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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Sunday, January 31, 2021

If anyone asks you "When will you give up and accept Biden as President". . . . .

 Say this: Biden can never be president. He is, instead, the leader of a coup. If you believe anyone can be elected via stealing, America is not your country, and Biden is not and cannot be my president.

If a carjacker takes your car, does he own it, or do you still own it? If you think the carjacker owns the car after stealing it at gunpoint, go ahead and call Biden "your" president.

The Power is in Your Hands

The American Courts have the power to try both Law and facts.
Let me repeat that: our American Courts have the power to try both Law and facts.
In other words, our courts can not only make decisions about the facts of the matter at hand, but can make decisions about the law being brought forward to prosecute any controversy.
Average Americans, properly declared, operating their State Assemblies, can -- as juries --- strike down any law perpetuated by the State-of-State Legislature, and can, more broadly, set aside Acts of Congress from having any effect within the borders of their States.
This is a startling fact when first presented to the downtrodden slaves among us who think -- erroneously -- that they are U.S. Citizens or citizens of the United States. It's a power so vast and relevant, that they might even react in fear.
Yet it is precisely this power which the Employers retain and which they must exercise to prevent the proliferation of injustice along with the cancerous growth of literally millions of codes, regulations, and statutes, which are alternately burdening and wrongly empowering everyone who works for us.
None of the other courts that you presently see in operation all around you have this ability. They are strictly limited to enforcement of their own peculiar jurisdiction and their own codes, statutes, and regulations on their own citizenry. They are all legislative courts and are the creatures of their Masters, using forms of law that are international and global in nature, and which are unavoidably foreign with respect to this country and its people.
In the interests of getting the horses in front of the carts, let us observe that this awesome power of jury nullification can only be exercised by Americans who are declared and recorded as being Americans-- that is, by people who are eligible to act in the capacity of State Nationals and State Citizens and who officially chose to do so.
Anyone born in this country can hop through the hoops, anyone born to American parents outside this country is also eligible, and so are legal immigrants and even immigrants who have survived in this country for over seven years without being convicted of a felony or taking public assistance.
All these people can adopt their State of the Union as their permanent house and home, and they can come home and populate it. They can then boot up their American Courts and start nullifying all the unjust and outrageous nonsense coming out of the "federalized" court system, the Municipal CONGRESS, and the various State of State Legislatures.
But only for and on the behalf of themselves and other Americans.
Obviously, if you are not British and not adopting British citizenship. British law does not apply to you.
Just as obviously, the powers of an American Court cannot be applied to a British citizen living in America, who is standing under the jurisdiction of the Territorial District Courts, and cannot be applied to a Papist Municipal citizen of the United States, standing under the Municipal District COURTS, either---except insomuch as they are required to abide by our "Law of the Land" and their constitutional obligations while "residing" here among us.
We and our courts do have the absolute right to enforce the constitutions, every jot, comma, and space thereof.
Our courts and our powers apply to us and to our people--- not generally, apart from the Constitutions, to the foreign citizenry on our shores.
This now takes us to the second point --- in order for our courts to have traction on an issue, people must be acting as Americans, as much as possible, they should be acting in the capacity of Americans before any foreign "legal" issues arise and the jurisdictional waters get muddied.
Put a Red Flag on that, all of you who are worried about:
(1) Forced vaccinations; (2) Mask mandates; (3) Business closures;(4) Child custody theft;(5) School closures;(6) Shut down of public services; (7) Mortgages and evictions; (8) IRS and other taxes; (9) Traffic infractions; (10) Access to medical care; (11) Freedom to travel;(12) Bail-ins and other theft;(13) Worthless currencies; (14) Rioting and civil unrest;(15) "Suspension" of the Constitutions;(16) Police being defunded; (17) Credit cards;(18) International threats; (19) And so on and on.....
If you are acting as a declared and recorded American, none of that clap-trap applies to you and never actually did. It was being imposed upon you via falsification of public records, registrations, and other means of "legal presumption" which you have the power to rebut and overcome.
The faster you rebut being a British Territorial U.S. Citizen --- like someone born in Puerto Rico, and also rebut any claim that you are operating a Municipal Corporation as YOUR NAME, INC., the better for everyone concerned.
It's a matter of safety and good sense. Why would anyone object to admitting that they are a Minnesotan by birth and claiming their constitutional guarantees? Why would anyone refuse to accept and enjoy the freedoms that they and their ancestors have fought and died for?
Obviously, they wouldn't, if they knew what the choices were.
So, now, you can act as an American and you can join your State Assembly and you can boot up your State Courts and you can start doing your job of self-governance by nullifying no end of foreign nonsense heaped upon your peers--- all those others who also claim their proper political status and birthright as Americans.
Facing eviction based on a fraudulent mortgage imposed under conditions of non-disclosure and deceit? The Credit River Decision of 1968 already decided that for Americans. So your jury of twelve honest Americans looks at it, decide that the mortgage was misapplied, and sends a Nullification Order to the foreign court issuing the Eviction Order.
Your children have been snatched by the State-of-State CPS? Your Court considers the matter and sends a Nullification Order setting their court case aside, telling them that you are a State Assembly member and that you and your children are outside their jurisdiction.... remand custody of the children to your County Sheriff for return to their home and their natural biological parents.
You've been arrested and charged with "Fleeing from Justice" or "Contempt of Court" or some ancient impound "warrant" issued by one of these foreign courts? Your court sends them a Nullification Order informing them of your Assembly membership and of their (foreign court) obligations under Article IV prohibiting arrest and detainment of Americans who are not subject to foreign law or statutory authority.
Worried about Joe Biden? Well, he's not your President. Get busy and elect your own. Restore your Federal Republic. Operate your Confederation and your Federation of States. It's your long-settled right and prerogative. It's perfectly lawful and legal for you to do this, and take charge of your own country.
Now that all the State Assemblies are in Session, it's high time that you did. Go to:
For your sake and your freedom and your safety and that of all your family and all your countrymen, get off your duffs. Elect your Sheriffs and your Justices of the Peace.
Accept the burden of acting as Jurors, and the responsibility of enforcing the Constitutions and the responsibility of nullifying foreign court orders that don't apply to Americans---- exercise your rights in the proper way, with the proper authority, and watch how fast things get reformed for the better.

See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:

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Public Notice Concerning The Corporations Act of 1870

A great deal of attention has been focused on the Act of 1871 (which was actually repealed in 1874) and a great many people have been running around willy-nilly making all sorts of claims about this action, which all boils down to the creation of a Municipal Corporation calling itself the Municipal Corporation of the District of Columbia. 

The bad thing about there being such an unauthorized corporation is that it could then spin-off endless franchises for itself and cause no end of trouble, which is precisely what it has done.
But strictly speaking, if you assume that the parties undertaking this activity had the right to do it, we have no cause to complain; and if it affected only their own business operations, we would have even less cause to complain.
Yet, here we come to the crux of the matter, and it lies in the Corporations Act of 1870, not the famous Act of 1871 which promptly fell on its nose.
Did the Municipal Government or the Territorial Government, either one, have any granted authority to create Municipal or Territorial Corporations "for" us or to operate them "in our names"?
And the answer is no, they did not.
That right was delegated to our own American Federal Republic. It was never vouchsafed to the Municipal United States Government nor to the Territorial United States Government.
As a result, all these corporations have been constructed on fraud and Breach of Trust, and are being operated without valid charters in our names by foreign principals.
These entities must be returned to our ownership, re-chartered, and made subject to our Public Law. Or liquidated without recourse.
This is required by every form of law including the Roman Civil Law: once the fraud is discovered and objected to, it must be corrected. The fraud has been discovered --- and it is not in the Act of 1871 per se. It's in the Corporations Law of 1870, which has allowed all these other entities to exist.
This is our Public Notice that this fraud has occurred and that it involves misrepresentation of powers and delegated authorities, similar names deceit, and usurpation in Breach of Trust. There is no doubt that this has happened and there is no question what the remedy must be.
We heartily object to all that has been done "in our names" since 1860, when Abraham Lincoln, a Bar Attorney prohibited from holding public office in our actual government was put forward as a candidate for offices pertaining to our foreign Territorial Subcontractor and passed off as our American Federal Republic President.
Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America


See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. 

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Septuagesima Sunday

 Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's

The Church's Year

Why is this Sunday called "Septuagesima"?

Because in accordance with the words of the First Council of Orleans, some pious Christian congregations in the earliest ages of the Church, especially the clergy, began to fast seventy days before Easter, on this Sunday, which was therefore called Septuagesima" - the seventieth day. The same is the case with the Sundays following, which are called Sexagesima, Quinquagesima , Quadragesima, because some Christians commenced to fast sixty days, others fifty, others forty days before Easter, until finally, to make it properly uniform, Popes Gregory and Gelasius arranged that all Christians should fast forty days before Easter, commencing with Ash-Wednesday.

Why, from this day until Easter, does the Church omit in her service all joyful canticles, alleluia’s, and the Gloria in excelsis etc?

Gradually to prepare the minds of the faithful for the serious time of penance and sorrow; to remind the sinner of the grievousness of his errors, and to exhort him to penance. So the priest appears at the altar in violet, the color of penance, and the front of the altar is covered with a violet curtain. To arouse our sorrow for our sins, and show the need of repentance, the Church in the name of all mankind at the Introit cries with David: The groans of death surrounded me, the sorrows of hell encompassed me: and in my affliction I called upon the Lord, and he heard my voice from his holy temple. (Ps. XVII, 5-7.) I will love thee, O Lord, my strength; the Lord is my firmament, and my refuge, and my deliverer. (Fs. XVII. 2-3.) Glory be to the Father, etc.           

COLLECT O Lord, we beseech Thee graciously hear the prayers of Thy people; that we who are justly afflicted for our sins may, for the glory of Thy name, mercifully be delivered. Through our Lord, Jesus Christ etc.

EPISTLE (I. Cor. IX. 24-27., to X. 1-5.) Brethren, know you not that they that run in the race, all run indeed, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that you may obtain. And every one that striveth for the mastery, refraineth himself from all things: and they indeed that they may receive a corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible one. I therefore so run, not as at an uncertainty; I so fight, not as one beating the air; but I chastise my body, and bring it into subjection; lest perhaps, when I have preached to others, I myself should become a castaway. For I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that our fathers were all under the cloud, and all passed through the sea: and all in Moses were baptized, in the cloud and in the sea; and did all eat the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink (and they drank of the spiritual rock that followed them: and the rock was Christ); but with the most of them God was not well pleased.

EXPLANATION Having exhorted us to penance in the Introit of the Mass, the Church desires to indicate to us, by reading this epistle, the effort we should make to reach the kingdom of heaven by the narrow path (Matt. VII. 13.) of penance and mortification. This St. Paul illustrates by three different examples. By the example of those who in a race run to one point, or in a prize-fight practice and prepare themselves for the victor's reward by the strongest exercise, and by the strictest abstinence from everything that might weaken the physical powers. If to win a laurel-crown that passes away, these will subject themselves to the severest trials and deprivations, how much more should we, for the sake of the heavenly crown of eternal happiness, abstain from those improper desires, by which the soul is weakened, and practice those holy virtues, such as prayer, love of God and our neighbor, patience, to which the crown is promised! Next, by his own example, bringing himself before them as one running a race, and fighting for an eternal crown, but not as one running blindly not knowing whither, or fighting as one who strikes not his antagonist, but the air; on the contrary, with his eyes firmly fixed on the eternal crown, certain to be his who lives by the precepts of the gospel, who chastises his spirit and his body as a valiant champion, with a strong hand, that is, by severest mortification, by fasting and prayer. If St. Paul, notwithstanding the extraordinary graces which he received, thought it necessary to chastise his body that he might not be cast away, how does the sinner expect to be saved, living an effeminate and luxurious life without penance and mortification? St. Paul's third example is that of the Jews who all perished on their journey to the Promised Land, even though God had granted them so many graces; He shielded them from their enemies by a cloud which served as a light to them at night, and a cooling shade by day; He divided the waters of the sea, thus preparing for them a dry passage; He caused manna to fall from heaven to be their food, and water to gush from the rock for their drink. These temporal benefits which God bestowed upon the Jews in the wilderness had a spiritual meaning; the cloud and the sea was a figure of baptism which enlightens the soul, tames the concupiscence of the flesh, and purifies from sin; the manna was a type of the most holy Sacrament of the Altar, the soul's true bread from heaven; the water from the rock, the blood flowing from Christ's wound in the side; and yet with all these temporal benefits which God bestowed upon them, and with all the spiritual graces they were to receive by faith from the coming Redeemer, of the six hundred thousand men who left Egypt only two, Joshua and Caleb, entered the Promised Land. Why? Because they were fickle, murmured so, often against God, and desired the pleasures of the flesh. How much, then, have we need to fear lest we be excluded from the true, happy land, Heaven, if we do not continuously struggle for it, by penance and mortification!

ASPIRATION Assist me, O Jesus, with Thy grace that, following St. Paul's example, I may be anxious, by the constant pious practice of virtue and prayer, to arrive at perfection and to enter heaven.

G0SPEL (Matt. XX. 1-6.) At that time, Jesus spoke to his disciples this parable: The kingdom of heaven is like to a householder, who went out early in the morning to hire laborers into his vineyard. And having agreed with the laborers for a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard. And going out about the third hour, he saw others Standing in the market place idle, and he said to them: Go you also into my vineyard, and I will give you what shall be just. And they went their way. And again he went out about the sixth and the ninth hour, and did in like manner. But about the eleventh hour, he went out, and found others standing; and he saith to them: Why stand you here all the day idle? They say to him: Because no man hath hired us. He saith to them: Go you also into my vineyard. And when evening was come, the Lord of the vineyard saith to his steward: Call the laborers, and pay them their hire, beginning from the last even to the first. When therefore they were come that came about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny, But when the first also came, they thought that they should receive more; and they also received every man a penny. And receiving it, they murmured against the master of the house, saying: These last have worked but one hour, and thou hart made them equal to us that have borne the burden of the day and the heats. But he answering said to one of them: Friend, I do thee no wrong; didst thou not agree with me for a penny? Take what is thine, and go thy way; I will also give to this last even as to thee. Or, is it not lawful for me to do what I will? Is thy eye evil, because I am good? So shall the last be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few are chosen.

In this parable, what is to be understood by the householder, the vineyard, laborers, and the penny?

The householder represents God, who in different ages of the world, in the days of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and finally, in the days of Christ and the apostles, has sought to call men as workmen into His vineyard, the true Church, that they might labor there industriously, and receive the penny of eternal glory.

How and when does God call people?

By inward inspiration, by preachers, confessors, spiritual books, and conversations, etc., in flourishing youth and in advanced age, which periods of life may be understood by the different hours of the day.

What is meant by working in the vineyard?

It means laboring, fighting, suffering for God and His honor, for our own and the salvation of others. As in a vineyard we spade, dig, root out weeds, cut off all that is useless and noxious, manure, plant, and bind up, so in the spiritual vineyard of our soul we must, by frequent meditation on death and hell, by examination of conscience dig up the evil inclinations by their roots, and by true repentance eradicate the weeds of vice, and by mortification, especially by prayer and fasting cut away concupiscence; by the recollection of our sins we must humble ourselves, and amend our life; in place of the bad habits we must plant the opposite virtues and bind our unsteady will to the trellis of the fear of God and of His judgment, that we may continue firm.

How is a vice or bad habit to be rooted up?

A great hatred of sin must be aroused; a fervent desire of destroying sin must be produced in our hearts; the grace of God must be implored without which nothing can be accomplished. It is useful also to read some spiritual book which speaks against the vice. The Sacraments of Penance and of holy Communion should often be received, and some saint who in life had committed the same sin, and afterwards by the grace of God conquered it, should be honored, as Mary Magdalen and St. Augustine who each had the habit of impurity, but with the help of God resisted and destroyed it in themselves; there should be fasting, alms-deeds, or other good works, performed for the same object, and it is of great importance, even necessary, that the conscience should be carefully examined in this regard.

Who are standing idle in the market place?

In the market-place, that is the world, they are standing idle who, however much business they attend to, do not work for God and for their own salvation; for the only necessary employment is the service of God and the working out of our salvation. There are three ways of being idle: doing nothing whatever; doing evil; doing other things than the duties of our position in life and its office require, or if this work is done without a good intention, or not from the love of God. This threefold idleness deprives us of our salvation, as the servant loses his wages if he works not at all, or not according to the will of his master. We are all servants of God, and none of us can say with the laborers in the Vineyard that no man has employed us; for God, when He created us, hired us at great wages, and we must serve Him always as He cares for us at all times; and if, in the gospel, the householder reproaches the workmen, whom no man had hired, for their idleness, what will God one day say to those Christians whom He has placed to work in His Vineyard, the Church, if they have remained idle?

Why do the last comers receive as much as those who worked all day ?

Because God rewards not the time or length of the work, but the industry and diligence with which it has been performed. It may indeed happen, that many a one who has served God but for a short time, excels in merits another who has lived long but has not labored as diligently. (Wisd. IV. 8-13.)

What is signified by the murmers of the first workmen when the wages were paid?

As the Jews were the first who were called by God, Christ intended to show that the Gentiles, who were called last, should one day receive the heavenly reward, and that the Jews have no reason to murmur because God acted not unjustly in fulfilling His promises "to them, and at the same time calling others to the eternal reward. In heaven envy, malevolence and murmuring will find no place. On the contrary, the saints who have long served God wonder at His goodness in converting sinners and those who have served Him but a short time, for these also there will be the same penny, that is, the vision, the enjoyment, and possession of God and His kingdom. Only in the heavenly glory there will be a difference because the divine lips have assured us that each one shall be rewarded according to his works. The murmurs of the workmen and the answer of the householder serve to teach us, that we should not murmur against the merciful proceedings of God towards our neighbor, nor envy him; for envy and jealousy are abominable, devilish vices, hated by God. By the envy of the, devil, death came into the world. (Wisd. II. 24.) The envious therefore, imitate Lucifer, but they hurt only themselves, because they are consumed by their envy. "Envy," says St. Basil "is an institution of the serpent, an invention of the devils, an obstacle to piety, a road to hell, the depriver of the heavenly kingdom.”

What is meant by: The first. shall be last, and the last shall be first?

This again is properly to be understood of the Jews; for they were the first called, but will be the last in order, as in time, because they responded not to Christ's invitation, received not His doctrine, and will enter the Church only at the end of the world; while, on the contrary, the Gentiles who where not called until after the Jews, will be the first in number as in merit, because the greater part responded and are still responding to the call. Christ, indeed, called all the Jews, but few of them answered, therefore few were chosen. Would that this might not. also come true with regard to Christians whom God has also called, and whom He wishes to save. (I. Tim. II. 4.) Alas! very few live in accordance with their vocation of working in the vineyard of the Lord, and, consequently, do not receive the penny of eternal bliss.

PRAYER O most benign God, who, out of pure grace, without any merit of ours, hast called us, Thy unworthy servants, to the true faith, into the vineyard of the holy Catholic Church, and dost require us to work in it for the sanctification of our souls, grant, we beseech Thee, that we may never be idle but be found always faithful workmen, and that that which in past years we have failed to do, we may make up for in future by greater zeal and persevering industry, and, the work being done, may receive the promised reward in heaven, through Jesus Christ, Thy Son our, Lord. Amen.

The Grand Delusion

 By Anna Von Reitz

You are constantly being presented with — and are believing in—- the existence of two competing “sides” to everything, when in fact, there is only one thing before you.

This is perhaps Satan’s favorite and most successful trick, so he plays it over and over like a favorite card trick.

Many of you have read books about the Illuminati and Freemasonry and even Black Magic, and no doubt you have seen the black and white marble parquet floors that are a favorite with these Tricksters.

Why, you might ask yourselves, is this pattern of black and white squares such a favorite?  

Because it celebrates their primary means to wealth and power— the Grand Delusion upon which they depend.

It’s like they are mocking you and flaunting it in front of your faces.  You believe that there are two, black and white, but in fact there is only one.

That is the entire secret upon which their ascendency over Mankind hangs.  

They convince you that there are two things, when there is really only one.

It is so stupidly simple and monotonous that yawning is the best response once you figure it out, but until you do see through it, it is deadly.  

Look around and what do you see?  

Two versions of “United States”.

Two versions of United States of America.

Black and white — but both are tile.

Catholic and Protestant— but both are “Christian”.

Democrat and Republican— but both are political parties.

We must look deeper to perceive the oneness underlying the difference, because in the end, there is only All That Is.  

As a parent looking at your own child, you fully comprehend that they are both good and bad; if you pause half a second, you will know and admit that the same thing is true about yourself.

So instead of trying separate into Good Anna and Bad Anna, why not admit the truth? That there is only one Anna, and I am all of them?  
And I get to choose how I behave?  

While they strive constantly to divide us, as with a knife, to separate us from reality and from ourselves and to alienate us from each other and from God with the delusion of difference and separateness —-there is only one—- and we are part of it.

When you see the illusion you will also be set free from the need and demand to choose sides and go to war.  

You will realize that all there is to fight against are falsehoods and bad beliefs—- the bad ideas that people are taught and which they then act upon, and all the delusions that mislead us.  

Right now there are many people who are looking to the military to save them.  But how is that possible, when the military has been in charge this whole time since 1863?  

And there are some, poor souls, who hope the Pope may repent and stop playing this sordid two-handed play, of putting the US, INC. against the USA, Inc., and leaving us as the punching bag in the middle.

There are even those who welcome the end of the Chinese Communist Party and think that is a great victory for “democracy”— when in fact it is ending because all these corporate governments are communist.

They are all the same because they are all corporations.  They operate the same way.  They have the same profit motives.  They have the same need and desire to control you and feed off of you, because at the end of the day, all such “service organizations” are corrupted without sufficient oversight and their true parasitic nature expresses itself.

A leech is a leech.  The servant becomes the master.  They will try to entertain you and give you all sorts of excuses and they will try to redirect your attention and fool you again.

But stand fast and be discerning.  Take heed of the similarities, not the differences.

We should know what to expect if we let corporations incorporate themselves — which is what happened here in 1870.

This needs to be recognized as the fraud and error that it is, so that sanity can come back into the world again.


See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:

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Saturday, January 30, 2021

All Hands On Deck

 By Anna Von Reitz

The eighty million cheated voters in this country are now waking up, if they weren't awake before.  Any fool can look at this situation and conclude that something is wrong.  Well, here's the "something".  

Our actual government has been moth-balled for 160 years.

We've been letting our foreign Federal Subcontractors, large privately-owned, for-profit commercial corporations, run the show "for" us. 

Every time anyone cast a vote for a politician, they were unknowingly giving them their shareholder proxy to run a corporation we didn't even know existed.  

To paraphrase Pope Benedict XVI when the situation was explained to him --- nobody told us.

But now you are being told and enabled to act. 

Your States have been called into Session.  You now have fifty State Assemblies that need your support and direct action.  This is how you control your government and the means by which you lawfully control your employees.  

And it is already in motion.  

We are restoring our American Government to full function after more than a century of dormancy.  So here we are, engaged in doing what we always should have been doing --- self-governance.   

As more and more people catch on to what that actually means, our State Assemblies are suffering growing pains.  Newbies are pouring in, and all of these people are in desperate need of orientation and education.  

Computer systems have to be reworked, email contacts expanded, recording capability expanded, research and program implementation expanded, outreach expanded, publications expanded, archive and reference accessibility expanded, peacekeeping forces expanded, judicial services expanded.... 

I usually stay pretty silent and close to the vest about the needs we have, but we need your help -- the help of everyone reading this, and not just Americans, either.  For example, our Land Recording System is a vital life-line for people throughout the world to be able to access an international land recording office.  

In case you hadn't noticed, the Vermin are shutting down all the land recording offices, so that nothing but sea jurisdiction "registry services" remain.  As a result, you are being forestalled from taking the corrective action needed to regain your identity as something more than corporate chattel. 

Every week we get calls and letters and emails from foreign countries where the same corrupt corporate tricks were played.  This is a worldwide problem, folks, and there is worldwide need for research into the particulars in each country. We can't hope to do it without help, and a lot of it. 

How can you help?  

Pray.  Everyone can focus their goodwill and energetic good wishes on our endeavor to preserve the Natural and Unalienable Rights of mankind. 

Use your skills. Everyone has skills that are needed.  Are you a good communicator?  Talk it up!  Can you network people and groups together?  Please, do.  Are you a teacher?  Teach.  There's something for everyone to do.

Vote with your donations.  Every dollar is a vote for American traditional government--- our government the way it is meant to be, not the way it has been in recent decades---  and a vote against the "New World Order".  

Vote with your buying power. Part of their scheme is to reduce our world economy to a "Company Store" environment, in which we are forced to be dependent on big box stores owned and operated by them. 

Every time you use  Open Source computer resources, you are voting against Bill Gates. Every time you buy locally, you are voting against Jeff Bezos and for keeping your local options open.  

So don't be lazy and don't be thoughtless.  Every move you make, every dollar you spend, makes a difference --- and so does every word you speak.  

Tell your friends and neighbors that there is a peaceful, lawful, already-in-place remedy and all it requires is their participation and support.  Go to: to learn more and connect.  

We realize that times are both scary and tight, but among the things we all need is a government dedicated to protecting us and our assets and that is what your traditional land jurisdiction government does. 

Paypal is:

Other donations may be sent to: 

Anna Maria Riezinger
c/o Box 520994

Big Lake, Alaska 99652


See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. 

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Situation Update, Jan 29th – America becomes a terror state as governments wage terror campaigns against their own people

(Natural News) In yesterday’s Situation Update podcast, I revealed that all the seemingly insane events of Big Government can best be understood by realizing the globalists are pursuing an active campaign of global genocide against humanity. The order has gone out, and human beings are to be exterminated by the billions. This explains the engineered food scarcity, deadly vaccine injections, engineered bioweapons, deliberate economic collapse and more.

But people everywhere desire to be free, and populist uprisings are taking place everywhere across the globe, even reaching into the financial sector with the Robinhood / GameStop phenomenon that has made headlines all week.

Because of their ability to communicate through decentralized platforms and electronic means, the populists are winning the war of awakening humanity to the fundamental human right to be free. This groundswell in human awakening — spurred by the junk science and media lies surrounding the plandemic of 2020 — is terrifying the globalists who now realize they are rapidly losing control of the people they seek to enslave.

To try to halt the populist uprisings, governments of the world are turning to terrorism against their own people in the form of psychological terrorism and even kinetic terrorism.

This shift into terror now characterizes the brutal Biden regime, which is already hard at work destroying jobs for American workers and flooding the United States with violent illegal alien criminals. Efforts are also under way to launch a new government police state expansion to spy on the 80+ million people who voted for Trump and aren’t buying the obviously rigged election.

Rest assured that in order to justify the existence of this new police state expansion, the Biden regime will carry out large-scale false flag attacks on U.S. soil to blame conservatives and gun owners while demanding more police state powers to spy on everyone.

Gun confiscation is an important waypoint that globalists see as necessary to achieve depopulation. So the order of events goes like this:

False flag event -> Gun confiscation -> Genocide

The false flag event — which we should expect to see this year — will be used to justify the gun confiscation that disarms the 150+ million Americans that the brutal Biden regime seeks to exterminate with government death squads.

Notably, President Trump refused to use the powers of government to protect Americans from left-wing terrorism, so Joe Biden will be happy to use the powers of government to destroy Americans using government-sponsored terrorism. This means America, under Biden, has become a state sponsor of domestic terrorism targeting its own voters.

In other words, the swamp see voters as the enemy. And that’s why they had to separate the voters from the capitol building using razor wire and fences that look like a scene ripped right out of Third Reich holocaust camp.

Three black swan events that might disrupt Biden and his coming reign of terror against Americans

As far as we know, there are only three things that can prompt the military to remove Biden from power due to his acts of sedition, corruption and treason against the United States:

  1. A domestic nuclear attack on a major U.S. city using dirty bombs or nuclear detonations, both of which were threatened to be used against Trump by the deep state. The most likely originators of dirty bombs or nuclear bombs in the US are Democrats, deep staters and globalists. The FBI is no doubt trying to recruit scapegoats for this scenario right now. Think about who has access to uranium: Mueller, Clinton, Brennan, etc. (Read up on the Uranium One scandal.)
  2. A cascading debt collapse that obliterates most of the value of US stocks, which would cause a collapse in pension funds, retirement investments and equities held by tens of millions of Americans.
  3. War with China. This war looks increasingly likely to occur, and China is engaged in sabre rattling against Taiwan, while the outgoing Trump administration labeled China a nation engaged in “genocide” and “crimes against humanity.” Under Trump, the US dropped its “one-China policy” and recognized Taiwan as an independent nation.

After any of these three possible black swan events, we anticipate regional warfare and horrific chaos. This era will be characterized by utter lawlessness, violence, arson, looting, food shortages, gun battles and basically every nightmare scenario you can imagine.

When this scenario occurs, anyone stuck in a blue city can basically kiss their chances of survival goodbye. America’s cities will be turned into death zones.

Biden’s popularity under such circumstances would, of course, plummet well below 30%, and the US military would obviously have the justification it needs to step in, remove the illegitimate pretender-in-chief Biden and work to restore the rule of law in America, which would require holding new, honest elections using paper ballots.

Friday, January 29, 2021

The British Bodkin

 By Anna Von Reitz

A "bodkin" is a needle of the kind used to sew canvas or leather. It's what British sailors used to mend sails, and what British blacksmiths used to sew their aprons. It is a useful tool that goes back to the Iron Age, when it was first fashioned. It undergirds the basics of livelihoods and trade. It is, in fact, one of the noblest implements of commerce ever devised.
And it sits in the drawer unnoticed, and in the modern world seldom used.
Yet it is still there.
And that is the same sort of sturdy and relevant and useful tool that our land and soil jurisdiction represents, so long as we decide to do the work and make use of it. We still have the means to sew our breeches together.
There are those who for their own self-interest would prefer it were otherwise, and who would rather we be totally dependent on their "products" and services, and no longer have access to actual bodkins.
For obvious reasons, that would not be to the advantage of humankind, but it would be to the advantage of those engaged in producing "virtual" versions of nearly everything.
Pretty soon they will have everyone believing that they can hammer in fence posts by manipulating a computer screen, and become unimaginably wealthy by manipulating digits on a virtual ledger.
Those of us who insist on keeping our bodkins and sledge hammers on the ready are derided as Luddites, yet we are the only ones in the room with a grasp on history, physicality, and reason.
Turn off the electricity for ten minutes, and their world vanishes. Our world shoves into view.
In the same way, they have endeavored to delude us into giving up who we are, our separate and glorious nations, our languages and our national currencies, our traditions, our religions, and everything else, even our sexes ---- along with our bodkins, to make us ever-increasingly dependent upon them and their products.
Ever heard of "cornering the market"? Well, you are the ultimate market that Bill Gates and Cronies are gunning for. Forget about controlling the commodities and instead focus on controlling the consumers of commodities. Then you can actually and factually control all the markets and the entire world.
They took a first step toward this by registering us all as Legal Persons and Wards of the Commonwealth, thereby misrepresenting who we actually are. Then they mischaracterized us some more and created all sorts of business enterprises and trusts used to benefit themselves "in our names".
Using this process, they even displaced and removed and deprived the lawful Queen of England of her standing, and replaced her with a cousin. They also encircled and deprived the Lord High Steward of his inheritance and true identity. In both cases, the servants registered them as Wards of the Commonwealth, without standing to inherit all that is otherwise theirs by rights.
So, not only is Joe Biden not your President, but the Queen who has ruled England since the 1950's hasn't ruled as Queen and actually wasn't in the proper line of inheritance-- and by the way, Edward VIII who was the only one of the British Royals to stand up against this Breach of Trust was illegally forced to abdicate.
What may also be of great interest to our English readers is that Edward VIII did marry and did have two daughters, both of whom are still alive. It will also be of great comfort to learn that the Lord High Steward is still alive and kicking, and there are other expatriates who are True Peers, who are also still alive.

Against all odds, the British bodkin has been preserved, ready to mend the harms of an unreal world.


See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:

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No "Second" Declaration

 By Anna Von Reitz

For the last 158 years there has been a consistent pattern: use the Roman Civil Law available to the Municipal Government of Washington, DC, as an excuse to use deceit and fraud to pillage and plunder the innocent people of this country and the rest of the world.  

And guess who has been working right hand-in-glove with that?  The Queen's Government, which is under contract to provide services via the British Territorial United States Government.  

It should have struck everyone by now that, hey, we've been under Martial Law for 158 years --- in fact, under what has been called and implemented as an "international military protectorate" because it wasn't just our United States Army involved --- so, how is all this stuff possible, without the military being compromised, too? 

Well, obviously, it was.  None of this could have happened without our military (and our intelligence services, too) being compromised from within.  

And that's the hard part.  Our military was basically commandeered by the Brits and the bankers and used as cheap mercenaries.  Our intelligence agencies were put to work as scalpers for commercial interests. 

That's the sad facts, folks.  The Swamp wasn't just ugly politicians spewing their crap and doing their dirt.  There were plenty of helpers in the military and in the intelligence community, too.  

The difference is that the Municipal Government could always count on another crop of corrupt and corruptible politicians springing up like weeds in the spring, but the Military has a contract to fulfill, and if they don't fulfill the contract, they not only lose their jobs, they are likely to get hacked up in the process. 

So, the stakes for the military are a lot higher than for the politicians, and they know it.  

That's the difference. 

That does not mean that the military is clean.  That does not mean that they 100% understand the position they are in, or even the history that they are now all of a sudden paying attention to (their focus on the Act of 1871 which was repealed in 1874, for instance) but it does mean that they are "Highly Motivated" to correct and (emphasis added) ---to get back into control. 

Only this time they want to take it a step beyond just controlling everything behind a storefront of "democracy" and run as a full-fledged military junta. 
In order to do that legally however, they have to overcome the foundations of our country, and especially, The Declaration of Independence, which is the foundation of our country.  

So they have offered you a "Second" Declaration of Independence.  

If you accept that, and don't steadfastly cling to the first Declaration, you will lose everything that your Forefathers fought for and won.  

You will be reduced to having to fight for it all again.  And the Queen and her Government will have a free hand to do whatever they please without regard to any Constitution or other agreement that the Americans are owed. 

The "Second" Declaration is a British lawyer's trick, a counter-offer.  

If you are dumb enough to take it, no matter how good it may sound, you lose. 

If you stay the course and remain true to the first Declaration, they have to honor their obligations to you.  

It's that simple, folks.  Spread the word. 


See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:

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Thursday, January 28, 2021

Situation Update, Jan. 28th – The Biden / globalist agenda to DELETE humanity through global extermination

(Natural News) To a person who doesn’t understand the overriding global plan for mass human extermination, the events of the world make little sense.

Why would governments intentionally weaponize covid lockdowns to harm their own economies?

Why would coronavirus vaccines be deliberately designed to cause rapid death and infertility?

Why would Bill Gates want to pollute the atmosphere to block sunlight and cause global famine due to crop failures?

Why has Big Tech been weaponized against freedom, abundance and truth?

The answer is blindingly simple: A global effort is under way to “delete” humanity from planet Earth. You might call it global genocide or a cosmic ethnic cleansing.

Joe Biden and his brutal regime against the American people are merely one cog in the global machine to achieve mass depopulation by any means necessary. This is why Biden’s policies are deliberately designed to cause collapse, destitution, enslavement and death.

These are not accidents. And this is why the US military must move against Biden and reclaim America, or face the total destruction of not just our constitutional republic but the very future of human civilization itself.

This global genocide agenda also explains:

  • Why the real goal of “climate change” is actually terraforming, which means altering the atmospheric chemistry of the planet to reduce CO2 (to starve plants) and reduce oxygen (to kill humans).
  • How “global dimming” projects will result in the engineering of global crop failures, followed by famine and mass death (in the billions).
  • Why energy prices are being deliberately raised by the Biden regime to cause food price inflation and collapse the national economy.

Just today, you’ve seen Gen. Austin (SecDef) announce that the Pentagon is shifting its priorities to carry out war against “climate change.” This treasonous act would de-prioritize America’s national defense and instead focus the entire US military on an imaginary enemy that’s nothing but a quack science hoax. (Will Gen. Austin order soldiers to fire their weapons at the sky to kill climate change? It really is that stupid…)

Today’s Situation Update for January 28th covers the critical news of the day along with revealing details of the plan to exterminate humanity. With Biden in the White House (for now, anyway), this plan is being accelerated against humanity.

Big Tech is in on it. So is the mainstream media. Their marching orders are to “exterminate humanity” by any means necessary. Once you understand this simple, horrifying truth, everything you see coming out of the Biden death machine makes instant sense.

Also, transgenderism is an attack on the sustainability of human reproduction, which is required for the human race to survive beyond one generation.