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Monday, April 11, 2022

Reply to Michigan Outsiders:

 By Anna Von Reitz

There was never anything wrong with our paperwork.  That was an allegation made by people who were amazed to learn that criminals don't always bow down before a piece of paper.  

Imagine a stage coach robber stopping his theft based on a piece of paper?

The naive assumption that paperwork alone can protect everyone from every outrage is part and parcel of the problem we face. We give paperwork teeth via our willingness and determination to defend it.  Yes, you have to learn how to defend your own position and stand behind the paperwork.  

The problem in Michigan, other than the vain assumption that the paperwork was the Answer to all ills, and that the robbers would automatically obey it if it was signed in the right color of ink, was that a small group of people had taken control of the Assembly and were holding it captive.  

In Michigan, prior to the dissolution, the records and the computers and everything else belonged to specific individuals who didn't feel that they were under any obligation to the Public Interest.  They used and abused their positions of trust accordingly.   

They arbitrarily decided who could be a member of the Assembly and who couldn't.  They dictated which parts of the paperwork were public and which were held off the record.  They ran things to suit themselves and didn't pay attention to the directions they received from the Federation, and then, when things went South, they wanted to blame the Federation for their results.

We had many, many, many complaints about this particular group and though we tried to explain things to them and tried to work with their leadership, the problems simply continued with no sign of abatement. 

Some people in Michigan waited an entire year to record their declarations of political status though there is nothing complicated about the three pages of paperwork needed to declare political status. 

Finally, we got word that the Recorders in Michigan weren't recording anything for anyone.  

Instead of making progress toward the stated goals, The Michigan Assembly leadership was standing in the way.   So we dissolved the group. 

Under new leadership, Michigan has been able to gain reinstatement and growth.  The job is getting done. People in Michigan have access to services they need.  Everyone gets treated equally.  The Michigan Assembly isn't being run like a Good Ole Boys Club --- and that is a great relief.  


See this article and over 3600 others on Anna's website here:

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Second Message to Uncle Joe and Generals -- About Money

 By Anna Von Reitz

Please quickly review these facts: 

""Federal Government" describes the Government under contract via the Constitutions to serve the Federation of States.  

Notice--- "Federation" not "Federal".  The Federation of States is what the Federal Government is named after....

The Federation of States is what all "Federal" Employees ultimately work for. Including the US President.  Including the USA President.  Including any and all other "Presidents"."

Now that you understand the above, further understand that the Federation of States is the only entity empowered to issue both credit and money at this time.  

The Federal Constitutions provided for the United States Federal Republic to issue credit via a vote of its Congressional members, but the
Federal Republic has been inoperable since 1860 and still is. It has yet to be reconstructed by the actual States of the Union. 

All delegated powers issued to the Federal Republic have returned to the Delegator ---- the Federation of States, by Operation of Law. 

Thus, the Federation of States not only holds the singular right to issue credit, but also holds the right to issue asset-backed money at this time.   

It has come to our attention that our run-amok British Territorial Subcontractors have been using Labor Force Performance Bonds to back their own private scrip misleadingly called "Federal Reserve Notes".  

Currency funded by undisclosed peonage and enslavement enforced as a condition of employment is illegal and has been outlawed worldwide since 1926. 

It follows that Federal Reserve Notes are an illegal form of currency domestic to the British Territorial United States.  

No part of our Government that was ever authorized to issue money or credit, has authorized the creation of the Federal Reserve Notes, nor the system of forced labor recoupment underlying the value of this private bank scrip. 

Some sources in Portugal are under the impression that "President" Biden has the authority to issue more or different scrip for the use of the UNITED STATES military, but such is not the case.  

Both the Municipal and the District Corporations are bankrupt and in receivership to us, and all their franchises are similarly nationalized in the Public Interest.  

It has also come to our attention that there has been no actual Public Treasury in this country since 1924, when those functions were handed off to the International Monetary Fund.  

These and other profound errors and aberrations of the General Staff are hereby being corrected.  

Let it be firmly understood that Abraham Lincoln acting in the Office of Commander-in-Chief had no authority to create or impose the Lieber Code on anyone outside the U.S. Territorial Army, and had no power to rule this country by Executive Orders at any time. 

Dishonest Abe acted in Fraud and in Treason.  He got away with it via semantic deceit and non-disclosure, so his successors have indulged in the same errors and crimes. This is now at an end. The fraud is discovered and overturned. 

The bankruptcy of a foreign corporation in no way amounts to an "emergency" for this country and it confers no special "Emergency Powers" on the officers of any bankrupt foreign service corporation. 
Lincoln never possessed any power to set aside our Public Law or overturn any aspect of our Constitutions. 

Thanks to all the Monkey Business that has been going on behind our backs, we are faced with cleaning up this mess that has been promulgated "in our names".

Our Fiduciary is the Assign of the Federal Treasury Trust and has issued the orders necessary to stop the offshore and unregulated counterfeiting of the illegal Federal Reserve Notes and also to stop any presumption that the Federal Reserve Notes are issued by our Government. 

Our Fiduciary has also provided the permissions necessary to exchange the Federal Reserve Notes for American asset-backed currency and also instruction to remove the illegal Federal Reserve Notes from circulation without further harm to the Public.  

New American asset backed coinage and certificated currency has been ordered from the United States Mint for domestic use, and two new asset-backed international currencies have been created -- the Union Gold Certificate nicknamed the "Uni Dollar" and a separate certificated PetroDollar
based on refined oil commodities. 

Ms. Yellen, the Mint Officials, and the banks responsible have been notified.

The actual Federal Treasury is being reopened and all authorities attached to it are now in play and vested in the Federation's Office of the Fiduciary

There is no reason for the Internal Revenue Service nor the Municipal IRS to exist in this country, and as these foreign agencies were part of the entire illegal currency scheme, they are to be shut down and the workers sent home.  

Their offices are also to be cleared out of Puerto Rico and the Mariana Islands and all other United States Territories.  

There will no longer be any form of slavery or peonage tolerated in this country or associated with the American Government in any way. This prohibition includes penitential slavery, Christian bondage, and criminal commercial bondage rackets that have been used to promote fraud and pillaging under color of law.   

All property liens established by the Internal Revenue Service and the IRS are to be removed from the public and international records and held null and void for fraud.  

The various quasi-public Slush Funds including the receipts from The Marshall Plan are to be returned to our Federal Trust Treasury's control, together with all American Assets held "for" us by the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and Central Bank of the Philippines.     

The Paymaster duties for the military are to be removed from SERCO's administration and revested as quickly as possible in the control of American service providers.  

If you have any questions about any of this instruction, send an email to:

We are the only ones with the provenance, authorities and resources to save everyone's bacon, so stop any thought of obstructing, delaying, or avoiding these directives. 


See this article and over 3600 others on Anna's website here:

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