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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

"Markets HORRIFICALLY OVERVALUED As Insiders Head For The Exits"

“If this is a measurement of the scale of our bubble…that is saying…this is horrifying. This is absolutely horrifying. If this reverts to the mean, we are talking about a Modern Dark Age. And the informed people on the Titanic, are heading to the lifeboats right now. That is what’s going on.” - Mike Maloney


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International Public Notice: Nationalization and Criminal Corporate Activities

 By Anna Von Reitz

The only real power of a man like Bill Gates or George Soros is the power to spend money.  As experience has shown, both these men spend their fortunes on evil purposes. and act as bag men to assist other evil billionaires and corporations to do the same.  

They pursue the dreams of madmen.  They are both, quite literally, psychopathic and sociopathic, as proven by what they spend their money on.  

Gates' most recent evil endeavor has been to force-sell another new food additive "Bovaer" in England, where it will enter the food chain and interfere with male reproductive health.  

This, in a country that has suffered population collapse ever since the First World War. 

The First World War decimated an entire generation in England. It never recovered from that, before another genocidal "war", World War II, was foisted off on the unsuspecting populace, which again lost a major percentage of its younger population and starved the rest for six years, which was sufficient to guarantee that England's native population never recovered.  

Despite that, we have the criminals in Parliament and the Pernicious Royals pushing yet another war and putting all 50,000 members of their military at risk of the same fate that has already claimed 600,000 Ukrainians.  

Apparently, the members of Parliament have a short memory.  It wasn't so long ago that they lost their young men on the battlefields of the Crimea and later, at Gallipoli, too,  in a mad attempt to dominate a land mass and a culture that is utterly beyond their comprehension. 

You would think that their Bug-on-Windshield experiences would have taught them to leave this region of the world in peace, but instead, they have designs on capturing 50% of Africa's food supply and cornering the market on Rare Earth Elements -- and doing it on Russia's back doorstep.    

Their obvious (and stated) intent is criminal.  Using food to coerce economic and political concessions is criminal.  Deliberately scheming to create a monopoly on Rare Earth minerals, or anything else, is criminal.  And certainly, the use they made of Ukraine under Mr. Zelensky, their Puppet, as a base for development of biowarfare products and other illicit activities, has been criminal, too.  

The ICC finally had to get off its rump and accuse Netanyahu of being what he obviously is ---  a genocidal war criminal.  When does any court rise up to condemn these corporations that are masquerading as governments?  When do we all wake up and deal with the paper monsters we have created?  

The fortunes of Bill Gates and George Soros are both made of paper, based entirely on casino chips and intellectual property interests granted to them by the same phony government corporations that have seized control of the bureaucracy.  

Yes, these same commercial and banking interests "disappeared" the actual American Government a long time ago, in what passed for a "change of government" putsch in the 1860's. 

They got away with that at the time, here and in the British Isles, so they just continued on and expanded their criminal operations unhindered and undetected, worldwide. 

Now is the time for this usurpation to end and for the members of the World Economic Forum to be targeted for nationalization and/or liquidation.   

These Perpetrators have used our assets and our credit, in collusion with the guilty central and commercial banks that have allowed these criminal enterprises to access our money and our credit and allowed these entities to wage continuous war-for-profit "in our names" without our knowledge or consent. 

They all deserve to be charged with crimes against humanity.   Their CEOs need to be on a chain gang, not sipping gin in a Boardroom. 

The fact that the Ukraine belongs to Ukrainians hasn't quite sunk into their heads yet, because they succeeded in their 2014 CIA-MI6 "government changeover" and gained access to the bureaucratic matrix of the Ukrainian Government.  As a result, 600,000 Ukrainians are dead and we have idiots in Parliament advising them to keep fighting until they get to a more favorable position for peace negotiations. 

Six feet under is apparently a better position for negotiating peace.

Our point is that all this criminal insanity has to stop.  The corrupt justice system has to be redefined and booted up and used for its intended purpose --- to bring these madmen and criminal corporations to justice.  

Bill Gates and George Soros are criminals -- the fact that they are wealthy criminals only makes it worse.  They have no excuse. 

Same thing for the members of the U.S. Congress.  They have no excuse for interfering in the operations of an elected national government. 

No excuse for plotting to control Africa by controlling Africa's access to food.  No excuse for engaging in illegal and immoral monopoly activities. No excuse for outlawed human trafficking, false claims in commerce, and outlawed development of biological warfare weapons. No excuse for practicing personage and barratry against their employers. 

People of the world, this is not a board game, but you are allowing these politicians to behave as if your lives and your national resources were poker chips ---- and leaving your future in the hands of crooks and madmen.  

We joke about the climate gurus taxing cow farts, but these cretins are deadly serious about it.  They can't keep volcanoes from erupting, but by golly, they can keep cows from farting --- by injecting them and their food stuff with dangerous chemicals that impair their natural fertility and the fertility of anyone ingesting beef products. 

Imagine your baby boy eating a bowl of Jello and his little testicles shriveling away because Bill Gates and the crazy people at the United Nations were allowed to get away with this?

Reducing methane from cow farts and cow manure is actually part of United Nations long-range planning and goals for 2030.  Bill Gates participated in identifying this "problem" and now, he is trotting around the known world, with the solution to the problem he created in the weak minds of the payola challenged people purportedly representing the rest of us at the United Nations --- "Bovaer", a chemical product Gates developed to reduce bovine "air" and also reduce the fertility of the human population of any country that allows this product to be added to livestock feed. 

Including England, a place in which the native population has been under severe population collapse for almost a hundred years. 

The English, Irish, Scots, and Welsh have all suffered along with their friends and Allies, as a direct result of privateering and other criminal acts pursued "in their names" by foreign commercial corporations masquerading as their own dear government. 

These entities that are promoting all this criminality are not governments. They have not been elected by anyone.  They have no powers of government not directly and specifically delegated to them, no state immunity, and no excuse for acting as privateers and pirates under international law.  

The so-called British Sovereign is not a sovereign; Britain is a business, not a country.  

So Letters of Mark and other outmoded and evil and patently unlawful licenses to kill that have been issued by the British Monarchs since the early 1700s are universally fraudulent -- unlawful, illegal, null and void, defunct, having no value and no authority and no ability to protect the numerous incorporated entities that have received these repugnant instructions and acted upon them.

There has been no King or Queen of England since the reign of Queen Anne, who vacated the land and soil jurisdiction, just as "King Charles III" is attempting to vacate the jurisdiction of the sea for his own protection. 

All these corporate privateers are engaged in piracy -- inland piracy (on land) and piracy in Maritime jurisdiction (coastal waters) and piracy on the High Seas.  Under Admiralty Law, including American Admiralty Law, they and their legal fiction entities are all dead men walking. 

It's only a matter of time until everyone reading this and everyone hearing this wakes up and realizes --- they are right.  The dimmed down Americans are right. We've all been sold a bill of goods.  

Our governments have been left adrift in the hands of private commercial privateers ---nasty industrialists and bankers whose only "law" is to seek profit for themselves--- for the better part of a century and a half.

We've been going to war at the behest of criminals.  We have been killing innocent people --- like the situation in Gaza right now --- for the profit of criminals. 

And we've all paid the price for this, whether we "won" or "lost". 

These banks and other corporations all need to be lawfully converted and nationalized without further adieu and without conflict; it is necessary for the preservation of humanity that this be done and done as swiftly as possible. 

We call upon all loyal members of our Military and Civil Service, and all our Treaty Partners, to make it so.

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 5th 2024


See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here:

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Assembly Email Lists

 By Anna Von Reitz

Many people have been complaining that they have not been getting invitations to Assembly meetings in their State.  This has prompted some people to think that they are being excluded on purpose.  

The problem appears to have been generated by a new privacy tab on the LRO which is intended to allow new ASNs to choose whether or not they wish to receive communications from their State Assembly. 

As you are all aware, ASNs are NOT required to join their State Assembly, and can opt out of receiving communications from their State Assembly. 

Unfortunately, this opt out option hasn't been officially and adequately explained to system users, and it has affected the accounts of existing State Assembly members, because the default setting of the new tab (active since August) is set at "no".  

This results in existing members of the Assemblies not getting email invitations and links to meetings, and/or Assemblies not being able to contact people who are already members, and also new ASNs wondering why they aren't being invited to meetings they want to attend because they didn't understand that they were barring contact from the State Assembly in the first place.  

Please bear with us as we get this straightened out. 

The problem has surfaced in recent months, not only because of new ASNs choosing to opt out of Assembly membership and contacts, but because some Bad Actors have abused Assembly email lists to send out their own partisan opinions and "issues" to Assembly members, or even sell commercial products, none of which is authorized.  

This creates the equivalent of Junk Mail and political advertising being sent in the name of the State Assemblies, and that is obviously a problem we are trying to solve. 


See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here:

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Just When You Thought.... Things Couldn't Get Any Worse

 By Anna Von Reitz

As bloated, mercenary, corrupt and often evil as our government is, take in the view from the shores of England:

First they give the public's money away to build wind farms, then, they pay their cronies not to produce electricity.  Just like they pay farmers not to produce food.  

Then follow up with this, our own people having to bear the brunt of collecting soil samples in the Hurricane Helene Disaster Area and pay for independent laboratory analysis to determine just HOW polluted their land and water are, and by what pollutants? 

The results?  Unimaginable environmental contamination and decades of remediation to come before entire river drainages and adjoining lands are safe to live on and grow food again.  

We finally know what the cloying, sweet, nauseating "strange smell" is: gaseous hydrogen sulfide.  

70% of the soil in many locations is officially dead, so polluted that the soil cannot support life.

Barium, Strontium, Chromium, Lead, Mercury, Radium 226 and Radium 228, plus over 150 man-made chemical pollutants. 

The numbers are over the moon for heavy metals, radioactive isotopes, and noxious gases and these samples were taken weeks after the main storm damage.  So the sources of the pollution, which are yet to be determined, are still active and still pouring into the aquifers. 

The official "news story" is that only around 200 people died, when thousands of Americans perished and entire towns disappeared. 

If the Mainstream Media in this country was worth spit, don't you think all this would be reported on?   Billions of dollars of property damage?  Long term, widespread environmental contamination disaster impacting multiple States?  Hundreds of thousands of people and ecosystems at risk?  Thousands dead?  Unidentifiable and still unidentified black helicopters with LIDAR capability flying slowing up and down the water courses after dark?  

These birds were observed by thousands of people, touching down and recovering something off the ground.  What?  Transmitters that guided the path of the storm?  Military? National Guard? Black Rock?

Why is anyone wasting their time and money listening to CBS, CNN, NBC --- any of them?  

People must enjoy listening to the voice-over actors trying to rush through the long, long list of side-effects for every patent medicine these criminals are pushing.  

Mike Thompson, Speaker of the U.S. House, instead of immediately reallocating funds for North Carolina and Tennessee, did nothing. He sat on both thumbs--- and now, people in the higher elevations of these States are facing freezing temperatures without help. 

What the floods didn't ruin, the pollution is ruining. And the victims are left hanging.  

So who is responsible for the pollution we are seeing and recording?  Where's the EPA when you need them?  

January is coming, but that's a long month of cold nights away. What can you do right now?  Contact Samaritan's Purse or Salvation Army, two of the reliable service organizations that are still on the ground.  If you are an ASN or ASC in another State, contact members of The North Carolina Assembly. Network, network, network! 

Americans can write to their employees in the U.S. Congress and to Governor Cooper and ask the hard questions.  Might as well write to Donald Trump as well.  We don't vote for them, but we employ them. 
So give them hell.  

They have illegally latched onto our assets under false pretenses.  Time for them to start obeying the Law of the Land and Contract Law and the stipulations of their service contracts. 

Time they start hearing the voices of all the purported "donors" of the public trusts.  

There's a young girl tonight in West Virginia, living with her Grandmother, who is my age and doesn't know her very well.  Both the girl's parents are dead, swept away in the flood.  Her home is gone, too.  By a miracle, the family dog survived and is her only comfort now.  She doesn't talk much. Or smile. 

The rest of her life will be scarred by this.  Her life and her opportunities will be very different now. Her sense of security, her trust in love, will never be the same.  Her Grandmother tries, but the numbers don't lie. For the moment, she's safe. If she's lucky, her Grandma will live another ten years, and she will be able to grow up and find her feet.  

Then, she will be like another girl from West Virginia that I know, who has no close family of her own.  She's all grown up now. Lives alone with her dog.  And she is missing her adopted family in Alaska.  

What we can do is always the same. We can love.  We can reach out. We can think.  We can act.  We can give the Salvation Army a donation for Tennessee or any of the other States.  We can send extra winter coats to our State Assembly in North Carolina.  We can pray. We can remember and we can care. 

And we can hold the politicians' feet first to the fire--- as their employers. 



See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here:

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