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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Follow Up From the Personal Representatives of The United States of America

By Anna Von Reitz

This is a follow-up to our Public and Private Notice and Public and Private Notice II for all the Flag Officers who still need to get the cobwebs out of their brains and the corks out of their _ _ _ _ _ .  

I don't like Karen Hudes, the World Bank, the IMF or any of their other "international organizations" that have deliberately and in gross self-interest misrepresented the nature and identity of "the United States" being referenced in the attached letter ---which is the Federal United States (created to exercise delegated authority only) ---not the actual United States at all and not The United States of America [Unincorporated] from which the delegated powers derive, either. 

The Federal United States has been managed as an incorporated public trust by the Territorial United States since 1868 and repeatedly subsumed in the bankruptcies of the "presumed" trustees.  Since 1946, it has been managed in a similar fashion by the Municipal United States, and again, dragged into the bankruptcies of the purported trustees. 

Public and Private Notice II - Second Notice Issued Regarding Other Entities

By Anna Von Reitz

Official Public and Private Notice II
Earlier today we objected to the settlement of the bankruptcy of CANADA. We have issued similar Notice regarding the bankruptcy of various federal corporations, all of which have seized upon and mis-administered some aspect of our assets and economy. The text of the second Notice appears below:
Public and Private Notice II
There has been a mistake. We object to any final settlement of the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES, E PLURIBUS UNUM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, USA, Inc., and similar Parties, pending correction and return of all material rights, interests and patents owed to the American Government and the American States and People.
This Public and Private Notice is hereby served by and in behalf of James Clinton Belcher, Hereditary Head of State for The United States of America, and his ancestry listed in part, and in behalf of his consort Anna Maria Riezinger and her ancestry listed in part, and in behalf of all living Americans who are similarly owed all right and provenance of the American continental resources they are heir to:

Official Private and Public Notice

By Anna Von Reitz

As promised, we have issued the official Public and Private Notice in objection to the settlement of the CANADA bankruptcy and the improper assumption of American assets by Prince Philip.  We have also demanded the return of our escheated names and estates and the formal end of the abeyance created by the General Orders 100. 

See attached/posted Notice: 

So you think all this Birth Certificate stuff is bunk?

A conversation with ex illuminati insider Ronald Bernard and Sacha Stone

Found here:

Published on May 2, 2018
One of the brave whistleblowers of our time putting truth and forgiveness ahead of personal safety and fear. To make this stuff matter .... please SHARE widely and beat the drums! Also follow the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking & Child Sex Abuse and sign the ITNJ Treaty and make your voice heard:

I have not looked in to the website yet. Please give me some feedback.
Paul Stramer

The Pot Always Calls the Kettle Black

By Anna Von Reitz

Another way of saying this in the old-style vernacular is: "The skunk always smells its own hole first." 

When we hear and see people making wild accusations, like Kim Goguen alias "Virgo Triad", we should stop and THINK----(1) who is this person?  (2) what do they have to gain?  

In the first case, I have told you who "Virgo Triad" is --- a well-known scam artist who doesn't dare write her screed under her own name.  

In the second case, she tried to steal money from the Navajo and other tribes despite the fact that they are already among the poorest people in America.  I stopped her.  She's mad. 

So she's spreading all these lies, hoping that she will be able to get around me next time.  And that isn't going to happen, either. 

My attitude is that the truth will always out and the cows will always come home.  

As she brings false witness against me, false witness will come against her.  As she twists information to try to give lies credibility, the same will be done to her. 

I did not make these choices for her. 

Meantime, I think it is useful for you to observe one of the chief rules of all propagandists --- whatever you are guilty of, accuse your opponent of it.  

See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here:
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