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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Men of Action

 By Anna Von Reitz

You want to do something besides building your Assembly into a working State Government --- that really is the most important thing that you can do at this moment in history, fellas, but if that seems just too tame and boring and you feel the urge for a fight, here's some ideas for you. 

Get a million Americans to join a tax revolt against the IRS Terrorists.  It should be easy enough, once they realize that Federal Reserve Notes are truly worthless and that you can't possibly accrue debt or profit, aka, income, by their use.  

There are three reasons to do this: (1) expose and end the illegal caste system; (2) refuse to support these Domestic Terrorists and Racketeers; (3) refuse to pay taxes to corporations that are supporting genocide in Gaza and causing it in Ukraine, because you are required not to pay taxes to such organizations under international law. 

Don't want to be an accomplice to that, do you? 
Make it your aim and job to get as many Americans fully informed and ready to Just Say No as possible. 

Here's another great project and long overdue -- shut down the use of Fluoride being added to drinking water in this country. 

Fluoride is an industrial waste from the Aluminum industry and a horrible poison.  Its addition to drinking water has been outlawed in Europe for decades. 

It calcifies your Pineal Gland and that causes among other things: obesity, adds to Alzheimer's, thyroid dysfunction, low melatonin production, poor circulation, adrenal failure, and digestive incompetence. 

It is a poison and it does serve to kill tissues and glands and organs in your body. 

So what are you waiting for?  Want to burn off some energy? Do something good and meaningful for your community and your country? 

End the IRS. 
End Fluoridation of drinking water (or anything else). 
End Pfizer. 

Of all the ubiquitous, obnoxious, dangerous, ugly, filthy corporations, Pfizer has taken the place of Dow Chemical and Monsanto, and impacted far more lives adversely.  

Start researching everything that can be known about Pfizer and use it to force not only Congressional Hearings, but Congressional Action against Pfizer.  

Did you notice something crucial in the 1986 Reagan-era Hold Harmless Legislation promising that Big Pharma would be immune from vaccine damage suits? 

Who accepted the liability?  Congress.  

And Congress is a Corporation like all these other Corporations.  Lead the stampede to charge Congress for vaccine damages.  

See how long it takes them to pass new legislation.  

There, I have given you all three great public service projects above and beyond the hard work of building your Assembly.  And if you are wise, you can use projects like this as a fulcrum to build your Assembly, too.  


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I Don't "Hate" the Pope

 By Anna Von Reitz

Evil people start rumors and simpletons spread them. That's how a lot of damage is done in this world. 

I don't hate Pope Francis.  I don't hate Catholics. 

So far as I am concerned, the Pope is supposed to be the leader of the Roman Catholic Church and he is supposed to be: (1) a Christian, and (2) a responsible world leader who does his job under Ecclesiastical Law. 

Under Ecclesiastical Law, it is the Pope's absolute right and responsibility to liquidate lawless criminal corporations.  That's what Francis owes us all, if he is a Pope at all --- and his failure to do one duty, suggests that he is evading them all.  

I don't agree with his crazy liberal stance promoting homosexuality and trying to normalize things like bestiality and pedophilia. I don't agree with his failure to face the fact that good and evil are two different things.  His social and moral relativism make me wrinkle my nose, but that's me.   

Also, I don't see how Francis is actually now serving as the Pope in any traditional sense. It looks to me like Benedict XVI took the Ministerial Office to the grave with him, and the Office of the Roman Pontiff is long gone -- so?  Anyone in the Catholic Church have an answer for what it means to be "Pope" now? 

He doesn't appear to be taking any action to take down Pfizer or the WEF or any of the Bad Guy Corporations, so he is failing his duty under Ecclesiastical Law --- as far as I can see. 

Yes, as far as I can see, both Pope Francis and Emperor Charles III have converted to Satanism and are using that as their excuse to avoid their obligations under Ecclesiastical Law.   Or maybe they were always Satanists and just pretending to be Christians?  Who knows? 

I see a lot of self-interested avoidance of duty owed to the people of this world and a lot of rot in our institutions as a result of long-term systemic fraud and war-for-profit schemes that have been allowed to flourish ever since the late Middle Ages, simply because they made money for the Church.  

That's not a good enough excuse for me. The ends never quite justify the means. 

But I don't hate the Pope.  Hate, like fear, is a singularly worthless emotion, and you are looking at a woman who was forged in the Stoic tradition: all that counts is what is. 

He's either the Pope or he's not. If he's the Pope, he needs to do his job and Deep Six these out of control corporations, whether they make profit or not. 


See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: Banks Can Steal Your "Money"

 By Anna Von Reitz

That is, they can steal what you are using "as" money, but not actual money. 

This is an important point.  

Bank Notes are not money and never have been. They are evidence of debt owed by the banks issuing these notes.  That's why they are suddenly so desperate to destroy cash.  

Cash is evidence. 

Federal Reserve Notes like any and all Bank Notes are not "Money" and have no actual appreciable value -- and never did. 

Notes are, in effect, Monopoly Money and you cannot be charged with a crime for stealing Monopoly Money.  Neither can the banks.  

That's how they propose to seize your accounts and bank deposit boxes and anything else you left with them as "abandoned property" and destroy all the cash they can possibly destroy. 

You can't even charge them with robbery or theft, but you can charge them for fraud and false claims in commerce and obstruction of trade and counterfeiting securities and a great many other things. 

And there is another point, banks can't steal actual money.  If you faithfully denominated your deposits as "lawful money" they are SOL.  They can be charged with robbery for taking that. 

Another point is that because such Bank Notes are without value, and don't meet the definition of a "negotiable instrument"  receiving them or checks transferring them to you does not indebt you and does not accrue any profit to you--- hence, no income as in income tax, either.  

It's all fraudulent as Hell. 

So any actual money you still have after they stole everything from you under color of law and via strong arm racketeering and grossly inequitable "trade" of your silver and gold and oil and timber and labor and land and everything else, in "exchange" for their paper --- is still money and still has value.  

Everything else is just the ashes created by the Great Fraud that has engulfed our world for the past 300 years.  

We note that it will do you no good to take your money out of the bank because it will devalue to about a penny on a dollar wherever it is -- whether sitting in a bank vault or in your hand.  It doesn't matter. 

So, spend it while you can for what you need. If you have dental or medical needs that you've been putting off, get it done now.  If you haven't got food and fuel and other necessities, take care of business now.

The criminals who took your actual money are mostly overseas and being tracked down to their lairs and exterminated; that feels good, but is hardly the point. 

Those who are exterminating them are claiming your property for themselves, so it's just one group of criminals self-righteously and unjustly enriching themselves--- in lieu of the original thieves.

Neither group is focused on returning what's yours to you.  

The White Hats are actually Grey Hats with a lot of greasy spots.  They are wallowing around in their new hegemony and creating Hollywood-style narratives to demonize the losers, but don't be fooled. 

If they were Nice Guys or even mildly competent Public Employees, none of this crap would be happening in the first place.  They are only getting out of bed with the banks, because someone has to take the fall for all this embezzlement, impersonation, poverty, and 8 million missing kids per year. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

March 5th 2024


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