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Tuesday, January 26, 2021


The Brits, Again, as Always....It is So Boring!

 By Anna Von Reitz

First, it was, as Meow notes, the Russians, the Russians, the Russians.... and now, it's the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese.
Why not the truth?
It was the Brits in 1776. It's been the Brits ever since. And it is still the Brits.
We've been fighting to keep the Brits out of our government, out of our pants, and out of our pockets for two hundred years. Isn't it time we woke up enough to notice who is "doing it to us" besides the Pope?
Now, here is a brilliant bit of actual investigative journalism of the topic:
See? You don't have to stop. You don't have to wonder. You don't have to look around the room to see where the shots came from.
Just turn your Shinola Sensors on "High" and wherever you are, turn toward Britain. All this crappola originates in Rome and London, and flows downhill to Washington, DC.
In that order.
I don't even have to think about it anymore. I can just blink and say, "It's the Brits! It's the Brits! It's the Brits!" and I am always right.
This week's debacle is a good example: the Brits trying to vacate their bankrupted shell of a commercial corporation and move themselves into what would appear (to some people, not my Readers, of course) to be our brand new, wonderful, fully restored through no effort of our own --- ta-ta-ta-tah! --- Federal Republic.
But what they are trying to push off and sell us isn't a restoration of our long-lost American Federal Republic. Oh, no, they don't even want to talk to us. They want to hoodwink us again with some semantic deceits and false claims in commerce and sneak right in the back door and voila!
Install a British Commercial Corporation calling itself, "The Republic of The United States of America" --- as if it was our Federal Republic, and duly entitled to all the rights, powers, and prerogatives of our American Federal Republic.
As the Brits say, "Fat chance, wankers."
We do, after all, know our butts from buttercups on this side of the pond. And we do know how Operation of Law works. So let us enlighten everyone.
The Federation of States created the Confederation and the Confederation created the Federal Republic. The Federal Republic was the American Federal Subcontractor that operated under The Constitution for the united States of America.
So when both the American Federal Republic and the Confederation collapsed, where did all the powers, assets, and duties return? To the unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America.
And guess what? We're back in Session.

If we see, hear, smell, or taste any more British Bunko, we are going to scream so loud London will hear it without the assistance of a hearing aid.


See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:

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We're Not Bankrupt -- They Are

 By Anna Von Reitz

Okay, get some basics down pat:
A "President" is the CEO of a business entity, either an unincorporated company, or an incorporated entity. That's not the same as the Head of State for an entire country, is it? No, it is not.
So, wake up and pay attention:
1. President of The United States
2. The President of The United States
3. President of the United States
4. The President of the United States
5. President of THE UNITED STATES
8. President of the UNITED STATES
9. President of the united States of America
10. The President Of The United States of America
11. President of the united STATES OF AMERICA
12. PRESIDENT Of the United States of America
13. THE PRESIDENT of The united States of America
14. The President of The United States of America
15. President for the united States of America
16. The President for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
17. The President for the UNITED STATES....
Okay? I could go on, but I think everyone can now literally see what has been going on here.
We have all sorts of "Presidents" of all sorts of variations of "United States" and more variations of "United States of America" and all sorts of variations and permutations and combinations and styles of these names and labels, each applying to separate legal fiction entities, until no sane person on the street is ever going to be able to sort out who is who or what organization is what.
You have to ask which President?
Which United States?
Which United States of America?
Anyone remember the old Abbott and Costello Baseball Routine? Who's on first and what's on second? It's like that.
And so, it's easy for people to mistake one "United States" for another "United States" entirely. Or, one "United States of America" for another "United States of America".
With this in front of your faces, please understand that:
(1) Our country has never been bankrupt --- ever.
(2) Our country has sovereign immunity and is not eligible for bankruptcy, anyway.
(3) Our unincorporated National Government, The United States, has never been bankrupt and has never had bankruptcy protection.
(4) Our unincorporated International Government, The United States of America, has never been bankrupt and has never had bankruptcy protection.
(5) All the versions of "the" United States that you hear about going bankrupt are foreign commercial corporations.
(6) All the versions of "the" United States of America that you hear about going bankrupt are foreign commercial corporations.
The only connection we have to these corporations or their debts in any way, shape, or form, is that they are our Subcontractors for certain enumerated services. That's it.
The entities that went bankrupt during and after the Civil War were all state-of-state business organizations that were members of the original Confederation, both North and South.
The version of "United States" that received that big injection of cash from the Holy See and The City of London soon after the Civil War was the Holy See's own franchise, and our Subcontractor, the Municipal United States. Not us.
Stop a moment and use your noggins. Florida is a State, but the State of Florida is a State of State. These are two different things.
A State is a public government. A State of State is a private, for-profit subcontractor doing business for the State under the strict guidance of a "constitution" that sets forth the details of this business arrangement.
So when I tell you that it was the State of State entities that went bankrupt after the Civil War, and that our States of the Union were never even part of the Civil War ---- listen up and try to fathom what I am telling you.
Our lawful government in international jurisdiction, The United States of America, which is an unincorporated Federation of States, never fired a shot in the Civil War. Our Congress never issued a Declaration of War. Our Congress never issued a peace treaty. We had nothing to do with the entire boondoggle.
So when these people tell you that "the" US is broke, or "the" US is bankrupt, or "the" US is in debt---- which US are they talking about?
I'll give y'all a great big clue --- it isn't us. It isn't "these" United States that are bankrupt or responsible for all the war mongering and commercial mercenary conflicts.
It's those United States--- the Municipal United States, that is up to its yarmulkas and Papal Tiaras in debt.
Virtually every soldier or sailor in the past 160 years has trespassed against the States and the people, and has committed treason against our lawful government and our Constitutions--- even though 99.9% of them don't have a clue that this is so.
They don't know that they've been used as cheap mercenaries instead of actual soldiers and sailors, either.
Neither do they grasp the fact that they need amnesty from our lawful government---- and they need it badly, because as it stands, and thanks to their corrupt leadership, they are all suffering a stain on their honor and a target on their backs.
The Joint Chiefs and officers at all levels need to stop jerking around playing name games and spinning off new "deceptively similar" names for commercial corporations intent on defrauding us, and stop setting up offshore corporations to steal their employers blind under color of law.
Just as it is time for the Municipal Government to go back in its box, it's time for the Brits to stop trying to impersonate us and substitute their corporations for the missing pieces of our government.
We are here now, and we are able to chart our own course, able to front our own corporations, able to set aside foreign debts, able to reconstruct the Confederation and the American Federal Republic, able to do our own bookkeeping, too.

We can show them who's on first, second, third, and home--- without even breaking wind.


See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:

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Public International Notice

 By Anna Von Reitz

People need to understand that all these governmental services corporations that have been masquerading as governments are being bankrupted. And then, they are turning around and trying to be "reborn" under new names and purportedly new management, but it's really the same old players.
That is the reason Joe Biden doesn't have a contract and is never likely to get one. The Old Gang in Washington was a criminal for-profit commercial enterprise masquerading as a government; we won't accept their service anymore, and it doesn't make any difference to us that our Employees kept electing the same Old Gang of their compatriots to private corporate offices.
Using our situation as an example --- the Holy See is still required to provide the services stipulated by The Constitution of the United States, but we don't have to accept the services of any Municipal Corporation, especially not one that is owned and operated and managed by the same group of thieves as the last bankrupted entity.
There have been literally millions of bankruptcies taking place, because when one of these big parent corporations goes, it takes its franchises with it.
One of the first bankruptcies in this current cycle was the Bank of England; they circled their desks, because being one of the Prime Perpetrators, they knew what was coming. This is where I earned my nickname in 2008--- which isn't fit for polite company, but still gives me some satisfaction.
In 2015, Obummer announced the domino effect bankruptcy of UNITED STATES, INC. which was followed by the bankruptcy of US CORP --- you can begin to see how they have used different but similar names to operate under, all of them mirroring names associated with our country and our legitimate government.
Each one of these parent corporations has anywhere from dozens to millions of franchises, and the franchises can either be entire organizations or individuals.
I can hear people from Beloit to Bangkok saying, "Millions of franchises? That's not even possible!" ---- but it is, when you consider that virtually everyone on the planet with the exception of a few tribesmen in places like Siberia and North Africa and Lapland-- have been "registered" and "enfranchised" by these Vermin.
Still unknown to most people, we have been given the "gift" of our very own Trojan Horse PUBLIC PERSON franchise in purportedly "equitable exchange" for our life estate, which includes our bodies, our public and private assets, and our energy (labor) ----all supposedly "donated" to these private, for-profit commercial governmental services corporations.
That's how these THINGS have been financing their operations and becoming immensely wealthy by buying, selling, and trading upon assets that don't belong to them.
So, yes, Virginia, we are talking about bankrupting millions of franchises, and in the cases of China and India, we are talking about billions of franchises.
The USA CORP was bankrupted, too, and settled 7 January 2021, along with the UNITED STATES of AMERICA, Ltd., which finished 19 January 2021.
The Republic of The United States of America was the sole beneficiary--- however --- wait for it --- that isn't our Federal Republic.
It's another British Territorial look-alike, sound-alike. Another Cuckoo-bird, set up by American Tories and scions of the Pilgrim Society and operated offshore by another quasi-military cult with ties to the Roman Catholic Church.
Once again, they are seeking to conquer by guile what they cannot take by force of arms, trying to slip in and substitute a British entity for an American government.
But there are several flaws with this plan.
Number One --- we recognize it for what it is.
Number Two --- we are the actual owners of the American Federal Republic and our ownership interest has reverted to us long ago by Operation of Law. Anyone trying to seize upon our Good Name and property interest is simply a criminal engaged in impersonation and infringement of Trademarks. That goes double for the Reign of the Heavens Society.
Number Three --- the actual international and global law applicable is the Maxim of Law: "Possession by pirates does not change ownership." Any copyrights, flags, trademarks, names, rights, material interests and property assets attached to the name of our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America since 1776 belongs to us, our Federation and our member States of the Union --- and we serve Public International Notice of the same.
Number Four --- any attempt to confuse their entity doing business as "The Republic of The United States of America" with our Federal Republic is an obvious fraud scheme and they will not be allowed to "board" our Vessel or perpetrate another Big Lie upon the world.
In the midst of this melee and drama of mistaken identities, the American States and People remain the lawful heirs, owners, and operators of The United States of America and no incorporated entity of any kind is operated by us at the present time, including anything merely calling itself "The Republic of The United States of America" --- Incorporated.
As if that were not irksome enough, none of the "US" or Territorial Corporations that were formed "in our names" via abuse of and usurpation upon our powers, have a valid charter. Neither the Municipal nor the Territorial Congress ever possessed standing or delegated power to issue Municipal Corporation charters in our names. This fraud together with many others means that all the US and State of State Corporations are null and void.
They have to be re-chartered as American Corporations and made subject to our Public Law, or liquidated for fraud.

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America


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The 1776 Commission Final Report was taken off

 But a reader of this blog caught it and we posted it up on Anna's website for posterity.


 Mike Health Ranger, Dave X22 Report, Sean SGT Report, Clay Clark ThriveTime