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Saturday, November 16, 2019
The World Fulcrum
By Anna Von Reitz
A critical moment in our history has come--- the moment when the pendulum hits the zenith of its arc and swings backward.
This is known as "the World Fulcrum" because it is at this point in both space and time that energy forces reverse. This reversal can happen on a world scale, a regional scale, a national scale, a local scale, or an individual scale. It is also called the "Moment of Change" when potential energy is converted into active motion, and when, potentially, new pathways can be chosen.
The actual occasion for the end of the arc came this week with the collapse of Bolivia's Socialist Government.
Luis Fernando Comacho had had enough.
He left his home in Santa Cruz and walked all the way to La Paz.
He carried his Bible and a Letter of Resignation for Socialist President Evo Morales.
When he got to La Paz, he entered the Government Palace and knelt in prayer.
The Bolivian military and police forced President Morales to flee to Mexico.
And that was it. The quiet triumph of truth over falsehood.
You didn't see any big announcements about this in the newspapers, did you?
Yet, the miracle came. It came just the same, like Christmas in Whoville.
The True Church rose up in Luis Fernando, and he walked every step of the way.
Thus, one of two Socialist Governments in South America collapsed, peacefully, and we see the pendulum hit the top of its arc, pause, and begin the return arc.
The question for all of us, is why should we continue to deal in pendulum swings at all? Why not awaken to new possibilities?
We do not have to waver between heights of impractical liberal insanity and oppressive Fascist hypocrisy, when what is needed for our joy and our progress is a steady, peaceful, middle ground.
Let this be a moment when we rejoice in what one man and an act of faith can do, and also a time to think about why this is true and has always been true. We each have this power within us, to change ourselves and to change our world.
Let's not wait another moment to do so.
See this article and over 2100 others on Anna's website here:
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Urgent Alert from The Living Law Firm
By Anna Von Reitz
We have now had time to fully research and consider
the elements of the program unveiled as Phil Hudok's Arbitration Award and
Peace Treaty 2020.
This Alert combines legal opinions from several
members of The Living Law Firm, including former Bar Attorneys and Judges who
have taken their stand with the people of this
"Once you have admitted to being a "natural person"
and admitted to being "at war" with them [the Federales] and allowed them to
take title to your land assets --- what do they need you
Nothing. They can seize your property and abuse you
and do whatever they wish, because you agreed to all of
We will not be able to protect people who take this
"Arbitration Award" offer, because we cannot protect them against
themselves....[they have the unlimited right to
This is an Urgent Alert issued to all Americans
interested in preserving their freedom, their lawful government, and their
standing to press claims against the British Territorial United States and
Municipal United States for physical damages and war crimes:
"The Hudok Offer including the Arbitration Award
and the associated "Peace Treaty 2020" is an attempt to gain multiple
undisclosed advantages is a misrepresented commercial offer amounting to
a bribe leveraged against restitution that is already owed to the
"The actual States and People of this country were
never engaged in the mercenary conflict known as the American Civil War.
Encouraging people who were never involved in any such conflict to issue a
"Peace Treaty" creates the false idea -- and equally false legal admission --
that these same innocent civilians were in fact at war and subject to combat
status as Enemies."
"This False Admission then serves to exonerate the
actual Guilty Parties who have waged war against non-combatant civilian
"While we are not seeking revenge for the past we
do not advise anyone to offer inappropriate Peace Treaties that may or may not
be honored and we do not advise anyone to seek or accept any settlement that
uses deceptive legal terms like "natural persons" and which misrepresents land
"titles" as Free Holds".
"On the balance, these documents [the Arbitration
Award and Peace Treaty 2020] are diabolically deceptive and aim at undisclosed
and highly prejudicial goals. Run like gazelles --- in the opposite
"We, as a Review Committee, find these proposals to
be highly inappropriate and prejudicial...."
"Signing onto these documents [Hudok's Arbitration
Award and Peace Treaty 2020] would mis-characterize the victims as knowing
Enemy Combatants, rob them of their natural political status, and steal title to
their land assets."
Bottom line: "You'd have to be crazy to go for
See this article and over 2100 others on Anna's website here:
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No "Peace Treaty" Needed
By Anna Von Reitz
Our States and People were never involved in the so-called Civil War. The entire mercenary conflict wasn't a "war" and it was fought by States of States organizations, like "The State of New York".
So we don't need any "Peace Treaty" to end a mercenary conflict we were never involved in.
Instead, the Vermin need a peace treaty to justify their crimes against peaceful non-combatant civilians. And that is why they are promoting "Peace Treaty 2020".
Sign up and sign away your right to complain or seek compensation for their mistreatment and abuse for the past 150 years.
Now, ask yourselves---
Do we give them an excuse for their criminality and let them off the hook?
Do we go back and subject ourselves to a Queen that has already done all these evil things to us —- by claiming to be “natural persons” instead of one of the "People" she owes good faith service to?
Do we hand the Pope our land by allowing the Municipal Government to issue a “title” related to it?
Do we fail in our objective at the last moment by being weak-minded and believing that the same crooks who lied about and mistreated us before will keep their word once they have gotten what they want — our subjection and our land?
Stop and think.
Aren't you already owed everything they are offering and more?
Where is your guarantee that they won’t just take your signature, seize your “donated” assets, and leave you standing there worse off than you were before?
After all, offering them a Peace Treaty doesn't obligate them to take it.
And once you have admitted to being a "natural person" and admitted to being "at war" with them and allowed them to take title to your land assets --- what do they need you for?
Nothing. They can seize your property and abuse you and do whatever they wish, because you agreed to all of it.
We will not be able to protect people who take this "Arbitration Award" offer, because we cannot protect them against themselves.
You have all been given the facts.
The American Civil War was a mercenary conflict, not a war.
It was fought by confederated "States of States" not States.
Our States of the Union didn't fight in this conflict.
"Natural person" is a subject political status.
Accepting a "title" for land means you are a tenant.
If you can still think after a lifetime of false indoctrination, do so.
If this is a straight up deal, why can't you change your mind and withdraw from it once you sign on?
If this is such a great deal, where is Richard Schaum's name on it?
Remember that they operate under Roman Civil Law, and under Roman Civil Law, it's okay to lie, cheat, steal, and defraud to your heart's delight, so long as you don't get caught and nobody objects to it.
Well, I am objecting. But you all need to wake up and object for yourselves.
See this article and over 2100 others on Anna's website here:
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Pope Francis’ Signature
By Anna Von Reitz
Okay, so now I have a mish-mash of Jews and Catholics on my back ranting —how could I know the status of the Pope and the Pope Emeritus?
My first question is—-why should Jews care?
My second question is —-why doesn’t everyone see what I see?
Benedict very clearly said that he retained his “ministerial” office. His sacred office was retained.
As what office was he resigning? His secular office as Roman Pontiff. That’s what he handed off to Francis, a loyal Jesuit, sworn to obey the Pope.
So Benedict is still in control and that is not gossip or guess. It is logic based on known facts.
Add to these known facts the way Francis signs his paperwork: FRANCISCUS.
This is the name of a slave in Latin.
It is the name of a corporation.
It is the name of a dead man’s estate.
And these are the only things FRANCISCUS can be or can stand for under the Roman Civil Law or under the Uniform Commercial Code or under Ecclesiastical Law, either.
No other Pope has consistently and only used this kind of signature. No other Pope has denied Obedience.
So we are in the presence of a ruse.
It may have been done to take pressure off of Benedict or to expedite business operations of the Pontificate or any number of other reasons, but you, I, and everyone else on the planet has cause to know that what is going on in Vatican City is not business as usual.
The dirty business dealings of the Roman Pontificate and the Holy Roman Empire and the City of Rome all have to be dealt with in a sober fashion.
The Great Tribulation (Tribute to Rome) has come and is now fading away.
The Apocalypse has come, too. A great many people are confused. Through it all, the Truth shines through and will not be diminished. If anything, it will shine brighter as the days grow darker.
The Dark Ones who have festered in the Church will come out now. Their hatred of Mankind will be self-evident. They will try for a Renewal of their Death Cult and attempt to go “mainstream” with their sacrifices and blood-letting and worship of idols. They will do this with great pageantry and pomp and special effects designed to cow us like cave men.
This will be welcomed by the majority of the members of Congress who are already members of this sickening cult— a “religion” which has been repeatedly suppressed because of its horrific immorality, cruelty, dishonesty, and destructiveness.
Even the “anything goes” Romans under Julius Caesar put it down and put it down hard enough to suppress it for the better part of a thousand years.
Now it will be up to us to put it out of its misery once and for all.
May we be equal to the task and may we destroy once and for all time the hateful and false premises and disgusting beliefs that give rise to The Great Abomination.
See this article and over 2100 others on Anna's website here:
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Vampires Coming to Dinner
By Anna Von Reitz
Remember the old black and white vampire movies?
Remember how the vampire would stand at the doorway and everyone in the theater would whisper, “Don’t invite him in!”
And, of course, the dumb girl would always invite the vampire in for tea and cookies. She had to, of course, or the movie would end right there.
It’s the same way with Federal Agents. They can’t come in unless you invite them in.
That’s why all State Assemblies need to use the Bevins Declaration at the beginning of all business meetings, and after any breaks.
Give them no excuse to infiltrate your meetings or to influence your proceedings as a State Assembly.
Word your Bevins Declaration to include all “US Citizens” so that you can identify people who don’t know any better, as well as those who are willfully adopting Federal Citizenship of one kind or another.
Now I will ask you to remember another blast from the past—-recall how the Federales got all the churches to fall into their “corporate franchise” trap?
They promised the churches tax exempt status.
The odd thing is that the churches were already tax free.
By applying for the offered “benefit” of tax exempt status, the already established right to freedom from taxation was converted into a privilege that could be denied by bureaucrats.
The churches unwittingly gave up a right to gain a privilege, and subjected themselves and their property assets in the process.
Now you may say, and rightly so, how stupid is that?
But we have a similar gambit going on right now with the so-called Arbitration Award.
The Arbitration Award is the same kind of anti-intuitive drivel they used on the churches, selling you —at great undisclosed cost—-something that they already owe you.
It’s like saying, “We will respect your virginity after we rape you.”
We will respect your rights and immunities right after you subject yourself to our Queen as a “natural person”, oh, and, of course, after you accept a Municipal Government issued “Title” being placed on your land....
Let me say it again and please listen closely and think about the implications:
That THING in DC is a foreign government operating as a private, for-profit “governmental services corporation”.
They think Prisons for Profit is a great idea. Charging $6000 a day for a cot and gruel sounds wonderful to them.
Cheating you out of your property assets using titles and tricky legal verbiage is business as usual.
Selling you something you are already owed— why not?
Convert your rights to privileges? Even better, so far as they are concerned.
The Federal Government is like EXXON or Monsanto on Methyl-Ethyl-Amphetamine.
That’s why we call it The Swamp.
The Federal Government considers you to be prey. Trapping you and your assets is how it feeds itself.
And there is only one way out of The Swamp. Reclaim your birthright political status as an American —no kind of US citizen at all — and join and support and protect your own State Assembly.
See this article and over 2100 others on Anna's website here:
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