Are you looking for Solutions for America in Distress

You are in the right place to find out about what is really going on behind the scenes in the patriot movement in America, including solutions from Oathkeepers, Anna Von Reitz, Constitutional Sheriffs, Richard Mack, and many more people who are leading the charge to restore America to freedom and peace. Please search on the right for over 9600 articles.
You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Spartacus Letter everyone seems to want to read

 I have NOT verified this. You are on your own entirely for the information and opinion.

Everyone has been asking to read this.

Read at the original link here:

RE: Situation in California

 By Anna Von Reitz

Unfortunately, certain members of The California Assembly who applied corporate methods of control and manipulation to the other members recently found themselves on the receiving end of their own devices, and didn't like it. So now, they have split off, and are causing trouble of a different kind.
I wear myself out explaining that corporatist ways and means don't belong in an American Assembly, yet some folks go on using the whole bag of tricks they learned as politicos in The Other System.
Like alcoholics who move to a new town in hopes of beating their addiction, these would-be Assembly members bring the same problems to a new location, and by failing to learn and practice the American Way, they stifle real progress.
Two groups emerged early on in California -- one group sincerely wanting to build an American Assembly and learn how to operate our lawful government, and another group attempting to use the Assembly process as a means to front their own Separatist movement.
All actual American Assemblies are formed for the purpose of restoring our lawful government to full function. There are no secessionist American State Assemblies, by definition.
We fought the 160 year Civil War over such issues and ideas seeking to divide and conquer our country for the benefit of outsiders and we have all suffered the results. That should be enough said.
And God help California if it is not.
Over the past twenty years there have been repeated attempts by foreign governments to buy California, rape California of its resources (especially gold and oil) and to set up storefront insurrectionist movements in California.
I know how bad it has been, because I have been at the forefront of these international encounters, fending these evils off and protecting the people of California for two decades.
It's time for the Californians to recognize the danger for what it is, and defend themselves.
While the two groups that are struggling for control of The California Assembly continue to point fingers at each other, the blame is mutual. Both sides are failing to recognize the central issue--- which is the need for an honest and clearly stated agenda that is followed.
The agenda for The California Assembly is simple: to organize four structural components that are common to all American State Assemblies, and which perform work and make decisions for the people of California: General Assembly, International Business Assembly, Courts, and Militia.
The further agenda for The California Assembly is to be honest and to support California as a State of the Union, agreeable in its support for the other States of the Union and our Federation of States.
Secessionists need to find another place to roost.
British Tories need to join their own District Assembles.
Papists who support the Municipal theocracy need to join their Municipal Assemblies.
And all three groups need to leave our American State Assemblies alone.
It is of paramount importance that everyone recognizes the evil that will befall all concerned if they don't stop playing these ugly games and pay attention to what's needed.
California and the people who live there desperately need a competent and honest electoral body occupying the land and soil jurisdiction of their State of the Union. They don't need politics. They don't need excuses.
As someone who has fought the good fight for California on numerous occasions over the past twenty years, I advise you all that it is your Public Duty to man up and do what is right by each other and by your State and by your country as a whole.

Even if it means that your petty pride gets ruffled. Even if it means that you have to apologize to people you trampled on in the past. Even if it requires a whole new way of thinking and doing things.


See this article and over 3300 others on Anna's website here:

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Update on our fight with the Chinese bioweapon second strain

Hi Everyone, and thanks for your patience while we work through this awful delta strain of the Chinese bioweapon engineered by the medical tyranny we are all up against.  It was admitted by the NIH  today that Tony Fauci DID IN FACT fund gain of function research on this horrible thing that is killing people.

We got this in our normal movement around the county where we live in Northwest Montana, and it's going around a lot up here right now.

Fortunately we have a patriot friend in the local Ham radio community that told us about another ham/nurse that runs a local outreach team that are actively using a nebulizer and supplement protocol to keep people out of the hospital. It's working well. We are gradually making slow progress keeping our oxygen levels up and heartrate down with 3 times a day on their nebulizer protocol and lots of D3, C, zink, aspirin, and a couple of medications I can't pronounce including an antibiotic to clear up the pneumonia I got with it.  Ivermectin wouldn't even touch this second strain. I tried that for a few days with zero results.

I am using a stationary oxygen concentrator (borrowed) but without a little Oxygen supplementation my levels drop off into the 80s, so we are faced with buying some equipment for the home and a portable.

I have them covered on a card for about $3800.00 and are waiting for the equipment. I got a ride to the clinic yesterday and they checked my levels and wrote a prescription for the machines.  Let me tell you that it's a fight to buy one. They knit pick everything about it. You can imagine the pressure these medical companies are under right now from government to stop the people that are really helping others and keeping them out of the hospital.  

We know of several locals who spent up to a month in the hospital with serious lung damage as a result.

Thank God we are not there. If we can just maintain until our bodies build up the necessary antibodies to fight this on our own, we should make a complete recovery.

If you would like to help us pay for these machines just look on the right for the PayPal button and put medical devices in the note when you donate.

The prognosis from the clinic is good but it could be a few weeks of this protocol yet, and we don't know down the road what lung damage if any would be permanent.

So, I have caught up with Anna's publishing and she has slowed down her writing to help us out. I have a hard time believing that we have published her work for seven years now. I am glad to be a part of it. 

I can still fill some flag orders, maybe a couple a day so expect a day or three delay if you order flags.

If Anna writes a couple of articles a day I should be able to keep up with that also. I can sit here with the oxygen hose on my nose and do pretty well.  I just hope this doesn't go on for an unreasonable time.

Thank you for all your generosity and patience over the last seven years. If I am a little late thanking you for your donations just accept this as thanks for now.

God bless you all. 

Paul Stramer