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Saturday, June 19, 2021

My Crystal Ball

 By Anna Von Reitz

When the dust clears, it will be shown that the virus was developed in France, at the Pasteur Institute, and transported to the World Military Games by French participants who released it in Wuhan.
BOTH the Chinese and the Americans were set up in one stroke by the EU. The difference is that the Chinese quickly woke up and reacted appropriately, applying sensible medication, turning off the 5G network, not vaccinating their people, and not promoting any hysteria.
The Americans fell right into the next step of the NATO trap----paying billions for "vaccines" that are not vaccines, but which are genetic modifications--- modifications which will kill us over time, as the vaccinated individuals encounter "trigger diseases".
For some, the trigger will be the Common Cold, for others it will be Hay fever, for others.... but the end result is the same. Their immune systems have been specifically compromised and disabled, and without any defense against the trigger disease, they will die by the millions, just not all at once and just not by any one identifiable cause. Don't worry about viral shedding or avoiding those who have been vaccinated in social situations--- similar to HIV, you can only become infected by more intimate contact.
But in the end, the problem isn't a virus. The problem isn't even that millions of people have been changed into self-destructing GMO's via injection---and there is relatively little that we can do about this or about the results. A specifically compromised immune system is a specifically compromised immune system.
No, the problem is that there are men so warped, so twisted, so insane, that they would do something like this to millions of innocent, unarmed civilians. The problem is that there are other men so twisted and warped and insane that they have helped these monsters and covered up their tracks and spewed propaganda in support of this "program".
This isn't a Chinese attack. This is a NATO attack brought on because all their dirty dealing is about to be exposed, and their debt to the Americans is past due to be paid. They are killing off their Priority Creditors. And they are using our own doctors and nurses as "Uniformed Officers" licensed by their own privately owned and operated Municipal Corporation to do it. They are corporate criminals. Nothing more or less.
We have renewed our demand that the entire corporate structure supporting this be liquidated: NIH, gone. CDC, gone. WHO, gone. Moderna, gone. Pfizer, gone. Johnson and Johnson, gone. AMA, gone. And the list goes on, including the members of the Municipal and Territorial Congresses who chose to go bankrupt and leave nobody holding the accountability bag for this debacle.
As the big corporations are already scratching their butts and booting up their HR Departments to find replacements for all their employees who will die because of this hideous genocide, the propaganda outlets are preparing to put out the message that it's all your fault. You volunteered. You rolled up your own shirt sleeve. Nobody did this to you, but you. You could have said no. You could have reclaimed your birthright political status. You could have claimed that you are allergic. Instead, you have willingly received the mark of the beast, and you will be treated as one and slaughtered.

The overall New Message you will be asked to swallow, along with your own spit, is that you are at fault because they had to find a deceptive way to kill you, and as long as you were deceived, it's okay. Remember Roman Civil Law: let him who will be deceived, be deceived.


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National security apparatus in total panic as election audit results are near

The Importance of Identity

 By Anna Von Reitz

We have often discussed the fact that your name is not you. It is a possession, like a chest of drawers or a bicycle, that is given to you as you start your life--- but, it is important to understand that you, yourself, are nameless.
You've simply been given a name to use, like a bathrobe or refrigerator, while you are here, incarnate. You could be a Genevieve as easily as a Jane or a Ruth or a Rebecca. It's totally an arbitrary choice your parents make, whether you are a Joe, a Chad, or a Moon Doggy or a set of initials like "RD".
This is why a name in legal terminology is sometimes called an appurtenance or utility or some other description suggesting that it is a tool, because it is.
As the CB radio talk goes, it's a "handle". It's a means to grab hold of you in more ways than one, but more even more importantly, a name is too often used to limit and define you and to pretend to make you into other things as well.
Oh, so you are Joe, the Garageman's daughter.....
Suddenly, you are placed in a social caste: blue collar skilled labor.
And you instantly accrue all the reputation of Joe's entire family in the community, which can be good or bad.
With one little bit of identity, you are suddenly the granddaughter of a preacher or a milkman, a famous engineer.... or an infamous criminal. The reputation and social class and peculiarities of your known ancestors attach to you like a coat of glue, and with it, your nationality, too.
Suddenly, your little self is transformed into an Englishman, a German, a Japanese, an Egyptian, a Greek, or whatever other nationality.
And the one-size-fits-all box of race clamps down around us like a prison. You are black or you are white or you are.... I always thought it would be fun to paint myself with pink polka dots and see what they could say?
Would I soon have my own race? The rare albino Pink Polka Dot Variant Caucasian, only captured once in the wild.
All these boxes are rapidly followed by boxes representing age and presumptions about people of your age. You are five so you are this. You are ten, so you are that....
And economic status gets added to the mix: you are poor, you are really poor, you are middle class, or you are wealthy -- at least according to what your parents have accrued.
And sex. Let's not forget that. You have to be categorized one or the other and submit to that. Bring on the ruffled pink pantaloons for girls and the denim overalls for boys.
Then, there's religion. You are Catholic or Protestant, Muslim or Hindu, Buddhist or Wiccan or whatever else, because that is what your parents are.
And politics, too. You are Republican or Democrat, Green Party or Communist or Fascist, Socialist, Social Democrat ---- also, in the beginning, because that's what your parents adopt.
All of this happens automatically, with no say in it from your own self. You are just the object, having all these layers of "identity" applied to you like so many layers of paint.
And there you are, all trussed up, and ready to be doused with fear, shame and guilt, should you disappoint the expectations of everyone else, based on all these layers of identity already applied to you.
Do you notice something odd? You are not allowed to identify yourself.
From the day you are born, you are never allowed to identify yourself.
You are destined to live your life in this cocoon of identity woven around you like a spider's dinner napkin, and if you don't wake up and question this, this is how you will die, too.
Peter John Olafson, Norwegian, age 58, Protestant.....
Linda Sue St.Pierre, Canadian, age 19, Catholic....
Almut al Fayed, Egyptian, age 90, Muslim....
Jaimie el Soria-Hernandez, age 30, Spanish....
While this can be comforting, it is also crippling. Slavery is when you experience things determined by others, and from this, it is easy to see that to a greater or lesser extent, we are all enslaved from the moment we arrive here--- quite apart from having even this externally applied identity stolen from us by governments seeking to redefine us as things: corporations, trusts, special purpose vehicles, vessels, etc.
What are we, poor little beings, little divine sparks, to do, to defend ourselves from this onslaught?
Go stand outside in the moonlight and look up at the stars.
Go stand in the rain without a raincoat.
Lay down on the grass.
Look at grains of sand under a microscope.
Notice the infinite variety of life surrounding you.
Sense the glorious truth that nobody ever tells you, that you are all of this and more, and you are loved more than you could ever know.
That's who you are, Nameless Ones, Loved Ones, set free. Oh, yes, take your life and your joy, and you be you and me be me, together.

Inherit the wholeness of who you truly are, and forget the boxes and layers of identity for an hour. Laugh. Sing. Stare in wonder, for you are in the presence of miracles, and are a miracle yourself. Don't forget that.


See this article and over 3200 others on Anna's website here:

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