By Anna Von Reitz
No one in their right mind wants "birthright citizenship".
Birthright citizenship is part of what our forefathers fought against for eight long years.
Unlike the rest of the world, where babies are saddled with obligations to serve the government the moment they are born, Americans have no "birthright citizenship". Americans have a birthright nationality, which is a different thing entirely.
Citizenship implies an obligation to serve the government; in this country, we have the absolute and confirmed belief that the government should exist to serve us, instead.
This idea that Mexicans or Canadians or anyone else comes here wanting to claim "birthright citizenship" is completely loony; people come here wanting to be free, and most immigrants are confused when they get slapped with "Federal Dual Citizenship" and find themselves burdened down with not one, but two, arbitrarily conferred foreign citizenships that have nothing to do with America at all.
So it is a complete misconception that immigrants want birthright citizenship. Nobody here wants "birthright citizenship" to exist in this country, much less do we wish to have it dumped on us by undisclosed registration processes or conferred upon us under the ridiculous assumption that we are stateless.
Mr. Trump can destroy the entire concept of "birthright citizenship" and be welcome. It should have never existed in this country, ever.
But we doubt that his British Crown affiliates will agree. They not only want all British Territorials to acquire citizenship obligations at birth, they want to foist the same obligations off on Americans living within the borders of the fifty "free, sovereign, and independent states".
What the present situation conclusively shows is either: (a) complete ignorance, such that no official including Trump, should open their mouth and begin talking, or, (b) rank cynicism and purposeful deceit on the part of the British Crown, once again attempting to lie about "the Fourteenth Amendment" and milk some continued advantage out of a ruse that is beyond dead.
The so-called Fourteenth Amendment was never ratified by our States and had no authority beyond being a "policy" or "by-law amendment" created by the British Territorial U.S. Congress which has been secretly functioning as the Board of Directors of foreign corporations that have been fraudulently representing themselves as various versions of "United States of America" --- Incorporated.
Read that: they deliberately impersonated our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America, and stole our identity in order to access our assets and credit, just as any credit card hacker does today.
That makes the "Fourteenth Amendment" a by-law amendment of foreign commercial corporations, and you can all imagine how much "authority" can be vested in that so far as we are concerned.
Unfortunately, the Government of Westminster isn't quite convinced that we are awake and still hopes to pass off that Old Chestnut, and to further misrepresent it and use it to excuse their own inexcusable Legal Presumptions and False Registrations of American babies.
Let us say that presumptions of all kinds are odious and those who presume upon others are odious, too, but Legal Presumptions, especially those that are completely, absolutely fraudulent, are most obnoxious of all.
We never want to hear another word about "the Fourteenth Amendment" from a certain British Territorial CEO nor anyone else.
All the British Bar Attorneys lining up to defend "birthright citizenship" conferred by any "Fourteenth Amendment" can pack up their bags and go home to England where they belong --- and we note that we can deport them under the Residence Act if they don't cease and desist.
Now that we all know what the "Fourteenth Amendment" was in terms of the organizations sponsoring it and its current status, let's examine what impact it had and the circumstances surrounding its creation. Very briefly.
After the Civil War, all the black plantation slaves in the Deep South were freed. This created a public welfare burden because the Southern Plantation owners were no longer required by law to provide food, water, clothing, and shelter for their slaves.
The Northern Brethren were deep in debt to pay for the war and didn't care for being further burdened paying these expenses, so they hit upon a scheme: they would find means to deem the freed plantation slaves "citizens of the United States", and place claims upon their property assets in recoupment for "war" reparations.
All "citizens of the United States" --- that is, municipal citizens who were Federal Civil Service members and dependents of the Holy Roman Empire's Municipal Government, which fought with the South --- were under the same debt.
This was a way to collect the costs of a mercenary conflict that couldn't qualify for a real peace process and actual awards of war reparations; it was also a way to escape the public welfare burden that Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation placed squarely on the shoulders of the British Crown Corporation he represented as CEO.
Apparently, Lincoln didn't realize the economic impact of his "emancipation" of slave owners.
By gratuitously conferring this foreign HRE "citizen of the United States" status on the freed slaves, the British Crown Actors identified them as debtors ---and fair game to prosecute for collection of "war" reparations. Their "presumed" debts applied against their estates also became usable collateral for the "government" --- the same British and British Territorial corporations fronting this sleight of hand.
Slaves were still big business in many parts of the world and had high commercial value, which is why the Southern Planters could ill-afford to just set them free in the first place. The British Crown con artists running the British Territorial U.S. Congress were well-aware of this and took advantage of it.
This is how the government's promise of "forty acres and a mule" turned into de facto public enslavement, a form of financial enslavement based on this "conferred" Municipal citizenship and the debts presumed upon the HRE's "citizens of the United States".
Even though private slave ownership was abolished, financial enslavement to the British Crown Federal Subcontractors--- and their fraudulent commercial claims--- had just begun.
This was all excused to the Public as a necessary and good, because the Bounders claimed that certain States refused to accept Negroes as citizens, thereby leaving these poor people "stateless".
This was another British Territorial tongue-in-cheek fraud, because in fact none of our States ever spoke to the issue and because our States already provided for birthright nationality, not birthright citizenship. The former plantation slaves were not actually stateless.
That is, a black man born as a national on the land and soil of Georgia had as many inherent and natural and unalienable rights as a white national born on the same soil. Men in these United States were enslaved on the basis of financial incapacity, not the color of their skin. Many men and women, both black and white, earned their freedom by saving their pennies and making shrewd investments.
Slavery in this country was thus considered a temporary embarrassment caused by indebtedness -- a sort of free range debtors prison that continued even after actual Debtor's Prison was outlawed. If you could pay back the debt, you could be free and have the same standing as anyone else -- and many did exactly that.
These are the facts concerning so-called "Fourteenth Amendment" citizenship, which was and still is an outrageous, fraudulent, and filthy scheme promoting unjust enrichment for the British Crown and its corporations impersonating us as versions of "United States of America" --Incorporated.
There were two (2) such entities, both impersonating our Federation of States at the same time.
The United States of America, Incorporated, was a Scottish Commercial Company created out of thin air in 1868, while "the" United States of America, Incorporated, was a Delaware Corporation; Delaware was the only State of the Union that maintained a King's Bench Court (King's Equity Court) and Chancery Court for the use of British Territorial U.S. Citizens.
The Scottish version eventually adopted the Fourteenth Amendment to solidify its outrageous commercial claims against Municipal citizens of the United States. The Delaware Corporation version quietly slipped it in as if it naturally pertained to its operations, too.
Both these entities have operated unlawfully and illegally. Both are guilty of gross breach of trust, gross commercial crimes, gross fraud, and gross violations of their service contracts.
None of this self-interested "internal administration" by these foreign corporations was ever ratified by our States of the Union. These so-called "Amendments" from the Fourteenth onward, were all By-Law Amendments of commercial or municipal corporations, that, as such, didn't require ratification by our States of the Union ---- and didn't change the actual Constitution.
More British Crown fraud, in other words. More mirroring, identity theft, and fraud.
These British Crown Companies and Corporations have been operating in gross breach of trust and under conditions of fraud and deceit for over 160 years, but that need not surprise us. They have been operating the "Great Britain" Company and United Kingdom, Incorporated, fraud scheme against their own people in the British Isles for over 300 years.
All the commercial claims that they made against the "citizens of the United States" and later, all their claims of collateral interest in the Municipal ESTATES attached to American babies mis-registered as British Territorial U.S. Citizens, have been tainted by this same fraud.
The same conditions of fraud and deceit attach to all their collateral claims and debt claims against the purported "transhuman" GMOs they claim to have created and to have ownership interest in as a result of palming off "vaccines" that weren't vaccines on the unsuspecting public in this country and many other countries worldwide.
These people are con artists, liars, and white collar criminals of the first order, and they deserve no quarter. They drummed up the whole Big Lie of the so-called pandemic as a ruse to get people to "voluntarily accept" the injection of genome-altering mRNA that they already owned under patent.
They have already attempted to enforce their venal scheme "redefining" vaccine recipients as "transhumans" owed no Human Rights --- much less natural and unalienable rights --- using their very own U.S. Supreme Court to approve it in Biden v Missouri.
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is guilty of knowingly issuing criminal patents on a regular basis and hiding these under the guise of "National Security".
It isn't our National Security at risk. Its the security of their profoundly venal "nation" and its population "residing" here under the Residence Act that is endangered by public awareness of these issues and the misrepresentations and fraudulent collateral claims resulting in de facto financial enslavement of people laboring under "citizenship" obligations they don't owe.
"Birthright citizenship", Mr. Trump? You should blush to suggest that any such thing is or ever was a benefit to anyone, including any immigrant unlucky enough to stumble over our border at the present time.
We, Americans, enjoy "birthright nationality" and belong to one of the free, sovereign, and independent states of these continental United States, a separate country and population from any British Territorial "United States" that could ever be said to exist.
This International Public Notice is fair warning and information regarding the crimes which have been perpetuated against us and against our people by the iterations of the various foreign British Crown "United States of America" and "United States" corporations.
Their crimes have now been extended far beyond our borders by the repugnant "transhuman" ownership claims they have made against their victims-- innocent people lacking full disclosure, who accepted the injection of genome-altering mRNA under the False Pretense and fraudulent misrepresentation that it was a "vaccine".
Every single British Crown Corporation and officer knowingly involved in this heinous fraud scheme is guilty of fraud, reckless endangerment, unlawful conversion, human trafficking, and other crimes of state.
Just as the Municipal Corporations and their assets stand forfeit for their involvement in these same crimes, the British Crown Corporations are also forfeit for their long-term offenses and unlawful operations.
We are the Fiduciary Receivers of their assets and the living people they have victimized are their Beneficiaries.
Will someone please inform the Stage Players? Their goose is well and fully cooked, the scam discovered, their attempts to escape into the Jurisdiction of the Air with their ill-gotten loot is forestalled by their prior obligations.
The Municipal Corporation assets and the British Crown Corporation assets and the American Infant Decedent Estate assets must all be returned to the Lawful Government, our Federation of States, and thence returned to the living people and sovereign state governments.
As these same fraud schemes have impacted numerous countries and populations around the world, the same conditions apply in the former British Commonwealth, the Home Islands of the British Isles, the seventeen Western European countries occupied by the Allies, Japan, South Korea, Iraq, Libya, and all the other countries that have been illegally, unlawfully, and immorally abused, defrauded, and mistreated by these Legal Fiction entities and the men responsible for their lawful operation.
The more than 5,000 major private trusts that have been unlawfully and illegally latched upon and misrepresented as "abandoned property" must be returned to the administration of the Lawful Government and thence be administered variously according to their trust indentures for the benefit of the Heirs and/or other intended beneficiaries.
The assets including the purloined land, water resources, mineral resources, gold and silver and cash and stock holdings must be returned to the possession and administration of the Lawful Government of each country and as much as possible, returned to benefit the living people who are the intended heirs and beneficiaries.
To the extent that the Lawful Governments have been suborned or rendered inoperable by these Fraud Artists, our Lawful Government will stand as Fiduciary until the national governments of the other impacted countries can be reorganized.
We have chartered our own banking system and are poised to deliver relief and restitution on a global scale.
Please inform Mr. Trump that his planned expenditure of half a trillion dollars of our credit on a new global surveillance system that would infringe on our biological privacy, and which could be weaponized, is not authorized.
Stopping this development is simply a matter of common sense and common decency, and prevents any further deployment of hostile technologies against the interests of the living people, especially those who have been targeted for redefinition as "transhumans".
The Department of Defense and in particular, DARPA and its Successors, is advised to stand down and cease and desist all operations and technological developments that are in any way supporting the transhumanism agenda and any depopulation agendas as well.
The western world has been in population collapse since the First World War and anyone stupid enough not to know that is not authorized to act in any capacity whatsoever for us. They have no permission to access our credit.
Please note that the World Economic Forum is a consortium of guilty and affiliated corporations, and it needs to be shut down, not lectured.
Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska
January 24th 2025
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