By Anna Von Reitz
Watch out, Campers, the British Reform Party has just gained ground from disenfranchised voters who haven't voted in any recent elections. Their version of the Silent Majority has just spoken and put the Reform Party at the top of the heap in a major poll for the first time ever.
The Reform Party is similar to MAGA in America. Its leader, Nigel Farage, has been fighting for the reform of the British Government for at least thirty years and like most of us, is oddly a-political --- not conservative, not liberal, not labor --- but practical.
The Reform Party might be called the Common Sense Party in Britain. No narratives, just the facts, Ma'am, and here's what we need to do about it.
We are reasonably sure that the true depth and breadth of the corruption and double-dealing of both the Monarchy and Westminster is only now bubbling to the top, so that many Brits are just now realizing that they don't have a Constitutional Monarchy and at the present moment, have neither a King nor a Monarch.
The demonstrable fact that "their" government has been operating in fraud for 300-plus years will, unavoidably, have an odd effect on the collective consciousness, similar to the impact that knowing "our" government hasn't been our government since 1861 has had on us, but--- at the same time, we've all known that something was wrong, and at some level, none of us can be too surprised.
People in Britain, like America, are fed up with the nonsense of wokeness, illegal immigration, impossible social welfare costs, burgeoning crime, immoral, wishy-washy, corrupt politicians, unjust courts, meddling bureaucrats, state-sponsored violence, ubiquitous lies, "relativism" --- and gross incompetence.
They can also see the economic equivalent of the Four Horsemen of a financial apocalypse bearing down on them and the rest of the world:
The threatened economic apocalypse is being fueled by what appears to be unstoppable and insupportable debt expansion, irresponsible weaponization of the US DOLLAR, new geopolitical alliances, not only BRICs, but regional alliances, and the development of new currency exchange technologies and blockchain tracking technologies which will inevitably put an end to SWIFT and corrupt meddling banks.
Fortunately, most people who have a pulse and care to look, can see these factors for themselves.
What they are missing is the "loss" of two-thirds of the Federal Government in The United States and the logical results of this:
(1) The remaining British Territorial Subcontractor (London-based USA, LLC) is under the gun. They can't afford the gross burden that continuing to fund the Municipal Government poses. They are, therefore, charging straight into the largest government downsizing in history, which also mandates closing down dozens if not hundreds of "programs" and payola systems ---- while at the same time removing most traditional sources of government income, because the taxes and mortgages have breached the public trust and have been illegally misapplied. All this, while avoiding a debt default themselves....
David Copperfield couldn't pull that one out of his hat, but step aside for Donald Trump. We wish him luck.
(2) The Federal Reserve currency is going to tank along with what's left of the Federal Reserve itself --- and it will be for cause; these Pikers have been purloining assets and defrauding the American people for generations. This will force reform and/or eradication of the Central Bank System worldwide;
(3) The stock market is going to tank and probably be deconstructed entirely under Trump -- this is an inevitable consequence of illegal commodity controls and price rigging; it's not Trump's fault, though the actual culprits will try to hang it on him;
(4) This Trifecta results in a situation of a possible "tandem collapse" of both the Federal Reserve Note (credit) and the US Dollar (asset money) -- and a much reduced reserve currency position, the collapse of the stock and commodity exchanges, and tax, mortgage, and currency reforms --- all taking place against a backdrop of social chaos, vastly reduced government services, and confusion.
Confusion and suffering is guaranteed unless and until the "Intelligence Community" realizes that their cover is blown, and all their schemes and sleights of hand and Psyops won't work --- a conclusion that any intelligent person should have reached already.
The British Territorial U.S. Citizens are deep in debt, but, here is the other side of the coin.
The actual American people are richer than Midas and are owed the entirety of the debt, all the credit, and the return of all their purloined assets. Not only that, the 950 military bases maintained by the Department of Defense, belong to us. Not Uncle Sam. We paid for them.
All these bases are purportedly for our "defense" from the unarmed women and children who once lived in Gaza, but the same clodhoppers can't manage to secure our Southern Border.
It's time for the Department of Defense, Inc. to hand the keys over to the Owners.
The living people of this planet are similarly well-endowed. All of us.
There is no reason for anyone to suffer or fight anymore.
"All" that has to happen to ensure a smooth and happy transition to a new world is for the corporation "Presidents" and the members of "Parliament" to get out of their own way, admit the truth, and give up the effort to cheat and denigrate their long-suffering employers.
Nigel Farage has enough common sense to connect the dots.
As conditions in Britain continue to deteriorate and more Brits around the world wake up, the balance of power will inevitably shift toward finding practical answers and the British Reform Party will be there, flat-footed, ready to go to work.
The Brits will have and face their own deportation and social welfare chaos. Like us, they will have to clean up poisoned food, water, and soil. They, too, will have to put the kibosh on for-profit health care, carbon dioxide phobia, Green New Deals, Paris Accords, UN Corporation meddling, end the thousand-plus year-old quid pro quo with the Popes, and much else.
But they've been here with us for at least 10,000 years and will probably be tough enough to stick around for 10,000 more.
A tag team of Donald Trump and Nigel Farage leading the world toward a peaceful manifestation of practical and common values for the benefit of all may be a bridge too far for The Donald, but then, we can always hope that the Mother of Necessity will weigh in, and give Fate a shove.
What we call "the realignment" is happening, and though we spend considerable time shredding the British Government, we never forget the good and decent British people who have suffered right along with us.
Here's a song for all of us:
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