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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Letter to the Hague Prosecutor's Office

By Anna Von Reitz

18th of April
Information and Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor
P.O. Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands

Dear Sirs:
We are facing a crisis in the long process to restore lawful government to the actual United States and continue to suffer false claims and insupportable, outlawed practices which the so-called Territorial United States and Municipal United States corporations have been attempting to foist off on the actual states and people. 
On May 1, 2017, they propose to set up a deliberate fraud scheme to attack and defraud millions upon millions of innocent people utilizing the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico as a base of operations.   This has been done before as part of the fraudulent 1930’s bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc., and is apparently being done in preparation for a similar fraud scheme related to the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES, INC.  The scheme has been prepared for by the Obama Administration and is apparently being carried through by the Trump Administration. 

Business Letter to U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Sessions

By Anna Von Reitz

April 18, 2017

Mr. Jeffrey Sessions, U.S. Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
 950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
 Washington, DC 20530-0001

Dear Mr. Sessions:

I am writing this afternoon ---the 242nd  Anniversary of the “Shot heard round the world”---regarding three areas of immediate and urgent concern: (1) the continued forced, fraudulent and inadequately disclosed enrollment of American state nationals in Social Security programs intended exclusively for Territorial United States and Municipal United States citizens and (2) failure of the Territorial and Municipal United States to come to an agreement with the actual land jurisdiction United States regarding proper identification of American state nationals and American State Citizens v. United States Citizens v. citizens of the United States on passports and other international and interstate IDs and (3) the pending bankruptcy of the Puerto Rican Electrical Utility and the fraudulent creation of millions of purported “franchise” public transmitting utilities operated under ACCOUNTS that are deceptively similar in appearance to the names of Americans.

The pretense that people are knowingly volunteering to serve as Withholding Agents, that is, Warrant Officers in the Merchant Marine Service, to help win WWII ran out of steam in September 1945.

Red Alert! Another Bankruptcy Fraud in Progress! Please Post Notice!

By Anna Von Reitz

Americans----- another Territorial United States "National" bankruptcy FRAUD is in progress and coming at you!

On May 1, 2017, an international day of Communist celebrations and also a Satanic festival, it is the stated intention of the "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" (INC.) to declare bankruptcy and turn over its Puerto Rican Electrical Utility to international bankruptcy courts and bank-appointed trustees.  There is just one little problem.  Mr. Obummer created and named millions of public transmitting utility franchises of this bankrupt Puerto Rican Electrical Utility to stand as sureties for its debts.  And they are all named, nominally, after living Americans. 

Remember how the vermin mischaracterized your estates as ESTATES named after you, so that "John Allen Dunn" became "JOHN ALLEN DUNN"?  

Well, now the limey cretins are trying another trick.  They are trying to redefine and rename JOHN ALLEN DUNN as JOHN A. DUNN --- a purported franchise standing as surety for their bankrupt Puerto Rican Transmitting Utility. 

Please note that "JOHN A. DUNN" isn't even a legal name.  It is no name at all for lack of specificity.  Is that "JOHN ALLEN DUNN"?  Or "JOHN AMBROSE DUNN"? Or "JOHN ALLISON DUNN"?  Or, or, or.....?