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Thursday, August 26, 2021

Let's Make This Very Clear -- We Choose Life: Attention of the High Courts Required

 By Anna Von Reitz

Chief LaVern Fast Horse may have chosen death for the Native Tribes of this country and traded the labor bonds of his people away for gold, but we have not agreed to any such deal.
Our people are owed their lives and land and time and their freedom and nobody has any right to trade any of those rights away in their names. Nobody. Ever.
I am the Fiduciary for this country and I didn't authorize any trade of blood for money.
Those who have executed this agreement have done so only for themselves and those who have agreed to be represented by them.
We maintain our independence and our unalienable rights including our right to life and freedom unfettered by any foreign administration whatsoever.
We are disappointed by these actions and we are appalled to find that the exhortation to "Choose life!" was ignored; we grieve for our brethren who stand to be harmed by this foolishness, and we regret that Satan has been given a foot back in the door.
But we are resolved that this will not pass unchallenged and unrebutted, and we are determined that all claims against our time on earth are hereby extinguished once and forevermore.
Not a hair on our heads can be harmed and we are holding the door open for all those who have the good sense and courage to choose life, first, last, and always.
Chief Fast Horse assures us that the labor bonds have been destroyed, but he didn't oversee their destruction and did not witness them being burned or otherwise rendered destroyed. He believes that because they were paid for with gold that they are no longer active and viable, but he has been deceived.
He has unwittingly allowed these evils to continue, at least for his people. Not for ours.
We continue to claim the right to possess and settle those bonds attached to Americans, other than those few that Chief Fast Horse represents, so that those bonds can never be used to enslave anyone or promote any benefit of enslavement again.
Any possession of those bonds is illegal. Any trading of those bonds is illegal. Any use of gold received in exchange for those bonds is profit from crime and cannot be used for any purpose by any individual or organization whatsoever, without the same individuals and organizations being tainted by the fraud and crimes that resulted in the profit.
The only way for those bonds to be settled is for them to be returned to the Lawful Government for settlement. The only way for the crime to end is for those bonds to be settled and destroyed by the Lawful Government.
I have repeatedly told everyone concerned that this is an urgent issue and that it can only be handled in a specific way by specific authorities, which do not include the U.S. Military and don't include Chief Fast Horse, either.
More bassackward fumbling and misadministration and ignorance and misplaced ego notwithstanding, leaves us still paralyzed and at loggerheads throughout the world, and all because the Sons of Adam, who have no dog in the fight and no role to play as a result of their own idiocy and lack of accountability, continue to interject themselves in inappropriate ways.
Those bonds must be returned immediately to The Office of the Fiduciary of The United States of America. The gold that Chief Fast Horse accepted "on our behalf" is subject to return to sender, and is returned with demand for restitution.
We choose life. Anyone who wants to lose his life in exchange for some pretty metal can do so, but as the Fiduciary of this country, I am in possession and in legal and lawful ownership of all assets of the land and on the land; and I choose life for those in my care, as any Prudent Man would.
So said, so signed, so sealed on this 26th day of August 2021:

By: Anna Maria Riezinger
The United States of America

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Dealing With the IRS and Other "Public Debt" Collectors

 By Anna Von Reitz

The IRS can try to misaddress Americans, and if we are stupid, they can still succeed.
The fundamental question is ---- if you have properly instructed the bank and used the proper endorsements on all checks, etc., do you have any Federal Income? Yes or no?
If you have done your homework, unless you are a direct Federal Employee, you probably don't have any Federal Income to report ---- because you have properly denominated all Federal Reserve Notes as "lawful money" and Federal script such as the Federal Reserve Notes, which is owned and taxed by them, is not lawful money. None of it went into your account, because you exercised your right to denominate it as "lawful money" ---- so why are you being harassed about purported "federal" income?
Unless you get a funny money green and orange check from Uncle Sam that is based on actual Federal Income, and defined as "profit separated from capital" ---you don't have any Federal Income to tax.
If you are not operating as a Federal Citizen --- meaning a U.S. Citizen of the British Territorial Government, or a Municipal citizen of the United States, and you aren't engaged in any federally regulated activity, you don't have Federal Income.
Read the words, people ---- you have to have "Federal Income" before you can owe a "Federal Income Tax".
Most of us have no Federal Income.
Most of us are not knowingly or willingly functioning as U.S. Citizens --- as if we were born in and living in Puerto Rico, nor as citizens of the United States, as if we were born in Washington, DC --- and are literally outside of any jurisdiction related to the Federal Government Subcontractors at all.
So, teach people to set up their bank accounts appropriately and use the proper process to denominate their funds, and that is the end of any power of the IRS over them or their accounts.
I am sick to death of answering these same questions over and over and over. Please get the Coordinators up to speed and drum it in!
The same applies to American-owned and operated businesses of common right. Unless you are actually involved in some Federally-regulated activity such as the manufacture, sale, or transport of alcohol, tobacco, or firearms across state lines, or some activity such as operating a concession on a military base, you don't have "Federal Income" to report as a business, either.
If you are a so-called professional and have a license to treat Federal Employees, consider what portion of your business derives from Federal Employees. Do you need to be licensed as a Medical Doctor, for example, or can you get along just fine as a Private Physician?
If you are a lawyer, how many of your customers are actually and factually Federal citizens of any stripe? If they aren't Federal Employees or dependents, you can't "represent" them in a court of Special Admiralty and have no reason to operate as a Bar Attorney. You can get along just fine as a Counselor of Law and help people rebuff inappropriate and fraudulent and illegal "charges" being brought against them without remedy by unscrupulous Prosecutors.
You deal with this by properly identifying yourself as an American (the declaration and recording process) and the claiming of the assumed name(s) used to misaddress you and your business names, too. The Certificate of Assumed Name can be used for ANY name that you do business under or are presumed to do business under, and can be claimed in exactly the same way.
When I say, "Claim every name you use!" I mean business names, too. I literally mean every single name that has ever been applied to you or your business "persons" since the beginning of the world.
If you have a body shop called "Big Al's Body Shop", use the Certificate of Assumed Name to claim all possible variations, permutations, orderings, spellings, abbreviations, and styles of the name "Big Al's Body Shop" in the same way as you claim all possible variations of your own names.
You can lawfully convert your businesses into American owned and operated businesses that stand under the public law just as you can lawfully convert your "PERSONS" into American PERSONS standing under the Public Law, simply by claiming them and applying the Certificate of Assumed Name to the business name(s) the same way we claim our individual names.
When you are done, write a letter to the State of State Secretary of State (for example the State of Illinois Secretary of State) and inform them that you are an American and stand under the Public Law of Illinois not the State of Illinois, and your business, Al's Body Shop, is an American Business Enterprise also standing under the Public Law.
That should be more than sufficient to settle any hash that needs to be settled.
If the IRS contacts you scrounging around for purported "tithes and estate gift taxes" tell them to pound sand and go see the State of Illinois Secretary of State. If they present you with any claims, liens, or other paper billings, ask them where the Exemption Voucher is that should be (and is required to be) attached to all such correspondence?
They CANNOT legally present you with any bill or Notice of Lien or anything else, without also presenting you with a check ('voucher") to sign and exempt yourself and your business from having to pay it.
If they do present a bill without attaching the appropriate check/voucher for you to "Accept for Value" and return for exemption, they are engaged in fraud and are in violation of the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act, the Fair Trade Acts, and Commercial Administration Laws that apply to them under Federal Title 15.
They MUST present a check for your exemption and they MUST show it to you upon demand and they MUST provide it upon your request ---- and then all you have to do is mark this piece of paper, "Accepted for Value in the Amount Shown" and sign it with your restricted Signature ------ using a by-line like this: By: Felix Robert Mendeliev ---- and date it.
That's it. The end of difficulties with the IRS for you and your American businesses.
Also the end of IRS levies and garnishment.
I have described this Voucher before. It arrives as a "letter" with an OMB number, but it appears to be a virtually blank piece of paper. All it has on it is an address block showing your name and social security number without dashes (the AUTOTRIS used to access the credit ledger) and a return address where you are to send the Voucher.
It's the same process for people and for businesses. You have to demand this "letter of credit" from the IRS before they will cough it up. And you should return it to them via Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested and keep copies of your returned "letter".
So now you know in detail and exhaustively how to respond to any false claims against your name, your business, and your political status.
You now know how to respond to the IRS. You are now responsible for doing your own homework and correspondence and communicating effectively and following through with your own claims and exercise of your own rights.
The Point Person responsible for recognizing your political status and protecting you from inappropriate communications is the State of State Secretary of State. If they don't do their job and waive the vultures off for you, the Provost Marshal is responsible. And if it really goes too far, the Office of the Inspector General at is responsible.
Put the bite on them today.
These same rules apply to all incorporated Debt Collectors without exception. It doesn't matter if it is a Credit Card Corporation, a Municipal Corporation, a State of State Corporation, an incorporated Court (these are all registered as foreign entities with the State-of-State Secretary of State's Office). They all have to present you with a check/voucher for exemption at the same time they present a bill, still have to cough up such a check/voucher upon request, still have to accept your exemption, and if they don't, they are wide open to prosecution for fraud, racketeering, impersonation, and they are 100% commercially and individually liable for their activities.
So go forth and conquer, people. These flunkies for foreign corporations have been stealing you blind and depriving you of your exemptions for generations. We can't even count how much money they already owe you.
Once again --- send a letter to your bank CEO, Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested, instructing them that you are an American and not adopting any Federal Citizenship. Tell them that all funds in your accounts are to be denominated as lawful money, all funds received or transferred within or exiting your accounts are to be denominated as lawful money.
And once again, any checks or other transfer instruments (Money Orders, etc.) that you deposit must be properly endorsed:
Pay to: Your Business. By: Your Name followed by private copyright symbol, a small "c" with a circle around it. All rights reserved. Redeemed as lawful money:12USC411, Your Account Number.
Just make it easy on yourself, bite the bullet and have a small rubber stamp made with this information on it. Use it to cash all checks and Money Orders.
This way the money in your account is flagged as lawful funds, not legal fiat. The fiat belongs to the Federal Corporations and because it belongs to them, they can seize it, lien it, and garnish it. But they cannot mess with lawful money.

This information is to be used only by those who legitimately are Americans and who are not actually in receipt of Federal Income as a result of Federal Employment.


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Letter of Protest Addressed to the High Courts

 By Anna Von Reitz

We object to use of World Trust Funds to print a new "Rainbow" Debt Note currency in our name, being issued by foreign unknown corporations infringing on the Good Name and Trademarks of The United States of America and issuing this currency in the name of: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
This creates confusion around the world as individuals and even entire countries are deceived by the similar names and put their trust in these unauthorized currencies, thinking that they have something to do with us and that we are standing behind them when we are not.
We are told that the World Bank issued this particular "rainbow" currency using assets of the St. Germain Trust as the asset-backing. The St. German Family Trust has also suffered Breach of Trust and Financial Malfeasance which has resulted in these infringements upon our country. our credit, and our Good Name.
St. Germain is an ancestor of ours and we have reason and cause to know that he specifically forbade incorporation of the St. Germain Family Trust and all other instrumentalities of his bequests, with the single exception of the Publishing House, which was incorporated to store and manage copyrights.
Now we find that an admitted mistake involving changes in bank signature card authority has been exploited by managers of the Publishing House to access funds and to in effect incorporate the corpus under false pretenses. This is a grotesque criminal Breach of the Trust and must be corrected immediately.
The person making the changes to the Signature Card Authority had no authority to breach the founding instructions and no idea of the results of her actions. This has resulted in criminal malfeasance on the part of Publishing House managers and in the destruction of the actual works of St. Germain, as well as creating a backdoor which the criminals have exploited as a means to indebt and commandeer the assets which have funded the World Bank and all Five Tiers of the World Trust.
This latest misadventure of using St. Germain assets to promote a phony debt-note currency in the name of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is merely the most recent in a long list of unauthorized actions and acts of malfeasance promoted by Publishing House personnel who have also misquoted and misrepresented the works of St. Germain, resulting in the destruction of the original works which have been modified and replaced by nonsensical new editions that are designed to obscure the actual teachings of St. Germain.
When LaFayette, Hiram Solomon, and St. Germain funded our American Federation of States they acted to form The United States of America as an unincorporated instrumentality of the sovereign States. We, as a family, acted in support of these initiatives and are directly responsible for the creation of the unincorporated Federation of States operating in international and global jurisdiction, but neither we nor our forebears ever authorized the incorporation of The United States of America and left no such authority to incorporate any aspect of the Federation to any custodians, trustees, or employees.
The action undertaken by the Scottish Government in 1868 to front a commercial corporation calling itself "The United States of America" --- Incorporated, was pure, unadulterated, premeditated fraud, used as a means to access the credit of the American States and subsequently used to promote bankruptcy and insurance fraud against the American people.
All such actions then and now, up to and including the current effort to front another foreign corporation calling itself THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA REPUBLIC, are equally fraudulent and unauthorized.
It stands upon the public records of this world that I am the Lawful Fiduciary, the direct living progeny of St. Germain, as well as the Fiduciary of The United States of America. The relationship by blood of the von Reitzensteins and von Specks are not things which can be ignored by the Holy See, the World Bank, or any employees playing fraud games in Schaumburg, Illinois.
Insomuch as all parties have been recipients of financing at the hands of my ancestors and all have cause to know whence the funding came, they all have responsibility to honor the letter of the instructions given to them regarding this Gift, and cause to defend the funds upon which their own existence depends, and otherwise have no authority at all to meddle with the form or structure of the instrumentalities created by the Founding Fathers, and no right to use our Good Names and Trademarks for any form of fraud, no right to exercise our authorities as incorporated entities belonging to other governments "as if" these foreign instrumentalities had been granted any such powers or delegations of power allowing them to indebt The United States of America, steal our identity, or subvert our program for the benefit and progress of mankind.
This current madness must be brought to an immediate stop and the prevaricators brought to justice without delay. We are calling for an immediate mandatory permanent protective injunction to be issued in all jurisdictions overseen by the High Courts related to all funds of the World Trust and all funds, including credit, owed to The United States of America, and covering all members of our State Assemblies and their persons and assets.
We are further calling for a meeting of all military forces so that they are not commandeered by con artists and given criminal orders which they believe they must obey in contravention of common sense and morality. The present corporation-driven attack on the world's blood and bone is illegal and unlawful and immoral in the extreme and all those participating in this coercion and fraud have cause to know that this is true.
We, the actual Donors of the World Trust, are calling for an immediate meeting with the politicians and military officers responsible for this grotesque fiasco and we are laying out our directions for the deployment of our resources for our employees.
Those directions do not ---repeat --- do not include the monthly payment of hundreds of thousands of dollars to individual Americans, an action which would only serve to hyperinflate and destroy the value of the currency and destroy the value of the remedy which the American people and most other people around the world are owed.
Those who have prepared and proposed this utter destruction as a "remedy" deserve to be excoriated.
There is no NESARA or GESARA being offered as a relief. There is only a destructive agenda being fronted as a benefit to the victims. We are not deceived. We call upon the High Courts to put an immediate stop to these preparations and False Claims. We also call upon the High Courts to recognize our unique authority as Donors of the World Trust to direct and if necessary, redirect, the deployment of the World Trust assets.
We have proposed that victims of these political fraudsters be repaid via the issuance of prepaid credit cards known as Vendor Cards, which will allow them to obtain direct exemption from public debts and enable them to directly discharge bogus mortgages and utility bills and similar charges on a monthly basis. This will be a profound relief for millions of people, which will lead to freeing large amounts of capital, but without the unbridled and irredeemable destructive hyperinflation which would result from the sort of wholesale and ignorant giveaway program being proposed by the U.S. Military and the so-called foreign entity operating as the THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA REPUBLIC.
Our American Federal Republic stands vacated, but it can be repopulated under the authority of The United States of America at a moment's notice. And although we oppose and object to the misrepresentations of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA REPUBLIC corporation and the insanity of the redemption program they have suggested, we are not opposed to establishment of immediate relief programs both for individuals --- which can be accomplished to a large extent via the prepaid Vendor Cards we have described--- and to individual countries, whose so-called National Debts can be erased, and to law-abiding governmental services organizations that do operate in Good Faith.

So said, so signed, and so sealed this 26th day of August 2021 by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America

See this article and over 3200 others on Anna's website here:

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"Science" has not yet isolated the Sars-CoV-2 virus

 Kary Mullis, 1992 nobel prize winning chemist for inventing the PCR test protocol, always maintained that, despite his many calls for "scientists" to provide evidence of the AIDS virus (HIV), he was NEVER able to obtain such proof.  

In like manner, this doctor (below) -- Dr. Tom Cowan -- maintains that, despite his efforts and that of others he has worked with, he has NEVER seen any documented proof of a study that isolated the Sars-CoV-2 virus.  He does this in rather plain language.

As you might know, the HIV was made known to the world in TWO ARTICLES IN THE SAME MAGAZINE in 1983, and both authors disputed the other's claim all the way into 2008 (25 years)!!.  (See link following.)  Yet, Mullis maintained even to his death that neither author nor anyone on their teams ever provided the core science that would prove the existence of the virus.  So, Mullis always doubted that the HIV existed. [He always maintained that Dr. Gallo, the American, was a fraud because he never provided the world with an isolate and the science which could duplicate isolation.]

    Who discovered the HIV?    --->

In like manner, today, Dr. Tom Cowan, MD, maintains that no isolate of the Sars-CoV-2 virus exists.  This is asking, What is making people sick with what we call, Covid19?  While his questions are important, what some people suggest to be the case -- yet to be proven -- is that the virus MAY exist, but would show to be an engineered virus incapable of arising in Nature.  So, without an isolate, the question remains:  Has humanity been undergoing a mass hysteria for the last 22 months?

Can anyone reading this provide proof of an isolated Sars-CoV-2 virus?

Reposting about neurotoxins and farming.

 By Anna Von Reitz

I am reposting this for everyone's edification and consideration.
It is a fact that polio mimics the exact same symptoms as agricultural chemicals that are neurotoxins used as pesticides, especially in fruit orchards, during and for a decade after the Second World War. It is also a fact that the water soluble neurotoxins collected in rain water and run off from farm fields and entered the public waterways and lakes. It is also a fact that the States with the highest incidence of polio also had the highest incidence of use of these neurotoxic pesticides.
It is also a fact that these neurotoxins were eventually outlawed and replaced by less poisonous compounds beginning in the late 1950's. And there was an immediate decrease in the incidence of polio in the same states which were most prone to it.
This vast bulk of correlation and coincidence gives rise to the question --- was polio a viral disease overcome by vaccination and immune system manipulation, or did the disease simply disappear with the disuse of the neurotoxic pesticides?
Were we all the victims of a vast "scientific" hoax designed to protect the guilty agro-chemical companies and the oil industry colleagues that made money off those pesticides? And who avoided accountability for the damage done, by palming it off onto a virus?
Are we seeing a replay of something similar now?
We certainly know that agricultural chemicals, which are largely petroleum based, have destroyed the soil, that inorganic farming contributed heavily to the Dust Bowl in the 1930's, and the agri-business dependent on petrochemicals has played a major part in long term poisoning of the biosphere and our food chain.
Remember Agent Orange? The defoliant used in Vietnam? Both our soldiers and the people of Vietnam are still dying from that exposure.
And though it appears that DDT can make an argument for its existence and use based on the deaths caused by Malaria and other insect-vector diseases, versus deaths caused by DDT, both the farmers and the public need to know the trade offs we are making, and also be active in the search of better, less poisonous pesticides, and less damaging fertilizers.
It's also worth saying that the petrochemical industry needs a boot up side of the head for promoting inorganic poisons simply because they can be patented, in preference to producing natural pesticides and fertilizers that don't stay in the soil for decades, don't cause birth defects, don't poison the nervous systems of people and animals, don't pollute our food, and don't cause harm to the water and the rest of the biosphere.

Here's a great short article repost and a film that explains how our food is being poisoned and we are bearing the cost for continued industrial abuse and lack of accountability.


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The Federal Republic -- For the Information of the High Courts and Others

 By Anna Von Reitz

As I have explained in the past, and must now explain again, the Federal Republic was the American Federal Services Subcontractor. It was owned and operated by the Confederation of States, which was itself an instrumentality of the States of America.
The flow of authority and powers in international and global jurisdictions was always funneled through another instrumentality of the States of America doing business as The United States of America.
The States of America created a Federation and a Confederation as instrumentalities to do business in foreign jurisdictions.
The Confederation was the operator of the Federal Republic Subcontractor.
When the original Confederation lost quorum to operate and split into two warring factions, the Federal Republic was wounded but still limping along until 1863 when the Northern members of the original Confederation were bankrupted and the Southern members were subsequently ruined in 1865.
This circumstance destroyed the Confederation at the level of its membership, and that membership has never been reconstructed by the States, so as an additional result, the Federal Republic had to be vacated.
Until now.
It's important to understand that when powers are delegated and service contracts (like our constitutions) are allocated, and a recipient of those contracts is unable to perform and fulfill them for any reason, including bankruptcy and ruination, the "Powers" return to the Delegator.
Because of repeated bankruptcies and malfeasance and Breach of Trust, the Powers have returned to The United States of America, been accepted by The United States of America, and all power to resurrect the Federal Republic now rests with The United States of America which is an unincorporated Federation of States of the Union --- not any form of corporation or incorporated entity at all.
There is a movement afoot to do a big publicity blitz and campaign to try to trick the people of this country into accepting another round of the same old insurance and bankruptcy fraud nonsense.
Proponents of this scheme have used resources of the St. Germain Trust overseen by the World Bank to print up a new "Promissory Note" debt-based currency in rainbow colors, and have freely offered to act as our Trustees and Agents, but we have refused the offer and counter-offered that they, the American and U.S. Armed Forces must come home, and talk to their actual Employers --- the lawful government of this country in international jurisdiction: The United States of America.
No entity operating as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is authorized to use our Good Name or trademarks at this time. No usufructuary relationship is viable. No access to our credit is allowed, and the resources of the St. Germain Trust should not be exercised to promote debt or fraud of any kind.
We object to the World Bank's actions and to the presumptions of the U.S. Military and others who have proposed to abuse our identity and access our credit without even consulting with us. and the actual heirs and trustees of St. Germain and his family. We object to any continuation of a debt-based monetary system, and also object to any attempt to reboot the Federal Republic without our express support and agreement.

Mr. Biden is reminded that he has no right to use or display our Great Seals and has no contract with the actual government of this country. Mr. Trump is reminded that the military is obligated to accept the command of the civilian authorities ---- civilian, not civil. That means us, the actual Americans, not representatives of the Federal Civil Service.


See this article and over 3200 others on Anna's website here:

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