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Saturday, January 25, 2025

International Public Notice: Disappearing States of States

 By Anna Von Reitz

It's fascinating to watch.  All fifty of the various "state of state" legislatures have virtually disappeared from the internet.  You can still find a few offbeat references to these organizations, like the website of the California Office of Legislative Counsel that still references "State of California" and the website of the Secretary of States' business functions often have a passing mention of some form of "State of Whatever" business licenses and that sort of thing.  

But all the Legislative websites and obvious references to, for example, the State of Oklahoma Legislature, are nowhere to be found.  In just the last couple years virtually all references to these hitherto ubiquitous organizations have been wiped from the face of the Earth.  They aren't even listed on the various public business registries anymore.  

This is probably because we pointed out that they have been operating in fraud and are in fact foreign business organizations that are (or were) franchises of parent corporations listed on Dunn and Bradstreet and other business forums.  

We also pointed out that their "Legislatures" are not the public bodies that everyone supposes, but are in fact private deceptively named corporate bodies charged with the management of their own employees and service functions.  

We may have pointed out, too, that their many statutes, regulations, and administrative codes, including their tax codes, and statutes used to evict people from their homes, have been improperly misapplied to members of the General Public. 

All these well-known and well-remembered State of State Corporations have vanished into thin air, just as they came into this world. 

These foreign corporate franchises have been impersonating American State of State organizations since the Civil War.  They just came in the backdoor under color of law, and switched out the American organization called, for example, The State of Wisconsin, for their British Territorial entity calling itself "the State of Wisconsin". 

The bewildered and uninformed members of our State Assemblies were imposed upon to write a new State of State Constitution, secretly obligating them to receive and pay for the services of these new vendors, and other than that, the only apparent change was a switch from "The" to "the".  

In four States, Virginia, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Kentucky, the Perpetrators resorted to calling themselves "Commonwealths" instead of states-of-states.  

A Commonwealth is just the civilian side of a British Territorial Government, so the existence of these administrative Commonwealths is an admission that yes, these organizations were and are British Territorial organizations, not American at all.  

We're offended, defrauded, and misidentified by subcontractors who are supposed to be providing us with "essential government services" and doing it in good faith, but we're not crazy. 

The so-called "special relationship" that British diplomats keep referring to is that the Brits have been over here secretly running everything and spending our credit for the past 160-plus years. 

They've done it under color of law via usurpation and pretensions they were able to pull off simply because they were already here and already in the business of providing government services. 

They've done the same Backdoor Job all over the Earth, and the only times that their surreptitious activities have really come to light and been placed in front of our faces, are the examples of South Africa and India, where the abuses of the British South Africa Company and the British Raj made world headlines and caused cataclysmic political upheaval. 

The stupefying realization that they did the same thing in America and the "former" Commonwealth and wherever else their sticky fingers have touched down, has to be faced.  

They've been using one of two British Crown corporations, The United States of America, Incorporated, and the United States of America, Incorporated, to run everything here and when the Pope's Boyz figured it out and wanted their share, they simply colluded on their usual 40/60 split, and spun off Municipal Corporations under similar names: the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and the UNITED STATES and even USA --- all incorporated, of course, but not bothering to disclose that fact. 

This resulted in us having two complete sets of "government" -- the British Territorial Department of Defense has exactly mirrored the Municipal DOD, the British Territorial Department of Labor has mirrored the Municipal DOL and so on down the line, and innocent Joe Average thought that "DOD" and "DOL" were just abbreviations, not entire huge sprawling separate bureaucracies layered up, one on top of the other, and operating in separate jurisdictions of law. 

When we approached Pope Benedict XVI about this, he famously declared, "Nobody told me!" --- except for us, and having told him, he became liable for the knowledge, and the wheels began to turn, resulting--- ultimately---  some twenty years later, in the bankruptcy of the Municipal Corporation and the more-or-less mandatory downsizing of the "Federal Government" by almost two-thirds. 

This is because the Pope's organizations included all the "Agencies" commonly referred to as "the alphabet soups" --- or "the three letter agencies" --- FBI, CIA, IRS, BLM, DOJ -- and "four letter agencies" -- BATF, FEMA, etc. in addition to the mirrored departments of the Territorial Government, which cherry-picked how much they put into the effort to mirror these additional agencies and usually cut corners, so that the Territorial Federal Bureau of Investigation became a mere shadow, mostly on paper, of the Municipal FBI.  

Imagine the consternation of the average American faced with this undeclared, foreign, multi-layered bureaucratic behemoth, and having these corporations misaddressing him as if he knew what was going on and how they have structured their businesses?  

George Washington, acting as a British Territorial Corporation Officer, the "President" of the King's company doing business as "the United States of America" (the same one referenced in the Treaty of Paris, 1783, and not to be confused with our unincorporated Federation of States) agreed to also act as the "President" of the (later Municipal) United States.  

This was agreeable to both the British Monarchs and the Pope, because they'd had the same basic Servant-Master relationship for over 500 years.  It was routine for the Pope to hand off the administration of his "commonwealth" property and secular affairs to the British Monarch, so Geo. Washington, acting as "President" of the United States of America (a British Crown Company) readily agreed to also act as "President" of the United States (a Holy Roman Empire Company) and they were all cozy with that. 

The American people were never told a word about any of this.  They were expected to know European and Church History and be able to read the tea leaves, but for the most part, except for high-ranking Catholic Clergy and some British Barristers at the top of the heap, nobody knew what was really going on at street level.  

The people of this country were told and they accepted it at face value,  that "George Washington" was the new "President" and they assumed, of course, that he was their President --- not the President of two foreign companies, one belonging to the British Crown and one belonging to the Pope. 

Some might have suspected, given that the office of a President --- any President --- is a business office of an executive nature, and not a Head of State, but the use of deceptively similar names for all these dissimilar things created confusion. 

We had the unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America at the same time as we had the British Crown Company doing business as the United States of America. We had the American Government doing business as "the United States" at the same time as the Popes were doing business as "the United States Company".  

The fledgling American Government couldn't very well object to what foreign companies called themselves, and the people implicitly trusted George Washington, their famous Commander-in-Chief, without questioning certain facts about George.  

George Washington, besides leading the American Forces to victory on the battlefield was: King George's Cousin, the largest landowner in the country, and if they stopped to think about it, they would have realized that "Commander-in-Chief", like the office of "President" is a private office associated with business corporations, not the proper military of a country.  

We were all so young then and mostly ignorant and unsteady on our feet as "free, sovereign, and independent states" all the glitz and glitter and decorum and fantastical rigamarole associated with doing business with the British King, much less the Pope, was overwhelming for all but a very few men --- Franklin, Adams, Jefferson, Hamilton, Madison --- all but Franklin being Bar Attorneys or Counselors of Law.  

We can guarantee that 99.9% of Americans never conceived of the Revolutionary War as a gigantic land grab and Treaty evasion, but from the safe distance of two centuries, it's easy to see that one of the end results was King George skipping out on his Treaty obligations to certain Native Tribes, most especially the Lenape and the Delawares, and George Washington charging happily through the Cumberland Gap. 

So the Office of President, like the Office of "Commander in Chief" are business offices associated with corporations and have never been anything else.  The convention of having the President of the United States of America Company also serve as the President of the United States Company was convenient -- right up until very recently, when, without the existence of the UNITED STATES, INC., we are left wondering exactly what form of "United States" Donald Trump is "President" of?  

Did they go to Zimbabwe and gin up a "United States, Incorporated" again?  

That's the problem with companies and corporations being able to use whatever names they like and setting up shop in different countries and even different States of the Union.  We understand that Elon Musk recently set up such a "federal appearing" corporation in Texas and no doubt there are others being used to deceive the American Public, giving the appearance that these similarly named corporations are the actual government of this country, when they aren't and have never been.  

The King's version of "United States of America" originally a Trading Company soon to be reorganized as a British Crown corporation, and the Pope's version of the "United States" which would eventually reorganize as a Municipal Corporation, each got a chunk of the business action as Subcontractors and Service Providers after the Revolution.  

The King's Company got The Constitution of the United States of America and the Pope's Company got The Constitution of the United States.   The Americans, through their Confederation of States (doing business as the States of America)  ran their own Concession, known as the Federal Republic, under The Constitution for the united States of America.   

The American service provider was disabled when the Confederation lost a quorum to operate in 1861.  The foreign Federal Subcontractors swooped in and greedily soaked up all the duties and prerogatives of the American Federal Republic, without telling the American States and people.  

They did declare a "state of emergency" --- a device they have used ever since as an excuse to declare martial law and misapply it to average Americans, but as the Ex Parte Milligan Supreme Court case (1866)  famously explains, anyone using this excuse to deprive an American of their Constitutional Guarantees and Protections, is a criminal guilty of warring against the Constitution.  

Faced with this limitation on their ill-gained and usurped "powers" the guilty subcontractors devised a scheme by which they could redefine Americans as some variety of United States citizen, and thereby cheat them out of their property rights and Constitutional Guarantees.  

The entire "birth registration" process established for U.S. Citizens under the Sheppard Towner Act was deliberately and and with malice aforethought misapplied to rank and file Americans without disclosure and the obligations and limitations of British Territorial U.S. Citizenship were imposed on us as a result of this undisclosed and from the perspective of the infant victims, unconscionable contract. 

We have since discovered this crime of unlawful political conversion and objected to it in the High Courts of the world, have raised the alarm from Coast to Coast, and developed a process by which Americans claiming their birthright political status and nationality can re-establish their standing.  Those having the provenance and right to do this, have additionally exercised their right to peaceably assemble and bring their State Assemblies into Session. 

We, our State Assemblies, and their remaining unincorporated instrumentalities, are the only actual and factual and fully empowered government in this country.  

All the other entities now performing government services are corporate subcontractors acting under The Constitution of the United States of America. 

Bringing forward these facts and enforcing our contractual guarantees has been a long journey of more than forty years, which brings us back to today and the disappearance of the State of State organizations.  

The next dodge in this seemingly eternal con game is the disappearance of State of State Legislatures, in tandem with the sudden appearance of new organizations calling themselves names styled like this: "The California State Assembly". 

The "California State" being referenced is the State Trust created by the Usurpers after the Civil War, which should --- if it were an honest effort, be called the California State Trust and not the "California State" which is a truncated name chosen to promote more confusion and pretend that this foreign entity is California, the State.  

The presentation of these organizations as assemblies of some sort, is another hallmark of fraudulent intent and a deliberate attempt to confuse this new British Territorial entity with our actual State Assemblies.  

Somewhat equivalent British and British Territorial trust organizations are traditionally called -- forthrightly -- trusts, or depending on the character of the organization, may be described as associations or societies or even guilds, but not assemblies, which has a distinctly civilian and quasi-religious history.  

The avoidance of the word "Trust" and the adoption of the word "Assembly" both indicate that the Perpetrators are, once again, intent on pulling a sleight of hand, and deliberately misrepresenting who they are, what their organization is, and what they are doing.  

They are going to try to misrepresent their British Territorial "State Trust" organizations as our State Assemblies.  

Here's how everyone can tell the difference: legitimate State Assemblies are very simply named and styled like this: The California Assembly.  All the members of our Assemblies are declared, recorded, and published American State Nationals.  This means that despite any foreign registrations established by their Mothers "for" them as babies, they are claiming their birthright political status as, for example, Californians, Wisconsinites, or Virginians, etc.. 

These properly provenanced and declared Americans are not acting as "Presumed" Donors to any foreign-controlled State Trusts which were created by the British Territorial Subcontractors in the wake of the mislabeled American Civil War, and used to cashier American public and private assets, especially land assets. 

These trusts are the source of the False Claim made by Queen Elizabeth II to own all the land in our country; this False Claim and all Suppositions related to it, rests in turn on the fraudulent birth registrations foisted off on Americans and attendant False Claims that they are voluntarily adopting the political status of "Federal Dual Citizens".  

We are not Federal Dual Citizens (that is, both British Territorial U.S. Citizens and Municipal citizens of the United States) and no amount of wishful thinking or unlawful, illegal, and immoral unconscionable contracting processes will do.  

We are Americans, not Brits, not citizens of the Holy Roman Empire. 

When we allowed the Brits and the Holy Roman Subcontractors to stay in this country following the Revolution, we established the nature of their temporary "residence" among us via the Residence Act.   

As a result, these foreign citizens are not allowed to own land in this country and instead, whatever land or other holdings they acquire, are held in trust for them by their respective Trustees -- the Popes or the British Monarchs.  Americans who take temporary service with these Federal Subcontractors similarly placed their holdings within the continental States of the Union in the unincorporated United States Trust.  

Thus, the unlawful and surreptitious and unconscionable conversion of American state nationals to the political status of Federal Dual Citizens can be seen as a land grab, in which the British Monarchs and the Popes both presumed an interest in American assets based on the idea that the people had voluntarily adopted foreign citizenship obligations and could therefore be considered "residents" in their own country.  

Suffice it to say that the only people who should have their land and private property consigned to any British controlled or Holy Roman controlled trust are the actual Federal Employees of these respective Subcontractors, not any of the millions of Americans who have been accidentally-on-purpose misidentified and registered as British Territorial U.S. Citizens and then also had Municipal citizenship conferred on them.  

Our unincorporated E Pluribus Unum Trust is ready to receive all assets of the United States Trust and our individual State Assemblies are ready to receive back all public assets owed to their States of the Union, while we individual Americans are ready to receive back "all right, title, and interest" related to our purloined, cashiered, and unjustifiably salvaged assets which have been rat-holed and controlled by our Federal Subcontractors using various public trusts, including these aforementioned veiled entities named in the following odd fashion: the California State (Trust), the Wisconsin State (Trust) and so on. 

It is not for our Subcontractors to further obscure or attempt to obstruct our position and identities, impersonate us, confuse the issues, or continue any other activity that is less than fair and honest.  It is also not left to our Subcontractors to judge us or make suppositions about us.  

We "failed" to take action prior to this (except for the last fifty years during which we have taken diplomatic and legal action) simply because our self-interested Federal Subcontractors failed to disclose, failed to notify, and failed to perform their duties owed to us.  Even worse, in some instances, these misguided Federal Employees attacked our Federation's Officers and State Citizens, beat, murdered, burned out, falsely prosecuted, and harassed their Employers based on the False Supposition that we were "rebels" and otherwise interfered in the proper functioning of our actual government. 

When faced with the evidence of the lawfare practiced against each and every one of us, the False Registration program resulting in unconscionable contractual obligations being foisted off onto American babies, the misrepresentation of average Americans as Federal Dual Citizens, the misuse and abuse of public trusts established under these purposefully created misapprehensions, and purloining of our land and even our labor and intellectual assets by these faithless public servants--- the victims cannot be blamed for this situation. 

These Federal Subcontractors, the Principals responsible for their operations, the Agencies they hired for their own conveniences, and the State of State franchises and State Trusts they established have all and always owed us "good faith service" which we have not received. 

The entities now formed and/or forming and presenting as State Trust Assemblies are staffed by British Territorial U.S. Citizens and owe the return of all right, title, and interest in the cashiered State assets to the actual State Assemblies.  

They are attempting to slow-boat this return of our assets or avoid this necessity altogether, by pretending that we bear the responsibility of proving who we are and that we have made a purposeful and conscious choice against adoption of their foreign citizenship prior to the return of our control of our assets. 

We say this is ridiculous in view of the overall circumstance, and that their own failure to disclose the obligations of their citizenship status to their own personnel voids 95% of all "federal" personnel contracts; these people, mostly Americans, including members of the U.S. Military, which has functioned as a private Mercenary Force since 1863, have not been given any suitable disclosure about the nature and obligations of federal citizenship and employment. 

We say that the only Americans who might, arguably, be considered Federal Dual Citizens, are actual card-carrying Federal Employees, whose activities are being directed by the Federal Subcontractors and who are receiving a payroll check from these corporations.  

It ought to be easy enough for the Federal Subcontractors to determine who is currently employed by their operations and who isn't, and the Legal Presumptions should accrue accordingly in favor of those not employed by Federal Subcontractors being American state nationals, instead --- people who are owed every jot of every Constitutional Guarantee and which does include and is not limited to protection of their persons under Article IV of all Federal Constitutions, along with no legal presumptions against their property rights, ownership interests, and assets. 

As our State Assemblies are properly populated by duly provenanced individuals who have openly claimed their birthright estates and exercised their reversionary trust rights with proof of their identity, declaration of their claims, witnesses to the facts, together with public recording and publication of the same, there can be no legal or lawful objection, nor any moral objection, to these Assemblies and these people receiving back their public and private property, and we hereby make that demand and publish it for the world to see. 

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

We, the States of the Union, are exercising all our customary rights and prerogatives, including our exercise of American Admiralty Law, American Maritime Law, other forms of International and Commercial Law, and within our boundaries, American Common Law.  

Nobody, least of all our Federal Subcontractors, may say that we are absent, in interregnum, or otherwise incompetent, incapacitated, or encumbered. 

The banks and trusts, internationally and globally, that have received deposits from our trusts, including private trusts belonging to Americans, and from public agents and officials presumptively acting on our behalf and in our names, have been thoroughly provided with Due Notice and Due Process alerting them to the national identity theft that has taken place and the nature of that theft.  

These deposits of physical assets and credit must be returned and accounted for without further obfuscation or delay.  

We have chartered The Global Family International Trade Bank and associated sovereign treasury accounts for the return of physical assets and associated safekeeping records; we have similarly established two commercial banks, The Global Family Commercial Bank for conduct of business on land, and The Global Family Bank of Commerce for conduct of sea-going business.  

The Federal Subcontractors including but not limited to the U.S. Navy which moved our assets offshore for "safekeeping" and other Subcontractors making similar arrangements as part of the accommodation of the Marshal Plan, and those in receipt of our assets for purposes of administration, including but not limited to the World Bank and the Department of the Global Federal Reserve and the Bank for International Settlements are all under demand to account for our assets being held in their institutions.  

This applies to all accounts held in the names of actual Americans and American entities and includes but is not limited to the assets of private American Family Trusts, such as the Avila (sometimes D'Avila) Family Trust, the V.K. Durham Trust, the St. Germain World Trust, the Urban Trust, and all similar so-called "Historical Trusts" and "Legacy Trusts" that have been improperly attached as Global Collateral Account Assets and also improperly accounted for in off-ledger account systems away from public scrutiny and normal oversight provisions. 

The intended Heirs and beneficiaries of these deposits and accounts are living men, not corporations. All those in receipt of these communications have been fully and freely informed and provided both Public and private Notice and complete Due Process for more than ten (10) years. 

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

January 25th 2025


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International Public Notice: The Rest of the Fourteenth Amendment Fraud

 By Anna Von Reitz

Part of the fraudulently misrepresented (and unratified) "Fourteenth Amendment" claims that the public debts of "the United States"---"shall not be questioned." 

Says who? When can a debt not be questioned? 

These were the purported "war" reparation debts of "citizens of the United States" who fought for the South in the Mercenary Conflict known, deceitfully, as "The American Civil War". 

This is misrepresented and used as a blanket excuse for British Territorial Courts to honor whatever debts are alleged against "the United States" --- but which United States is being referenced? 

At this point in history, there were two (2) entities known as "the United States".  One, the Municipal Government Federal Subcontractor running the Federal Civil Service provided by "citizens of the United States", and the other being the American Federal Subcontractor, the Federal Republic, providing other Federal Civil Services provided by "United States Citizens" as defined under the First Immigration and Naturalization Act.  

Both of these "Federal Citizenries" are distinct from each other and also distinct from British Territorial U.S. Citizens. 

Our American Federal Subcontractor known popularly as "the Federal Republic" was run by the States of America, the doing-business-as-name of the Second Confederation which was awarded The Constitution for the united States of America in 1787.  The Federal Republic was forced to go dormant when its sponsor, the States of America, lost a quorum to operate in 1861. 

Ten years later, the British Territorial U.S. Congress gratuitously claimed to own all the Federal Republic's corporations and their assets.  See Acts of Congress, February 2nd 1871. 

Whereas the "Fourteenth Amendment" language about not questioning "the public debts of the United States" undoubtedly and specifically referred to the "war" debts of the "citizens of the United States" and not any debts of "United States Citizens", it is easy to see how British Territorial Courts intent on raising revenue for their King accidentally-on-purpose cast a wide net to include claims brought against United States Citizens, who were by definition not Parties to the Mercenary Conflict mislabeled "The American Civil War", and who owed no phony commercial "war reparations".

With the passage of time and the dulling of awareness on the part of the American Public, the Perpetrators running the foreign King's Equity Courts simply started calling everyone a "United States Citizen" or "citizen of the United States", and liberally applying these presumed foreign citizenship obligations on all Americans.  

In this way the Perpetrators found a way to mischaracterize and attack and extract payments, fees, and performances from anyone who would admit to any form of "United States" citizenship at all.  

By 1913, the second "Federal Reserve" was selling labor bonds on all these "Debtors" as "United States Treasury Bonds" and beginning to use not only the mercenary military forces, but hired private security personnel --- various kinds of police --- to enforce their commercial claims against the value of the labor of United States Citizens, U.S. Citizens, and citizens of the United States.   

It was damned inconvenient when anyone, then or now, raised their hand and said, "Hey, wait a minute.  I'm no Federale.  I'm from Minnesota."  Or Wisconsin.  Or Virginia.  Or, or, or.... 

They also began issuing "Debt Notes" --- Federal Reserve Notes --- against the value of the "United States Treasury Bonds" --- which were all backed as labor performance bonds extracted from a vast work force of people merely presumed to be debtors responsible for "the public debts of the United States" which, conveniently, could not be questioned and which "United States" was never identified by the enforcers of the fraudulently misrepresented "Fourteenth Amendment". 

All forms of "United States" citizenship are foreign with respect to rank and file Americans, yet hundreds of millions of Americans for the last 160 years have been self-interestedly misidentified as some form of "United States Citizen", "U.S. Citizen" or "citizen of the United States" so as to extract non-existent debts and performances and taxes and fees. 

All this has been done to us by British and Roman Subcontractors who in fact owe us "good faith service".  

These white collar criminals have siphoned unimaginable amounts of labor, natural resources, and assets out of this country and its people, and then declared bankruptcy and thrust all their own debts on the victims of this gigantic fraud scheme. 

Now they wish to find some way to carry on business as usual and bluster their way through it and bring on Donald J. Trump as President..... of what?  President of the United States. 

Which "United States"?   And it really doesn't matter, because the only United States related to any American at this late date, is The United States, the official name of this country. 

Though they twist and though they turn and spread their web from here to Belfast, though they attempt to "calm things down" any way they can, though they try to lull us all back to sleep and slather on cost cutting measures (required by the Municipal Chapter 7 bankruptcy anyway) and pour on the bandages of various kinds, nothing works. 

The whole fraud and misrepresentation scheme that began with "King" John, has run its course.   All the king's media can't put Humpty-Dumpty back together again, because the simple truth of all this is damning and not that hard to understand. 

This past week a brillant hoax-parody-art project appeared on YouTube, a Mock result of a non-existent Supreme Court Case, 
Zachary Moore v. Alliant Credit Union: a Moot Court Case appearing in a Moot Court. 

Beyond educating Americans and revealing the self-evident facts about Federal Reserve Notes and the Federal Reserve itself, this art project begs support for the simplest and most basic causes of justice itself. 

To paraphrase the artist(s), fraud is wrong, contracts secured by fraud are wrong, and truth (including the foregoing) does not depend on validation by authorities and institutions. It exists all by itself. 

We might add that the truth commands respect and when crime against living men is an institutionalized practice, it demands action. 

The premise of this art project is simple enough: if our public servants want to dabble around in the realm of fiction, and tell lies about us, put words in our mouths and imaginary debts in our hands, and then pretend that this has validity --- then one good fiction deserves another, especially if it exposes the truth. 

We quote: 

The Argument Against Usury, Fiat Currency, and Systemic Unjust Enrichment

Opening: The Mathematical and Moral Impossibility of Usury

To illustrate the core injustice, consider this story:

Imagine I lend you a single dollar—the only dollar in existence—and I demand interest. How would you repay it? Can you extract "2 from 1"? The answer is simple: you cannot. The loan is mathematically impossible to repay without incurring additional debt or taking resources from another borrower.

This is not just a thought experiment. It is the foundation of the Federal Reserve's credit system. Borrowers are set up to fail, guaranteeing their eventual bankruptcy and the transfer of their real assets to the lender. This system does not create value; it extracts it, enriching the lender while impoverishing everyone else.

Continuing to quote: 

The Unjust Nature of Fiat Currency and Usury

Fiat Currency as Fraudulent Consideration

A valid contract requires mutual consideration, meaning both parties provide something of real value.

The Federal Reserve issues fiat currency unbacked by tangible assets (e.g., gold or silver)

[Editor's Note: though labor has value, it's illegal and unlawful to trade the value of someone else's labor, because it is either a form of peonage or enslavement
. The guilty parties have tried to get around this by "redefining" living men as corporate franchises and most recently, as "transhumans".]

This currency is created out of nothing, yet loans based on it demand repayment with interest.

This violates basic principles of contract law and equity. Lending something inherently valueless and demanding repayment in real assets constitutes unjust enrichment.

Compounding Interest and Perpetual Debt:

Borrowers face obligations they cannot fulfill without further borrowing, leading to a cycle of compounding debt.

This ensures the lender's unjust enrichment by continuously transferring wealth and assets from borrowers, without proportional value being provided.  

[Editor's Note: The Federal Reserve System is a form of embezzlement known as "siphoning". It escapes detection and prosecution by use of another form of fraud known as "mirroring".] 

Systemic Coercion: Taxation and Inflation

Taxation as Coercion:

The U.S. government [Editor's Note: we are talking about the British Crown Corporations acting as Federal Subcontractors, not any actual American Government doing this.] enforces taxation payable only in [fiat] dollars, creating artificial demand for fiat currency.

Citizens are forced to earn [fiat] dollars under threat of penalties, fines, or imprisonment. This is tantamount to economic duress, as they are compelled to participate in a system that benefits lenders disproportionately.

[Editor's Note: The situation is actually a form of peonage if voluntary, and enslavement, if not; both peonage and slavery have been outlawed worldwide since 1926.]

Inflation as Hidden Taxation

The Federal Reserve's 2% inflation target erodes the purchasing power of the [fiat] dollar.

[Editor's Note: The rate of inflation is not somehow set at 2% in the marketplace, where it can be unlimited -- observe Weimar Republic history.  The author/artist is referring to the "Prime Rate" that is the usury the Central Bank imposes on other banks seeking to "borrow" the phony fiat currency that the Federal Reserve is licensed by the criminal British Crown Corporation to produce.] 

Citizens must work harder, borrow more, or become more productive to maintain their standard of living.

[Editor's Note: This is how American families have gone from having one breadwinner to needing two parents working full time, and often taking on extra jobs in addition. The Federal Reserve system is an enslavement racket that imposes a silent, constant unseen and universal "tax" on the phony "debt" that this foreign currency imposes on anyone forced to use it.]

Inflation acts as a hidden tax that transfers wealth from the public to banks and asset holders, further entrenching inequality
End quote.

We never needed nor wanted nor consented knowingly to the Federal Reserve System; the British Crown Federal Subcontractors imposed it as a Military Scrip (illegally, it turns out, as the "military" is actually a mercenary force) to be used by British Territorial U.S. Citizens. 

They used the phony Birth Registration process as a means to redefine Americans as U.S. Citizens.  Just like they are trying to use their phony "vaccines" to redefine all such "humans" as "transhumans".  

We have one thing to say to all these criminals -- up your asses.  Everything you have done since Day One of this fiasco has been unlawful, illegal, and immoral.  It's all fraud. And we are blowing it all the way back to Rome. 

We are the Belle Chers.  The Visigoths.  The Normans.  The Amoricans.  Alive or dead, we've never been defeated.  And never will be. 

The British Crown has betrayed its own soldiers and sailors, violated its contracts, enslaved its own people along with many, many others, and together with its disgusting Roman compatriots, deserves what it gets. 

So saddle up, everyone, be ready to ride. The truth may be stranger than fiction, but it's still the truth. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

January 24th 2025 

See this article and over 5200 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: Birthright Citizenship, Mr. Trump?

 By Anna Von Reitz

No one in their right mind wants "birthright citizenship".  

Birthright citizenship is part of what our forefathers fought against for eight long years. 

Unlike the rest of the world, where babies are saddled with obligations to serve the government the moment they are born, Americans have no "birthright citizenship".  Americans have a birthright nationality, which is a different thing entirely. 

Citizenship implies an obligation to serve the government; in this country, we have the absolute and confirmed belief that the government should exist to serve us, instead. 

This idea that Mexicans or Canadians or anyone else comes here wanting to claim "birthright citizenship" is completely loony; people come here wanting to be free, and most immigrants are confused when they get slapped with "Federal Dual Citizenship" and find themselves burdened down with not one, but two, arbitrarily conferred foreign citizenships that have nothing to do with America at all. 

So it is a complete misconception that immigrants want birthright citizenship.  Nobody here wants "birthright citizenship" to exist in this country, much less do we wish to have it dumped on us by undisclosed registration processes or conferred upon us under the ridiculous assumption that we are stateless.  

Mr. Trump can destroy the entire concept of "birthright citizenship" and be welcome.  It should have never existed in this country, ever. 

But we doubt that his British Crown affiliates will agree.  They not only want all British Territorials to acquire citizenship obligations at birth, they want to foist the same obligations off on Americans living within the borders of the fifty "free, sovereign, and independent states".  

What the present situation conclusively shows is either: (a) complete ignorance, such that no official including Trump, should open their mouth and begin talking, or, (b) rank cynicism and purposeful deceit on the part of the British Crown, once again attempting to lie about "the Fourteenth Amendment" and milk some continued advantage out of a ruse that is beyond dead. 

The so-called Fourteenth Amendment was never ratified by our States and had no authority beyond being a "policy" or "by-law amendment" created by the British Territorial U.S. Congress which has been secretly functioning as the Board of Directors of foreign corporations that have been fraudulently representing themselves as various versions of "United States of America" --- Incorporated.  

Read that: they deliberately impersonated our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America, and stole our identity in order to access our assets and credit, just as any credit card hacker does today. 

That makes the "Fourteenth Amendment" a by-law amendment of foreign commercial corporations, and you can all imagine how much "authority" can be vested in that so far as we are concerned.  

Unfortunately, the Government of Westminster isn't quite convinced that we are awake and still hopes to pass off that Old Chestnut, and to further misrepresent it and use it to excuse their own inexcusable Legal Presumptions and False Registrations of American babies. 

Let us say that presumptions of all kinds are odious and those who presume upon others are odious, too, but Legal Presumptions, especially those that are completely, absolutely fraudulent, are most obnoxious of all.  

We never want to hear another word about "the Fourteenth Amendment" from a certain British Territorial CEO nor anyone else. 

All the British Bar Attorneys lining up to defend "birthright citizenship" conferred by any "Fourteenth Amendment" can pack up their bags and go home to England where they belong --- and we note that we can deport them under the Residence Act if they don't cease and desist. 

Now that we all know what the "Fourteenth Amendment" was in terms of the organizations sponsoring it and its current status, let's examine what impact it had and the circumstances surrounding its creation.  Very briefly. 

After the Civil War, all the black plantation slaves in the Deep South were freed.  This created a public welfare burden because the Southern Plantation owners were no longer required by law to provide food, water, clothing, and shelter for their slaves.  

The Northern Brethren were deep in debt to pay for the war and didn't care for being further burdened paying these expenses, so they hit upon a scheme: they would find means to deem the freed plantation slaves "citizens of the United States", and place claims upon their property assets in recoupment for "war" reparations. 

All "citizens of the United States" --- that is, municipal citizens who were Federal Civil Service members and dependents of the Holy Roman Empire's Municipal Government, which fought with the South ---  were under the same debt.  

This was a way to collect the costs of a mercenary conflict that couldn't qualify for a real peace process and actual awards of war reparations; it was also a way to escape the public welfare burden that Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation placed squarely on the shoulders of the British Crown Corporation he represented as CEO.

Apparently, Lincoln didn't realize the economic impact of his "emancipation" of slave owners. 

By gratuitously conferring this foreign HRE "citizen of the United States" status on the freed slaves, the British Crown Actors identified them as debtors ---and fair game to prosecute for collection of "war" reparations.  Their "presumed" debts applied against their estates also became usable collateral for the "government" --- the same British and British Territorial corporations fronting this sleight of hand. 

Slaves were still big business in many parts of the world and had high commercial value, which is why the Southern Planters could ill-afford to just set them free in the first place.  The British Crown con artists running the British Territorial U.S. Congress were well-aware of this and took advantage of it. 

This is how the government's promise of "forty acres and a mule" turned into de facto public enslavement, a form of financial enslavement based on this "conferred" Municipal citizenship and the debts presumed upon the HRE's "citizens of the United States". 

Even though private slave ownership was abolished, financial enslavement to the British Crown Federal Subcontractors--- and their fraudulent commercial claims---  had just begun. 

This was all excused to the Public as a necessary and good, because the Bounders claimed that certain States refused to accept Negroes as citizens, thereby leaving these poor people "stateless".  

This was another British Territorial tongue-in-cheek fraud, because in fact none of our States ever spoke to the issue and because our States already provided for birthright nationality, not birthright citizenship.  The former plantation slaves were not actually stateless. 

That is, a black man born as a national on the land and soil of Georgia had as many inherent and natural and unalienable rights as a white national born on the same soil.  Men in these United States were enslaved on the basis of financial incapacity, not the color of their skin.  Many men and women, both black and white, earned their freedom by saving their pennies and making shrewd investments. 

Slavery in this country was thus considered a temporary embarrassment caused by indebtedness -- a sort of free range debtors prison that continued even after actual Debtor's Prison was outlawed.  If you could pay back the debt, you could be free and have the same standing as anyone else -- and many did exactly that. 

These are the facts concerning so-called "Fourteenth Amendment" citizenship, which was and still is an outrageous, fraudulent, and filthy scheme promoting unjust enrichment for the British Crown and its corporations impersonating us as versions of  "United States of America" --Incorporated.  

There were two (2) such entities, both impersonating our Federation of States at the same time. 

The United States of America, Incorporated, was a Scottish Commercial Company created out of thin air in 1868, while "the" United States of America, Incorporated, was a Delaware Corporation; Delaware was the only State of the Union that maintained a King's Bench Court (King's Equity Court) and Chancery Court for the use of British Territorial U.S. Citizens.

The Scottish version eventually adopted the Fourteenth Amendment to solidify its outrageous commercial claims against Municipal citizens of the United States.  The Delaware Corporation version quietly slipped it in as if it naturally pertained to its operations, too.   

Both these entities have operated unlawfully and illegally.  Both are guilty of gross breach of trust, gross commercial crimes, gross fraud, and gross violations of their service contracts. 

None of this self-interested "internal administration" by these foreign corporations was ever ratified by our States of the Union.  These so-called "Amendments" from the Fourteenth onward, were all By-Law Amendments of commercial or municipal corporations, that, as such, didn't require ratification by our States of the Union ---- and didn't change the actual Constitution. 

More British Crown fraud, in other words.  More mirroring, identity theft, and fraud. 

These British Crown Companies and Corporations have been operating in gross breach of trust and under conditions of fraud and deceit for over 160 years, but that need not surprise us.  They have been operating the "Great Britain" Company and United Kingdom, Incorporated, fraud scheme against their own people in the British Isles for over 300 years. 

All the commercial claims that they made against the "citizens of the United States" and later, all their claims of collateral interest in the Municipal ESTATES attached to American babies mis-registered as British Territorial U.S. Citizens, have been tainted by this same fraud. 

The same conditions of fraud and deceit attach to all their collateral claims and debt claims against the purported "transhuman" GMOs they claim to have created and to have ownership interest in as a result of palming off "vaccines" that weren't vaccines on the unsuspecting public in this country and many other countries worldwide. 

These people are con artists, liars, and white collar criminals of the first order, and they deserve no quarter. They drummed up the whole Big Lie of the so-called pandemic as a ruse to get people to "voluntarily accept" the injection of genome-altering mRNA that they already owned under patent.  

They have already attempted to enforce their venal scheme "redefining" vaccine recipients as "transhumans" owed no Human Rights --- much less natural and unalienable rights --- using their very own U.S. Supreme Court to approve it in Biden v Missouri.  

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is guilty of knowingly issuing criminal patents on a regular basis and hiding these under the guise of "National Security".  

It isn't our National Security at risk.  Its the security of their profoundly venal "nation" and its population "residing" here under the Residence Act that is endangered by public awareness of these issues and the misrepresentations and fraudulent collateral claims resulting in de facto financial enslavement of people laboring under "citizenship" obligations they don't owe.  

"Birthright citizenship", Mr. Trump?  You should blush to suggest that any such thing is or ever was a benefit to anyone, including any immigrant unlucky enough to stumble over our border at the present time.  

We, Americans, enjoy "birthright nationality" and belong to one of the free, sovereign, and independent states  of these continental United States, a separate country and population from any British Territorial "United States" that could ever be said to exist. 

This International Public Notice is fair warning and information regarding the crimes which have been perpetuated against us and against our people by the iterations of the various foreign British Crown "United States of America" and "United States" corporations.  

Their crimes have now been extended far beyond our borders by the repugnant "transhuman" ownership claims they have made against their victims-- innocent people lacking full disclosure, who accepted the injection of genome-altering mRNA under the False Pretense and fraudulent misrepresentation that it was a "vaccine".  

Every single British Crown Corporation and officer knowingly involved in this heinous fraud scheme is guilty of fraud, reckless endangerment, unlawful conversion, human trafficking, and other crimes of state.  

Just as the Municipal Corporations and their assets stand forfeit for their involvement in these same crimes, the British Crown Corporations are also forfeit for their long-term offenses and unlawful operations.  

We are the Fiduciary Receivers of their assets and the living people they have victimized are their Beneficiaries. 

Will someone please inform the Stage Players?  Their goose is well and fully cooked, the scam discovered, their attempts to escape into the Jurisdiction of the Air with their ill-gotten loot is forestalled by their prior obligations.  

The Municipal Corporation assets and the British Crown Corporation assets and the American Infant Decedent Estate assets must all be returned to the Lawful Government, our Federation of States, and thence returned to the living people and sovereign state governments.

As these same fraud schemes have impacted numerous countries and populations around the world, the same conditions apply in the former British Commonwealth, the Home Islands of the British Isles, the seventeen Western European countries occupied by the Allies, Japan, South Korea, Iraq, Libya, and all the other countries that have been illegally, unlawfully, and immorally abused, defrauded, and mistreated by these Legal Fiction entities and the men responsible for their lawful operation. 

The more than 5,000 major private trusts that have been unlawfully and illegally latched upon and misrepresented as "abandoned property" must be returned to the administration of the Lawful Government and thence be administered variously according to their trust indentures for the benefit of the Heirs and/or other intended beneficiaries. 

The assets including the purloined land, water resources, mineral resources, gold and silver and cash and stock holdings must be returned to the possession and administration of the Lawful Government of each country and as much as possible, returned to benefit the living people who are the intended heirs and beneficiaries.

To the extent that the Lawful Governments have been suborned or rendered inoperable by these Fraud Artists, our Lawful Government will stand as Fiduciary until the national governments of the other impacted countries can be reorganized. 

We have chartered our own banking system and are poised to deliver relief and restitution on a global scale.  

Please inform Mr. Trump that his planned expenditure of half a trillion dollars of our credit on a new global surveillance system that would infringe on our biological privacy, and which could be weaponized, is not authorized. 

Stopping this development is simply a matter of common sense and common decency, and prevents any further deployment of hostile technologies against the interests of the living people, especially those who have been targeted for redefinition as "transhumans". 

The Department of Defense and in particular, DARPA and its Successors, is advised to stand down and cease and desist all operations and technological developments that are in any way supporting the transhumanism agenda and any depopulation agendas as well. 

The western world has been in population collapse since the First World War and anyone stupid enough not to know that is not authorized to act in any capacity whatsoever for us.  They have no permission to access our credit. 

Please note that the World Economic Forum is a consortium of guilty and affiliated corporations, and it needs to be shut down, not lectured.  

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 

January 24th 2025


See this article and over 5200 others on Anna's website here:

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