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Saturday, June 23, 2018

Wooo-hooo! Fellow Campers!

By Anna Von Reitz

For all those like me who have been calling John McCain a traitor to his face for years --- this message goes out to every Republican nationwide kindly reprinted from Judicial Watch:


John McCain & Staff Masterminded IRS Tea Party Targeting Scandal

John McCain
Was this craziness your idea, or the tumor's idea John?
McCain minority staff director Henry Kerner to IRS official Lois Lerner and other IRS officials: “the solution is to audit so many that it becomes financially ruinous”
Judicial Watch today released newly obtained internal IRS documents, including material revealing that Sen. John McCain’s former staff director and chief counsel on the Senate Homeland Security Permanent Subcommittee, Henry Kerner, urged top IRS officials, including then-director of exempt organizations Lois Lerner, to “audit so many that it becomes financially ruinous.”  Kerner was appointed by President Trump as Special Counsel for the United States Office of Special Counsel.
The explosive exchange was contained in notes taken by IRS employees at an April 30, 2013, meeting between Kerner, Lerner, and other high-ranking IRS officials. Just ten days following the meeting, former IRS director of exempt organizations Lois Lerner admitted that the IRS had a policy of improperly and deliberately delaying applications for tax-exempt status from conservative non-profit groups.

The Actual Status Report

By Anna Von Reitz

Let us all realize that, first of all, banks and money are founded on the iniquity of idolatry.  Money is a "symbol" of value the same way that a little stone or carved wood idol is a "symbol" of God.  The same process of idolatry is at the root of the entire idea and use of all forms of money. 

Let us also all realize that in the modern world, money is a commodity, like beer or cheese.  There are a gozillion different kinds and brand names of money in exactly the same way as there are brands of beer or cheese, and they all present their own national characters and quirks. 

Let us also realize that there is a profound difference between "money" which has a value in-and-of-itself, such as a gold coin that has some intrinsic value in trade, and "legal tender currencies" --- like bonds and notes and letters of credit.  And there is additionally, a market in other "securities" --- like stocks and commodity futures. 

For the past week I have been deluged by circumstance and correspondence to explain what is going on in the banking world.  Well, which banking world?  The world of actual asset-backed money, or the world of legal tender currencies, or the stock market or.....?   

Please Note Again

By Anna Von Reitz

I Do NOT "recommend" establishing TDA Accounts UNLESS you actually are a Federal United States Citizen (federal civil or military employee) or dependent (receiving free gratis welfare that you did not in fact pay for from the Federales).

TDA's are not any kind of Magic Bullet. They have, apparently, been utilized in some cases (so far) to ameliorate debts owed by federal citizens. If you are not a federal citizen--- employee or actual dependent -- stay out of their system.

The difference is the difference between the relief you get in bankruptcy from debts you ran up irresponsibly, and the relief you get in probate when your property and assets are returned to you free and clear following a hearing to determine your status.

If you actually want to buy Federal bonds, such as Savings Bonds, Treasury Bonds, etc., and have logical need for such an account on a continuing basis, that is what those accounts were primarily designed for.

See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here:

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Domicile -- The Governing Issue

By Anna Von Reitz

We have been held -- incorrectly -- under "municipal law".  And what is "municipal law"?  It is otherwise described as "private international law".  Of course, we discovered this and other fun facts some time ago on the road --- as Cat Stevens put it -- "to find out", but beyond the names and labels, what does that imply?  

A state is governed by public international law --- or is supposed to be; a commercial corporation, however, is governed under private international law. 

I make a distinction here between commercial corporations which are chartered by states, and international trade organizations which are not chartered and truly privately held unincorporated entities. 

Prior to this I have observed that "unincorporated" indicates "sovereign" entities and political status, and that it is entirely possible to be "corporate" without being "incorporated".  

So, in a nutshell, what the vermin have done is to grant us all a franchise -- like a Dairy Queen franchise -- to operate under our NAMES for their benefit.