By Anna Von Reitz
For some reason, the "persons" in Washington, DC, expected the people of this country to be in deep shock and mourning over the revelation of who killed JFK, RFK and MLK. They expected rioting and rage. They expected.... what they deserve.
Instead, we have all known the truth for many years and we did our mourning at the time these gubmint assassinations happened. As little kids and teenagers, we knew LBJ was in it up to his turkey-flap jowls. No news there.
So it's not like it's big news that the CIA, Secret Service, and Mossad were all in on these assassinations. Nobody but a complete dunce ever thought they weren't involved. The only surprise about the JFK files, really, is that they are still protecting Big Oil, which also had a hand in it.
Conveniently, all the other players are dead.
In the wake of the revelations, it's just more ho-hum confirmation of the criminality of "government" enterprises and corporations that need to be shut down, and this is a good time to do it.
With the UNITED STATES bankruptcy completed, Donald Trump is facing one of the largest corporate downsizing operations in history, with more than two million former Federal Employees ready for the sack, and another estimated four million Agency Personnel on the chopping block as a result of the bankruptcy.
Just picture six million redundant leeches slowly slithering toward the exit ramp, and right behind them, millions of payola recipients, including members of "Congress" who have received millions of dollars in payola from Special Interests and took huge profits from insider trading.
Like the Highway Patrol, Assassination Squads are never around when you need them, and they always shoot the wrong people.
Another result of the UNITED STATES bankruptcy is that there will no longer be any "citizens of the United States", no "Federal Dual Citizens" --- and the former Municipal employees and dependents will all be left adrift politically.
They have been defined as "residents" here under the Residence Act, but technically, they could all now be deported. If they convert to Judaism, they can all go to Israel, and start causing trouble for Netanyahu.
The CIA and FBI (and BLM and various other alphabet soup agencies) are all owned and run by a British Crown Umbrella Corporation calling itself the United States Government, Inc.
So, who are the members of the Board of Directors?
As the JFK files make abundantly clear, It's way past time to throw these Actors in jail and shut down these criminal organizations.
Or just defund them.
Or all the above, which is what we favor.
An Agency is a federal corporation subcontractor, so basically, our Subcontractors hire subcontractors to do their work for them or provide services for them -- and call these secondary subcontractors "Agencies".
The British Territorial Government operating as a Scottish Commercial Corporation deceptively calling itself The United States of America (Incorporated-- they just forgot to mention that) began creating Agencies for itself after the Civil War.
The US Marshals and DOJ, for example, both got started in this time period. The Marshals were hired to protect railroads and corporate payrolls and mail deliveries, while the DOJ was created as an in-house law firm to protect the criminals in DC. On our ticket, of course.
Thus, there were numerous Federal Agencies operating in the 18oo's, but the Agency business really got kicked off by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, whose Administration added over 350 new Federal Agencies to the payroll. This is the era when most of the familiar "Federal Agencies" got their start -- USDA, FEMA, IRS, BATF, FDA, etc., and after that, the "Congress" just kept on adding new subcontractors as needed -- the EPA, for example.
Until very recently, all these Subcontractors of Subcontractors were enabled to create their own laws, in the form of Administrative Codes, and the unelected bureaucrats were also allowed to enforce their Administrative Codes on the unsuspecting public.
Let's use the IRS as an example.
There were two entities involved -- the Internal Revenue Service, which collected taxes (ostensibly) from British Territorial U.S. Citizens, and the IRS, which collected taxes (ostensibly) from Municipal "citizens of the United States".
The Federal Income Tax was a payroll kickback tax imposed on both sets of Federal workers, for the "privilege" of being employed by these scumbag foreign corporations in the business of providing us with "essential government services".
From the American perspective, the Federal Income Tax was a tax on public employee wages, and was only supposed to impact those working for foreign "federal" corporations, and who therefore had "federal income".
The Federal Income Tax had nothing to do with us and our earnings, and the Vermin knew that. That's why every reference to us in the entire span of Title 26 refers to us as "non-resident aliens".
The so-called Sixteenth Amendment allowing this venal practice was never ratified by our States of the Union and remains unratified to this day.
As a private bank tax imposed to help pay off the foreign national debts of the Federal Corporations, the Federal Income Tax didn't fall under the restrictions imposed on taxes by the Federal Constitutions, just as the federal workers themselves don't fall under the protections of the Constitutions they work under.
So the Federal Income Tax was supposed to be a "private" and voluntary payroll "tax" on Federal Income earned by Federal Workers --- a little kickback for the "privilege" of working for the US Corp or USA Corp respectively.
When it came to actual practice, however, the criminals wasted no time misinforming Americans about this tax and entrapping Americans into paying this tax via the use of undisclosed adhesion contracts and widespread public disinformation campaigns. In this way, millions of unsuspecting Americans were told that they needed to file so-called 1040 Forms and report their "income" -- or rather, misreport their income as federal income. And they did.
Once having ignorantly misidentified themselves as "Taxpayers" --- who are British Merchant Marine Warrant Officers responsible for collecting taxes for the King -- and having accepted the penalties of perjury for this mistake, the victims were contractually bound to continue paying Federal Income Taxes, without the nicety of having any Federal Income.
This scam was backed up by the registration of American babies as U.S. Citizens, who by definition are British Subjects, considered to be Federal Employees or Dependents.
Thus, by a process of impersonation and mischaracterization of Americans' political status, and induced action based on misinformation and coercion, millions of Americans have been defrauded into paying "taxes" they never owed, paying "mortgages" they never owed, and "property taxes" they never owed.
The beneficiaries of all this unjust enrichment have been the corporations -- and banks -- responsible for these scams.
And now we hear King Charles calling for "military action" to enforce the World Economic Forum's policies as if they were law; it would be convenient if King Charles had a military, but as it stands, all he has are mercenary forces, instead.
The British Government, to the extent there is a British Government, has been operating under conditions of deceit and fraud for over 300 years; it has promised the people a "Constitutional Monarchy" and delivered a Commercial Corporation in the business of providing government services instead.
Another Bait and Switch.
It would be appropriate to describe the British Government as a Kingdom of Fraud, if there were any "kingdom" present, but as it turns out, Great Britain is a Company, not a country, and the British Monarch is not a King.
It's time to nationalize the USA, Inc. and all Successors.
It's also time to end the Internal Revenue Service, full stop, not just the Municipal IRS. Both these agencies are criminal in nature. Both need to go into the dustbin of history.
Both these "services" and the banks employing them have operated unlawfully and illegally, no matter how one looks at it.
From the Federal Employee side of it, a payroll kickback tax promotes peonage, whether it claims to be "voluntary" or not--- and peonage has been outlawed worldwide since 1926.
From the American side of it, we've been grossly and systematically defrauded for over a hundred years. Our States never ratified the 16th Amendment so we are not bound by it and the vast majority of Americans who have been coerced to pay "Federal Income Tax", like the Employers coerced under color of law to collect it, never had any Federal Income, either.
As long as the Trump Administration is faced with getting rid of two-thirds of the Federal Government, they might as well start with the IRS, and quash the Internal Revenue Service, too.
There's plenty of Pink Slips to go around.
Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
January 31st 2025
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