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Saturday, May 4, 2024

Don't Believe Me? Prove Me Wrong.

 By Anna Von Reitz

As usual, the moment I provide necessary but unfamiliar information, I get attacked by nay-sayers, mumbling and huffing, "That can't be right!"

There follows a period of time in which the genuine seekers of truth dig around and confirm the facts. 

Here, in the eloquent words of Boyd Adams, is the deal: 

"Please review the documents. I also ask that everyone do their own research so they can come to their own conclusions. I do not want anyone to take my word for it. If we learn for ourselves we will not question anything because the facts will be known by everyone."

Regarding the First and Second Confederacy, consult the record of the Second Continental Congress.  You will see that debate about forming a separate Confederacy began in January 1777 and continued until May of 1781 when The Articles of Confederation were adopted and the States of America Confederation began operations.  

Never heard of the States of America?  Again, consult the early records of the First and Second Continental Congresses. After that, consult the United States Statutes-at-Large collection for the years between 1781 and 1861.

References to the States of America abound until the Civil War, when all references to the "States of America" suddenly go silent.  If I am blowing sunshine up your skirts, why would that be? 

And why would the Government of the South under Jefferson Davis call itself "The Confederate States of America" if the "States of America" didn't exist?  

Regarding the Federal Republic and its citizenry, consult the First Naturalization and Immigration Act concerning United States Citizens. 

I say that those United States Citizens were different from U.S. Citizens and Municipal citizens of the United States.  But they are clearly Federal citizens, not state citizens.  They are clearly engaged in moving from one jurisdiction to another.  

Look up references to the Federal Republic and State Republics.  See that they all appear in the decades between 1830 and the Civil War, and then just as abruptly disappear? 

There are sporadic revivals with people running around claiming to represent this or that "State Republic" --- but the historical State Republics disappeared in the aftermath of the Civil War along with the Federal Republic they were part of. 

I say that the flag in the Congressional Chambers is "struck" hanging straight down and vertical.  I say that means the government that flag represents is down. Any military officers here? 

You testify what it means when a flag is struck. 
People don't have to take my word for it. 

That flag has been struck since the Rump Congress during the Civil War.  

Care to guess what that means?  

It's not always a matter of what is in front of you. Sometimes it is a matter of what should be there, and isn't.  Either way, it's up to you to see it and realize what it means. 

I say it means that the primary intended Federal Service Provider, the States of America, has been "missing, presumed lost" since 1861.  

I say it means that the States that created the Federal Republic and the Confederation operating as the States of America, need to assemble and reconstruct these missing parts of both the American Government (our Confederation) and Federal Government (the Federal Republic). 

And no other entities, no foreign States or States of States, can do this necessary reconstruction and wind up with an American Confederation and an American Federal Republic. 

Boyd is absolutely correct in what he said. Don't stop here. Don't take my word for it.  Dig around and see it for yourself.  Make the knowledge your own.  

Then you won't have to wonder if I am right or wrong.  You'll know for yourself and be at ease in your own minds. 


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International Public Notice: More Problems For the Jews

 By Anna Von Reitz

The research of Michael McKibben has already dramatically established the fact that Biblical Hebrews no longer exist.  

Genetically, they were dying out at the time of Jesus and today, only bits and pieces of their overall Semitic genome exist, largely in the populations of the Middle Eastern states. 

This means, ironically, that what is left of the Biblical Hebrews, is probably present in the Palestinian and Arab populations being destroyed in the wreckage of Gaza today

If I call myself a "Kennedy" do I become one? 

If I call myself a member of the Tribe of Judah---  do I become one?

Not according to genetics in either case.  

We must make a distinction between race and religious belief and practice. There are still living people practicing the religion of Judaism, so in that sense, there are still Jews -- but they are not the Biblical Hebrews.  

The present day Israelis come from a different background entirely, and their lease on the Holy Land, promoted by the Balfour Declaration and British (misadministration) under the Balfour Declaration, just came to an end. 

So, they have to move.  

Just like the British Territorial Raj had planned to move from the U.S. to China, the Israelis had planned to move to Ukraine, their actual ancestral homeland.

That's why we have the insane effort and expense of fronting the whole proxy war in Ukraine --- it's meant to buy or win by military conquest a new Jewish homeland, and allow a return of the Jewish Khazars to Khazaria. 

They were only borrowing the whole Hebrew Narrative as a cover story, trying to justify their presence in the Middle East by saying they were "returning home" to the Promised Land, when, as it turns out, the Promised Land was not promised to them, but to an entirely different family of people now long defunct. 

The whole premise by which "Israel" was created and espoused, was false. 

And the lease is up. 

Despite early mass migration of Israelis into Ukraine already, things are not going so great. 

Contrary to the conclusions of the writer of the article cited above, we do not consider that "we" have sown the wind.  Members of a foreign British Territorial Congress usurping upon us have sown the wind.  So have the members of an usurping Municipal corporation US CONGRESS. 

These corporations deserve what they get and so do the Principals allowing their malfeasance, but let nobody say or think that the American people are on board with this misappropriation of credit for war mongering and undisclosed forced mass migration.   

If those responsible were honest and asked for our help we might be able to come up with a solution acceptable to all concerned, but using our assets and our military strength against our will is not acceptable. 

The American people are suffering as a result of these breaches of trust and financial thefts from us and we do not condone any of it.  

Ukrainians are similarly not disposed to just give up their homes and businesses and lands to new immigrants from Israel, especially as they do not have any fond memories of the Khazars. 

The 500,000 Ukrainians killed so far in the War with Russia is far less than the 7 million slots that need to be cleared for Israeli immigrants--- assuming that most of them will want to be air-lifted out of the war zone in the Middle East and begin all over again, instead of being slaughtered by their irate Arab neighbors. 

Facing up to the truth and the nature of the problem doesn't seem to be politically correct.

Britain would have to admit to their total misadministration of the Balfour Declaration. 

Israel (and Israelis) would have to admit that, no, they are not the intended Inheritors of the Promised Land. 

Everyone else, the UN, Inc., especially, would have to scurry around and find a new homeland for them.  

So the Guilty Parties are trying to do it by fiat, under the table; simply by invading Ukraine and posing as opposition to Putin in a proxy war, they hope to carve off enough land to resettle the Israelis in their true ancestral homeland.  

It's like little kids at a birthday party.  Nobody wants to sit next to the Stinker, but somebody has to, so they are again using the "homeland" theme and imposing on the Ukrainians instead of the Arabs. 

If anything, this situation is profoundly sad. 

People of this non-Hebrew Jewish heritage have given many gifts to humanity, but also failed to adopt values consistent with being members of a larger world family. 

The fear of losing "Jewish" identity, has led to extraordinary efforts to separate themselves from the rest of humanity, elitism, and contempt for others. 

That then engenders violent teachings such as the uglier rants against non-Jews found in the Talmud. Each new generation is thus tainted with the fears and violence of the prior generation.   

Those who do not learn the lessons of the past are condemned to relive it. And relive it. And relive it. 

These people have been hunted and chased out, murdered, robbed, and dispersed upon the Earth, hated and defamed and been on the bottom of the pecking order --that's true. 

How much of this is the response to Jewish elitism and violence, their failure to be honest about their needs and situation, their own xenophobia, and the insulting, violent things said against "Goyim" in the Talmud and elsewhere? 

Hate begets hate like radishes beget radishes. 

In the same way, violence begets violence. 

The insanely violent response poured out on Gaza is a good example.  

There are now over 50,000 Palestinians dead in answer to a foreign military incursion that left 1,500 Israelis dead. And the bombing and killing and refusal of humanitarian aid to Gaza just continues and continues for months without end.

How can anyone "stand with Israel" in the face of this? 

No sane and moral person can. This has gone far beyond any standard of justice or decency or even sanity.  The mindless killing of civilians by armed military forces cannot be condoned. 

Any bank that finances this must be shut down as an accomplice to genocide, and in our case, these same banks stand doubly-guilty for the deliberate, knowing misuse of credit belonging to us, that is being used to finance this madness in the face of our objections. 

We accuse the U.S. Congress, Inc. and the Municipal US CONGRESS, however styled, of dereliction of duty, fraud, theft, unlawful conversion, conspiracy against the Constitutions, breach of trust, and violation of their commercial service contracts, resulting in the imposition of unconscionable citizenship contracts, unlawful conversion of nationality and political status, identity theft, credit theft, misappropriation of private assets, evasion of their obligations under the federal Constitutions, and promotion of war-for-profit, genocide, and dehumanization agendas intended to degrade and pollute the human genome --- all under color of law and pretense of war.  

We call for the arrest and prosecution of these offending individuals and their corporations and especially the banks supporting and promoting this insanity.  

America does not stand for nor behind genocide of civilians by any organized armed force. 

The quickest way to bring this rampage to an end is to arrest the bank personnel including those working as Paymasters for SERCO, and begin to face the actual problems.  

We have our own global banking network and our own asset-backed currencies; we are prepared to enter the new economy, but not as "dependents" of Donald Trump and the USA, Inc. and not as "presumed" Donors of the assets used to back yet another species of "US NOTE" and not with anymore lies about us or foreign substitutions for our American Federal Republic.  

It's time for all of this to be cleaned up. Get out your mops and buckets.  

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

May 3rd 2024


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International Public Notice: The Long Journey of Eduardo Rivera 2

 By Anna Von Reitz

Yesterday, we released a long series of documents containing Dr. Rivera's research into the nature of the American Federal Courts and in particular the nature of Federal Income Taxes and who holds the "duty" to pay them.  

He doesn't yet realize that the word "duty" is employed because the "Taxpayer" is assumed to be a Warrant Officer in the British Merchant Marine Service who is charged with the "duty", as in Admiralty duty,  to collect tariffs and taxes owed to the King and the British Crown in "the course of Maritime business and commerce". 

He will learn.  

He also doesn't realize that there are two (2) "Confederacies" in the early history of our country, one that was run from 1776-1781 by the unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America, and a second formalized Confederation doing business as the States of America from 1781 to 1861. 

People in this country have been taught (wrongly) that The Articles of Confederation were replacing the Constitution, but in fact the desire to create "a more perfect union" was referencing the desire to replace the unwieldy confederation managed as a Committee by the Federation of States with a second, more organized Confederation managed by the Union, doing business as the States of America. 

Those who have stuck with us know that from 1776 to 1781 the unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America handled all international and global business for the fledgling government.  

Perceptive students will now ask -- how could that be, as international trade and commerce occur in different jurisdictions and involve different kinds of business structures under different forms of law? 

The unincorporated Federation of States was inherently empowered to function under its own responsibility in all jurisdictions -- a quality and condition shared by unincorporated entities in general.  

It could therefore operate in international jurisdiction as a public business enterprise supported by the Several States that are its members and which contributed their mutual powers to the Federation to act on their behalf to conduct international business for them.  

The Federation could also operate the commercial functions through a Committee of incorporated States-of-States created by each one of its own member States.  

This first confederacy overseen by The United States of America (our Federation) during The War of Independence is sometimes confused with the Second Confederation organized under The Articles of Confederation and operated by the States of America from 1781 to 1861. 

Dr. Rivera has made this common mistake in some of his writings, but this is an arcane bit of history that does not detract from his overall conclusions about the nature of the courts and the issues.  

We refer international readers to his synopsis and evaluation, which is, with the exception of minor errors of the kind mentioned above, in keeping with our own findings: foreign law has been misapplied to Americans who are not federal employees, not voluntarily operating in any Admiralty or Maritime jurisdiction, and who owe not duty to pay taxes or, that is, collect taxes and pay them out to foreign interests. 

Another common error to be aware of when reading through Dr. Rivera's "Notes" is that throughout the early development of our country the lawyers followed the old Roman conventions and forms of translated Latin, so that the Union States are referred to as "states" and the members of the Federation are "States".  

Similarly, they used "the United States" to name various entities from 1776 to 1851, when new style conventions were adopted in an effort to curb confusion and conform to English usage, as English is our Official Language.  

Thus, the name of the country went from being "the United States" to "The United States", and the Union states became the Union States. 

This requires us to observe when documents were produced either before or after 1851 when these changes were adopted, in order to discern which "United States" and what kind of "United States" is being referenced.

"the United States" prior to 1851 may refer to the Union states, the Federal Republic, the Municipal Government, or the British Territorial United States. After 1851, the proper name of this country among the nations of the world is: The United States.  

The United States of America (Unincorporated) has always been the name of our Federation of States, but foreign incorporated versions exist or existed in the past:  the United States of America, Incorporated, and The United States of America, Incorporated, and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, etc. 

This information is provided to assist readers as they sort through Dr. Rivera's Notes, in the interest of keeping everything sorted out as we all go forward. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

May 3 2024

International Public Notice: Freedom of Religion

 By Anna Von Reitz

Now everyone is an Anti-Semite, even Jews who speak up against the slaughter in Gaza are Anti-Semites.  Anyone who is anti-death in general, is an Anti-Semite.  

If you don't stand four-square and agree with the slaughter of 50,000 Palestinians (and more) in exchange for 1,500 Israeli deaths, you are an Anti-Semite. 

And so, Freedom of Religion is to be denied to Americans by the U.S. House of Representatives and the ancient evil of dictating religion is to be enshrined on our soil for the first time since 1608?

Well, the Church of Thelema would be well-advised to check its own skirts, because if Christians are to be mistreated, so may their blood-sucking acolytes be massacred in the streets.  

These Satanists have claimed protection under our Freedom of Religion.  If they want to take Freedom of Religion away from Christians, they lose the same protections themselves.  

Someone should observe this to the imbeciles, so again, it falls to the Federation of States to point out the obvious.  

We provide everyone freedom of religion. That includes all the Satanists and Zionists who have flourished here in peace and caused all this trouble for the past 300 years. 

Let's be very clear about this, U.S. House of Representatives, Inc. --- if you start leaning against the Public Law and the Constitutional Guarantees owed to the Public anymore, you are the ones likely to be on the losing end of the stick.  

We do not agree with nor approve the morbid practice of "blaming the Jews" that some Christian sects do, viewing the decision of the Sanhedrin in one case back in 33 A.D. nor Pontius Pilate's handwashing, either, as anything but more proof that mankind as a whole is prone to gossip and fear and superstition and self-interest. 

At the same time, we realize that our own freedoms depend on extending those same freedoms to others.  

If people want to believe in Satan and hereditary guilt of the Jews and also cling to the fancy that the moon is made out of green cheese, we don't have enough insane asylums to house them. 

We also realize that if the USA, Inc. had not saved slavery as an institution by adopting their so-called "Fourteenth Amendment", we wouldn't be in the mess we are in today

There would be no slavery of persons so there could be no slavery of people, either. 

Failing to make a clean breast of it and end slavery in all jurisdictions, like failure to deliver freedom of religion to all, predictably results in loss of freedom for everyone. 

Including the Perpetrators of any incursion against our Public Law.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

May 3rd 2024


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Good News for Nebraskans - And Everyone Else

 By Anna Von Reitz

When all the States wake up and realize that the "Federal" Government is engaged in a giant con game of the same kind as Central Bank Digital Currencies with their promotion of "NOTES" as currency, it will be even better. 

After all, if you can understand that Central Bank Digital Currencies are not "lawful money" and that the public is being victimized by inflation of a substituted "legal tender", how much more does it take to extrapolate that Big Discovery into the realization that Federal Reserve Notes have done exactly the same thing? 

Just sayin'. 


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Told Ja So.

 By Anna Von Reitz

Lately, I've been seeing the return of the return of things.  Bell bottom jeans?  Really?  Yellow, orange, and olive green shag rugs?  Leopard-print scarves? 

I keep getting whiffs of the 1960's.  I keep thinking, gee, all those old clothes carefully preserved at my Mother's house are no longer museum pieces. 

Sky blue leisure suits are back.... and so are anti-war protests on college campuses, only this time, it's not Vietnam, it's Gaza. 

Just as the mainstream media back then demonized the protesters, they are doing the same today.  And just as they trampled the First Amendment rights of Americans back then, they are doing it again.  

If you resist the idea that the death of 1,500 Israelies somehow justifies the death of 50,000 Palestinians, or you object to the idea of causing death in general, you are labeled as "anti-Semitic".  

It's as if the death of a Jew was somehow different and more important than the death of a Palestinian.  Or had a different meaning for their friends and families. 

We are led to believe that Protestors are bad and Anti-Semitic and even Anti-American --- but what kind of "America" quashes the right to free speech, allows crooks to stay in public office, and sleeps on its laurels while every sort of injustice is promulgated by its own employees worldwide? 

That's not America, folks.  That's the US, INC. and the USA, INC. 

The same parties responsible for blowing up the Nordstream Pipelines just in time for winter in Europe.  

You may remember that Granna took less than about fifteen seconds to point the finger at these corporations as the miscreants responsible when the event happened.  And here is a former CIA officer who just spoke before the United Nations Security Council, asking them all to have as much courage and clarity now:  

Everyone knows that the United States (Inc.) did it, but they are afraid, even as a collective, to stand up and hold the pirates responsible.  Just as everyone but Turkey, and now, South Africa, have been afraid to call down justice for Gaza.  

The Jews need to remember the limits set by their own Old Testament.  1,500 doesn't equal 50,000. 

And we are not here to wipe their butts and noses for them.  


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The Question Hunter Asked

 By Anna Von Reitz

Hunter was a merger and acquisitions guy, about to acquire a bunch of Las Vegas casinos, when this nagging little question appeared in his mind: why is everything always so messed up?  

Not just in whatever daily obstacles people face, but in the whole world, always, predictably messed up, and it never changes.  It's like a steady-state of crap. 

Why?  What causes this?

With his attention fixed on this question, acquisitions and gambling faded into the background.  He sat down, proverbially, and thought about it while continuing to pursue some scientific inquiries that he also had in hand at the time. 

And then, it happened. 

He saw how his scientific inquiries into brain wave functions, emotions, and frequencies of energy all dove-tailed, and were the answer to the much larger question. 

There are two separate frequencies associated with two emotions: 528 vibration is associated with love, 741 vibration is associated with hate.  Simple as that. 

We unconsciously attune to these frequencies broadcast into the environment around us, or we consciously choose which frequency we operate on --- like choosing one radio station over another. 

And there you have it. The answer to why everything is always messed up.  

It's because we are being unconsciously manipulated into reflecting and resonating the hatred being "broadcast" into our environment, instead of consciously choosing to tune into the frequency of love, instead. 

So, as the ancient scriptures all tell you, you are faced with a choice.  You can listen to LOVE.528 on your "radio" dial, or HATE.741.  And it is entirely your choice.  

Choose life. Choose love. 


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