By Anna Von Reitz
18th of
Information and Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor
P.O. Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
Dear Sirs:
We are facing a crisis in the long process to restore
lawful government to the actual United States and continue to suffer false
claims and insupportable, outlawed practices which the so-called Territorial
United States and Municipal United States corporations have been attempting to
foist off on the actual states and people.
On May 1, 2017, they propose to set up a deliberate fraud
scheme to attack and defraud millions upon millions of innocent people utilizing
the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico as a base of operations. This has
been done before as part of the fraudulent 1930’s bankruptcy of the United
States of America, Inc., and is apparently being done in preparation for a
similar fraud scheme related to the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES, INC.
The scheme has been prepared for by the Obama Administration and is
apparently being carried through by the Trump Administration.