Are you looking for Solutions for America in Distress

You are in the right place to find out about what is really going on behind the scenes in the patriot movement in America, including solutions from Oathkeepers, Anna Von Reitz, Constitutional Sheriffs, Richard Mack, and many more people who are leading the charge to restore America to freedom and peace. Please search on the right for over 9600 articles.
You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

International Public Notice: NSA Implicated

 By Anna Von Reitz

The so-called ASBLP Accounts are funded directly from the accumulation of interest and investment receipts owed to the Avila Family Trust and are owed to the Inheritor of the Avila Family Trust, who is also a donor.  It's that simple. 

Demetrius (variously spelled) Julius Shiva is the Inheritor, because Francorito Miguel Cortez de Avila and his daughter Flordeliza made it so, and this was affirmed by the Probate Court of the Philippines and United States District Court in Illinois. 

The exact accounting related to these funds was carried out by the Senior Trustee of the Department of the Federal Treasury, Giovanni Batista Riccello, and was completed and published in 2010.  These are all monies based on the use of Avila Family Trust assets and they are all owed back to the Inheritor/Donor who permitted the banks to use his assets under stipulated agreements that ended in 2005.  

Since then, these criminal organizations have simply stonewalled and pretended that the actual Inheritor/Donor, whose name appears on their contracts, doesn't exist.  

The "National Security Administration" has supported this grotesque crime of impersonation and theft and abuse of private assets and needs to be investigated. It has received the information concerning the stolen assets, but it has done nothing to assist.  

Likewise the Department of the Federal Treasury needs to be investigated and so do the Senior Trustees responsible for this ongoing Mess.  

It is not clear what additional role has been played by the Inspector Generals and their infamous Council of Inspector Generals, but it is likely that these Miscreants simply lied -- created another Narrative, gave gold and land and other assets belonging to to Demetrius Julius Shiva to their own creditors as payment for their own debts, and are now attempting to block investigation into this circumstance by the rightful Inheritor and attorney-in-fact.   

This is Commercial Notice and also Due Process under Title 15 of Federal Code regarding this ongoing scheme to defraud, obstruction of trade, monopoly inducement, unlawful conversion, and inland piracy in conspiracy against The Constitution of the United States of America and The Constitution of the United States; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals, Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.  Lloyds of London is the Primary insurance contact underwriting these assets and they are hereby being provided Notice of this ongoing situation.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

August 31, 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

There is No Relativism

 By Anna Von Reitz

One of our Coordinators recently reached out to me because of the creeping crud called "relativism" rearing its head among Assembly Members, let me remind everyone that relativism is a foreign concept imported here in the early 20th Century by Academic Communists.  

It is one of the implementations of the Communist Manifesto to promote cultural, religious, and moral relativism as a deliberate means of undermining the integrity of all three.  

Here is what we are talking about: 

"I robbed a bank, because banks are rich and I needed money." 

"It was a lie --- depending on how you look at it." 

"I wasn't raping my daughter, I was loving her."  

These are examples of "relativism" --- which says, "Everything is relative."  It reduces standards and applies excuses for bad behaviors, including criminal behaviors. 

"I cheated on my wife, because I was bored and lonely" is an explanation, even a confession.  

Relativism twists it, so it becomes, "I cheated on my wife, because she was bored and lonely." 

"I'm not fat because I was eating 15,000 calories a day for ten years.  Calories are just theoretical unit measures of heat." 

"Sex is a matter of how you view your identity."  

"He's my Significant Other." 

"He's not dead, he's being recycled." 

Relativism bends reality.  There's no right or wrong, no he or she, no standard of truth or fact, just a willingness to blur rational distinctions and standards, by applying new labels and euphemisms.  

We start arguing over pronouns. 

A man becomes a hue-man, and a hue-man becomes a trans-human, and each step represents a further denigration of social status and peels away contractual protections owed to the unwary victims.

This kind of sloppy thinking results in being disconnected from reality and increasing moral relativism results in people accepting the idea that, hey, cannibalism is okay.  Raping little kids is okay.  Six year-olds can consent.  

Upon hearing that the Ten Commandments undergird the Common Law of the Western World,  we have people saying, oh, no, I can't accept that as a standard of behavior.  I'm not religious and you are supposed to honor separation of Church and State. 

Using The Ten Commandments as a standard for the promulgation of Law is not the same as enforcing a religious belief. 

If you can't agree that adultery (of various kinds) and robbery, murder, and false witness are wrong, and accept that much responsibility for your behavior, you don't belong in an American State Assembly.  

The other people in an Assembly have the right to rely upon these basics being honored because this is our law and our custom. 

Our law is not relative and our thinking about this is not fuzzy. 


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.


 By Anna Von Reitz

Thanks to everyone who is trying to send donations!  --but we need to reroute and send via cash or money order. 

Someone yet to be identified tried to set up a business account "in my name" on Cash App.  Our internal security system caught this and closed it down, but it still has to be investigated by Cash App.  We have sent the necessary information to them. 

This activity of setting up business accounts using the names of living people goes along with the impersonation scheme used by the so-called government service providers --- they are attempting to sell "us" off as corporate franchise assets, so some of this is being done by foreign governments and large corporations. 

Don't be overly worried.  We have been living in a world constructed of lies for a long time.  This kind of thing is to be expected as it all falls apart.  

We look forward to the day when everyone is automatically held harmless and exempt and all the scammers are out of business. 

Not only that, but when I said last week that, to paraphrase, if everyone sent $5 we would be finished already,  a lot of people sent me $5, which is great, but combined with all the small dollops I send here and there, used up the allotted number of transactions my account can do in a month, so I can't use my account until it renews on September first.  

So, long story short, if you want to help, please wait until September 1st, or send checks and money orders to:  Anna Maria Riezinger, In care of: Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska, 99652.  

International Public Notice: Evasion of Obligation

 By Anna Von Reitz

The Department of the Global Federal Reserve in Switzerland and Jerome Powell know the identity of the man who is the Lawful Inheritor and Legal Attorney-in-Fact over all assets encumbered by the Severino Sta Romano Estate, and who has the Power of Attorney over the Global Collateral Accounts, including the Spiritual White Boy Account. 

His name is on the most recent contract allowing them to use the land in the 333 Master Accounts as collateral, subject to their return as stipulated.  So it isn't that they don't know who he is, it's that they don't want to repay him and they don't want to obey the trust indentures that require the assets to be employed to "uplift humanity" and to "break the chains of poverty and ignorance".  

They want to spend his money on whatever they want to spend it on, most likely more coercive control of other people and more war mongering for profit and more invasive technologies.   

Never let them tell you that they don't know who is supposed to be in full possession of these estates and assets,  because they do know.  

They also know that I am the Fiduciary for our unincorporated Federation of States and therefore the one authorized to hold all American assets in international jurisdiction.  They don't want to admit that, because they want to pretend to be my guardians and caretakers.  They want to pretend that I am "absent, whereabouts unknown".  They want to claim that the American assets are "abandoned".  

That's self-interested nonsense, too. 

James Thomas McBride was appointed Post Master of the North American Region and given the Seal of Saint Peter directly by Pope Benedict XVI. 

Our signatures as Principals and High Contracting Powers appear on The Postal Treaty of the Americas 2010.  

The Universal Postal Union knows who we are, knows that we are still here, that our seat of governance is still occupied and that the Office of the Post Master is not vacant --- and never has been.   

Our sovereignty is intact, both as individuals, and as nation-states.

Any pretense that we disappeared or are unknown or that we are in need of salvage by our foreign British Territorial Subcontractors, or that the Municipal Government of the United States is the civilian government that these yahoos are supposed to be obeying is mistaken. 

This pretended ignorance can only be considered purposeful evasion of their personal and professional obligations.  

All and any American assets, which includes the assets of Americans who have been misidentified as U.S. Citizens and citizens of the United States, need to be returned, and any issues regarding American assets need to be discussed directly with us, not with subcontractors of our Federal Subcontractors.   

All those in receipt of these communications have already been given Due Process and our claims have been cured for more than ten years.  

The named parties have cause to know the identities of the lawful Inheritors of the so-called Legacy Trusts and Historical Trusts and also have cause to recognize the lawful American Government. 

We do not accept any pretenses to the contrary.  

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents, Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

August 30th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

Friday, August 30, 2024

The Golden Goose Speaks About Donations

 By Anna Von Reitz

There are now hundreds of hucksters out there selling my work to profit themselves.  They cherry pick and combine my work with other information and they Mix and Match as they see fit from other sources and then they "re-package" this mish-mash as a "Freedom Package" and they sell it.  And then people try to blame me for whatever results they get from buying these packages. 

Nope.  I am not authorizing or reviewing or approving any of these other efforts. I only take responsibility for mine.   

Very early on, the decision was made to make the information coming in from our research available for free.  The reasons for this are simple enough to see.  Number One--- nobody should be denied freedom simply because they are poor.  Number Two --- many of the nation's poorest people are our own veterans, who paid for their freedom and mine, already.  Number Three --- for our efforts to succeed, a great many Americans must be awakened from their deep slumber and anything that restricts or impedes that process is to be avoided. Number Four -- for our efforts to succeed, people have to start working together in a spirit of brotherhood and common cause instead of hiding out in the woods and hoping to avoid contact with Big Brother.  Giving everyone the benefit of the work encourages people to give back whatever they can give in return. That then encourages community spirit and the effort blossoms. 

There is exactly one official source for our work on the web, and that is Paul Stramer's:

When you push the donate button on Paul's website, you are saying "Thank you!" to him for countless hours devoted to keeping the website going and the information flowing despite many obstacles and irritations.  You are saying "Thank you!" to him for forwarding your messages to me when you can't get through any other way.   He uses your donations to keep the website up and running, to make improvements to it, to expand the readership and otherwise advertise and gain exposure for the information.   If there is anything left over at the end of the month, he forwards it on to me and I divvy it up to our non-Bar lawyers and auditors and researchers who are in need. 

Other websites and other purveyors of my information are also presenting you with donate buttons.  It should be understood that none of that money is coming to me. It's going to support those websites and whoever is managing them.  

It should also be understood that I am not involved in those websites and they are just "re-posting" --- and hopefully respecting my copyrights.  

If you want to donate to me and to my team (other than Paul who is very much a part of the team, and simply has his own donate button) I  prefer to receive  donations via Snail Mail at: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.  

Your direct donations enable me  to send support to our guys in the field, the non-Bar Attorneys and researchers who donate their time and energy to this effort for free, but need help covering the expenses of their work.  

Some research requires money -- travel, certified copies, even just plain copies can cost a lot of money, fees of various kinds---- it's not all just a matter of sitting in front of a computer.  Some information requires us to chase it down like a runaway dog. 

Court cases are always expensive.  Always. 100% of the time, THEY ding us for all their fees and copies and bonds and so on and on.  

Some of our researchers are past eighty, living on very limited incomes, and still doing their best.  For them, your donations pay electric bills, copy paper and ink, and other expenses they cannot afford to donate because they are so poor themselves. 

Almost daily I am humbled by the sacrifices so many people worldwide are making to free themselves and regain control of their governments and the legal systems that have run amok.  We can't do this alone. We can only do it as whole communities working together with a common vision.  

Those of you who are reading this, please pause a moment and think about what you can do, what you can contribute.  If it's five bucks or five minutes or thirty seconds to say a prayer, whatever you have that you can give, please remember where all this information is coming from and at what price it is coming.  

And remember that there is only one official website that is connected directly to me: 

Anna Von Reitz

Editor's note from Paul.

If you look in the right hand column on this blog you will find two Donate buttons.
The first one is for a PayPal donation with any amount of your choosing, and which you can make a recurring monthly donation if you choose, or leave it a one time donation.
We send a  big thank you to all those who have used that button over the last 8 years. You are the best, and God Bless You and Yours'. You are in our Prayers daily.

I have also added a second button that uses Square UP and takes you to a page where you can set your amount and also set it as a monthly donation if you so desire.

I have been working at this effort now for over eight years, and I am going to level with you all about what it takes to make Anna's words and writings go around the world.

Publishing her articles (4987 of them as of today) is just the beginning of what we do here.  The idea from the start was to let what Anna is saying in her articles build a consensus around the world that would lead to freedom for the average man or woman instead of the victimization by "government" of the people of the world that we are currently experiencing. I have never found anyone who understands the history of fraud by government that has brought us to this evil time better than Anna Von Reitz. She was the first one to come on the scene who had fully assembled the puzzle of fraud so we could get our minds around it.

The idea behind this is the principal that evil can only operate when it's victims are deceived about what is happening to them and why, and that exposure to the light of day will usually reverse the evil once the truth becomes pervasive enough. This has been the case throughout history. The reason is that God has written his 10 Commandments into the heart of every man, and people will know what is true, and what is false, provided they are given good information.

The Romans learned that the hard way. They learned that it is difficult to fight an idea with swords and clubs. It's impossible to fight a good and true idea whose time has come in God's Holy will, or His timeline in history.  We are living in a time such as that, where people see the evil in governments around the world, and they want information that will counteract the evil and lies, and solutions to get the evil exposed and out of power. We are living in a time of great awakening, although many are still asleep. We haven't reached enough people yet.

We can not expect to get these articles of truth out there without a steady stream of advertising to find new people to read those words, and to that end I have created some very hard hitting ads that we are running on as many places as we can afford.  Here is one such ad we have been running by email for a few months, that is getting good results and has added hundreds of people to our mailing list for the announcements when Anna writes a new article. Go ahead and click on this ad to see what happens.


To see all the ads we are running and help us support our advertising campaigns go here:

The fly in the ointment with ad campaigns is that it is difficult to finance ads like this by donations when the donations are not monthly.  When we don't know what will come in from month to month we can't plan for and buy paid advertising on an ongoing basis.  I have only two systems that I have bought on a continuous basis for the last 8 years or so, and now have over 644,000 emails of people who want more information about finding an on line opportunity who I can email to on a daily basis.  I slip the ads from the above link into those systems about twice per week in between the ads for Silver and Civil Flags, and we are getting lots of interest with that, but it should be 644 million instead of 644 thousand.

So this is why I have said over and over that we value small monthly donations as much or more than we value one time donations. You are free to do either of course, but those small monthly donations are what really keeps us going with the advertising efforts.  Another thing about small monthly donations is that if you must quit once in a while to catch up with your bills, it doesn't hurt our efforts so badly.  Think about it. Would you rather have one person who donates $1000 each month, or 200 people each donating $5. It's still $1000, but what if that one person gets in an accident, or runs out of money? You can see the picture from our end of the situation.  Another point is that the $5 or $10 donation is something that just about anyone can afford to do. And if you can't, well God Bless you anyway. You can always Pray for Us.

Thank you for reading this and for anything you can do to help.

Paul Stramer

Monkeypox a Cover for Covid Injection Side Effects, Warns Dr. David Martin

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Good News, Bad News

 By Anna Von Reitz

The good news is that at least one very important issue has been settled in our favor.  The bad news is that we now have to deal with the fall-out of the good news.  

It's like the Chinese saying, "Inherit and go bankrupt." 

We have a LOT of work to do, no time to do it, and not enough funding. 

For my personal part, here in Alaska, I have several things above and beyond the work as Fiduciary to contend with. 

1. Storage space for papers and books.  It's not good for a woman with a book dust allergy to live in wall to wall, ceiling to floor, books and papers.  It isn't good for Jim, either, and he will be coming home this weekend.  So this particular "ask" for dry heated storage space has to be answered somehow. 

2. My designated car is still in hock. It's in no particular danger but it's time I had my own car back instead of borrowing.  I keep thinking that something will break loose, but in the meantime, this is a constant irritation and additional logistical "issue" nobody needs to deal with. 

3. We need to organize, organize, organize -- and that means buying office supplies, a new scanner, files, storage boxes, Sharpies, labels, etc., etc., 

4. Winterization for the coming winter.  This is the season of the year when we have to take care of things like having the septic system pumped, the insulation checked around each door and window, replace batteries, treat fuel storage tanks, tarp over woodpiles, etc., just like everyone else in the more northerly climate states.  

Taking care of Jim at home has advantages and disadvantages. It means a greater demand on my time and less loneliness and an overall higher standard of care for him.  Believe me, I understand how necessary it is for me to keep on point and keep pushing.  At the same time, everyone else has to understand that I have a family member who requires a lot of care.  I have to be able to hire helpers and pay for professional services and medications and everything else, do my laundry, clean my house, scrub the toilet like everyone else. 

So, beginning September first, the push will be on to fund the office updates here and whatever else can be garnered to get my car home and take care of the other issues. 

I know it is counter-intuitive, oh, we had this big win and we are all looking forward to remedy, but in order to get there from here, I have to survive the next six weeks and so do you and so do we altogether. 

Please remember everyone here in your prayers and do whatever you can do, to help.  

Anna Maria Riezinger
In care of: Box 520994

Big Lake, Alaska 99652


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Kitten City

 By Anna Von Reitz

A man who is not natively a fan of cats in general, not a hater of cats, but not a fan....was recently "gifted", anonymously, with a laundry basket containing eight (8) kittens, five (5) that appear to be about three weeks old, and three (3) that still had umbilical cords attached, indicating that they were less than five days old.  

He called the Animal Shelters.  They informed him that yes, they would take the kittens in, but on average had less than a 20% survival rate, because they didn't have the staff to provide the round-the-clock care kittens require. 

They have to be fed varying amounts of specially formulated "Kitten formula" or cream (which is naturally free of dairy allergens) every two hours at this age.  The newborns get 2.5- 3.0 milliliters every two hours and the relatively older kittens get 5.0 milliliters every two hours, and this amount increases gradually every week.  

It's a whole mathematical calculation that has to be lined out and followed.  The Kitten formula costs $50 a can for the powdered nutrients that have to be mixed with distilled water; cream, which can be somewhat substituted, doesn't have all the vitamins and minerals needed.  

Oh, what a dilemma!  He stared at the tiny mewing fur balls. 

A 20% or less chance of survival echoed in his ears along with the miniature meows. 

And he doesn't even like cats.  He sees them as useful on the farm.  Good rat-catchers.  

Maybe it's the fact that he works for me and has seen my "I'm a good rat-catcher" plaque on display in my office, but this whole situation reminded him of me, and he showed up with his donated laundry basket, complete with hungry kitten cat cacophony.

The obvious solution, to find the Queen Cat who was the Mother, was not possible.  She had already been swept up by the Animal Shelter and even though she was lactating, shoved through the mandatory spaying operation.  

No help available there. 

Why can't people be responsible with their pets?  Why bring kittens into this world and let them be born, only to come to this miserable end, cold and starving in the bottom of a plastic laundry basket, dumped off on someone else's back porch? 

The Reluctant --- change that to: Very Reluctant Cat Dad, ran his fingers through his hair in a gesture that more than adequately expressed his complete frustration and wonderment.  

How had this weird and inappropriate imposition appeared in his life?  

Being told that God has an excellent sense of humor didn't help. 

Soon, however, he armed himself with kitten formula, distilled water, syringes, timers, and disposal training pads and a heat lamp of the kind used to keep reptiles alive in cold climates. 

He steeled himself to the task ahead and recruited various older children and women to assist, but he had no illusions.  This was on him.  Every two hours for eight weeks, non-stop, around the clock.  

He hadn't yet thought about the kittens having diarrhea and needing baths in general.  How, he wondered, do you give a cat a bath?  What kind of soap do you use?  

All this and more had to be overcome.  He brooded over all these questions, with a noble air of Stoicism interspersed with moments of panicked disbelief. 

How could this --- THIS --- of all things imaginable, be happening to him?  A bachelor with a life to lead?  A man who doesn't even like cats?  


Being told that he had been honored by The Ancient and Honorable Kingdom of Cat, and would henceforth be recognized as a Good Soul by cats worldwide --- didn't help.  

I can't afford this..... I can't afford the time.... he blustered and he sighed.  He picked up another little fur ball, turned it, belly-side up, in the palm of his hand, and gently poked the rubber-like tip of the syringe in its mouth.  

By now, his dog, a spayed female but a female nonetheless, had sensed his incompetence and had come to help, dutifully picking them up as he fed each kitten and carrying them by the scruff of their tiny necks back to the cat basket.  

His elderly male barn cat also invaded the house and took up sentry duty in front of the door leading into the kitten's makeshift nursery, where he proceeded to hiss at the dogs, sporadically make runs at the door, and otherwise evince a determined Will to Participate in the care and upkeep of the orphans. 

After only a few days of this, our Hero has assumed the red-rimmed eyes and slumping posture of all new fathers everywhere.  He has the telephone lines open and is calling everyone with cat expertise for help and insight.  Keeping these kittens alive has become a Mission, a Quest, a Sacred Duty, all in one.  

He doesn't quite understand how or why this inexplicable activity has taken on such giant proportions and why he is compelled to literally run out of otherwise sane business meetings at the summons of a cat-feeding bell.  

Or what he is going to do after two months of this frenzied effort.  After all, what does he get out of it at the end of the day?  Weaned kittens on solid food.  And what's he going to do then?  Turn them over to the same under-staffed and under-funded Animal Shelter that gave them a 20% or less chance to live?  

They still don't have good permanent homes on offer.  They are still just little sparks of life, mewing fur balls with triangular ears, and little else going for them, besides one Very Reluctant Cat Dad who is doing his best by them, honoring the chain of life that connects us all.  

I'll pray for these kittens to have good lives.  They deserve it.  They deserve love.  They deserve care. Only God knows if they will get it, but they deserve it.  They are certainly coming into this world on a tough trajectory, having lost their Mother so early in their lives.  

Still, there is one great-hearted man in their corner, giving them their chance --- and there may be others, people who are still connected to the natural world, and who can appreciate the self-reliant and dignified nature of cats. 

Someone once said that, "Cats are the original Americans and we are all kin to them, independent, quiet -- for the most part, and comfort-loving. Show us a warm window sill or a soft cushion, but don't try to herd us.  And don't be surprised if we exercise our sovereignty, because we've always had it in our hearts and always will."  

All you cat lovers out there, we will be looking for good homes for these kittens--- really good homes, in about two months, around mid-October.  They will be hand-fed and bathed and cuddled by dogs and people, so they will be thoroughly adapted to life in a household, not a barn.  

You can depend upon the Very Reluctant Cat Dad to make sure that they get the best nutrition, play toys, and vet care.  They may have had a rough start, but they have landed, literally, in the lap of a dedicated, if nonplussed, caregiver.  

Being given a headband with cat ears "to make him feel more the part" --- won't help.  

Despite the laughter, we are all rooting for him, and in our more sober moments, we are contemplating the divine mystery of life and how --- in our souls --- we value it.  Even if it's the life of a cat. And even if we don't like cats. 

I have a spot carved out of my overflowing office that's the right size for a kitten tote.  They take their baths in my kitchen sink and dry off in front of my fireplace. 

If you want to help, please send donations, advice, offers of adoption, prayers, jokes, and what-have-you with a "Cat Care" designation to: 

Very Reluctant Cat Dad
In care of: Box 520994

Big Lake, Alaska 99652


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

Monday, August 26, 2024

International Public Notice -- Courts For Hire

 By Anna Von Reitz

We have described for you the deplorable criminality which has gained access to our world through the British Government(s) and their collusion with the Holy Roman Empire -- the impersonation of people as different kinds of corporations, the illegal and unlawful direct taxation of civilians by private banks, the use of commercial corporations to usurp national governments, and we have touched upon the corruption of the courts, especially Admiralty Courts and the so-called King's Bench (Maritime Commerce) courts.  

We have plainly stated that the courts are bonding court cases and presenting them as investment opportunities.  The bond numbers are case numbers, and the odds of conviction and "commission returns" on these bonds run at 96% on average, so the Hired Jurists running these courts are highly motivated to secure convictions by any means possible ---- the courts and the court's officers share in the booty they collect.  

Government "Investors" are also highly motivated to keep this gravy train running. Where else can you guarantee yourself a 96% rate of return on a short term bond investment?  

When first confronted about this "Court Registry Investment System" court officials stonewalled and denied the existence of any such bond investment (and ultimately, payola) system by which they receive commissions, aka, "pension" payments from all the loot rolling in from the illegal confiscation of privately-held American assets and equally illegal betting on the rigged outcome of court cases controlled by Hired Jurists in the King's Service. 

The Guilty Parties observe that there is no law against murdering corporations, stealing from corporations, impounding corporations, etc., but then, in the same token, corporations should have no ability to make unlimited political campaign contributions, should they? 

Those responsible for the unconscionable contracts allowing them to create all these Puerto Rican shelf corporations, and the Roman Inferior Cestui Que Vie Trusts that result when the shelf corporations are bankrupted,  should be paying all the charges and expenses of maintaining these corporations and should also be paying all taxes owed by these imaginary corporate franchises, too.  

The living victims of this personage scheme should be held absolutely harmless from all charges and harm, but as everyone can see and attest, the Parent Corporations and Administrators have been evading their Usufructuary Duty and foisting their responsibility off onto the victims of their inland piracy.  

The Admiralty Courts have been busy collecting booty belonging purportedly to "rebels" engaged in illegal commercial mercenary "wars", and salvage fees owed by foreign sovereigns, and managing the Estates of imaginary British Merchant Mariners, who all just happen to be "Taxpayers" --- Warrant Officers who are responsible for collecting tariffs for the King, who are all based out of Puerto Rico and all declared "missing, lost at sea". 

The Maritime Commercial Courts operated by the British Crown have been fraudulently confusing themselves -- the so-called United States District Courts -- with district courts of the United States authorized under Article V of the Federal Constitutions.   Under this guise of borrowed rectitude, they have been operated as "concessions" to take advantage of the Cestui Que Vie ESTATES purportedly belonging to Municipal "citizens of the United States".  

Are we all beginning to get the drift of just how crooked all these operations are and the nature of the "courts" that have been foisted off on the people of this country, who have all suffered crimes of impersonation and identity theft and human trafficking, at the hands of men employed by them to protect their "persons" and who are obligated by contract and treaty to do so? 

As mentioned in our International Public Notice: Impersonation, the British Territorial Rump Congress created by Abraham Lincoln changed the meaning of the word "person" to mean "corporation". 
See 37th Congress, Second Session, Chapter 49, Section 68. 

This was followed up on February 2nd 1871, when the 41st British Territorial U.S. Congress declared itself to be the Successor of all United States Corporations.  

The "United States" being referenced is the American Federal Republic and its corporations. 

This takeover was done with no Notice to the Public, no listing in the Congressional Record, and, most importantly, no Notice to the Federation of States.  It failed all requirements of Due Process. 

How is that even possible?  

By February 2nd 1871, all the State Governments had been confused with State of State Governments, and the Brits had illegally included State assets as if they were American State of State assets, and rolled everything into "State" Trusts.  

They had also demanded that the people of each State write new Constitutions allowing their own British Territorial State-of-State operations to take over.  

The American States of States, such as The State of New York, were replaced by British Territorial counterparts calling themselves, for example, "the State of New York".  The name change was so slight, a change from "The" to "the", that nobody but British Collaborators knew there had been any change at all. 

The new "State" Constitutions enacted between 1863 and 1871 were equally vague and deceitful, appearing very similar to prior service contracts and calculated to hide what was actually going on from the American Public. 

By February 2nd 1871, the assets of the actual States had been illegally and illogically misidentified as assets of the Federal Republic and had been cashiered in covert State Trusts, like the Michigan State (Trust). 

This is what gives rise to the grammatical nightmare of "the Michigan State Capitol" and "California State University".  

As an analogy, if the company hired to mow your lawn went bankrupt, or for any reason failed to perform, would this justify an assumption that your property was part of their bankruptcy or incompetence?  Would this scenario justify an assumption that your home was an asset of their bankrupt business? Or an unclaimed chattel of theirs?  

Certainly not, yet this is precisely the "reasoning" employed to secretly latch upon the assets of the American States and cashier them in State Trusts controlled by the Perpetrators of this gigantic fraud scheme.  

With the State assets illegally cashiered  in trusts controlled by the Perpetrators under False Pretenses, the original American State of State organizations inoperable, and British Territorial States of States operating as franchises of the British Territorial corporation calling itself "the United States of America" --- Incorporated, there was nothing to stop the Perpetrators from bypassing Due Process owed to the actual States and People.  

According to them and what they told the rest of the world, we had ceased to exist. Our lawful American Government was reportedly "in interregnum" and in the meantime, our British Territorial and Holy Roman Empire Federal Subcontractors were "assuming" a "custodial interest" in our assets. 

In this way, the British Territorial Government under contract to our States, contrived to unlawfully convert our State assets into Public Trust assets controlled by their Agents, and to mothball and substitute their own "services" for both our American States-of-State organizations and our lawful State Governments. 

This is all premeditated, malicious, self-interested legal chicanery and constructive fraud, by which our foreign employees have attempted to erase our national sovereignty, use our assets as collateral backing their debts, and ultimately, bring False Claims on Abandonment against our assets for their benefit.  

We never abandoned anything, just like we never volunteered to act as "Taxpayers" and never knowingly adopted U.S. Citizenship, and were told nothing about the Roman Inferior Trust ESTATES established for us under the resoundingly False Presumption that we were ever "citizens of the United States", either. 

These False Friends and False Representatives impersonated the American States and seized upon their assets, and have controlled our State assets by dint of secrecy, False Legal Presumptions, and False Claims dependent on similar names deceits. 

Our original state-of-state entities doing business as, for example, The State of New York, were members of the failed Confederation. 

Likewise, the stricken State Republics and Republics of State, such as the Texas Republic and Republic of Texas, were members of the failed Federal Republic.  

Their assets might, arguably, be salvaged and secured by the British Territorial Federal Subcontractors doing business as the United States of America, Incorporated ---- but not the assets of our States. 

Our unincorporated States of the Union are members of the  unincorporated Federation of States. 

There are no "United States Corporations" present for British Interests to seize upon or assume any custodial interest in.  

In the same way, there is no excuse for them impersonating our States as State Trusts, substituting their state-of-state organizations for ours, nor any of the criminal impersonations and undisclosed registrations of individual Americans that have taken place. 

There is no plausible excuse for them bringing their Admiralty and Maritime courts ashore and misaddressing American civilians 
as corporate franchises and foreign persons in their own country. 

All of this is in direct violation of both The Constitution of the United States of America and The Constitution of the United States, Article IV, in its entirety.  

These men and women are present in our country to provide us with essential government services in "good faith", not to practice crimes of personage against us and pretend that they are our "representatives",  custodians, guardians, and trustees. 

For those who cannot believe that the Admiralty and Maritime courts presently operating in this country have been used to promote illegal and immoral confiscation of American assets, to commit personage against average Americans, to create a rigged bond market and to provide commissions masked as "pension payments" to the men and women engaged in this criminal activity, we are attaching a 66 page pdf file that adequately explains the Court Registry Investment System (CRIS) and documents its receipts. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

August 26th 2024


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