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Wednesday, January 3, 2024

This is So Simple

 By Anna Von Reitz

When GMO's were first introduced to farmers, they were modified strains of corn and soybeans that had been tweaked to internally self-produce insecticides. 

The genetic hardware of the plant had been externally manipulated to produce entirely new chemicals foreign to the plant, which when ingested by bugs, would kill the bugs. 

This might at a very superficial level appear to be a good alternative to spraying row crops with insecticides, but look deeper. 

Who is eating that plant besides the bugs? 

Do you want to be ingesting massive amounts of plant-produced insecticides as part of your food? 

Welcome to the world of Genetically Modified Organisms, GMO's. 

It didn't take rocket science to progress from making plant cells produce insecticides to making human cells produce harmful venom-like spike proteins that poison people internally and wear down their immune systems for a host of opportunistic diseases to take hold. 

So, now that you know what "they" have done to you and your loved ones, what are you going to do to them? 

Some people say life in prison, others say -- why waste the space and money? 


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International Public Notice - Damnation Corruption

 By Anna Von Reitz

There has been attention fixed on the creation of the Unam Sanctam Trust as the cause of the problems of the current world and much spleen wasted on Pope Boniface VIII, similar to the way that attention has been diverted to the Organic Act of 1871, as if this was the source of the corruption of the Federal Government of The United States.  

These are both red-herring issues used to focus attention and irritation away from the actual problems so that we waste our time and energy contesting with vapors, and the actual sore point escapes not only detection but discussion and cure.

Pope Boniface VIII squarely identified the subject matter of the Unam Sanctam Trust as "human creatures" meaning legal fictions created by man, not living men created by God. 

Both the Church and Law make an absolute distinction between the divine nature of man created by God and the secular nature of "persons" and corporations created by men.  

The Unam Sanctam Trust as expressed by Pope Boniface VIII was never intended to address mankind, the living divine creations of God, but was instead directly concerned with "hue-mans" -- legal fiction persons and corporations created by men. 

The Problem entered under the administration of Pope Nicholas V, who confused the difference between man and hu(e)man, when he condemned the Saracen Turks and other non-Christians to "perpetual slavery" and thus brought living men into the realm of the dead; that is, he mistook the Unam Sanctam claim of control over the man-created legal fictions known as "humans" as extending also to control over living men and he subjected living men, the Saracen Turks, divine creations of God, "as if" they were hu(e)mans ---things created by the imagination of men.  

It thus took roughly half a century for the Unam Sanctam Trust to be corrupted to include a practice of reducing living men created by God (Saracen Turks and non-Christians generally)  to the level of hu(e)mans created by men.  

This, then, created the "confusion of law" that has existed ever since, wherein law governing hu(e)mans has been misapplied to men that the Church didn't like and arbitrarily redefined as humans. 

This practice of condemning "non-Christians" (as defined by Roman Catholicism) to "perpetual slavery" as mere "hu(e)mans" stripped of their divine nature, and treating them as mere things belonging as chattels of the Unam Sanctam Trust, has carried on unabated into the current time. 

First the Saracen Turks and non-Christians were 
deprived of recognition as living men, then under Henry VIII, all Protestants were similarly redefined as hu(e)mans that are "lost at sea" and held to be Subjects of the British King and existing in a condition of permanent enslavement to him. 

This system is exactly what everyone can witness going on in the District Courts and their State-of-State franchise courts, wherein people appearing in these courts are regularly defrauded, impersonated, and subjected to the most venal injustice, based on the theory that they are magically become less-than men and are mere "hu(e)mans" to be used by the members of the Bar Associations as chattels (slaves) benefiting the British King.   

This is called Damnation Corruption, in which one group of people condemns another group of people, and redefines the victims as being humans, and therefore, not owed the respect and care owed to living men and women and also not owed the form of law that men and women operate under. 

The advent of Human Rights and Civil Rights has done much to improve the status of those harmed by this self-serving madness, which is why the Perpetrators have, once again, sought to evade and deny the victims even the lower status of "human" and are now trying to redefine humans as as mere Genetically Modified Organisms --therefore no longer considered human and not owed Human Rights. 

This is another Damnation Corruption that they are attempting to foist on people who have been "vaccinated" and unknowingly suffered an alteration of their genome using patented materials--- an unconscionable circumstance bring used to further deny  men and women their due as divine creations, and forcing them into an even lower "subhuman" political status where they are supposedly owned outright by the Patent Holders and are denied even Human Rights.

Our country took action in the very early stages of the so-called pandemic and outlawed these claims. 

At each turning of this screw, the Perpetrators abused the law and denied its benefits by artificially and knowingly and maliciously redefining their victims first as humans and now as GMO's, so as to enslave and profit from the victims of their impersonation and redefinition schemes. 

Every member of the U.S. Supreme Court who approved ownership of GMOs and did not act to prevent misapplication of these provisions to humans and even to multi-cellular animals, committed genocide. 

Every member of the U.S. Congress who promoted this scheme against the American people while exempting themselves from taking the shot, have committed unspeakable crimes against the people they are supposed to serve.  

They and the Municipal Corporations they have spawned have obviously sought to enrich themselves unlawfully and illegally and immorally at the expense of their Employees and Employers, alike. 

These crimes have been committed via undeclared Foreign Agents  and in conspiratorial evasion of the contractual obligations owed to the American States and People. 

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

January 3rd 2023


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here:

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