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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Realignment Incoming

 By Anna Von Reitz

Watch out, Campers, the British Reform Party has just gained ground from disenfranchised voters who haven't voted in any recent elections. Their version of the Silent Majority has just spoken and put the Reform Party at the top of the heap in a major poll for the first time ever. 

The Reform Party is similar to MAGA in America.  Its leader, Nigel Farage, has been fighting for the reform of the British Government for at least thirty years and like most of us, is oddly a-political --- not conservative, not liberal, not labor --- but practical.  

The Reform Party might be called the Common Sense Party in Britain.  No narratives, just the facts, Ma'am, and here's what we need to do about it.  

We are reasonably sure that the true depth and breadth of the corruption and double-dealing of both the Monarchy and Westminster is only now bubbling to the top, so that many Brits are just now realizing that they don't have a Constitutional Monarchy and at the present moment, have neither a King nor a Monarch.  

The demonstrable fact that "their" government has been operating in fraud for 300-plus years will, unavoidably, have an odd effect on the collective consciousness, similar to the impact that knowing "our" government hasn't been our government since 1861 has had on us, but--- at the same time, we've all known that something was wrong, and at some level, none of us can be too surprised.   

People in Britain, like America, are fed up with the nonsense of wokeness, illegal immigration, impossible social welfare costs, burgeoning crime, immoral, wishy-washy, corrupt politicians, unjust courts, meddling bureaucrats, state-sponsored violence, ubiquitous lies, "relativism" --- and gross incompetence.  

They can also see the economic equivalent of the Four Horsemen of a financial apocalypse bearing down on them and the rest of the world: 

The threatened economic apocalypse is being fueled by what appears to be unstoppable and insupportable debt expansion, irresponsible weaponization of the US DOLLAR, new geopolitical alliances, not only BRICs, but regional alliances, and the development of new currency exchange technologies and blockchain tracking technologies which will inevitably put an end to SWIFT and corrupt meddling banks. 

Fortunately, most people who have a pulse and care to look, can see these factors for themselves. 

What they are missing is the "loss" of two-thirds of the Federal Government in The United States and the logical results of this: 

(1) The remaining British Territorial Subcontractor (London-based USA, LLC) is under the gun.  They can't afford the gross burden that continuing to fund the Municipal Government poses. They are, therefore, charging straight into the largest government downsizing in history, which also mandates closing down dozens if not hundreds of "programs" and payola systems ---- while at the same time removing most traditional sources of government income, because the taxes and mortgages have breached the public trust and have been illegally misapplied.  All this, while avoiding a debt default themselves.... 

David Copperfield couldn't pull that one out of his hat, but step aside for Donald Trump.  We wish him luck.  

(2) The Federal Reserve currency is going to tank along with what's left of the Federal Reserve itself --- and it will be for cause; these Pikers have been purloining assets and defrauding the American people for generations. This will force reform and/or eradication of the Central Bank System worldwide; 

(3) The stock market is going to tank and probably be deconstructed entirely under Trump -- this is an inevitable consequence of illegal commodity controls and price rigging; it's not Trump's fault, though the actual culprits will try to hang it on him; 

(4) This Trifecta results in a situation of a possible "tandem collapse" of both the Federal Reserve Note (credit) and the US Dollar (asset money) -- and a much reduced reserve currency position, the collapse of the stock and commodity exchanges, and tax, mortgage, and currency reforms --- all taking place against a backdrop of social chaos, vastly reduced government services, and confusion. 

Confusion and suffering is guaranteed unless and until the "Intelligence Community" realizes that their cover is blown, and all their schemes and sleights of hand and Psyops won't work --- a conclusion that any intelligent person should have reached already.  

The British Territorial U.S. Citizens are deep in debt, but, here is the other side of the coin.  

The actual American people are richer than Midas and are owed the entirety of the debt, all the credit, and the return of all their purloined assets. Not only that, the 950 military bases maintained by the Department of Defense, belong to us.  Not Uncle Sam.  We paid for them. 

All these bases are purportedly for our "defense" from the unarmed women and children who once lived in Gaza, but the same clodhoppers can't manage to secure our Southern Border.    

It's time for the Department of Defense, Inc. to hand the keys over to the Owners. 

The living people of this planet are similarly well-endowed. All of us. 
There is no reason for anyone to suffer or fight anymore. 

"All" that has to happen to ensure a smooth and happy transition to a new world is for the corporation "Presidents" and the members of "Parliament" to get out of their own way, admit the truth, and give up the effort to cheat and denigrate their long-suffering employers. 

Nigel Farage has enough common sense to connect the dots. 

As conditions in Britain continue to deteriorate and more Brits around the world wake up, the balance of power will inevitably shift toward finding practical answers and the British Reform Party will be there, flat-footed, ready to go to work.  

The Brits will have and face their own deportation and social welfare chaos.  Like us, they will have to clean up poisoned food, water, and soil.  They, too, will have to put the kibosh on for-profit health care, carbon dioxide phobia, Green New Deals, Paris Accords, UN Corporation meddling, end the thousand-plus year-old quid pro quo with the Popes, and much else.   

But they've been here with us for at least 10,000 years and will probably be tough enough to stick around for 10,000 more.  

A tag team of Donald Trump and Nigel Farage leading the world toward a peaceful manifestation of practical and common values for the benefit of all may be a bridge too far for The Donald, but then, we can always hope that the Mother of Necessity will weigh in, and give Fate a shove. 

What we call "the realignment" is happening, and though we spend considerable time shredding the British Government, we never forget the good and decent British people who have suffered right along with us.  

Here's a song for all of us:


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Thirty-Five States Online With Our Prosperity Centers

 By Anna Von Reitz

Today we celebrate another milestone.  Thirty-five States of the Union are ready to receive prepaid credit as a first step of restitution for overpayments and payment of debts that were never ours that have been paid by Americans over the past 160-plus years. 

This is credit that is owed back to each and every one of you --- not welfare, not "benefits" --- 

The vision for this goes back almost twenty years and is still unfolding. 

In days to come, we look forward to opening brick and mortar Prosperity Centers to replace the commercial maritime banking monopoly that has obstructed trade under False Pretenses for decades and cheated and impoverished Americans and American businesses.

If your State Assembly is dragging its feet, it's time to get your State Treasurer elected and your accounts set up.  

The service is free and the Prosperity Center accounts are available to American State Nationals and American State Citizens. 

Don't get left behind and don't get confused.  

We have completed the very extensive work of building out a new, clean, global banking system that is competent to trade in gold and silver, asset-backed currencies, credit instruments such as the prepaid credit owed to Americans, fiat currencies and other commercial paper.  

We've also built the asset reserves, a new Federation of States Treasury, our own foreign currency exchange, and all the supporting architecture so that we -- living people worldwide --  have a way out of the oncoming banking collapse, which will otherwise impact everyone.  

There has been a series of several different groups charging exorbitant fees to help people get through the paperwork involved in declaring their proper political status as Americans and setting up their bank accounts.  There have been reports of people charging thousands of dollars for this "service".  

All the Federation paperwork is free.  Global Family Bank has made its services free.  The idea that Americans having the skill to do some basic computer work are mystifying a simple process and charging others thousands of dollars for what they received for free themselves, is repugnant.  

We aren't going to get into a lot of details, or make a lot of accusations or do the drama thing.  Just be aware that our services, paperwork, information, everything, is free.  

The process of declaring your political status and setting up your bank accounts is simple enough so that anyone in your family or circle of friends who knows how to scan and upload three pages of information can do this--- which is now about every High School student on Earth.  Many public libraries offer computer access and printer services, and the librarians can show you how to upload your paperwork and print copies for your records. 

If you do it yourself, it's free or very nearly so, counting the cost of copies.  If you hire someone to do it, it shouldn't cost more than about $30 for this service, including copies of the finished records. 

So --- keep your Shinola Sensor turned on and get your State Assembly Treasuries and Officers in place and your own individual accounts set up.  

Get ready and prepare for a banking system built for people -- not corporations.  When the time comes, you and your family won't have to worry and fret or struggle to find money and means to exchange, which is why this entire effort had to be made. 



See this article and over 5200 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: Ending the Privatized Agencies

 By Anna Von Reitz

For some reason, the "persons" in Washington, DC, expected the people of this country to be in deep shock and mourning over the revelation of who killed JFK, RFK and MLK.  They expected rioting and rage. They expected.... what they deserve. 

Instead, we have all known the truth for many years and we did our mourning at the time these gubmint assassinations happened.  As little kids and teenagers, we knew LBJ was in it up to his turkey-flap jowls. No news there. 

So it's not like it's big news that the CIA, Secret Service, and Mossad were all in on these assassinations. Nobody but a complete dunce ever thought they weren't involved.  The only surprise about the JFK files, really, is that they are still protecting Big Oil, which also had a hand in it. 

Conveniently, all the other players are dead.  

In the wake of the revelations, it's just more ho-hum confirmation of the criminality of "government" enterprises and corporations that need to be shut down, and this is a good time to do it. 

With the UNITED STATES bankruptcy completed, Donald Trump is facing one of the largest corporate downsizing operations in history, with more than two million former Federal Employees ready for the sack, and another estimated four million Agency Personnel on the chopping block as a result of the bankruptcy.  

Just picture six million redundant leeches slowly slithering toward the exit ramp, and right behind them, millions of payola recipients, including members of "Congress" who have received millions of dollars in payola from Special Interests and took huge profits from insider trading. 

Like the Highway Patrol, Assassination Squads are never around when you need them, and they always shoot the wrong people.  

Another result of the UNITED STATES bankruptcy is that there will no longer be any "citizens of the United States", no "Federal Dual Citizens" --- and the former Municipal employees and dependents will all be left adrift politically. 

They have been defined as "residents" here under the Residence Act, but technically, they could all now be deported.  If they convert to Judaism, they can all go to Israel, and start causing trouble for Netanyahu. 

The CIA and FBI (and BLM and various other alphabet soup agencies) are all owned and run by a British Crown Umbrella Corporation calling itself the United States Government, Inc.  

So, who are the members of the Board of Directors?  

As the JFK files make abundantly clear, It's way past time to throw these Actors in jail and shut down these criminal organizations. 

Or just defund them.  

Or all the above, which is what we favor. 

An Agency is a federal corporation subcontractor, so basically, our Subcontractors hire subcontractors to do their work for them or provide services for them -- and call these secondary subcontractors "Agencies".

The British Territorial Government operating as a Scottish Commercial Corporation deceptively calling itself The United States of America (Incorporated-- they just forgot to mention that) began creating Agencies for itself after the Civil War. 

The US Marshals and DOJ, for example, both got started in this time period.  The Marshals were hired to protect railroads and corporate payrolls and mail deliveries, while the DOJ was created as an in-house law firm to protect the criminals in DC.  On our ticket, of course. 

Thus, there were numerous Federal Agencies operating in the 18oo's, but the Agency business really got kicked off by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, whose Administration added over 350 new Federal Agencies to the payroll. This is the era when most of the familiar "Federal Agencies" got their start -- USDA, FEMA, IRS, BATF, FDA, etc., and after that, the "Congress" just kept on adding new subcontractors as needed -- the EPA, for example. 

Until very recently, all these Subcontractors of Subcontractors were enabled to create their own laws, in the form of Administrative Codes, and the unelected bureaucrats were also allowed to enforce their Administrative Codes on the unsuspecting public. 

Let's use the IRS as an example. 

There were two entities involved -- the Internal Revenue Service, which collected taxes (ostensibly) from British Territorial U.S. Citizens, and the IRS, which collected taxes (ostensibly) from Municipal "citizens of the United States".  

The Federal Income Tax was a payroll kickback tax imposed on both sets of Federal workers, for the "privilege" of being employed by these scumbag foreign corporations in the business of providing us with  "essential government services".  

From the American perspective, the Federal Income Tax was a tax on public employee wages, and was only supposed to impact those working for foreign "federal" corporations, and who therefore had "federal income".  

The Federal Income Tax had nothing to do with us and our earnings, and the Vermin knew that.  That's why every reference to us in the entire span of Title 26 refers to us as "non-resident aliens".   

The so-called Sixteenth Amendment allowing this venal practice was never ratified by our States of the Union and remains unratified to this day. 

As a private bank tax imposed to help pay off the foreign national debts of the Federal Corporations, the Federal Income Tax didn't fall under the restrictions imposed on taxes by the Federal Constitutions, just as the federal workers themselves don't fall under the protections of the Constitutions they work under. 

So the Federal Income Tax was supposed to be a "private" and voluntary payroll "tax" on Federal Income earned by Federal Workers --- a little kickback for the "privilege" of working for the US Corp or USA Corp respectively.  

When it came to actual practice, however, the criminals wasted no time misinforming Americans about this tax and entrapping Americans into paying this tax via the use of undisclosed adhesion contracts and widespread public disinformation campaigns.  In this way, millions of unsuspecting Americans were told that they needed to file so-called 1040 Forms and report their "income" -- or rather, misreport their income as federal income. And they did. 

Once having ignorantly misidentified themselves as "Taxpayers" --- who are British Merchant Marine Warrant Officers responsible for collecting taxes for the King -- and having accepted the penalties of perjury for this mistake, the victims were contractually bound to continue paying Federal Income Taxes, without the nicety of having any Federal Income.  

This scam was backed up by the registration of American babies as U.S. Citizens, who by definition are British Subjects, considered to be Federal Employees or Dependents.  

Thus, by a process of impersonation and mischaracterization of Americans' political status, and induced action based on misinformation and coercion, millions of Americans have been defrauded into paying "taxes" they never owed, paying "mortgages" they never owed, and "property taxes" they never owed. 

The beneficiaries of all this unjust enrichment have been the corporations -- and banks -- responsible for these scams. 

And now we hear King Charles calling for "military action" to enforce the World Economic Forum's policies as if they were law; it would be convenient if King Charles had a military, but as it stands, all he has are mercenary forces, instead. 

The British Government, to the extent there is a British Government, has been operating under conditions of deceit and fraud for over 300 years; it has promised the people a "Constitutional Monarchy" and delivered a Commercial Corporation in the business of providing government services instead. 

Another Bait and Switch. 

It would be appropriate to describe the British Government as a Kingdom of Fraud, if there were any "kingdom" present, but as it turns out, Great Britain is a Company, not a country, and the British Monarch is not a King.  

It's time to nationalize the USA, Inc. and all Successors.  

It's also time to end the Internal Revenue Service, full stop, not just the Municipal IRS.  Both these agencies are criminal in nature.  Both need to go into the dustbin of history. 

Both these "services" and the banks employing them have operated unlawfully and illegally, no matter how one looks at it.  

From the Federal Employee side of it, a payroll kickback tax promotes peonage, whether it claims to be "voluntary" or not--- and peonage has been outlawed worldwide since 1926. 

From the American side of it, we've been grossly and systematically defrauded for over a hundred years.  Our States never ratified the 16th Amendment so we are not bound by it and the vast majority of Americans who have been coerced to pay "Federal Income Tax", like the Employers coerced under color of law to collect it, never had any Federal Income, either.  

As long as the Trump Administration is faced with getting rid of two-thirds of the Federal Government, they might as well start with the IRS, and quash the Internal Revenue Service, too.  

There's plenty of Pink Slips to go around.  

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

January 31st 2025


See this article and over 5200 others on Anna's website here:

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A Personal Explanation and Instruction

 By Anna Von Reitz

You now know, if you have been following along, that time does not exist.  Time, like many other concepts we have used as a convenience, is actually an approximation (a relatively poor one) for location in space. 

This Universe, which is indeed one coherent whole, began as a matter of experiential "days" over thirteen billion years ago.  To one extent or another, we were all present during the Point Source, from which the ever-expanding morphogenic information field unfurled.  This is our matrix, the organization of our memory, as vast and unimaginable as it may presently be. 

It's not my intention to withhold, obfuscate, or belabor anything.  So I have told you from the first, when someone asked about my true identity, that I am a Battle Class Seraph from the Age of Storms, an old form of angel that was designed to sustain the heavy weather of the early Universe and the formation of the Galaxies and Constellations you now know.  

I was not born with this knowledge about myself --- not at all; I grew up as a more-or-less normal girl in Wisconsin, a "Cheese head" who had my share of fresh curds, cheered the Green Bay Packers, loved old Fords and Chevrolets, walks in the autumn woods, and the first green sprouts poking up out of the brown earth in spring.  

Just another kid among the 130-some others who graduated from Black River Falls Senior High School in the late spring of 1974. 

But where I went from there, that tells the tale of a long, long road, not unlike the adventures of Bilbo Baggins who discovered just how magical roads can be.  Nobody could have been more surprised than I was, when I came face to face with the actual me, my history, my nature, and my destiny.  

You must all be prepared for shocks and surprises, too -- both personally, and in general.  

No, we are not alone.  And most of us aren't really who or what we think we are, either.  There is a vast unseen world surrounding us, that one day, will pop into view.  It's an energetic world, from which derives the incredibly vast amounts of energy that are needed to create and manifest your body and your material world. 

Your consciousness derives from this energetic world, too, and the consciousness and identity you have now, is just a tiny part of your true consciousness. 

Relatively soon, you will have to contend with all of this, accept it, and learn to grow in ways you never imagined.  

So now, I am going to tell you something that is shocking in a way, and it derives directly from the fact that there is no time, and yet, I am going to relate this to you as if there is.  

I do this to help you sort things out in a way you can comprehend. 

In 2012, the Andromedan High Command arrived on Earth and came to my home in Big Lake, Alaska, to pay their respects. 

So long ago that the Andromedans still had Kings and Queens, my Son rescued an Andromedan Princess named Deoma.  Their romance was something akin to the popular movie Avatar.  And from that love, all modern Andromedans descend.  They bear his face and blond hair and her blue-tinted skin.  

And I, as their racial Grandmother, had the overwhelming experience of knowing and loving each one of them.  

This is the way it was and is and has always been, though the stars of Andromeda seem so infinitely far away to us right now.  

We, and I can say that, even though I am a Seraph from the star system of Sirius B, are here, because we love the Earth and the people on it --- each one connected to it in some way, through ages of experience and the Creator's unimaginable kindness and generosity, given to each one of us.   

The Andromedans are here because of my Son, and he is here because of me and my Beloved; and we are here because of the love of the Creator and the Creation.  

We are all connected, and yes, you, too, are part of a family that spans the Universe. 

Now, what I am saying may sound very strange and fanciful to you, something out of a fairytale or hallucinogenic dream, and perhaps it scares you. 

But the truth is stranger than fiction and there is nothing to be afraid of; you are safe and your souls and your memories are safe, and you will never die and you will never be alone, unless you want to be. 

Think of the people you love, and they are with you.  Imagine the world you want to see.  Feel the truth flowing through you, purifying and enlivening every cell.  Time does not exist, and you are all and everyone and everything you have ever been. 

Sleep on that and open your mind and heart tonight. 



See this article and over 5200 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: What We Mean By Religious Freedom

 By Anna Von Reitz

We have had numerous questions about freedom of religion and our traditional separation of church and state.  

The right to religious freedom is built into the fabric of our history from the earliest times, when America became a haven for religious dissidents fleeing European theocracies and monarchies bent on imposing religious homogeneity. 

Our earliest colonial settlement was set against a background of over five hundred years of social and political chaos based on holding or not holding specific religious beliefs.  

The guarantees of religious freedom take the form of limitations placed on the government, most famously restated by the first sixteen words of the First Amendment to the Federal Constitution: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...." 

Religion, among many other topics, is a private matter, which the American Government leaves to individual conscience. We imposed the same prohibitions against state-sponsored or state regulated religions on our Federal Subcontractors when the Federal Constitutions were adopted. 

We did this because of our country's unique history as a haven for religious freedom and the experience of our ancestors who suffered the Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation. 

This experience led us to observe a Law of Nature and led us to the realization that to guarantee religious freedom for anyone, religious freedom had to be extended and guaranteed to everyone ----and the government could not be allowed to say or do anything about it, because religious zealots would otherwise plot to take over the government and enforce their religious beliefs on everyone else. 

This bulwark has more or less successfully prevented the installation of a coercive theocracy and it continues to moderate against conflicts based on varying religious beliefs. 

There is a contingent of those who insist that America is a Christian country, based on the idea that a majority of our Founding Fathers were Christians.  There were, indeed, Christians, both Protestant and Roman Catholic among the Founders, but that is not to say that the American Government is a theocracy.  Far from it.  Ours is a secular government which guarantees religious freedom to all.  

To quote Thomas Jefferson: 

(1) "Christianity neither is, nor ever was, a part of the Common Law.
(2) "Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man." 
(3) "Religions, all alike, are founded on fables and mythologies." 

To quote James Madison: 

(4) "Religion and Government shall both exist in greater purity the less they are mixed together." 
(5) "The purpose of separation of church and state is to forever keep from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe with blood for centuries." 

To quote John Adams: 

(6) "The government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion." 
(7) "The United States is not a Christian nation any more than it is a Jewish or Mohammedan nation."

Thomas Jefferson, like George Washington, was Deist, who studied comparative religions of the world with scholarly interest and who created "the Jefferson Bible" by having a Bible printed with the sayings directly attributed to Yeshuah emphasized in red ink, the better to identify them and compare them with similar Hindu and Egyptian teachings. 

These men, these Founders, did not naively accept whatever they were told. They were on a lifetime quest to know the truth, and were inveterate and close and critical observers of the world around them. 
This they held in common with their generation, and it is this characteristic more than anything else, that led them to the conclusions enshrined as The Unanimous Declaration of Independence.  

We can be sure that they held no illusions about the evils of theocracies and sought to avoid them, as assiduously as they also sought to avoid the evils of democracies, which they considered little better than the Law of the Jungle and referred to as "Mob Rule". 

We do a disservice to them if we in our ignorance speak of "our democracy" when in fact they opposed that form of government and never established a democracy on our shores.  

The British Territorial Government is a democracy, but our American Government is not.  

We also do a similar disservice if we say or assume that the government of this country is or ever was Christian, as that would imply that these Founders created a theocracy, which they also heartily opposed. 

The Holy Roman Empire was and is a theocracy and its Municipal Successor to The Constitution of the United States has remained in close alliance with the Roman Catholic Church.  The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception stands as a testament to the involvement of the Roman Government and the Roman Church in the establishment and administration of our Federal Capitol which bears their symbols and characteristic architecture to this day --- but neither the American Government nor its Federal Republic have ever been theocracies. 

We bring this information forward because our country and our government have been so determinedly and repeatedly mischaracterized by our foreign Federal Subcontractors, that a clearing of the air is necessary, and so is a rebuttal of accusations that our government is Anti-Semitic because we oppose the horrific profit-motivated genocide in Gaza.  

Our government is secular and the repugnance we feel toward the present government of Israel is not rooted in any religious belief system nor any racial prejudice; it is purely and simply abhorrence of the violent misuse of state power against a defenseless civilian population that motivates our disgust and opposition.  

We firmly believe, and have reason to believe, that the present Israeli government is merely a commercial corporation franchise engaged in mercenary activities, most likely at the direction of British Crown operatives or Crown affiliates.  We do not believe that this corporation, now disguising itself as the State of Israel, Incorporated, is concerned about the Israeli people, any more than it is concerned about the Palestinians.  

We believe that this venal corporation is engaged in a mercenary "land clearing" operation and genocide seeking to clear the Palestinian population off the Gaza Strip, which they intend to condemn and/or buy for almost nothing, and use as the terminus of a new Sinai Canal and Eastern Mediterranean Oil Basin development, that will allow the Perpetrators to bypass OPEC and the Suez Canal, and establish their ability to supply refined oil and gas products to Europe, the Mediterranean, Eastern Africa, Pakistan, India, and Southeast Asia.  They also hope to ruin and further cripple the Russian economy by competing against Russian oil and gas exports to Western Europe. 

Their own plans are so grandiose and their greed so overpowering, that they could not conceive of finding a peaceful and cooperative way forward that would share the resources of Gaza with the people of Gaza.  So they killed the people, destroyed their homes, their schools, roads, sanitation plants, electrical generation facilities, their gardens and their pets and their children, en masse. 

And these dirty, lousy "businessmen" who have made their way by stealing and cheating and defrauding, and by violence and murder and constant war profiteering, are counting on everyone else, all the other governments, to cow down and look the other way, for fear that they will be next, if they say anything. 

We are ashamed of our British Territorial Subcontractors for their mindless support of the Israeli government in such a venal endeavor, and we deny that the deployment of U.S. Government assets including personnel and equipment and arms in support of the genocide in Gaza has our approval or has anything to do with our defense, our service contract with the British Territorial Government, or us, as a country, a people, and a government.  

Any love that Mr. Trump has for Benjamin Netanyahu and his government is not shared. 

It's not the Americans carpet bombing Gaza nor are we the ones arming and encouraging the Israeli Government in its despicable reign of terror.  

We call upon the people of Israel to put an end to this and to the men responsible for it.  We call upon the nations of the world to repudiate what these monsters have done in the name of profit and self-security.  We call upon the United Nations organization to earn its salt. We call on the conscience of every Christian and Jew and Hindu, everyone in China, in Russia, in Japan, everyone, everywhere throughout the world.  

Open your eyes and say no to this.  

These poor people, their families, have been murdered and robbed. Don't let this go, or the Vermin will be encouraged, and will expand upon this reprehensible behavior, so that yes, you could be next. Speak up now.  Take the bankers and politicians and generals to task. Do it now. 

If you go on Google Earth and scan the coast line between Gaza and Tel Aviv, you will see that they have already begun construction on the oil refineries and pipeline systems that are part of their Sinai Canal plan.  

Britain and Rome are responsible for this, just as they have been responsible for most of the other wars and miseries, and we have been their dupes, their Muscle, and their resource dump, all unaware that these parasites were using our sons and daughters as the cheapest mercenaries on Earth.  

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

January 30th 2025


See this article and over 5200 others on Anna's website here:

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