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Friday, November 12, 2021

Explanation for The Texas Assembly

 By Anna Von Reitz

Last month a group of dissident Co-Coordinators led by Kyle L. Worley decided to leave The Texas Assembly, however, they hadn't done their homework and didn't quite realize what they were doing.  So, then, they recanted, and asked to come back as Assembly Members. 

That is an entirely different matter than being reinstated as Coordinators. 

Then, they asked to present a Go Forward Plan, which any member or group of members can do. 

They were told to attend the regularly scheduled meeting of The Texas Assembly to do so, and Katherine Soulis who is the only Coordinator left in Texas, agreed to host their presentation. 

Simple, right? 

Instead of following instructions, they held their own meeting instead.

Enough said. 

Katherine Soulis is the only Coordinator out of that entire team who studied hard enough to know what needed to be done, and she was the only one who showed the loyalty, courage, and competence to get it done.  

So that's why she is the Texas Coordinator and the reason that she deserves everyone's support.  

She also needs new Co-Coordinators ---- people who are ready to study and learn and take up responsibility for leading their part of Texas through the Assembly Process. 

Please contact Katherine directly if you are interested.  Because Coordinators sometimes deal with financial matters, candidates are vetted and go through simple background checks. 

It's time for Texas to get "stood up" and ready for the great advances that are coming.  Put aside all the bickering, and move on.   


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November the Eleventh 2021 - Open Letter to H.E. Dominique Mambert

 By Anna Von Reitz

Dear Cardinal Mamberti,
We have traced all this evil back to one root cause.
The cause of this misery is found in the Book of Samuel, wherein the Israelites chose a king for themselves after the custom of their Canaanite neighbors. By doing so they created a false idol for themselves and condemned everyone to suffer under the ignorance, selfishness, and fickleness of men.
It will be no different-- indeed, even worse-- if we subject ourselves to artificial intelligence.
The Church is still placing something else in the place of the True God; men are still being misled and are disobeying the Universal Law.
Our American Government sought to rectify this problem by recognizing the sacredness and sovereignty in each one of us, to replace all earthly Monarchs with an awareness of the presence of the True God in each of us.
We attempted to do this without the trappings and interference of religion because religion failed to address the core problem, and instead has tried to capitalize on it and garner power from it.
What else can we conclude, when not only has the Church been the source of establishing Monarchs to rule over Mankind, but also set itself up to rule over the Monarchs?
Instead of addressing this fundamental idolatry and recognizing its falsehood and failure, the Church has fought to retain and promote it, first by giving dominion to kings, and now, by trying to give dominion to computers and corporations.
The True God has already created living computers that so far surpass anything that the hand of man or angel can design, that we blush to make the comparison. And as for corporations, what good are they?
We must stop this idiocy, Cardinal Mamberti. The creation is not greater than the Creator; man is not meant to sit in the place of God--- and neither are computers or corporations. The Intelligence that guides us and that lives and manifests itself within us, is never subject to our limitations.
Thus, we make the case in favor of our American Government, restored and functioning as it is meant to function. We may not have succeeded in completely addressing the problem of idolizing men, but we took important and fundamental steps toward recognizing the problem and ending the evils resulting from it.
That is more than we can say for any other form of government that has ever been or any that is presently being offered to us.
We do not believe in kings any more than we believe in money.
We are not given to idolatry, nor do we foolishly worship ourselves.
When the rest of the houses of Israel descended into this madness and displaced our True King with Saul, there were those who disagreed and who did not follow after him.
Here we still are.

"Choose this day whom you will serve; as for me and my House, we shall serve the Lord." --- Joshua 24:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America

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