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Monday, May 20, 2019

The Plot Thickens

By Anna Von Reitz

It seems like every day more twists and turns surface, especially recent history looks like a stockpot full of spaghetti.

You will recall that the gold FDR illegally confiscated from Americans by pretending we were all magically transformed into "Citizens of the United States", and which his Administration used to secure the bankruptcy of the Roman Catholic Church's Delaware corporation doing business as "the" United States of America, Inc. back in 1933 ---- all that gold was eventually released when the bankruptcy was settled in November 1999.

We went looking for it, and found that a portion of it was released to the World Bank/IBRD as "abandoned assets". Where was all the rest? Our gold and silver reserves and historical trust assets, our public property deeds, for example?

The United States Navy collected the property left over from the bankruptcy of "the" Territorial corporation dba "United States of America, Inc."--- but not the gold FDR put up as security for the bankruptcy--- and they handed everything else over to Slick Willy Clinton, thinking that he was our President and that they were returning our property to us and to something they call "the Republic".

Well, as we actual Americans know, there are fifty republican states and no Republic at all associated with us, so obviously, what the United States Navy did, was to hand over our stuff to the Municipal Civil Government of Washington, DC, by mistake.

Slick Willy accepted delivery, signed for it,  (except the portion of gold which the Navy claims it didn't know about and didn't recover) and the assets, together with the Navy contract delivering it, disappeared.  More magic.

So when we bore down on the Navy about the Rotten Patents scandal and about their failure to perform with respect to the 1933 Bankruptcy Settlement, they started digging in an effort to exonerate themselves, and they discovered that Clinton, just as we told them, had no authority related to us, and that they had been snookered into delivering our assets to a crook with no authority to receive our assets.

After all, the United States Navy didn't know how to find us, and Clinton didn't tell them the (severe) limits of his actual Office. 

It would be like Fed Ex showing up with a thousand truckloads of gold addressed to your long-lost Landlord, Eddie Shumacher, and you just took the shipment 'in his name" without telling anybody.

So now we know where Clinton got all the extra gold and other assets, deeds, and titles, that he was busy selling to every Tom, Dick, and Sheik Abdullah.  It was our property he was selling and using to buy votes, peddle political influence, invest in scaggy arms deals, poppy fields, all of it.  This is how he was able to sell our highways, bridges, dams, public buildings.... and this scam didn't even have to involve the Clinton Foundation, though it probably did.

Nothing beats dumb luck they say, and Clinton's luck has served him well.  At least, until now.

The United States Navy is in a fix and dither.  How is it that their good and honorable name was used to concoct a Municipal Corporation doing business as the US NAVY and used to apply for and receive patents to Weapons of Mass Destruction that they never even heard about? 

How did innocent Anna Maria, a Grandma in Big Lake, Alaska, wind up portrayed and misidentified by the IRS as ANNA MARIA, manager of a rum distillery in Barbados?  The same schtick was applied to the United States Navy.  Let that one sink in. 

Believe me, the Admirals both Front and Rear are scrambling around.  No mistake that it was a Naval Operations audit team that got blown up at the Pentagon on 9/11.

It was our scumbag buddies at DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE again, pulling another little identity theft scheme just like they've been pulling on us clueless Americans, only this time, they pulled this same crappola on the [Territorial] United States Navy. 

When the Navy started to investigate at the Pentagon, when they got too close to the truth, ah, yes, well, conveniently, it just happened to be their auditors who took the hit.   And of course, the whole project got scrapped in the aftermath of that. 

This is all Municipal United States wrong-doing, the "plenary government" allowed to Congress under Article I, Section 8, Clause 17, running wildly amok, as all oligarchies tend to do. 

DOD is also the entity responsible for cashiering away our National Credit and failing to make it available to the American States and People for Mutual Offset Credit Exchange.  No American should be paying a mortgage, medical or dental bills, college loans, utility bills, federal income taxes --- none of it.
That was supposed to be our remedy and payback for back-stopping the Church's bankruptcy.

Instead, the Pontiff's Flunkies operating the Municipal United States Government came in and "assigned" our assets --- under color of law--- to a giant Slush Fund, which the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE then used to fund war for profit, build military bases all over the planet, and carry on every flavor of Black Ops known to man.

There is absolutely no doubt now that we are dealing with criminality and hypocrisy on a scale that is all-but unimaginable.  About the time that Trump pulls Clinton's toenails, we might get to the bottom of it at last.


See this article and over 1800 others on Anna's website here:

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Public Declaration of My Collective Entity

By Anna Von Reitz

A great many innocent people have suffered identity theft and been pillaged and plundered under what the Courts call "The Collective Entity Doctrine". This bit of drivel holds that your Legal Person and any commercial or private corporations operating in your NAME, are essentially one-in-the-same, albeit under different ownership, different control, operating under different law, and under different jurisdictions --- and all without your knowledge or consent--- and that you are responsible for all these fictitious entities and their debts.


This is how and why the smug little snot-nosed Bar Attorneys will swear up and down that there "is no difference" between Tom Allen Jones (a British Territorial Foreign Situs Trust)  and TOM ALLEN JONES (a Municipal Cestui Que Vie Trust) and TOM A. JONES (a bankrupt Puerto Rican Public Transmitting Utility Franchise) and TOM JONES (a co-beneficiary of a Municipal Public Charitable Trust)..... and if you believe that, you are a sick, blind Wonky Donkey with dementia, but this is, nonetheless, the "policy" of the courts and the Court System.

Whenever you hear the word, "System"---- think of Rudy Padino, Bookie Extraordinaire, down in the bowels of some old Italian restaurant in New York, smoking a cigar and talking about "the System..... the System…."

Well, welcome to the "American" Court System.

There's just one thing to say about this and that is, that what is sauce for the Goose, is sauce for the @#$%@%, too. 

So, here I publish and give Public Notice of My Collective Entity:

When addressing me, you are addressing a Wisconsinite, and not any kind of US Citizen.

When addressing a Wisconsinite, you are addressing Wisconsin, the actual, factual State.

When addressing Wisconsin, you are addressing a Compact State and member State of The United States of America -- the actual unincorporated Federation of States formed September 9, 1776.

And when you are addressing The United States of America, you are addressing the Delegator and Source of all Delegated Powers of the States of the Union that were ever bequeathed to the Queen or the Pope or any agency, organization, court, or individual acting under their authority as an inhabitant on our shores to exercise in our behalf for the purpose of providing us with Good Faith Service. 

[When their Municipal or Territorial Courts dry-dock on our land, and we are properly declared and functioning in our birthright capacity as one of the People of the Land and our State of the Union, those dusty old Constitutions shove into view again and the actual duties of all these Courts and all these COURTS and of all these Court Officials and MUNICIPAL OFFICERS becomes very, very clear.]

I am part of Wisconsin and Wisconsin is part of me; Wisconsin is part of the Federation of States known as The United States of America formed September 9th, 1776, and The United States of America is part of Wisconsin --- and there's my "Collective Entity". 

May all those who are part of "the System" from here to Washington, DC, take Notice, and also take Notice that the same basic associations that create my Collective Entity also create the Collective Entities of every other American who reclaims their birthright political standing.


See this article and over 1800 others on Anna's website here:

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