign corporations and their employees, all contrived to impersonate us, substitute their organizations for ours, and to steal our identity --- literally by pretending to be us and pretending to be the actual government.  

All of this swindling was done to us, their Employers, by our Public Employees, people who owed us their "good faith service" in consideration of their pay and benefits. 

So now, we are angry, and righteously so, over the gross mistreatment and uncaring displayed toward the victims of the DEW-fires in California and Maui, the weaponized weather warfare deployed against the Southeastern United States, and the hideous phony "Pandemic" unleashed against all of humanity by these genocidal crooks and lunatics. 

We are also beyond ticked off about the state of our Southern Border, which the Territorial Government Subcontractor should have never allowed and which it is in fact under contract to prevent.  It is no doubt this contractual obligation and the threat of losing their contract for failure to perform, that is the basis of Trump's determination to close the border. 

Now that the actual and properly declared State Assemblies are back in town, our State Citizens are present and enabled to directly enforce the Constitutions.  We can deputize as many Americans as are required.  

This is a criminal matter, not a political one.

The Board members of the World Economic Forum and their member corporations should be arrested and the Federal Subcontractors' appointees in the United Nations should be arrested without further adieu. Anyone who is a graduate of the WEF "Future Leaders" program who is currently working in any government service, office, or capacity should be arrested. 

Their "nations" composed of foreign citizens, that is, persons instead of people, are not nations.  They are legal fiction fabrications. 

This fraud and misrepresentation alone is sufficient basis for the dissolution of the United "Nations" ---which are not nations of living people. 

We demand the immediate and massive funding of relief to the Southeastern United States and its people, without strings attached and with no legal presumptions regarding their political status. 
Aid is to be in the form of grants, not loans.  These are to be free of charge and without any presumption of debt settlement or other undisclosed purpose or encumbrance. 

All land titles are to be returned to everyone who is NOT an actual direct employee of the Federal Subcontractor(s); property belonging to Federal Employees are to be held in trust pending their release from indentured servitude or retirement. 

No claims of any "Federal Eminent Domain Powers" are to be made by anyone employed in any capacity as a public employee at any level, nor by any federally-affiliated Corporation personnel, including Black Rock, State Street, and Vanguard.  No entity in our Federal Government was ever given powers of Eminent Domain in this country and such powers do not accrue to incorporated franchises of any Federal  corporations being operated as "Counties".  

All mineral rights, including the mineral rights of the land jurisdictions of each one of the States, belong to the people operating in their private capacities or to the People on public lands. Internationally, all mutually-held powers pertaining to the land and its assets are exercised by the unincorporated States of the Union and their unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America since 1776. 

Any foreign District of Columbia corporation or foreign government from overseas seeking to claim mineral rights within the borders of the States of the Union is in violation of international law--- and is served Notice thereof: Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 16th 2024


See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: "Fatigued By Anti-Semitism"

 By Anna Von Reitz

Let's be perfectly, absolutely clear -- those who currently claim to be Jews and who form the bulk of the population of Israel and provide its leadership, are not Semites.  They are Zionists from central Europe, genetically, culturally, and in fact.  

Zionism is a philosophical and political offshoot of Fabianism combined with the most repugnant teachings of the Talmud; Zionists are racists and fascists and they adopted the Nazi emblems, which they still display today. 

They are not Hebrews.  They are not Semitic.  They are not related to modern Arabs.  They are more closely related to Estonians and Armenians and some enclaves in Russia, who call themselves "Russian" but are not Russians.  

This is a common theme throughout the history of these people--- always pretending to be somebody else. 

So let's get clear about who and what we are dealing with in the Mideast: we are dealing with racist, elitist, fascist nutcases, who have adopted the religion of Judaism-- at least superficially-- and who merely pretend to have racial ties to the Semitic people of the region, because that bolsters their own claims to the land there.  

Netanyahu, for example, changed his name to Netanyahu.  His actual family name was obviously Eastern European. This has been an established practice among Israeli leaders for decades.  They change their Eastern European names to something that sounds more Semitic, but they are not Semites, not related to the Arabs in the region at all.  

Ironically, though these people scream loudest about "anti-Semitism" and form organizations to combat "anti-Semitism", they are actually condemning themselves, as they are implacable haters and destroyers of the Arabian peoples of the Middle East, who actually are Semites.  

This too, is part of the history and practice of these people --- to turn everything on its head, upside down and backwards. They scream about "anti-Semitism" and pretend to be Semites themselves, while destroying the only actual Semites in the room. 

These are not, generally speaking, traditional practices of the Hebrews, but stem instead from their Israelite brethren who adopted the religion of their Canaanite and Samaritan neighbors, which was an early form of Satanism mixed with Greek pantheon worship and Egyptian ritual magic. 

Tracking them down through the centuries under various names, including a stint as the Phoenicians, they have a special affiliation with the sea, with piracy, with theater, and with fraud and deceit of all kinds.  On land, they have often been nomadic or transient traders, especially in coastal areas of the oceans and major inland waters, like the Black and Caspian Seas. 

Sooner or later, the local populations figure out where their money and livestock are going, and why their children are disappearing. This then results in the suppression and persecution of these people, to the extent that they can be identified. 

What then, do these people actually believe?  

They obviously believe that the entire rest of the world is stupid. 

Dumb as rocks. 


They operate on these assumptions as long as they can, and then, always prepared, they skip town.  They simply vanish in the night and move on.  They keep their shoes beside their beds and traveling coats with passports and money already in their pockets, ready to flee at a moment's notice. 

Over the centuries their frequent decampments -- and the losses they suffer each time they are forced to leave -- has taught them to build their businesses around mobility, too.  They learned to have their ships ready at the docks, their horses saddled and ready to ride, and their businesses entrenched at multiple locations in different countries.  

Their history is pockmarked with some of the greatest disappearing acts on record --- like the disappearance of the Phoenicians, the disappearance of the Dutch East India Company together with all their ships and tonnage of cargo, the disappearance of the British East India Company, and, the disappearance of dozens of national governments usurped upon by corporations in the business of providing essential government services.  

Keep your eyes open.  We are about to witness the disappearance of the Federal Reserve, and probably, shortly after that, the disappearance of the International Monetary Fund --- which will destabilize the central bank system under the purported control of the Bank for International Settlements.  

They are also getting ready to "roll up" the stock markets and currency exchanges of the world, like one of those games kids play on a piece of painted canvas. 

The only reason that we won't see the complete and almost instant disappearance of the modern financial world, including the Securities and Exchange Commission, all the commercial banks, and commodity (rigging) commissions, is that: (1) they've hatched a new scheme called the "Quantum Financial System" in cooperation with Communist China; (2) not everyone is as stupid as they think. 

Mr. Trump and his Associates should rethink their go-forward plan in detail.  They should arrest the entire Biden Administration and the "US" Congress, and show them the same hospitality they shared with the January 6th Protestors.  The so-called Quantum Financial System aka Operation Crimson Gate, should be abandoned.  

The American Government, as opposed to the U.S. Government, has its own competent financial architecture in place; we suggest that our Employees use it and stop trying to make themselves look like heroes when they have been part of the problem since 1863. 

We are not accepting any kind of enslavement by anyone for any reason, including "security" concerns --- not financial enslavement, not legalized enslavement of our "persons", no kind of enslavement by our employees or the banks that have colluded in this monstrous travesty --- none at all. 

We don't accept the "offer" of "biometric" identification of bank users nor the licensing of banks.  We don't accept the "offer" of a small portion of what is owed to us as an undisclosed "settlement" of the Perpetrator's debts. We don't accept any offer of contract beyond the clearly stipulated provisions of The Constitution of the United States of America, and we are content that Rome and London and Jerusalem should all be bombed into oblivion before "the Plan" goes another step. 

We are fatigued by claims of racism, ethnic and religious prejudice, and all the other fatuous divisive nonsense that distracts everyone (else) from the actual issues.  The people of this country own it and our Government is the civilian government that the military mercenaries are supposed to be obeying and defending against all enemies both foreign and domestic.   

"Domestic enemies" in their case means those politicians and bureaucrats who have betrayed them and reduced their status to that of mercenaries acting at the behest of foreign governments that aren't even paying for their services.  

Domestic enemies means treasonous British Territorial corporations and their managers pretending to be Governors of our States of the Union.  

Domestic enemies means all denizens of the District of Columbia who have colluded and conspired against the people and the lawful government of this country --- while extracting their paychecks and budgets illegally and unlawfully from our pockets --- during an illegal mercenary occupation of our country that is also their fault. 

The only way out is to make a clean breast of it, and ask for amnesty.  No more funny business, no more status quo, and no more self-interested promotion of solutions that only perpetuate continuation of the same old evils and scams.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 16th 2024


See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: The Nature of Our Bilateral Banking System

 By Anna Von Reitz

A rumor has been started that our Bilateral Banking System is "Christian" but in fact, our Bilateral Banking System is not religious or even philosophical.  There is nothing dependent on belief here. All is factual. 

Certainly, the fundamental character of love underlying the effort is in sympathy with the true teachings of Yeshuah, but also with Buddha, and the teachings of many other individual traditions. 

Many Christians may be drawn to us and our banking system, simply because it is centered on love and love of life, in tune with abundance, and freedom. That doesn't mean that it is peculiarly or only Christian. 

Anyone, anywhere, coming from any religious or cultural background, can choose life and choose love.  Anyone can be attuned to the joy of Nature and Creation. 

That's what we are saying and that's what we are promoting and to the best of our ability, that is what we are delivering, day by day and hour by hour. 

Are you tired of living in fear of your own government?  Are you ready for something completely different?  Tired of being poor?  Tired of being dependent?  Tired of being lied to? 

Here we are!  

Imagine a man pushing in on a door that swings out.  

Too many of us have lived and died, generation unto generation, saying that we want peace and justice, we want an end to violence, we want cruelty to end, we want our little piece of paradise, we want fresh clean water and fertile ground, we want to be secure in our homes no matter how humble, we want to express the interests and skills and joys in our hearts, we want to live healthy lives, and we want this for all mankind.  

So what's stopping us?  

We've been pushing in on a door that swings out. 

If we want peace, we cannot pay for war.  If we want plenty, we cannot accept scarcity.  If we want an end to violence, we must turn our own backs on it. If we want freedom for ourselves, we cannot allow the enslavement of anyone else.  If we want justice, we can't let criminals run our courts.  We know this, and yet, by focusing on what we don't want, we create more of it. 

So let's give our full attention to what we do want, and begin not with sophomoric daydreams, but with actions that drown out words and give force and life to what we do want. 

Banking and money have been used to enslave countless generations; if you are done with this evil, if you see it for the shell game it is, join us. 

We built the Bilateral Banking System in attunement with natural harmony.  We stopped pushing and started pulling -- together.  

We have a choice. Let's choose to build our world and be done with the haters and war-mongers, murderers, and thieves.  The Bilateral Banking System is built to serve your needs now, and ultimately, to set you free from the delusions and necessities of money.  

We are called to put an end to ignorant idolatry, hypocrisy, graven images, enslavement, delusions, and greed.  A brand new world is beckoning.  Let it begin! 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 15th 2024


See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: The Question Brought Under Ecclesiastical Law

 By Anna Von Reitz

Each jurisdiction of the Law is supreme in its own realm, however, among the three general jurisdictions, the Air Jurisdiction is and has always held the highest and most authoritative form of Law among those forms practiced by mankind.  


Because except for where we place our feet --- our "standing" --- the air is where we live and breathe and have our being.  

The air is also where all thought and movement and performance of labor takes place.  It is the venue that provides the genesis of every product and performance.  It is also Universal, and the same throughout the planet. 

Finally, though Unbelievers in religious concepts will scream -- law proceeds as a result of religious and/or ethical systems, and of all the jurisdictions, the air jurisdiction is closest to Source.  All true Law ultimately comes from Nature and as Thomas Jefferson put it, "Nature's God". 

The Air is the realm of labor contracts, copyrights, trademarks, and patents, performance contracts, and incorporated entities engaged in commerce.

Ecclesiastical Law governs all of this and also governs the officials who administer the Ecclesiastical Law under Canon Law. 

The Question under consideration in Ecclesiastical Law is: if someone pays for your debts, do you still owe them? 

In the Western world, it is commonplace to be told, "Jesus died for your sins!"  and "Your sins are washed away by the blood of Christ." and "Jesus paid for your sins." 

Double-minded Satanists ask, "If you didn't pay for your sins (even if someone else did) is your account really paid?" 

Consider an analogy.  Your friend buys your lunch.  You haven't paid a penny for lunch; someone else paid for it.  So has your debt been paid, or did he just acquire another credit? 

This question has raged for centuries. 

The scripture clearly says that "the wages of sin is death" and it is obvious that despite the good intentions of Jesus, we continue to die.  Does this situation imply that even though he paid the price to free us, we have accrued new debts? 

So, Satan just doubled-down, even though he lost the bet on Golgotha, and has continued to claim that we still owe our own debt even though Yeshuah paid for it, once, for all time. 

We reply that any debt to Satan was paid for, for all people worldwide, forever. and it is no longer his business; it's clear that the debt was paid and it is fraud to continue to claim that a paid debt is owed to anyone or anything at all, except to the One who paid it. 

Neither Satan nor the priests and prelates of any religion have any rightful place to intervene, play middlemen, charge interest, or indulge themselves in any commercial position regarding this at all.  

They didn't pay the price for us.  That much is sure and certain.  

The challenge to Yeshuah was absolute and it was accepted; the duel took place in all three jurisdictions of law: in the Sanhedrin, in Rome, and before the people of Jerusalem.  

He paid the price.  He won.  We all belong to him, not Satan. 

It is only by fraud and force that any further claim of debt can be made.  

As for death being the wages of sin, that is only "true in a way", similar to Satan's deceitful words to Eve in the Garden; a more honest way to say it, is that death is the wage of ignorance. 

We are still ignorant of our genome and how it has been manipulated.  We are still ignorant of the epigenetic code we carry and how we can change it.  We are still not aware of our true nature and potential, but that day, too, shall come.  

In the meanwhile, it is nobody's role, right, or responsibility to enslave those who have been set free.  No government of the world, secular or sacred, can claim an ownership interest in us for itself.  And none of the rights and freedoms that are owed to us can be waived or thrown away or traded by any individual action of our own or by any act of our parents. 

This is the Truth and this is what must be admitted in the light of Eternal Law; let Satan and his wiles and double-speak be gone.  Let all excuses cease. 

The Earth was always Yeshuah's, and the world, he won.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 15th 2024


See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

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International Public Notice: Common Sources of Misunderstanding, e.g., Ron Vrooman

 By Anna Von Reitz

Number One:  

The original Confederation --- which is an action (verb) as well as a result (a new group of associated entities) was between the Union States and the States of the Union and it was described as a "perpetual union" --- correctly.  

This is because the land and the soil are forever and inescapably conjoined, as the soil is part of the land, and the land is part of the soil.  The soil is defined as the top six inches of the land, and no matter how you may dig and scrape, a soil layer remains and the connection of land and soil remains as a physical perpetual union. 

Thus, it is proper to speak of a perpetual union between soil jurisdiction Union States and the international land jurisdiction States of the Union. 

However, this same language "perpetual union" was retained in later confederation actions, as between the States of the Union and the States of America, which sought to confederate business interests ---and mere business interests do not have the ability to guarantee a perpetual union.  

It was precisely this inability to guarantee a perpetual union contract among the members of the original States of America Confederation that was the stumbling block that led to the Mercenary Conflict we call the American Civil War. 

We are called to remember that our ability to contract is limited by the realm of Natural Law. 

Number Two

In the 18th and early 19th century it was commonplace for English to "borrow" Latin naming conventions, especially in legal documents. 

As a result, the "free, sovereign and independent states" referenced in passing in the Treaty of Paris (1783) -- what we call the Union States --are constantly indicated by the use of a small "s" and references to these Union States consistently appear as "states" from the 1770's to the 1850's.  

Indeed, we see references to virginia and vermont and georgia, which looks very strange to modern eyes and is definitely not proper in English--- but would have been proper style and nomenclature for sovereign nation-states in Latin. 

Similarly, the "international States" which we call the States of the Union (i.e. States belonging to the Union States) are consistently indicated by the use of a capital "S" and references to these States consistently appear as "States" in Proper English and Latin, too. 

Finally, businesses created by States to act for them as vendors of routine government services are consistently called "States of States".  In English, these are rendered as, for example, State of New Jersey; in Latin, they appear as STATE OF NEW JERSEY. 

This leads to pernicious confusion because the official language of our government is English, and one of our Federal Subcontractors continues to use Latin style conventions applied to English.  

This results in a slang language being used in the District of Columbia and bleeding over into use all over the country; this is because the Municipal Government was allowed to piggy-back along with the British Territorial Government and establish "Municipal Districts" in tandem with Territorial (Military) Districts, as a result of the 1937 collusion known as The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States.

The combination of English names and words using Latin grammar and style conventions results in gibberish, and much confusion overall.  This inappropriate abuse of both languages is called "Dog Latin".  The most obvious tokens of its use is shown when our States are named in all small letters, for example -- "georgia" -- or all large letters, GEORGIA.  The first style, "georgia" references the sovereign nation-state and the second, "GEORGIA", is referencing a Municipal Corporation, but Americans and others are never taught any of this, which lends these conventions to constructive fraud schemes, personage crimes, and evasions of accountability.   

Number Three: 

For the first few decades, we used Latinized conventions to indicate what kind of "state" we were referencing.  In the 1840s, an explosion of incorporation occurred and the situation became even more confusing as our European Federal Subcontractors rushed to create companies and incorporated entities named after our governmental  instrumentalities.  

Suddenly, in addition to the Union States doing business as "the United States" we had British Crown and Roman Municipal Corporations doing business as "the United States, Inc." and "The United States, Inc." and "the United States of America, Inc." and "The United States of America, Inc." and even "the States of America, Inc." and "The States of America, Inc." 

The resulting mayhem was so bad that numerous Acts of Congress in this time period sought to sort it out with legislation like the Dictionary Act  and Acts addressing legal style conventions, respect for English as the Official Language, and even such topics as the Proper Name, in English, of our country --- for the curious, the name of our country agreed upon, officially, is: The United States. 

Early on, there was no law obligating incorporated companies to identify themselves as such, and they notoriously "just neglected" to inform their readers and others of the fact that they were commercial British Crown or Holy Roman Empire municipal corporations named after the unincorporated instrumentalities of our government. 

This created an opportunity for grifters and con men to deliberately confuse foreign-registered commercial and municipal corporations with our unincorporated government instrumentalities, simply by omitting any mention of or making any distinction between their incorporated entities and our unincorporated business names. 

It was ultimately this practice that allowed a Scottish commercial corporation merely calling itself "The United States of America" --- and neglecting to add, "Incorporated" --- to steal the identity of our Federation of States and hack our credit.

Unwary patriots among us, like Ron Vrooman, are forever running across documents that pertain to these "similarly named" foreign corporations and their business dealings and are lured into thinking that these documents are about the unincorporated  American Government instead, or, alternatively, finding information that pertains to our American Government, and misapplying it to our Federal Subcontractors and to their very similarly named foreign corporations.  

People also often fail to see that Federation-Confederation is a relationship between different kinds of member-states operating in different jurisdictions of the law.  

The first such paired relationship was between the Union States and the States of the Union, representing the perpetual union of the soil and land.  

The second more famous Federation-Confederation pairing was between the States of the Union and the States of America, one membership organization of States operating in the international jurisdiction of the land and sea (United States of America) and another membership organization operating as States of States in the jurisdiction of the air (States of America) respectively.  This second Federation-Confederation pairing is the one that attempted to invoke a "perpetual union" and failed. 

Please note that this second Confederation was defaulted from the start, because the entities could not guarantee a condition of the contract --- "perpetual union".  Please also note that the State Members on the Federation side of this pairing did not declare War and didn't approve the actions of the members of the Confederation (States of States) that seceded. 

The whole Mercenary Conflict we have been conned into calling 
"The American Civil War" was patently illegal and the resulting occupation of our country by British Territorial mercenary forces is still illegal and unlawful.  

Identifying the names, natures, and relationships of our American Government entities has been made difficult by this criminal process of "mirroring" our Government's "doing-business-as" names, and using them as the names of foreign corporations instead.  

Plainly, the doing-business-as names adopted by the American Government have been deliberately mirrored and impersonated by foreign corporations ginned up by our Federal Subcontractors for a reason --- and that reason is basically a National-level Identity Theft Scheme, in which the Perpetrators have attempted to replace our people with their persons.   

The Federal Subcontractors and their foreign commercial and municipal corporations named ---after us, after our States, after our States of States, and after our unincorporated government instrumentalities-- have used semantic deceit and non-disclosure to impersonate us and gain access to our money, our credit, our resources. 

They have done this in Gross Breach of Trust and Violation of their Service Contracts -- and they have already received Due Process and been convicted of it.  

This complex, inter-jurisdictional fraud scheme, has also created gross confusion throughout the rest of the world. Many nations have similarly been deceived, misrepresented, defrauded, and had their identity stolen by these British Territorial criminals. 

For example, people routinely claim that our country is "bankrupt" because they confuse the bankruptcy of a very similarly named foreign corporation for us  --- when if anyone stopped to think of it, none of the American Government entities are incorporated and none are eligible for public bankruptcy protection as a result.  

Multiple countries (Costa Rica and India, for example) and some States of States (State of Delaware and  State of Texas so far) have allowed the incorporation of business entities calling themselves "United States of America" and "United States" in flagrant violation of our international and global trademarks.  

The Central Banks have colluded with all this nonsense and so has the United Nations Organization. 

The central banks have pretended (based on purloined, undisclosed and unconscionable foreign citizen registrations)  that we no longer exist or have "waived" our interest in our own gold, silver, land, and other resources and they have then gratuitously extended our credit to the look-alike, sound-alike foreign corporations that have stolen our identity like any credit card hacker.  

The United Nations, upon examination, is an organization that doesn't actually represent any nation --- and instead represents the interests of commercial corporations that are masquerading as "nations" composed of legal fiction persons, not people.  

All these failed, duplicitous, corrupt institutions need to be replaced, but not with even more deceptive, cruel, and corrupt mega-corporation cartels fronting initiatives like the Quantum Financial System and BRICS as alternatives to this criminality --- while in fact expanding upon the same criminality and the same coercive control and the same dishonest dealings. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 

December 15th 2024


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