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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Monday, October 12, 2020
Public Notice of Non-Compliance, Non-Assumpsit, and Counter-Claim
By Anna Von Reitz
To all Parties and Principals
Concerned: Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals, and Notice to Principals is
Notice to Agents
Although we informally call The
United States of America “the United States” that isn’t really what “the United
States” is.
The entity formally known as “the
United States” was originally the unincorporated government of the Union of
States formed in 1776; in 1790 this entity began using the Proper Name, The
United States, and its Municipal power-sharing partner began operating as “the
United States”.
So, in fact, “the United States”
today is the Municipal Government of the District of Columbia and it is limited
to the “one mile square” devoted to the Municipality of Washington, DC. This
entity continued to operate as an unincorporated business from 1790 to 1878,
when it was fully incorporated as a Municipal Corporation and recognized as an
independent international city-state, run as a “plenary oligarchy” by the
members of Congress, allowed under Article I, Section 8, Clause 17.
Now read the Birthright Citizenship
Act of 2017 abstract:
“Birthright Citizenship Act of 2017.
This bill amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to consider a person born
in the United States "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States for
citizenship at birth purposes if the person is born in the United States of
parents, one of whom is: (1) a U.S. citizen or national, (2) a lawful permanent
resident alien whose residence is in the United States, or (3) an alien
performing active service in the U.S. Armed Forces.”
The Municipal Government dba “the
United States” is claiming that babies born to all Federal Civil Service
Employees, to people born in the Insular States and Possessions, to political
asylum seekers, and to Americans serving in the U.S. Armed Forces, are subject
to the jurisdiction of the United States [Municipal Government] and are citizens
of the Municipal United States Government at birth.
Slaves, in other words.
Public slave ownership has never been
outlawed by “the United States” and so it continues and grows and thrives.
This time, they’ve attacked and
attached the children of innocent American Servicemen and Civil
They have also set up a verbal
conundrum by which they may hope to claim that any American they see is a
“lawful permanent resident alien”--- a form of political asylum seeker,
obligated to serve the Municipal Oligarchy, if that “alien” --- from their
perspective, “resides” in the United States.
Welcome to Little Rome.
The problem is that The Constitution
of the United States strictly limits their government to the one mile square set
aside for them in the District of Columbia, and their apparent gross over-reach
and usurpation in forming over 185,000 Municipal Corporations and claiming
millions of acres of land in this country as “federal” land owned and operated
by Municipal Corporations, is both illegal and unlawful and a Gross
International Breach of Trust in violation of our Treaties with their
government, in violation of their own law as adopted via the Geneva and Hague
Conventions, and in violation of the Nuremburg Code.
So is any claim that the people
living on this illegally and unlawfully purloined land are “citizens of the
United States” and “assets” belonging to the Municipal United States Government
in any form.
We firmly return and refuse all such
claims of conferred citizenship obligations, together with all interpretations
and all presumptions leading to the conscription or trafficking of any American
into Municipal jurisdiction; the State Citizens, known as the People of this
country, who are Principals and Parties to The Constitution of the United States
issue this Notice of Non-Compliance, Non-Assumpsit, and Counter-Claim to the
Municipal United States, their Bankruptcy Trustees, and all other Principals and
Concerned Parties.
We demand that the 185,000-plus
illegally and unlawfully and immorally established Municipal Corporation
franchises be dissolved and further demand that all assets purloined in this
process be repatriated to The United States of America and to the States and
People to whom these assets manifestly belong.
We also demand that all abuse of
usufruct privileges immediately and permanently stop, and that all so-called
individual Municipal Corporations gifted to Americans in their own names as a
means of constructive fraud against them be dissolved. All profits, fees,
leases, tithes, beneficial contracts, stocks, bonds, titles, copyrights,
patents, trademarks, material and immaterial assets, including houses, land, and
public interests including our court buildings, roads, railroads, public
utilities, parks, and national defense investments must be returned to the
victims of these heinous False Claims in Commerce and attendant abuses.
We also bring your combined
attentions to the filing and approval of yet another incorporation charter in
violation of our trademarks and Good Name:
M25 9WS
Company Number: 12666306
Status: Active
Date of Incorporation:
Country of Origin: United
Company Type: Private Limited
Nature of Business: (SIC) Tax
We fail to see why any government
under contract to us to provide us with Good Faith government services should be
operating a Municipal Corporation in our NAME, nor why any government Principal
should be issuing an incorporation charter to any Private Limited Company in our
NAME. This is an unconscionable infringement upon our identity as a nation and
an invitation to constructive fraud which is entirely unacceptable to us. Please
promptly notify the appropriate Parties to rescind approval of this charter
application and make appropriate adjustments to ensure that no further
infringements occur.
Signed by: Anna Maria Riezinger,
The United States of
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