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Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Here's How It Goes -- American Government 101-1

 By Anna Von Reitz

The States exist as separate nation-states, however, they voluntarily joined together so they could operate as a group of united states when and where it served their best interest to do so.
That's where the name "United States" comes from.
They formed the Union to address their "mutual need" for a common defense and a common monetary system, to establish common weights and measures for use throughout the country and in foreign trade, to choose an official language in which to conduct business and diplomacy, to establish public roads and other public infrastructure promoting development and interstate trade, to promote common trade policies, provide domestic and foreign mail services, etc.---all these and similar mutual concerns were addressed by the Union of States, and all these efforts served to bulwark their well-being as individual States of the Union.
Very early on, within months of issuing The Unanimous Declaration of Independence, these same united states (technically still calling themselves United Colonies) realized that they needed to act as one body in the realm of international diplomacy; otherwise, it would have been too easily to leverage one state against another using economic or military powers. To create this united front, the former colonists created The United States of America, an unincorporated Federation to represent their interests abroad.
From the very beginning, The United States of America has functioned exclusively in the international and global jurisdictions.
The Founders deliberately separated the Union, doing business as the United States, from the Federation doing business as The United States of America, because they wanted to establish a separation of powers, with the United States in control of what happened at home, and The United States of America in control of what happened abroad.
Probably no other single issue has created more confusion than the proliferation of entities doing business variously as "the" United States over the years. It is important for Americans to realize that this appellation has applied to different organizations and business entities at different times in our government's development.
In the early years "the United States" referred to the Union of Colonies and later, the Union of States ---and this is the entity being referred to as "the United States" in all the early treaties and diplomatic documents. After the adoption of the Federal Constitutions, this same name "the United States" was applied to the American Federal Republic, while the original Union of States became known as The United States. Then, after the Civil War, when the American Federal Republic ceased to operate, the Municipal Government began using the name "the United States".
Today, these same three words, "the United States" have to be interpreted from context, both in terms of the subject matter of documents and the time in which the documents were written, and they can mean:
(1) the name of the country as a nation among other nations;
(2) the political union of states being referenced in context;
(3) a federal corporation doing business as the United States.
To the United States, our unincorporated Union of States, properly styled as The United States, belongs the right, title, and interest in the mutually shared powers of the county governments which allow this version of "United States" to do things like establish an interstate highway system.
The name "The United States of America" is far less ambiguous, though it has suffered, too, and has to be interpreted according to time and context.
The United States of America was and still is the Proper Name of our unincorporated Federation of States. To this Federation belongs the right, title, and interest in the mutually shared powers of the State Governments, which allows it to do things like represent the actual States in foreign diplomatic venues and international courts.
Beginning after the adoption of the Federal Constitutions, another entity called "the" United States of America appeared, this and was adopted as the name of the British-affiliated Territorial Government Please note that the definite article, "the" is not and never was part of the official name of this entity.
Later, various corporations infringed upon our Good Name, most notably a Scottish commercial corporation that did business as "The United States of America" -- Incorporated from 1868 to 1907, and the United States of America, Inc., a Delaware Corporation formed by the Roman Catholic Church that operated from 1925 to 1933, and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, a Municipal Government corporation and the USA, Inc., a Territorial-owned Municipal Corporation....
Today, the words "United States of America" may mean:
(1) the generalized name of the country in international jurisdiction;(2) the unincorporated Federation of States;
(3) the British-affiliated Territorial Government;
(4) any one of a number of corporations past and present doing business "as" some version of "United States of America" without permission.
These, then, are the principal entities that started the ball rolling and operated the entire government for the first five years, 1776 to 1781:
(1) the Union of states known variously as "the United States" holding mutually shared powers delegated to it by the county governments, operating exclusively in national (soil) jurisdiction;
(2) the Federation of States known as "The United States of America" holding mutually shared powers delegated to it by the State Governments, operating exclusively in international (land and sea) and/or global (air) jurisdictions.
In 1781, the Union and the Federation were joined by the Confederation of States, organized under The Articles of Confederation. This entity doing business as the States of America, was a commercial business enterprise operating exclusively in the global (air) jurisdiction. But that's another story.

For now, concentrate on how this American Government began--- with a Union of counties (national soil jurisdiction) called the United States, and a Federation of States (international land and sea and air jurisdiction) called The United States of America.


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Why a Judge Has Georgia Vote Fraud on His Mind: ‘Pristine’ Biden Ballots That Looked Xeroxed

For the Military Geniuses Among Us

 By Anna Von Reitz

Not one dollar of any military payroll, not one dollar spent on any military equipment or supply, not one dollar spent on armaments, rockets, tanks, jet fighters, or any other defense expenditure ever came from the Queen or the Pope or "the" Congress.
All that money came from one source: the American People.
And who are the American People? They are the State Citizens who signed the Federal Contracts known as Constitutions.
All the folks back home. The rank and filers who paid for it all.
Now, what happens to you, when millions of Americans die?
You don't get paid, because there's nobody left to pay you. Your budgets go the way of the Dodo. You are disgraced. Useless. Finished.
And that is what is coming to you if you continue to let these corporate managers lead you around like bulls on a nose ring. That's what happens if you let Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci get away with their Humanoid-GMO-population-reduction crap.
That's what happens when all those body bags that you and FEMA have put in place get used.
You become obsolete.
There will be no need for you, because you failed your duty to protect.
And that is the truth of the matter, boys.
Take a good deep breath and own it.
You've already failed millions of Americans whose lives are now compromised because of you and your lack of intelligence and leadership and guts.
You all stood there like dumb beasts and let all these innocent people be "vaccinated" by these monsters in suits.
You're still standing there mum as tombstones, dumb beefeaters, worthless as tits on a boor, without the sense to save yourselves, much less anyone else.
And you wonder why I am "anti-military"?
I'm not anti-military. I am pro-military, if I could find one worth its salt. I'd pay good money for half a dozen generals who could recognize the actual domestic terrorists in the room.
And let's get a clue, it's not me or any of the other old ladies pointing our knitting needles at you.
It's all the medical officers conscripted under Title 37 who have been misdirected and turned into an army to kill innocent Americans ---and this has been done on your watch; it's still occurring as I write this.
Elders and little kids, teenagers and college students, workers in factories and schools, being silently murdered and sterilized while you Worthlessers do nothing to stop it.
You couldn't recognize a domestic terrorist if one bit you on the nose. Or shoved a needle up your rump.
For all the trillions of dollars spent on you, you can't think your way out of a paper bag. You are all completely boggled by reams of paper issued by experts who aren't experts at all, by people occupying vacant offices on false pretenses, and political party sideshows that shouldn't exist if you were doing your job.
There's just one thing providing you with jobs and it is called The Constitution of the United States of America. If you can't read it and recognize who is owed all those guarantees, then what good are you to anyone?
Read it. See any mention of "public health mandates" anywhere? Masks? Coerced vaccinations? Experimental genetic engineering protocols? Anthony Fauci, President? Bill Gates, Vice President? When in blazes did these maniacs get elected to any public office?
That old musty contract is your contract, and if you dishonor it, guess who is next on the chopping block?
Don't talk about what you are going to do. It's past time for you to be doing it.
Bill Gates was being prosecuted by the Government of India for maiming and murdering 750,000 children in India via his vaccination programs five years ago.

And where have all you military geniuses been? Apparently in a gin bottle with your ear plugs on and a cork up your %^$&##%$.


See this article and over 3100 others on Anna's website here:

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